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Learn how to hide a hickey with or without makeup
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Hickeys, or love bites, can be both a rite of passage and an annoyance. You might have enjoyed getting your hickey at the time, but you may not want people commenting on it if they see it. If you’re looking for a way to hide your hickey, you’ve come to the right place. We interviewed professional makeup artist Ivy Boyd and cosmetologist Alicia Ramos to give you all the best tips on how to hide a hickey and get it to go away faster. Plus, learn how long it takes for hickeys to go away on their own.

How do you cover a hickey with makeup?

According to makeup artist Ivy Boyd, you want to use a color corrector and concealer to hide a hickey. A fresh hickey has red and/or purple undertones, so apply a green corrector to red areas and a yellow corrector to purple areas. Then, use a concealer that matches your skin tone and set with powder.

Section 1 of 7:

Covering the Hickey with Clothes

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  1. Wearing a shirt or sweater to hide your hickey may be the easiest way to protect your love bite from the world.[1] Before going out, try on different shirts to make sure your top covers your hickey entirely. Shirts with high necklines, like turtlenecks, usually work best.
    • If you don’t have a turtleneck, try wearing a jacket or sweater with a collar that covers your neck. If you don’t normally wear this type of thing, however, your friends may be curious about your sudden change of style.
    • Wear a top that draws attention away from your neck. For example, wear a shirt that has a funny logo, stripes, or an unusual zipper. The busier your top, the less likely people will be to look at your neck.
    • Don’t wear a turtleneck in the middle of summer, as this will be too hot and draw attention to your neck. Depending on where your hickey is, try wearing a tank top with a high collar instead.
  2. If your shirt isn’t doing the trick, play around with different accessories to find one that will hide your hickey. Scarves are a great way to hide your hickey, but make sure you’re wearing one during the right season. If you never wear scarves, this may draw unnecessary attention, but you can always say you’re trying out a new look.[2]
    • If you have long hair, another option is to simply drape your hair over the hickey. Just make sure it stays in place.
    • Avoid wearing jewelry that draws attention to your neck. If you normally wear necklaces or long earrings, opt for cool rings, bracelets, or a watch instead.
    • Depending on your style, another option is to drape a sweater across your shoulders. This is a great option if you love the preppy aesthetic.
    • If you don’t have any accessories that work, stick a bandage over the hickey and make up an excuse. Say you’re covering up a bug bite, a cat scratch, or a burn from a curling iron.
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Section 2 of 7:

Hiding the Hickey with Makeup

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  1. While you may have to buy some supplies if you don’t normally wear it, makeup is a great way to cover hickeys, and it only requires a few steps. Before you begin, make sure you have all the necessary materials. Here’s what you’ll need:
  2. Gently apply yellow color corrector to the inside of your hickey using a thin brush. Because hickeys are bruises, they often aren’t one solid color throughout. The trick is to apply the makeup color that’s opposite the color of the hickey on the color wheel.[3] This will help balance and neutralize the color. The inside of your hickey will likely be purple, while the outside will be more red.
  3. Clean your makeup brush, then apply green corrector to the remaining red part of the hickey the same way you applied the yellow. Because green is opposite red on the color wheel, this should further neutralize the hickey and make it less visible.[4]
  4. 4
    Use purple corrector if your hickey is yellow or green. As hickeys and other bruises fade, they sometimes turn different colors. After your hickey has healed for a few days, it may turn a yellow or green color. If this is the case, use a purple corrector concealer to cover it. Apply it the same way you would the yellow or green corrector.[5]
    • If you don’t have a purple color corrector, Boyd says a peachy color corrector will also work “if the hickey has progressed into a yellow/green/blue bruise.”[6]
  5. Find a concealer that matches your skin tone and brush it over your hickey with a clean makeup brush. Once you’ve applied it with the brush, dab it with your fingers to set it into your skin. If you’re not sure which shade is best, first try using it on the other side of your neck to see if it blends well.[7]
    • Bring your makeup with you wherever you go in case it smudges during the day. This way, you can easily slip to the bathroom and reapply it.
    • To make the makeup last as long as possible, apply a translucent powder on top of the concealer to lock it in place. If it looks too powdery, spray some setting spray on top.
  6. If you’re worried about your hickey being visible, apply a layer of foundation for extra coverage. Choose a shade that matches your skin tone, and apply it with a foundation brush. Then, use a makeup sponge to blend it in further.
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Section 3 of 7:

