Vape Dudes
Vape Dudes is an American e-liquid manufacturer and distributor from Dallas, Texas. They started out in 2010 with some DIY home-brewed ejuices that quickly caught the attention of all of their friends and vaping buddies. Now they have become one of the most appreciated brands in the vaping community, with some impressive flavors and a solid reputation. They make the elixirs in their own lab in Dallas, using only domestic ingredients of the highest quality available. This ensures the best taste and no compromise in quality.
Their catalogue includes a variety of 215 unique flavors, carefully crafted by these passionate dudes and dudettes. The aromas are grouped in the following categories: Naturals, Ice, Drink, Fruit, eBakery, Tobacco, and Coffee. Amaretto Haze, Cool Pear, Mocha Malt, PistachiOH!, Red Water, The Maraschino, Apple Ice, Banana Ice, Watermelon Ice, Absinthe, Banana Cream Pie, Blue Clouds, Butterscotch Pudding, Bunch o’Berry, Chocolate Candy Cane, Classic Tobacco, Clove, Fruit Tsunami, Key Lime, Maple Island, PB Twixt, Pure Guava, The Nutty Blonde, and Watermelon BubbleGum are just some of the delights this site has to offer.
The e-liquid comes in 10, 30, 50 and 100ml bottles with five available nicotine strengths to choose from. You also have five available PG/VG ratios and three levels of flavoring strengths.
Vape Dudes doesn’t charge a flat rate for all of their flavors; therefore certain flavors cost more than others. 10 mL bottles from their “Naturals†range of flavors are sold for $6.49 while flavors from any other category are sold for $5.99. The costs are also different for the Naturals line when upgrading bottle size. All in all it is a reasonable price for these high quality ejuices.
From the looks of it, Vape Dudes is a company specialized in sweet flavors and let’s faces it, we all crave for these fruity, creamy aromas inside our tanks. From their “Greatest Hits†category it’s pretty clear that there are three winners when it comes to user ratings: Blue Honey, Buttery Nipple and Mocha Java Drizzle. Out of these three, we must say that “Blue Honey†is a real masterpiece and probably their best flavor to date.
“Honey is one of the most beloved creations of nature in the world. Bask in the distinctive flavors of honey and blueberry combined in this vape. It is a strong, sweet yet slightly earthy taste with blueberry undertones. A best seller!†– And while taste is often a very subjective sense, one puff on this magical elixir and you will quickly figure out why so many people love it. The blueberry is very natural tasting, and doesn’t leave an aftertaste behind, offering a fresh and clean vape the entire time. On the inhale, you get an earthy note that is paired with the blueberry, which turns rather sweet and tastes distinctly like honey on the exhale. Vapor-wise, it hits great inside the throat. It’s very potent at 24mg, and has exactly the kind of kick vapers adore. It also produces an incredible amount of vapor to match all of the other characteristics while leaving you hypnotized by its heavenly taste.