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Enjoy the spotlight, make jaws drop, and steal hearts just by being you
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While being a hot girl might seem like an elusive goal, it's totally achievable. Plus, everyone has their own definition of what's "hot," so there's no one way to be a hottie. To help you cultivate the highly coveted "hot girl" status, we'll walk you through how to show off your best features and your winning personality. We'll also reveal why confidence is key to making people completely worship you. So, if you're ready to glow from the inside out, give our trusty tips a try.

Things You Should Know

  • Create an iconic wardrobe full of clothes that fit you well and make you feel great.
  • Enhance your best features by wearing makeup (if you want to) and getting a haircut that flatters your face.
  • Chat with people every chance you get, and show off your charm by making eye contact and remembering people’s names.
Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

Looking Your Best

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  1. When you feel hot, your confidence will show, which makes people find you irresistibly attractive.[1] Go through your closet and try on all of your clothes. Keep only the clothes that make you feel fabulous and toss the rest. When you go shopping, only buy items that help you feel your best. When you're extra choosy, your ensembles are sure to impress.[2]
    • You don’t need to wear expensive or revealing clothes to be hot. What’s important is that you feel attractive because other people will pick up on that.
    • Wearing red will draw all eyes to you and can make people see you as sexy. As another option, try bright colors to get more attention.
  2. Revealing clothing is undeniably sexy, so a low neckline, cropped top, or short skirt are great for creating a hot look. However, showing off too much skin can sometimes give off the impression that you're trying too hard. To keep your look effortlessly hot, choose 1 revealing piece for each outfit you wear.[3]
    • For instance, pair a top that has a plunging neckline with a knee-length pencil skirt, wear a crop top with a maxi skirt or skinny jeans, and pair a mini skirt with a top that covers both your cleavage and your stomach.
  3. You don't always need to wear heels, but they're a quick way to amp up your sex appeal since they naturally enhance your bum and breasts. In addition to adding a nice curviness to your figure, they're easy to slide into, so they're an instant confidence boost.[4]
    • Wearing heels that are a similar color to your skin tone will help your legs look longer.
    • Practice sauntering around in heels at home so you can perfect your walk.
  4. [5] While you might think that the hot people around you look flawless, that’s really just a myth that you're creating in your head—after all, no one's perfect. However, “hot” people are typically better at recognizing their best features and showing them off. Stand in front of a mirror and figure out what you love most about yourself. Play up these features instead of worrying about what you don’t like.[6]
    • For instance, you might think your eyes are your best facial feature, so you could wear bold eye makeup to draw people’s eyes to them. Similarly, you might think that your legs and toned arms are your most attractive body parts, so you might choose outfits that show them off.
  5. While you don’t need makeup to be hot, it can help you enhance your natural beauty. Plus, it can be fun to experiment with so you can change up your look and get people's eyes on you. If you're not sure how to apply makeup, use online tutorials to help you improve your techniques. Consider all your options to find the aesthetic that's best for you—for example, rock a femme fatale look or stick to flaunting your natural beauty.[7]
    • Go for one dramatic flourish; for instance, try a smokey eye, wear red lipstick, or contour your face.
    • If you’re playing up your eyes, go with a subtle lip shade. Similarly, keep your eye makeup basic if you’re doing a bold lip.
    • If you don’t like wearing makeup, don’t feel like you need it to be hot. Embracing your natural beauty can also make you a “hot” girl! After all, there's nothing more intriguing than a girl who's in her element without a stitch of makeup.
  6. Great looking hair helps you look your best, and the key to having a great hairstyle is to get a cut that looks great on you. To totally wow everyone, choose a hairstyle that flatters your facial shape and hair texture. Look for inspiration online by browsing pics of celebs or models you admire or ask your hairstylist for advice.[8]
    • When you get your hairstyle, ask your stylist how to care for it and style it. Then, follow their advice so your hair looks great every day.
    • Embrace your natural hair texture instead of trying to fight it. This will make it easier to care for and style your hair. On top of that, rocking what you're born with can project an incredible level of confidence—plus, this fun tactic is no muss, no fuss!
  7. To improve your posture, stand up straight and roll your shoulders back. Keep your chin tilted up and direct your gaze forward. These simple steps will make you look like you're on top of the world, which will draw in an audience of admirers who dig your awesome self-assurance.[9]
    • Avoid hunching your shoulders or leaning forward while you walk. These habits make you look self-conscious and unsure of yourself, which might keep people from approaching you.
  8. Find reasons to be happy with your life—when you're sunny and silly, you'll be a magnet to people. They'll adore your bright energy and get practically addicted to it. After all, everyone wants to cozy up with the most fun-loving person in the room. As Maya Angelou said, no one forgets the way you make them feel, so it's important to have a great attitude![10]
    • Practice smiling at yourself in the mirror so your expressions are more natural.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Taking Care of Your Body

