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The Macarena is a 90s line dance performed to the song “Macarena” by Spanish pop duo Los Del Rio. Great for all ages, this dance craze is easy to do once you've got the basic moves down. Then, just turn up the music and start adding your personal style! Keep reading to learn this popular dance.

Things You Should Know

  • Dance each step to the beat of the music. Move your arms one by one in front of you, to your shoulders, behind your head, and to your hips.
  • Shake your hips as you hear the words "Hey Macarena!" Then, jump and turn 90 degrees to the left and repeat the dance from the top.
  • To perform this dance in a chair or with less bouncing, nod your head instead of shaking your hips and clap your hands instead of jumping.
Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Learning the Basic Steps

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  1. Most moves take up one beat in the song. Count out the beat and move your body step by step as the song plays.[1]
    • As you learn the dance, start without music and go at your own pace. Once you get more familiar with the moves, try matching the beat of the song.
  2. When introduction ends, lift your right arm straight out in front of you, then your left arm. Make sure your arms are parallel with the floor with your palms facing down.[2]
    • In the most popular version of the song, the introduction lasts 16 counts. Listen for an “Ay!” Then, start moving your arms.
    • Hold your arms in line with your shoulders.
  3. Turn your right palm up first, then turn your left palm up. Rotate your forearms outward to turn your palms up.[3]
  4. Keep your elbow in place as you cross your forearm over your chest.[4]
  5. Cross your left arm over your right arm to create an “X” shape over your chest. Now, both palms are on your shoulders.[5]
  6. Bring one hand up and around to the back of your head. Then, put your other hand on the back of your head.[6]
  7. First bring your right hand down to your left hip. Then bring your left hand down to your right hip.[7]
  8. Move your right hand (currently on your left hip) over to your right hip. Then move your left hand (currently on your right hip) over to your left hip.[8]
  9. As the song says, "Hey Macarena," keep your hands on your hips as you rotate them. Your feet should stay planted on the ground.[9]
    • Unlike other moves in this dance, this move takes up 4 beats rather than one. Keep performing this step as the singers hold out, “Hey Macarena.”
    • If you have trouble moving your hips, nod your head to the beat of the music instead.
  10. When you land, face the new direction. Each time you finish the basic dance sequence, jump and turn 90 degrees to the left.[10]
    • If you’re doing the dance in a chair, clap your hands once at this point in the sequence.[11]
    • Another quirky move you can try is the “scuba dive.” While pinching your nose with one hand, raise the opposite arm and bring it down, wiggling it like a snake.
  11. Run through the same steps, this time facing in a different direction. When you finish the step sequence again, jump and turn 90 degrees to the left.[12]
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Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Putting It All Together

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  1. The Macarena is always danced to “Macarena.” The original song is by Los Del Rio, but you can dance to any version!
  2. Let your shoulders move up and down as you do it. The goal is to loosen up your body. This isn’t a part of the actual dance, but it will keep you from looking stiff and let you get used to the rhythm.[13]
    • There’s a brief intro to the song before the lyrics start. Use this time to start loosening up your body for the dance.
  3. Remember, you start by putting out your right arm, then left arm, with your palms facing down. Each step lasts 1 count, or about 1 second.[14]
  4. Be sure to turn on the jump after you rotate your hips. After you turn, clap your hands and repeat the step sequence.[15]
  5. Run through the step sequence, jump and turn, and repeat! If you get tired of dancing before the songs over, just stop and exit the dance floor.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    I'm sitting down and unable to turn, what's another method?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You can do a "scuba dive" move, which is where you hold your nose and your other hand comes down and moves like a snake.
  • Question
    Where I can buy the Macarena track CD, and is the Macarena dance is good for elderly people?
    Community Answer
    The Macarena is a fun dance for elderly people or those with mobility issues who nevertheless want to participate in a group dance. The track ("Macarena" by Los Del Rio) can be bought anywhere music is legally sold online.
  • Question
    How can I do it fast? It is hard.
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Your best bet is to look up a video tutorial on how to do it and just keep practicing until you get it down slowly, then speed up gradually until you're doing it quickly.
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  • The original “Macarena” by Los Del Rio was released in 1992. The song boomed in popularity after The Bayside Boys released a remix in the late 90s.[16]
  • The Macarena dance was choreographed by Mia Frye.[17]
  • The creation of the song was inspired by Venezuelan choreographer Diana Patricia Cubillán Herrera, who impressed Los Del Rio with her dance.[18]
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About This Article

Emilia Richeson-Valiente
Co-authored by:
Certified Dance-Aerobics Instructor
This article was co-authored by Emilia Richeson-Valiente and by wikiHow staff writer, Krysten Jackson. Emilia Richeson-Valiente is an AFAA Certified Dance-Aerobics Instructor and the founder of Pony Sweat Aerobics. Located in Los Angeles, CA, Pony Sweat started in 2014 as a way to share joyful, non-competitive dance with others. Emilia has since brought Pony Sweat events to cities throughout the country like New York City, San Francisco, Boston, and more. She has performed at events ranging from neighborhood punk shows to Coachella Music Festival, and has choreographed dance aerobics routines for the music videos of Alice Bag, Hayley Williams, Gal Pals, Shark Toys, and Wallows. Emilia received a BFA in Acting from Emerson College. This article has been viewed 568,254 times.
10 votes - 72%
Co-authors: 46
Updated: February 24, 2025
Views: 568,254
Categories: Dancing
Article SummaryX

To do the macarena, first remember each move corresponds to one beat in the music. Start by putting your right arm in front of you, parallel to the floor and palm down. Then, do the same with your left arm. Turn your right palm upwards, then your left palm. Next, bend your right arm and put your right hand on your left shoulder. Place your left hand on your right shoulder so your forearms are crossed in an “x” shape on your chest. After that, take your right hand and rest it on the right side of your head. Do the same thing on the left side of your head with your left hand. Bring your right hand to your left hip and your left hand to your right hip. Then, uncross your arms by putting your right hand on your right hip and your left hand to your left hip. Lastly, move your hips in a circle 3 times before jumping and turning your body 90 degrees to the left. Keep repeating these steps until the song is over! If you want to learn when to do each dance move along with the music, keep reading the article!

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  • Vandy Sandlan

    Vandy Sandlan

    Oct 4, 2016

    "I used the Macarena dance moves for a therapy exercise for a rotor cup injury. Your article is the only one that I..." more
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