Removing the Hickey with a Toothbrush

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  1. This may sound strange, but brushing your hickey with a toothbrush stimulates blood circulation, which may make the love bite fade more quickly. Gently run a soft-bristle toothbrush over the hickey and the surrounding area, moving the bristles in different directions so the blood spreads properly. Do this for 5-10 minutes at a time.[8]
    • Make sure to use a brand new toothbrush, as you don’t want to rub germs on your skin!
    • This method won’t feel good regardless, but be careful not to press down too hard. This can make the hickey worse.
  2. Wait 15-20 minutes after you finish brushing your hickey to let the redness and swelling go down. Then, apply a cold compress to the hickey and leave it on for another 10-20 minutes. This will help keep the skin from getting too irritated.[9]
  3. If you see that your hickey is less noticeable, repeat the brushing and icing process each day until it fades. Be careful not to brush too hard, and if your skin becomes too irritated, try applying a soothing serum with arnica to help.
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Section 4 of 7:

Hiding the Hickey with Ice

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  1. Applying ice or a cold compress to your hickey will help reduce swelling and make it less noticeable. Hold the ice to the area for 15 minutes, take it off for a few minutes, then apply the ice again. If it starts to hurt, put the ice away for at least an hour before reapplying.[10]
    • Do not apply ice directly to the hickey. Make sure it is covered by a cloth, paper towel, or zip-lock bag.
    • Other options you can try include a cloth dipped in icy water, a cold spoon, or a bag of frozen veggies from your freezer.
    • If you’re using a spoon, first moisten it with water and put it in the fridge for 5 minutes. Then, to keep it cool, place it in the freezer every 5 minutes.
Section 5 of 7:

Massaging the Hickey Away

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  1. If you’ve had your hickey for at least 48 hours, apply a warm towel or heating pad to the area until it’s warm. Be careful not to burn yourself. If you’re heating a pad in the microwave, follow the pad’s instructions and give it time to cool off a bit.[11]
    • Do not apply heat to your hickey right away. If you’ve had your hickey for under 48 hours, apply ice instead and begin massaging the area.
  2. Once your neck is warm enough, use your fingers to rub the hickey in a circle. Work from the inside of the hickey outwards, applying pressure to the center of the hickey. This will help break up the blood clots and improve circulation in the area, which will help the hickey heal faster.[12]
    • Be gentle when applying pressure. If you’re too rough, you can make the hickey worse.
  3. For the best results, massage your hickey for a few minutes several times daily. Remember not to apply too much pressure, and take a break for a few hours before repeating the process. This will help prevent your hickey from getting worse.
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Section 6 of 7:

