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Plus, what to do when you spot 323 to interpret its cosmic message
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The license plate in front of you in traffic begins with 323. At work, you take a late lunch at exactly 3:23 p.m. Why is 323 is everywhere? 323 is an angel number (a numeric code sent by your guardian angels) that means you’re on the right track toward major personal success and growth. In this article, we’ll show you what angel number 323 means and how the angels’ message might manifest in your love life, career, health, and more. Plus, we’ll explain what to do to interpret this sunny number’s heavenly message for you.

Things You Should Know

  • Angel number 323 symbolizes balance and is a sign that your personal growth and creativity will bring about a positive, new beginning in your life.
  • For twin flames, 323 is a sign you’ll meet or reunite soon. Focus on your personal development and letting go of negativity to end your separation.
  • If you’re single, 323 is a reminder that you’re on the right track to find love—stay positive! For couples, it’s a sign to communicate more to strengthen your bond.
Section 1 of 9:

Angel Number 323 Meaning & Symbolism

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  1. Your guardian angels (or whichever higher power you believe in) are letting you know that you’re on the right track to achieve your goals and find clarity on what your higher purpose in life is. They’re proud of your hard work and good decisions so far, and you should be too! Your positive attitude has gotten you this far in life, and it will carry you forward into a positive new phase.[1]
    • 323 also symbolizes the importance for balance in your life, whether it’s between work and leisure or between you and your partner or spouse.
    • Stay open to the angels’ divine guidance. They may be showing you 323 as encouragement to keep pressing forward, or as a nudge to reevaluate any negative feelings or imbalances you may be feeling right now.
    • Let go of old, draining, negative beliefs and habits to embrace this new beginning. Release grudges, forgive yourself and others for past mistakes, and raise your vibrations by using positive affirmations or expressing gratitude for your current blessings.
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Section 2 of 9:

Angel Number 323 Spiritual Significance

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  1. The angels recognize that you’re ready to expand spiritually and are urging you to explore new practices that enable you to connect to the universe and your own inner wisdom. Trust and listen to your intuition more closely—it’s your bond to the energy of the universe and will lead you toward your highest good.[2]
    • For example, you might try out new spiritual exercises like meditating, journaling, or even just spending solitary time in nature to reflect on what you need to feel fulfilled. If you prefer a group setting, consider organized religion or a group practice like yoga or a non-denominational prayer group.
    • In the Christian Bible, 3 represents the Holy Trinity and 2 may symbolize the partnership between humankind and God. Therefore, 323 can be interpreted as a symbol of the connection between the earthly and divine and a reminder that humans are co-creators with God.[3]
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Angel Number 323 in Numerology

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  1. You’re blessed with unique skills that enable you to be your best self and help others, and 323 is a reminder to hone your natural gifts to be of service and discover your ultimate life purpose. This message comes from the combination of the energies of the numbers 3 and 2:[4]
    • Number 3 represents communication, creativity, optimism, talent, and expansion. Its influence in 323 is doubled since it occurs twice. It’s also a highly spiritual and “perfect” number that symbolizes mystic concepts like the Holy Trinity, the cycle of birth-life-death, or the arc of beginning-middle-end.
    • Number 2 symbolizes balance, cooperation, relationships, and joy. It’s a reminder that both self-assuredness and teamwork are necessary to fulfill your duties and find your divine purpose.
    • 323 also vibrates with the energy of number 8, since 3 + 2 + 3 = 8. Number 8 represents manifestation, abundance, infinity, and maturity; it’s a sign to work hard for what you want because you have what it takes to build a fulfilling life for yourself.
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Angel Number 323 for Love & Relationships

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  1. Whether you’re actively seeking a relationship or not, number 323 is reassurance that you’re in the right place—trust that the angels will guide you to your perfect match when it’ll benefit you the most. Use your time as a single to keep improving yourself and expanding your horizons. Travel, meet new people, do things that scare you, and have fun!
    • 323 is not necessarily a sign that you’ll find a partner soon, but rather that you’ll find love when you’re ready to. The more self-assured and optimistic you are, the more easily you’ll be able to recognize, accept, and give love.
    • If you’ve just met someone recently, 323 could be a sign that they’ll be a partner that can give you a happy and passionate relationship. Stay open-minded and don’t be afraid to give someone new a chance.
    • Outside of romance, 323 may also be reassurance that you’re surrounded by faithful friends who balance you out and who can lean on when times are hard.
  2. 2
    For couples, 323 is a reminder to communicate and cooperate. Your new beginning may include a renewed or deepened sense of love, fun, or commitment in your relationship. To facilitate this fresh start, work on communicating with your partner—express your feelings openly and honestly, and show your partner the same understanding and grace you’d want from them.[5]
    • Remember that you’re a team; check-in regularly to make sure you’re both maintaining a healthy balance of give and take in your partnership.
    • Your new beginning as a couple may be a fresh start emotionally, or something more tangible like moving in together, conceiving a child, or getting engaged.
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Angel Number 323 for Twin Flames

