This article was co-authored by Dariusz Horvath-Krol. Dariusz Horvath-Krol is a Professional Ballroom Dancer and Dance Instructor based in New York. With more than 20 years of dance experience, he specializes in ballroom dancing, hip-hop, funk, and ballet. He has also spent the last seven years performing and working with Dancing With The Stars professionals. Dariusz has received full bronze, full silver, and gold awards from The Dance Vision International Dance Association.
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The dab is a cool looking, easy dance move that you can learn in just a couple of minutes. It’s a great move to bust out at a club or at a school dance. After you’ve mastered the dab, you might also want to try hitting the Quan or doing the shmoney. You can combine these moves with the dab or alternate them to create a hybrid dance of your own!
Things You Should Know
- Start by lifting both arms. Then, bend 1 arm towards you body at the elbow and tilt your head towards it.
- Bring your head down against your elbow, banging to the beat if you’re listening to music.
- Repeat this motion with the other arm, extending the arm that was previously bent.
Lift your arms out to your sides. Raise up both of your arms so they are going straight out from your shoulders. Then, bend one arm in towards your body, as if you are preparing to sneeze into your hand.[1] Keep the other arm straight.
Tuck your head down. Next tuck your forehead down towards the arm that is bent and touch your forehead to your elbow area as if you are sneezing into your sleeve or dabbing sweat off of your brow.[2] [3] Keep the other arm straight.[4]
- Straighten out your arm after you dab your forehead on it.
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Bang your head into your elbow. After you bring your head in towards your elbow, you can do a quick head bang motion (or two) before you straighten out your arm and switch sides.[5] Just quickly jolt your head forward towards your elbow.
- Head banging is generally considered safe, but keep in mind that is can cause injuries if you do it too hard.[6] You can always skip the head bang motion if you have concerns.
Switch sides. You can repeat the dab multiple times on one side or switch sides. If you switch sides, then repeat the same dab movement on the other side with your other arm. For example, if you started by dabbing on your left side, then switch over to your right side.
- Keep switching back and forth along with the music.
Move around. You can do the dab movement with your upper body and move your lower body however you like. You can hop around, walk around, or wiggle your hips.
- You can also do other moves in between dabs, such as waving your fists in the air or moving your arms from side to side in front of you.[7] Add your own flair and just try to have fun!
Squat down. Hitting the Quan requires lots of movement in your lower body, so squat down a bit to give your legs and hips more room to move. Bend your knees so that you are squatting down a little bit.
- Keep in mind that you do not have to get really low to the ground to do this dance move. A slight bend in your knees is all you need.
Swing your arms. Next, let your arms go a little limp at your sides and then use your shoulders to move your right arm in front of you and your left arm behind you. Then, switch your arms so that your left arm is in front of you and your right arm is behind you.[8]
- Keep rotating your arms back and forth like this.
- You can hold your arms up higher or down low.
- You can also bend your arms slightly at the elbows or keep them out straight.
Move your hips. Next, start to move your hips back and forth in a slow rolling movement. Keep rolling your hips forward and backwards. Try to move your body like a worm.
- You can also move your abs if you are flexible enough to do so.
- Some people use a thrusting movement when they hit the quan.[9] Do whatever feels natural to you.
Move around. Take baby steps forwards and backwards or move side to side as you continue to wave your arms back and forth and move your hips.[10] You can also do little hops or just stay in one place if you prefer.
Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. The Shmoney is a really simple dance and it is great for slower songs. You can do it standing in one place, by yourself, or with a partner. You will need to start by standing with your feet shoulder width apart and bending your knees slightly.
- You don’t need to get super low to the ground for this dance, but you can if you like. It is up to you.
Start twisting your hips. To generate movement for the shmoney dance, you will need to start rotating and twisting your hips back and forth. Allow your knees to move along with your hips. Move to the music and just relax.[11]
- Try moving one side twice and then move the other side once to add a little variation. Or, come up with your own pattern to follow.
Move your arms in time with your hips. You can raise your arms over your head or just raise them slightly above your chest. Move your arms however you like as you do the Shmoney.[12]
- Try swaying your arms back and forth over your head or twist them back and forth in front of you.
Community Q&A
QuestionIf I break a quadruple dab, how do I stop people from cringing?Community AnswerYou don't. You have to live with it for the rest of your life. If you manage to pull of a sextuple dab, however, you will be congratulated.
QuestionHow do I dab without dropping my fidget spinner?Cool⚡️KIDCommunity AnswerEither put the fidget spinner in your pocket, or hold it tightly in your hand while dabbing.
QuestionWhat if my teacher bans dabbing? Should I dab on her?Community AnswerWeigh the risks and benefits before trying to dab on your anti-dab teacher. Do you think you will be punished, or do you think your protest dabbing might cause her to change her position? Think it over and proceed with caution.
Remember that you can combine these moves or alternate to create your own unique dance. For example, try doing shmoney hip moves with the dab arm and head movements.Thanks
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About This Article
To dab, bend your left arm at the elbow so your hand is close to your chin while simultaneously holding your right arm straight out to the side and slightly upwards. At the same time, tuck your chin into your elbow, as if you're sneezing. Make sure to keep your hands flat as you dab! Then, switch sides and do the same thing. This dance move has actually been around since the 1990s, when it started showing up in Japanese anime and manga like Dragon Ball Z. The dab surged in popularity across the U.S. starting around 2015, spread first by hop hop artists such as Migos, after which it was adopted as a signature celebration by Carolina Panthers quarterback and NFL MVP Cam Newton in late 2015. Since then soccer players, cricket players, musical artists and even some politicians have used to dab to celebrate their successes and show up their opponents.
Reader Success Stories
"5 years ago, I was diagnosed with liver cancer. It's been a hard road of medical treatment, and seeing my family look at me with sympathy in their eyes pains my soul. But then I found this article, which taught me how to dab. Knowing how to dab has changed my life forever! My cancer is suppressing, the family smiles with me, and I can pull off some fiery dabs with the people I love. Thank you for posting this, my Jewish life has finally turned around since I got cancer."..." more