Other Ways to Remove a Hickey

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  1. 1
    Apply arnica cream daily. Arnica is an herb used to help reduce bruising. It has a natural anti-inflammatory compound, helenalin, that helps calm the body’s natural swelling response. Apply arnica cream to your hickey once a day until the swelling and bruising subside.[13]
    • As a general tip for removing bruises, Ramos recommends elevation: “Elevation is a great way to help reduce the buildup of fluid, so if you can elevate the bruised area, it may help clear out some of the inflammatory fluid that has gathered, helping your body to clear the bruise faster.”[14]
  2. 2
    Apply Visine eye drops a couple times a day. Eye drops like Visine help reduce the appearance of hickeys by constricting blood vessels so the bruising is less apparent. Make sure you don’t have any open wounds or cuts, then dab a few drops onto your hickey once or twice a day.[15]
  3. 3
    Eat fresh pineapple to help with healing. Fresh pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain which helps with bruising. Drinking pineapple juice may also help, but eating fresh pineapple is more effective at reducing the appearance of hickeys.[16]
  4. 4
    Eat vitamin K-rich foods. Vitamin K helps your body absorb clotted areas of blood, like hickeys and other bruises. If you want to get rid of your hickey, try eating foods that are rich in vitamin K, like broccoli, kale, spinach, and brown rice.[17]
  5. 5
    Moisturize the hickey with aloe vera. Aloe vera has several antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that can help prevent your hickey from swelling up. Apply an aloe vera gel twice a day to soothe your skin and speed up the healing process.[19]
  6. 6
    Massage your hickey with a banana peel. It may sound strange, but banana peels contain several skin-soothing antioxidants and vitamins that can reduce the appearance of hickeys. Remove the peel from a ripe banana and gently rub it on the hickey to speed up the healing process.[20]
  7. 7
    Rub vitamin C cream on the affected area. If you have a skincare routine, odds are, you’re probably already using vitamin C. Vitamin C helps boost your skin’s collagen production which can reduce the appearance of a hickey.[21] While applying vitamin C cream won’t get rid of a hickey overnight, it can help it heal more quickly and is especially good if you’re prone to long-term bruising or scarring.
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Section 7 of 7:

How long do hickeys take to go away?

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  1. Hickeys usually go away after 7-12 days. Healing time varies from person to person and depends on how big the hickey is, but in general, they fade on their own within 1-2 weeks.[22] It may start fading the next day, or it could get darker or change color as it heals. If you regularly apply hot and cold compresses, you may cut down healing time by one or two days.
    Alicia Ramos

    Alicia Ramos

    Skincare Professional
    Alicia Ramos is a Licensed Esthetician and the owner of Smoothe Denver in Denver, Colorado. She received her license at the School of Botanical & Medical Aesthetics, with training in lashes, dermaplaning, waxing, microdermabrasion, and chemical peels, and now provides skin care solutions to hundreds of clients.
    Alicia Ramos
    Alicia Ramos
    Skincare Professional

    Unfortunately, bruises (like hickeys) take a while to heal. Elevation, vitamin C, and vitamin K can help your skin heal faster, so these may be a good way to speed up the healing process. As an add-on, drink more water!

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Okay you guys my bf gave me a hickey and I need to get rid of it asap so my parents don't find out so what's the best thing to do?
Ivy Boyd
Ivy Boyd
Makeup Artist
A hickey is essentially a bruise, and the coloring differs depending on the life cycle of healing it’s in, but you can color correct and conceal to cover it up. A fresh hickey has red or purple tones, which you can color correct with a green or yellow color correcting cream. Then, go in with a concealer that matches or is one shade lighter than your skin tone. Set the makeup with powder. If the hickey has progressed into a yellow/green/blue bruise, you will likely need a more peachy color corrector first, then the concealer and powder.
Dip a washcloth in hot water to create a warm compress (but make sure it's not so hot that it will burn you), then press it to your hickey. Hold it there for about 15 minutes and swap it out with a fresh one when it cools down. That's actually much more effective than using ice or a cold compress and I know because I've tried both. :)

Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    What color cancels out hickeys?
    Ivy Boyd
    Ivy Boyd
    Makeup Artist
    Ivy Boyd is a Makeup Artist and the Creator of the beauty blog, Ivy Boyd Makeup. With nearly a decade of makeup experience, Ivy specializes in makeup services for weddings, special events, and editorial photoshoots. She holds a BA in Graphic Design from The University of Northern Iowa. Ivy was a finalist in the Allure Beauty Blogger Awards and has been featured in numerous media publications such as People Magazine and Brides Magazine.
    Ivy Boyd
    Makeup Artist
    Expert Answer
    Cover up a red or purple hickey with a green or yellow color-correcting cream. If the hickey looks yellow, green, or blue, cover it up with a peachy color-corrector instead.
  • Question
    How do you cover hickeys fast?
    Ivy Boyd
    Ivy Boyd
    Makeup Artist
    Ivy Boyd is a Makeup Artist and the Creator of the beauty blog, Ivy Boyd Makeup. With nearly a decade of makeup experience, Ivy specializes in makeup services for weddings, special events, and editorial photoshoots. She holds a BA in Graphic Design from The University of Northern Iowa. Ivy was a finalist in the Allure Beauty Blogger Awards and has been featured in numerous media publications such as People Magazine and Brides Magazine.
    Ivy Boyd
    Makeup Artist
    Expert Answer
    Cover the hickey with color-correcting cream first. Then, top off the blemish with a concealer that matches or is 1 shade later than your skin tone. Set the skin with powder as a finishing touch.
  • Question
    I accidentally gave myself a hickey. Can I just cover it up with a Band-Aid?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes, or one of the methods above. It will eventually go away on its own.
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  • No matter what method you're using, applying ice to the area as soon as you notice your hickey will reduce swelling.[23]
  • Don't wear something you would never normally wear to hide your hickey. This will only draw more attention to your love bite.
  • If you're using the makeup method, make sure you're not wearing a shirt or accessory that will smudge the area.
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Tips from our Readers

  • You can always try to be honest. Going through all of this trouble to hide your hickey can be very stressful. Just tell people the truth, even if you're ashamed. So what if your friends laugh at you? A love bite is something to wear with pride, even if you're a little embarrassed!
  • Always, always, always be ready for a hickey even if it doesn't happen. Bring a little bag or something with makeup, bandages, or other supplies to help you hide the hickey, as suggested in the article, in case you get one.
  • Avoid having a visible hickey in the first place by making sure you get it on an easily hidden part of your body, like your collarbone or somewhere else. This will make it harder for people to notice it.
  • Thick chokers also work well for hiding hickeys. You could also wear a few thin chokers if you don't have a thick enough one.
  • If the hickey ends up looking shiny put matte pressed powder on it. It reduces shine and makes it look less like makeup.
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About This Article

Ivy Boyd
Co-authored by:
Makeup Artist
This article was co-authored by Ivy Boyd and by wikiHow staff writer, Raven Minyard, BA. Ivy Boyd is a Makeup Artist and the Creator of the beauty blog, Ivy Boyd Makeup. With nearly a decade of makeup experience, Ivy specializes in makeup services for weddings, special events, and editorial photoshoots. She holds a BA in Graphic Design from The University of Northern Iowa. Ivy was a finalist in the Allure Beauty Blogger Awards and has been featured in numerous media publications such as People Magazine and Brides Magazine. This article has been viewed 2,276,257 times.
30 votes - 46%
Co-authors: 39
Updated: March 20, 2025
Views: 2,276,257
Categories: Bruises
Article SummaryX

If you need to hide a hickey, the easiest solution is to cover it up with clothes or accessories. Good options include turtlenecks, collared shirts, jackets, and scarves. If the weather is too warm to wear layers, you can cover up your hickey with makeup instead. Use a makeup brush to apply a thin layer of yellow correcting concealer over the purple areas of the hickey. If your hickey has any red in it, dab a bit of green color-correcting concealer over those spots to neutralize the color. Then, use a makeup brush to apply a thin layer of regular concealer that matches your skin tone over the entire hickey. Use the brush or your fingers to blend out the edges so you don’t have any harsh makeup lines. If you don't have any color-correcting concealers, you can use a full coverage concealer or liquid foundation that matches your skin tone to cover the hickey. Apply the makeup in thin layers with a makeup sponge or your fingers. Build up the layers slowly until the hickey is no longer visible. Spray the makeup with setting spray so it won't budge all day. How long your hickey lasts depends on how dark the bruise is, but most hickeys fade completely within 10-14 days. For more help, including how to use makeup to cover up your hickey, read on!

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  • Anonymous


    Jun 5, 2023

    "I tried the massage method. It worked. Thanks a ton."
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