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  1. Seeing 323 is a sign you’ll soon meet or reunite with your twin flame. Twin flames are partners (romantic or platonic) who share a soul and challenge each other to grow, usually by enduring a separation and then reuniting. Angel number 323 is a sign you’ve experienced enough personal or spiritual growth to fully embrace all your twin flame relationship has to offer, and your twin flame will cross your path soon.[6]
    • If you’re currently separated from your twin flame, hold space for them in your heart and spirit, even if your separation was due to an argument or falling out. Seeing 323 means you’re ready to forgive and move on, and the angels will bring you together when you release your negativity.
    • If you haven’t met your twin flame yet, look for signs like feeling instantly and magnetically drawn to a new person or feeling like you’ve known a stranger forever (especially if they enter your life after a major change).
    • Not sure if you’ve met your twin flame? Take our Twin Flame Test to find out!
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Angel Number 323 for Money & Career

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  1. Be bold when tackling your career goals: if you’re unhappy or unfulfilled at work, seeing 323 may be a sign to pursue your dream career and find a position that suits your passions and values.[7] Look for jobs where you can utilize your special talents and creativity to make a difference in causes you care about.
    • For example, if you have artistic abilities and care about the environment, you might look into graphic design for a conservation agency or selling your art to raise money for ecological nonprofits.
    • If you’re happy at work, 323 is a reminder that maintaining a work-life balance and cooperating with your team are essential to continued growth and success.
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Angel Number 323 for Health & Wellness

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  1. If you’re feeling sluggish, run down, or mentally or emotionally drained, 323 may be a sign to make some positive changes to live a healthier lifestyle. Try eating nutritious food, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep to tend to your body. Emotionally, schedule time to practice self-care and spend quality time with your loved ones to keep your spirits high.
    • A healthy body and mind will help you tap into your fullest potential and tackle your goals with ease. You don’t have to become a fitness model or spiritual guru to experience wellness—just pick up habits that satisfy your specific needs, like yoga or cardio if you work a desk job or some regular meditation time if you’re constantly tending to others.
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Angel Number 323 for Manifestation

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  1. Angel number 323 is a reminder you have the ability to manifest your goals. Manifestation (also called using the Law of Attraction) is the use of positive thoughts and intentional actions to make your dreams become reality.[8] Whenever you see 323, take a moment to visualize your goal and reflect on your progress—embody what it feels like to have what you want, and use that as motivation to keep working toward it!
    • The more specific your goal, the more attainable it is through manifestation. For example, instead of “I want a better day job,” think to yourself, “I want a job with a flexible schedule that allows me to work on my acting career and a high enough salary to meet my basic needs and save up for a move to LA.”
    • Create an actionable plan to make your dreams come true. To become a professional actor, for example, your plan might include taking acting classes, networking with theater professionals, and challenging yourself to take 3 auditions per month.
    • Need help focusing your intention? Try meditating with crystals that resonate with the energy of 323 like citrine, rose quartz, or aquamarine.
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Section 9 of 9:

What to Do When You See Angel Number 323

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  1. Keep a separate notebook dedicated to angel numbers and write down every detail you can remember about your 323 sightings to help you interpret the angels’ message. Record where and when you saw 323, who you were with, what you were doing, and what you were thinking or feeling at the time. Then, scan over your entries for clues.
    • For example, say you exchanged phone numbers with a new acquaintance who you feel magnetically drawn to and notice their number contains 323. This could mean you’ve just met your twin flame.
    • Or, say you found yourself daydreaming about a new job while you’re at work at exactly 3:23 p.m. several times this week. That’s an indicator that a new career may be coming your way.
  2. 2
    Try engaging your creative skills to solve problems. The angels want you to use your gifts to make a difference. First, take stock of your creative skills—maybe you have artistic training in music, writing, or design, or perhaps you feel most creative when you’re doing something non-artistic, like troubleshooting a coding problem or planning large social events. Then, brainstorm ways you can put your skills to good use.
    • For example, maybe you’ve dabbled in creative writing and have a passion for cleaning up litter in your neighborhood. You could do something like write a children’s book about respecting the environment or recycling.
    • Or, if your skills are less artistic, you might donate your services to or start a side hustle for a cause you care about. Say you love event planning—you could plan a fundraiser for a charity near to your heart.
  3. Begin with your work-life balance. Are you often stressed or burned out by your job? If so, consider drawing harder boundaries around your work, logistically and emotionally. Stop taking calls or answering emails after hours, delegate tasks when you’re overwhelmed, and spend time with your friends and family to boost your spirit and refresh yourself before heading back to work.
    • Consider balance in your relationships, too. Do certain friends leave you feeling drained? Do you put in more emotional labor in your romantic relationship than your partner? Express your feelings honestly to begin looking for solutions with those you care about, or consider severing relationships that are holding you back.
    • Lastly, consider the balance between your body, mind, and spirit. If your self-care consists only of exercise, for example, try engaging in activities that support your mental health or give you space to explore your spiritual side, too. All three aspects of wellness are important to a balanced, fulfilling life!
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About This Article

Michelle Arbeau
Reviewed by:
This article was reviewed by Michelle Arbeau and by wikiHow staff writer, Dan Hickey. Michelle Arbeau is a Numerologist & Life Strategist, and the CEO of Authentic You Media and Eleven Eleven Productions. She’s based in West Hollywood, California. With over 20 years of experience, she specializes in numerology, mediumship, and business advice. In 2015, Best Businesses named her the Best of West Hollywood Celebrity Numerologist, and she’s been hailed as the #1 Numerologist in the World and the #1 Celebrity Numerologist. This article has been viewed 15,930 times.
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Updated: July 11, 2024
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Categories: Paranormal Beliefs
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