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  1. Don’t worry about your weight or body shape because anyone can look hot—it’s all about how you rock what you’ve already got. Instead, focus on healthy eating to support a strong body, glowing skin, and bountiful energy. Fill your plate with fresh produce, lean protein, and complex carbohydrates. When you nourish yourself, you’ll radiate a va-va-voom vivacity that’ll be positively electric.[11]
    • Avoid processed junk foods, which can make you feel sluggish and fatigued due to the sugar crashes.
    • Don’t overly restrict your calories because you need proper nutrition to look and feel healthy.
    • Reader Poll: We asked 334 wikiHow readers for their go-to strategy for staying hydrated during the day, and 61% of them said, always having a bottle of water on hand. [Take Poll]
      • Drinking plenty of water is an important part of a healthy diet, so don't forget your water bottle!
  2. Being active helps you maintain a healthy body, relieves stress, and boosts your energy, all of which help you dial up the charm when you’re around others. For best results, get at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise 5-7 days a week. Choose an exercise that you love so it’s easier to do. For instance, try the following:[12]
    • Play a recreational sport.
    • Take a dance class.
    • Go hiking or walk around the block.
    • Swim.
    • Jog with a friend or your dog.
  3. Being well-rested helps your skin look bright and healthy, and it helps you feel more energetic. To sleep better, keep your bedroom comfortable and only use your bed for sleeping. Additionally, wind down for bed by turning off screens 1-2 hours before bed and doing a relaxing activity, such as reading or taking a bath.[13]
    • Try to wake up and go to bed at the same time every day so you have a regular sleep schedule. This makes it easier to fall asleep and wake up.
    • If you’re a teenager, you need 8-10 hours of sleep each night to be properly rested.
  4. Great, blemish-free skin is a sure-fire way to make heads turn, so follow a skincare routine! Getting perfect skin is pretty easy—wash your face 2 times a day with a mild cleanser, then apply a moisturizer. These simple steps will keep your skin soft and supple, so all eyes will be on you.[14]
    • If it boosts your confidence, shave your underarms and legs regularly to remove the hair. However, don’t feel like you have to do this to be hot—it makes you super attractive to do exactly what you want.
  5. Caring for your nails helps give you an understated elegance so you look super sophisticated and wow anyone who sees you. Trim and file your nails every 1-2 weeks so they look neat. If you like, you can also paint your nails.[15]
    • You don’t need painted nails to be hot—however, keeping them neat and clean is a great way to freshen up your appearance.
  6. A sparkling white smile is a great way to win over a whole crowd and steal some hearts in the process! To practice great oral hygiene, brush your teeth in the morning and evening and floss daily. Go the extra mile and see your dentist for annual check-ups so your teeth stay in great shape.[16]
    • If your teeth are discolored, over-the-counter whitening strips and toothpaste can help. If you’d like to splurge for pearly whites, talk to your dentist if you're interested in trying a professional teeth whitening procedure.
    • If your teeth are crooked, braces or invisible teeth straighteners can help. However, don’t feel like you can’t be hot if you can’t afford these procedures. Imperfect teeth can be a quirk that makes you look super cute.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Showing off Your Personality

