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Quick & easy tips for precise recipe measurements
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Have you ever found a new recipe that you were just dying to try out, but it made way more food than you needed? If so, you probably thought about cutting the recipe down. While cutting a measurement like ½ cup is fairly simple, dividing the ingredients can get trickier when the recipe calls for ⅓ cup or a single egg. We’ve put together a complete guide of common measurement divisions and conversions, along with a list of the best tips for more precise ingredient measurements to help you make delicious meals and baked goods that are just the right amount for your household.

What is Half of ⅓ Cup?

Half ⅓ of a cup is equivalent to 2 tablespoons plus two teaspoons. Because there are no standard measuring cups small enough to measure half of ⅓ cup (which is equal to ⅙ cup), breaking a cup down into tablespoons and teaspoons is the best way to divide it easily and measure it accurately.

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How to Halve ⅓ of a Cup

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  1. In order to find an accurate measurement of half of ⅓ cup, convert it to smaller units of measurement.
    • Convert to tablespoons: there are 16 tablespoons (tbsps) in 1 cup, so divide 16 by 3 to get 5 ⅓ tbsps in ⅓ cup.
    • Convert to teaspoons: There are 3 tsps in 1 tbsp, so multiply 5 by 3 to get 15 tsps. Because ⅓ of a tbsp is 1 tsp, add 1 to your total of 15 tsps for a total of 16 tsps in ⅓ cup.
    • Divide in half: 16 tsps divided by 2 is 8 tsps in half of ⅓ cup.
    • You can measure out 8 tsps or convert to tbsps. Because there are 3 tsps in a tbsp, divide 8 by 3 to get 2 tbsp with 2 tsps left over.
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How to Divide Recipes into Thirds

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  1. Here’s a list of common cooking and baking measurements divided into a third:[2]
    • One-third of 1 cup = 1/3 cup
    • One-third of 3/4 cup = 1/4 cup
    • One-third of 2/3 cup = 3 tbsp + 1-1/2 tsp
    • One-third of 1/2 cup = 2 tbsp + 2 tsp
    • One-third of 1/3 cup = 1 tbsp + 1-1/4 tsp
    • One-third of 1/4 cup = 1 tbsp + 1 tsp
    • One-third of 1 tbsp = 1 tsp
    • One-third of 1 tsp = 1/3 tsp
    • One-third of 1/2 tsp = 1/8 tsp
    • One-third of 1/4 tsp = Dash
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How to Convert Recipes from Imperial to Metric

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  1. Because milliliters are a smaller unit of measurement, they can also be easier to divide. Use the chart below to convert liquid measurements.
    • 1/4 cup = 60 mL
    • 1/3 cup = 70 mL
    • 1/2 cup = 125 mL
    • 2/3 cup = 150 mL
    • 3/4 cup = 175 mL
    • 1 cup = 250 mL
    • 1 ½ cups = 375 mL
    • 2 cups = 500 mL
    • 4 cups = 1 liter
  2. Imperial measurements of dry ingredients are most often by volume, while Metric measurements are by weight. That means a cup of flour has a different weight than a cup of granulated sugar. Use the following list to find the weight in grams of a cup of different common dry ingredients:[4]
    • 1 cup of all-purpose flour = 125g
    • 1 cup of bread flour = 136g
    • 1 cup of cocoa powder = 85g
    • 1 cup of powdered sugar = 120g
    • 1 cup of granulated sugar = 200g
    • 1 cup of packed brown sugar = 220g
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How to Measure Ingredients Accurately

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  1. Dry measuring cups and spoons are designed for dry ingredients, like sugar and flour.[6]
  2. When measuring dry ingredients, don’t use the measuring cup to scoop them from the container. This packs down ingredients like flour and sugar, which changes the measurement.
    • Always spoon dry ingredients into the measuring cup, leaving a little extra mounded on the top.
    • You can use a knife or spatula to level off the excess ingredients.
    • Brown sugar is the exception to this rule. When spooning brown sugar, press on the sugar with the back of your scooping spoon until the measuring cup is full, and then level off.[7]
  3. Weighing dry ingredients with a digital kitchen scale is the most accurate way to divide a recipe.[8] If you need to measure by weight, check the settings of your digital scale first. Digital scales can usually be set to grams or ounces. Make sure the setting matches the unit of measurement in your recipe.
    • Zero out your digital scale after placing a bowl on it for easier measuring.
    • Make sure you aren’t confusing ounces with fluid ounces.
  4. Always measure liquids on a flat surface at eye level. Place your measuring cup on a flat, level surface like a countertop to measure liquids.[9]
    • Once you have poured the liquid into the measuring cup, bend or kneel so your eyes are even with the surface level of the liquid to take a more accurate measurement.
  5. When measuring sticky ingredients, like honey or maple syrup, they tend to stick to the measuring tool throwing off the amount that makes it into your mixing bowl.
    • Coat your measuring cup with a very small amount of oil or a spritz of cooking spray.
    • The oil or cooking spray will prevent the ingredient from sticking, helping it to slide right out.[10]
  6. Sometimes you want to divide a recipe that only calls for one raw egg. Crack the egg into the bowl and throw away the shell. Once you have the contents of the egg, it's easier to eyeball or weigh.
    • If using the whole egg, whisk it to combine the white and yolk. [11]
    • Either eyeball half of the whisked egg or weigh it on a scale and then remove a little of the egg mixture at a time until you have half of the original amount.
    • If you only need part of the egg, separate the yolk from the white. Then, divide only the part of the egg you need for your recipe.
  7. This is the least accurate way to divide a recipe, but it can work in some situations. However, it's not recommended for baking, which requires more precise measurements for the proper consistency.
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About This Article

Jennifer Levasseur
Reviewed by:
Personal Chef
This article was reviewed by Jennifer Levasseur and by wikiHow staff writer, Aimee Payne, MFA. Chef Jennifer Levasseur is a Personal Chef and the Owner of The Happy Cuisiniere based in Breckenridge, Colorado. She has over 12 years of culinary experience and specializes in Mountain and Contemporary Rustic cuisine. Moreover, she can craft dishes and modify menus to accommodate dietary restrictions, such as gluten-free, vegetarian, vegan, pescatarian, and dairy-free diets. In addition to a Bachelor’s degree in Marketing and Management from the University of Houston, Chef Jennifer holds Associate’s degrees in Culinary Arts and Baking & Pastry Arts from Houston Community College. This article has been viewed 11,539 times.
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Updated: April 26, 2024
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Categories: Recipes
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