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Filling you in on the latest TikTok slang
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You’ve heard “2 Man” used on TikTok or via text, but you aren’t getting any clear answers about what it actually means. Does it have something to do with dating? Is it sexual? Does it even mean anything at all? Your lingo-learning quest ends here. We’ll fill you in on the various meanings of “2 Man,” how it’s used in a sentence, and how to act if you ever find yourself in a 2-man sort of situation.

Things You Should Know

  • “2 Man” is another term for a double date in which the woman wants to bring a friend, and so the man responds by bringing his own friend, as well.
  • “2 Man” might also simply mean a double hookup involving 2 couples.
  • “Two-manning” also sometimes refers to a sexual encounter involving 2 men and 1 woman.
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Slang Meanings of “2 Man”

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  1. More specifically, it’s a double date where the woman brings a friend. The man responds by bringing a friend of his own to try to pair with her friend, sometimes hoping to better his chances of sex after the date.[1]
    • “She’s bringing a friend to the bar, wanna make it a 2 man?”
    • “Yeah, he 2-manned the date and brought his buddy. My friend and I weren’t feeling it, so we bounced.”
  2. People sometimes use the term “two-manned” to describe a sexual act involving 2 men and 1 woman. It’s often used to propose a threesome in which a man invites his male friend to participate.[2]
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Using and Responding to “2 Man”

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  1. It’s only polite to give your date a heads-up if you’re bringing company. Let them know ahead of time, and ask them how they feel about it or if that’d make them uncomfortable. Don’t do anything to make your date uneasy, like show up with a group of friends.
    • “Hey, you mind if we 2-manned this movie tonight?”
    • “Since you’re bringing a friend, I was hoping to make this a 2-man to even things out.”
    • “I’m bringing my friend, just for safety–no offense! You can bring someone to make this a 2-man if you want.”
  2. It’s sometimes understood that a 2 man isn’t just a double date—either the men or the women (or both) are looking for a hookup. Drop the term into your conversation to make your intentions clear.
    • “Is this a 2-man situation? My friend is free.”
    • “Are you gonna link with Amy? Does she have a friend for a 2-man?”
    • “Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t a 2-man. We’re just hanging out.”
  3. Bringing a friend along on a date is a great way to watch out for each other or avoid awkward or uncomfortable situations. Tell your friend that this is a double date, so they know what they’re getting into. Also, let a third party know where you are, just to be safe.
    • “Of course, he wants a 2-man, he’s hoping it’s more than a date. We’ll play it by ear.”
    • “Amy and I are going on this 2-man, expect me to be home by 11!”
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About This Article

Luke Smith, MFA
Co-authored by:
wikiHow Staff Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Luke Smith, MFA. Luke Smith is a wikiHow Staff Writer. He's worked for literary agents, publishing houses, and with many authors, and his writing has been featured in a number of literary magazines. Now, Luke writes for the content team at wikiHow and hopes to help readers expand both their skillsets and the bounds of their curiosity. Luke earned his MFA from the University of Montana. This article has been viewed 122,701 times.
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Updated: August 7, 2024
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