‘Singing can mould young minds and form young characters before your very eyes. In a well run choir you will see the wonderful spirit of children, the rebel who performs brilliantly, the son of immigrant parents from Vietnam who felt they had reached their journey's end, the boy with cancer who declared himself a fighter. Who would have thought a choir would be a metaphor for an ideal society.’ This is part of a quote from Sarah Sands in the Independent on Sunday talking about Gareth Malone and his work with The Choir on TV.
This quotation holds good for adults as well as for children - music can reach those parts other stimuli cannot and at St. Mary's we run various groups ranging from the formal robed choir to a worship band so that anyone that wants to take part in a musical activity has a home.
The formal, adult, choir sings every Sunday at the 9.30 Eucharist as well as special services - Advent Carol Service, Service of Nine Lessons and Carols etc. Our Junior Choir sings at some Sunday Services and provides a training ground for children from 7 upwards in choral singing.
In addition, the church hosts many concerts as it has excellent facilities and a great acoustic
All of the musical offering to the church is well supported by the congregation. It is supplemented by a fine two-manual Nicholson organ built in 1992 and a talented sub-organist.
The main choir sings at the 9.30am Eucharist service in St. Mary’s every Sunday morning and two/three Evensong Services each month, one of which is a full Choral Evensong.
“A fun place to come to see your friends and sing”
“A lovely joyful place to be and we get to sing in church...”
Just two comments from our choir for young people.
If you enjoy music and play an instrument then this is the band to join!
A variety of musical styles is represented in the concerts held in St. Mary's ranging from professional choirs to chamber orchestras, cathedral choirs and jazz bands and an annual 'Come & Sing' event.