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Simple steps for drawing pickups and semis
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Difficult drawings are often easily created through simple steps. Learning to draw takes patience and practice. Learn how to draw a truck by following the steps below.

Drawing a Semi Truck

  1. Draw a rectangle in the center of the page.
  2. Draw a small, overlapping rectangle on the left and connect a long rectangle to the bottom.
  3. Draw four side-by-side circles with combined arcs above them.
  4. Draw three slanted rectangles in the corner of the first rectangle.
  5. Draw a rectangle divided by four lines with two rectangles on each side (with circles inside).
  6. Add a curved semi-rectangle above the first. Draw extra rectangles for the exhaust & doors.
  7. Draw the truck based on the outline, add details, erase the outlines and color.
Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Drawing a Semi Truck

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  1. It should intersect the bigger rectangle drawn earlier and divide it into two sections; the right section must be inside the bigger rectangle.
  2. Draw some stripes, a wiper and a logo to the main body of the truck.
  3. Choose different designs if you want.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Drawing a Pickup Truck

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  1. This shape will be the side view of the vehicle. The rectangle will serve as the entire length of the truck. This is only the foundation of the truck drawing. The lines will be modified and erased as the picture progresses.
    • One is drawn near the front and one near the back.
    • The two circles should be the same size. Because this is the side view, only two tires are seen.
    • Erase the lines inside the circles that were created when the rectangle was drawn.
    • Draw a smaller rectangle on top and near the front of the longer rectangle.
    • Make the side of the rectangle that is nearest the front of the truck have a slanted side. The slant will serve as the windshield.
    • Draw a circle inside each of the wheels.
    • Draw a third, smaller, circle inside each of the previously drawn circles.
    • Add upside down "u" shapes above each tire. Each side of the "u" should meet the bottom of the long rectangle. Erase any rectangle lines that are seen in the middle of the "u" shape.
  2. The ends of the "u" should touch the front of the truck. Erase any lines from the initial rectangle that are visible inside of the "u" shape.
  3. Apply a hood to the front of the truck by making the piece of the rectangle in front of the cab a rounded line curving downward to meet the side of the rectangle.
  4. The shape will look like a trapezoid on the half nearest the front of the truck (have a slanted side). The back half of the shape should be a rectangle (have a straight side).
    • The flat part of the semi-circle should face the back of the truck and the rounded part face the front of the truck.
  5. This line will separate the cab section from the bed of the truck.
  6. This will form the door.
  7. A gas tank cover, stripes, decals and other details are optional.
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Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    What type of pen should I use?
    Mark Weiser Mark Weiser is an Artist and Gallery Manager for DKW Art Gallery based in Marion, Iowa. He and his wife Deb manage the gallery, which boasts a variety of art, including paintings, ceramics, and photography. The gallery also provides art classes for the community, hosts shows, and runs events that build awareness of regional artists of all ages. Mark has also owned and operated art galleries in Florida and Georgia. He creates carved slate and wood pieces inspired by Irish and Celtic art, featuring the Gaelic language done in the ancient Ogham alphabet. Some of Mark's previous clients include CNN, Pinnacle Bank, and Collins Aerospace. He received a BS in Business Administration with minors in Education and Psychology from Emporia State University.
    Mark Weiser
    Expert Answer
    You can use any inexpensive or regular pencil from a supply store. It should suffice as you improve your drawing skills and want to upgrade to graphite pencils. Remember, the quality of the pencil doesn’t make the artist; your skill does. Wait till you build up your drawing skills before spending more money on materials. Once you hit a point where you’re struggling to achieve specific effects, then it’s time to explore higher-quality pencils.
  • Question
    How can I draw a 3D truck?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Try using 3D drawing software, like Tinkercad, and practice drawing cubes and cylinders. Eventually you should be able to merge the two.
  • Question
    Can I put my own pattern with any colors in parts?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes, it is your opinion to do whatever you want since it's your drawing.
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Things You'll Need

  • Drawing paper
  • Pencil
  • Eraser
  • Paint, markers, crayons or colored pencils

About This Article

Mark Weiser
Co-authored by:
This article was co-authored by Mark Weiser. Mark Weiser is an Artist and Gallery Manager for DKW Art Gallery based in Marion, Iowa. He and his wife Deb manage the gallery, which boasts a variety of art, including paintings, ceramics, and photography. The gallery also provides art classes for the community, hosts shows, and runs events that build awareness of regional artists of all ages. Mark has also owned and operated art galleries in Florida and Georgia. He creates carved slate and wood pieces inspired by Irish and Celtic art, featuring the Gaelic language done in the ancient Ogham alphabet. Some of Mark's previous clients include CNN, Pinnacle Bank, and Collins Aerospace. He received a BS in Business Administration with minors in Education and Psychology from Emporia State University. This article has been viewed 301,764 times.
4 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 32
Updated: January 31, 2025
Views: 301,764
Categories: Drawing
Article SummaryX

To draw a pickup truck, start by drawing a long rectangle for the body of the truck, and 2 circles for wheels. Next, draw a smaller rectangle near the top front of the larger rectangle for the cab, and make sure the side nearest to the front of the truck is slanted so it looks a windshield. Then, add details such as the front bumper, side mirror, and the lines for the door. Additionally, feel free to add creative details like logos, stripes, and decals. Finally, color, shade, or paint your truck any way you like! To learn more, including how to draw a semi truck, scroll down.

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  • Fin Crawford

    Fin Crawford

    Oct 23, 2020

    "I have used this to create a truck multiple times and I have always completed the drawing in half an hour."
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