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  1. Flirting with eye contact gives total rom-com, "meet cute" vibes. When you’re around people, make brief eye contact with them. Simply meet their eyes and then look away. That'll rev up some fun tension so people get curious about you. However, when you’re talking to someone and especially if you're in a deep conversation, maintain eye contact so they feel really heard. People will adore your active listening skills and feel that your empathy is out of this world.[17]
    • If you’re uncomfortable making eye contact, practice gazing at yourself in the mirror or making eye contact with someone you trust, like a close friend.
    • Embrace your hotness with confidence. Share how you feel with other wikiHow readers on the wikiHow forum post, "I'm super model hot. Are you?"
  2. When you're always optimistic, your chats and upbeat observations will become everyone's favorite pick-me-ups. Plus, you pretty much become a motivational speaker that people flock to for advice and insights. Make a habit of looking at the pros of every situation. Even if it's hard at first, it'll get easy with practice and it'll be so worth it because everyone will be impressed by your cheerful attitude.[18]
    • For instance, let's say it's raining outside and you get wet on your way into work. Instead of feeling like your day is off to a bad start, you could say something like, "Well, at least we don't have to worry about a drought! This will be great for the plant life!" For extra points and charisma, announce it with a great big smile.
  3. Spread your wings and be a social butterfly by taking initiative and mingling with everyone in the room. When you give each person some quality time, you'll be seen as a high value woman who's a sparkling conversationalist. [19]
    • Over time, you’ll get better at social interactions. Don’t give up if you feel unsure at first. All you need is practice.
    • Try walking up to someone and saying something like, “Is this your first time here?” or “How do you know Matt?”
    • Talking to a bunch of people and flitting around the room will make you seem more popular. It doesn’t matter if the people are your friends. Just striking up a conversation with everyone you meet is enough to make you seem like the most in-demand person there.
  4. Devoting yourself to a hobby or an interest, such as music, sports, or volunteer work, is incredibly alluring because it shows you’re a multidimensional, dynamic person. Talk animatedly about what lights you up and you’ll radiate pure joy that will take everyone’s breath away.[20]
    • You might say, “Music is the thing that keeps me going. Right now, I’m working on my guitar skills so I can get a gig in the local coffee shop.”
  5. Instead of sharing everything about yourself, keep some secrets to yourself. Tease people with just enough information to seem interesting, then hold back. When you keep private details to yourself, you’ll prove you have a rich inner world and that people will need to earn their way to getting to know you more. That fun little challenge will make you delicious because the lucky few who dive deep with you will savor every tidbit they get.[21]
    • For instance, let’s say you’ve been posting your poetry online. You might be really open about how important writing is to you and how your life inspires your poems. However, you might respond with “That’s too personal” or “I don't like sharing too many private details” when people ask what inspired them.
  6. When you’re open-minded, intelligent, and opinionated, people will be excited to talk to you. They’ll find your deep discussions absolutely addictive and ask to pick your brain as often as they can. Learn about topics that interest you, keep up with the news, read, and watch documentaries. Share your knowledge when you have conversations with other people—you’ll build an audience of admirers right away.
    • For example, talk about a niche topic and impress others with your knowledge. You might say something like, “The mission to Mars program presents all types of opportunities—NASA’s actually creating brick habitats on the planet!”
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Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

Radiating Confidence

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  1. Ultimately, even if you’re trying to be a hot girl, the only person whose opinion matters is yours. If you throw caution to the wind and live your best life, you’ll be an awesome trend-setter who proves that independence and self-confidence is key. If you focus on creating a life you love, things will fall into place and people will worship the ground you walk on.[22]
    • Try not to compare yourself to others, especially since they’re only showing you their highlight reels, which don’t tell the full story. Instead, only compare yourself to the past version of yourself. Remember—there’s only one you, anyway.
  2. Being a well-rounded person with lots going on in your life makes you seem more interesting and desirable. Figure out what makes you happy and what you want most in your life, then create a plan that can make that happen. Show off that you’re goal-driven and you’ll have people chasing after you.[23]
    • For instance, let’s say your goal is to become a nurse and you also like dogs. You might volunteer at a local hospital and help raise money for the local animal shelter to pursue these goals. When people see how big your heart is, they’ll be smitten.
  3. Everyone has weaknesses, so don’t let yours get you down. Instead, figure out what your skills and talents are so you can show them off. For example, if you’re a graphic designer and a top-notch hostess, design your own party invitations and throw a fête that no one will forget![24]
    • You might have book smarts, be good at helping others, and be a talented writer. Show off this unique mixture of lovable traits and everyone will celebrate you as an irreplaceable hottie.
  4. When you go out of your way to make someone like you, it makes you seem less sure of yourself. However, if you get people to pursue you, major props—that’ll make you seem like a high value woman right off the bat. Feel free to flirt a little if you want a cutie to know you’re interested. After that, though, let them make the first move and ask you out. Remember: people have to work to snag themselves a hot girl![25]
    • For instance, think about your crush. You might flirt with them and give them your number, but wait for them to text before you reach out. When you wait to give them some of your time, you’ll seem super in demand. Try replying back in 1-2 hours to build some fun anticipation.
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Have a Transformational Glow Up with this Expert Series

