Help us build the best pre-seed franchise.

We’re looking for investors to help us continue building the best venture franchise and product in the market. We are the people that founders want in their corner as they build the next generation of world-changing companies.

Why Invest in Ripple Ventures?

Top Performing Funds
Top-performing funds across multiple vintages.
Our Proven Ability
Proven ability to win and lead deals in a competitive market with high ownership targets achieved.
Disciplined Investing
Focusing on in-thesis investments that optimize for ownership and return potential.
We Work Closely with Founders
Ability to add value to portfolio companies through our trusted advisor, investor, and talent network. Acting as the coach in the corner to optimize outcomes and reduce risk in investments.
We're building a platform
Built a differentiated platform (podcast, fellowship, partnerships) that finds the best founders.
Want to work together?
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