Are you ready for the biggest glow up of your life? It's time to care of yourself, build your confidence, and become the best version of yourself that you can be! Read these expert articles to supercharge your glow up.

Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    How do I become the hottest version of myself?
    Chloée Ohayon-Crosby
    Chloée Ohayon-Crosby
    Fashion Stylist
    Chloée Ohayon-Crosby is a Costume Designer and Wardrobe Specialist in Los Angeles, California. With over eight years of experience in fashion consulting, Chloée specializes in personal, film, theater, and commercial styling as well as image consulting and costume design. Chloée has worked as an assistant designer for the distinguished fashion house Chloée and as a freelance stylist with Glamour Italia. Chloée studied Fine/Studio Arts at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts and Fashion Design and Merchandising at the world renowned ESMOD École Supérieure des Arts in Paris, France.
    Chloée Ohayon-Crosby
    Fashion Stylist
    Expert Answer
    Confidence is key! Focus on the parts of yourself you already love, then accentuate those features. The more you know your body and what types of clothing look good on it, the easier it will be for you to develop a great personal style.
  • Question
    What should I do if my parents don't allow me to wear makeup?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Ask them if they'd be okay with you wearing a tinted moisturizer (that's what my mom first said yes to). If they don't want you wearing any face makeup, ask about lip gloss/tinted chapstick, and mascara. If they still say no, respect their decision and wait a couple months or a year and politely ask again. Don't go behind their backs and wear it anyway, because they will probably notice and they'll be upset.
  • Question
    How do I know what kind of makeup looks best on me?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Experiment. You might also want to check out the article on How to Choose Makeup for Your Skin Tone. If you go into a makeup store, like MAC, the associates will help you choose something.
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About This Article

Chloée Ohayon-Crosby
Co-authored by:
Fashion Stylist
This article was co-authored by Chloée Ohayon-Crosby and by wikiHow staff writer, Hannah Madden. Chloée Ohayon-Crosby is a Costume Designer and Wardrobe Specialist in Los Angeles, California. With over eight years of experience in fashion consulting, Chloée specializes in personal, film, theater, and commercial styling as well as image consulting and costume design. Chloée has worked as an assistant designer for the distinguished fashion house Chloée and as a freelance stylist with Glamour Italia. Chloée studied Fine/Studio Arts at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts and Fashion Design and Merchandising at the world renowned ESMOD École Supérieure des Arts in Paris, France. This article has been viewed 3,133,233 times.
37 votes - 63%
Co-authors: 298
Updated: February 19, 2025
Views: 3,133,233
Categories: Looking Good
Article SummaryX

If you want to be a hot girl, try to act confident in social situations by speaking clearly, talking to new people, and not being afraid to say what you think, which many people find attractive. Be sure to smile, make eye contact, and focus on positive topics so people enjoy being around you! In addition to your hot girl attitude, dress in clothes and apply natural-looking makeup that emphasize your best features so that you feel confident and special. For example, make your big brown eyes stand out by applying 1-2 coats of mascara to your lashes. You can also flirt casually with people by smiling when you make brief eye contact and brushing lightly against them when you pass. For more tips on social interaction, read on!

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