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Sewing buttons is very easy once you get the hang of it. It's a very useful skill to possess, as buttons do fall off.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Two Holes

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  1. Select a suitable button and thread that matches the button, the garment, and any thread used to sew on other buttons. If you like, you can double the thread to make this job quicker.
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Sew a Button
    Thread the needle. Simply pull the thread through the needle so that there is an equal length of thread extending from both sides.
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Sew a Button
    Tie a knot at the end of the thread. One way to tie a knot is to wrap the thread around your finger as shown, roll the thread between your fingers, and pull it tight. If you doubled the thread, tie the ends together. Leave a long tail of thread, whether you are doubling the thread or using a single thread to sew the button.
  4. Watermark wikiHow to Sew a Button
    Line the button up with the other buttons on the garment. Also check the buttonhole. Close the opposite flap or panel where you want it and make sure that the button lines up with the buttonhole.
  5. Watermark wikiHow to Sew a Button
    Pull the thread all the way through on each stitch.[1]
  6. Watermark wikiHow to Sew a Button
    Place a straight pin beneath the button, between the stitch you have made and where the next stitch will go, in order to keep the button from being stitched too tight. Then, push the needle down through the next hole and through the fabric. Pull the thread all the way through. It's best to hold the button in place so it does not move.
  7. Watermark wikiHow to Sew a Button
    Bring the needle up through the first hole again and pull the thread all the way through the fabric.[2]
  8. Watermark wikiHow to Sew a Button
    Repeat the sewing process enough times to make sure the button is securely in place.[3]
  9. Watermark wikiHow to Sew a Button
  10. Watermark wikiHow to Sew a Button
  11. Watermark wikiHow to Sew a Button
    Wrap the thread six times around the thread between the button and the material to reinforce the shank you have created.
  12. Watermark wikiHow to Sew a Button
  13. Watermark wikiHow to Sew a Button
    Make a few stitches below the button, going back and forth to make them strong. Tie this thread off.
  14. Watermark wikiHow to Sew a Button
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Four Holes

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  1. Select a suitable button and thread that matches the button, the garment, and any thread used to sew on other buttons.
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Sew a Button
    Thread the needle. If you like, you can double the thread to make this job quicker. Simply pull it through the needle so that there is an equal length of thread extending from both sides.
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Sew a Button
    One way to tie a knot is to wrap the thread around your finger as shown, roll the thread between your fingers, and pull it tight. If you doubled the thread, tie the ends together. Leave a long tail of thread, whether you are doubling the thread or using a single thread to sew the button.[4]
  4. Watermark wikiHow to Sew a Button
    Line the button up with the other buttons on the garment. Check the buttonhole. Close the opposite flap or panel where you want it and make sure that the button lines up with the buttonhole.[5]
  5. Watermark wikiHow to Sew a Button
    Pull the thread all the way through on each stitch.
  6. Watermark wikiHow to Sew a Button
    Place a straight pin beneath the button, between the stitch you have made and where the next stitch will go, in order to keep the button from being stitched too tight.
  7. Watermark wikiHow to Sew a Button
    Pull the thread all the way through.
  8. Watermark wikiHow to Sew a Button
  9. Watermark wikiHow to Sew a Button
  10. Watermark wikiHow to Sew a Button
  11. Watermark wikiHow to Sew a Button
  12. Watermark wikiHow to Sew a Button
    Wrap the thread six times around the thread between the button and the material to reinforce the shank you have created.
  13. Watermark wikiHow to Sew a Button
  14. Watermark wikiHow to Sew a Button
    Make a few stitches below the button, going back and forth to make them strong. Tie this thread off.
  15. Watermark wikiHow to Sew a Button
  16. Watermark wikiHow to Sew a Button
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Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    How do you reinforce buttons on a coat?
    Seleh Rahman
    Seleh Rahman
    Professional Tailor & Furrier
    Seleh Rahman is a Tailor, Furrier, and the Owner of Seleh de Federal Hill in Baltimore, Maryland. With over 45 years of experience, Seleh specializes in fur, alterations, and fashion illustration. Seleh studied Fashion Design and Tailoring at Bay College of Maryland. He holds certifications in fur, design, and tailoring.
    Seleh Rahman
    Professional Tailor & Furrier
    Expert Answer
    For this, you'll need a button backing to secure the front button. This way, when you sew on it all together, the top button will come through the hole easily and it will have more security.
  • Question
    The buttons I sewed onto my sweater have a steel loop to sew. How can I get the button not to look like it is falling off? How can I secure it better?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Put a little button on the other side of the fabric then sew the button on. The small button on the opposite side of the button will pull the external button straight outward and keep it neatly in place.
  • Question
    Does a button getting loose mean you're fat?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    No, not generally. In some cases it could result from gaining weight, but more likely, the thread just came loose because that just happens over time, or it wasn't sewn on very well in the first place.
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  • For buttons that get heavy use, try wrapping the long thread of the needle tail around the threads that hold the button, at least 4 or 5 times, tightly, then force the needle and thread through the tight bunch of threads that you have created. Try pushing the needle parallel to the button's holes, to avoid resistance. Use a thimble for pushing the needle. (The reason for this is simple: thread wear will cause the button to fall off sooner, unless you wrap the exposed threads with a protective wrap.) Once you have forced the needle through, push it back into the cloth, and tie it off with the long tail that you left at the starting knot. When you wrap the threads, the button will be more secure, and the thread that holds it in place will last much longer.
  • Another way to knot the thread at the end is to take a tiny stitch on the wrong side, pull it almost down to the fabric, and then put the threaded needle through the loop before pulling it tight. If you do this twice in the same spot, that is a double-knotted thread. Then you can cut off the thread close to the knot.
  • You can thread two pieces of thread through the needle, doubling each and so using four threads at once, to really speed up the process.
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  • Take care not to poke yourself with the needle. If you are sewing heavy fabric, use a thimble to push the needle.

About This Article

Seleh Rahman
Co-authored by:
Professional Tailor & Furrier
This article was co-authored by Seleh Rahman. Seleh Rahman is a Tailor, Furrier, and the Owner of Seleh de Federal Hill in Baltimore, Maryland. With over 45 years of experience, Seleh specializes in fur, alterations, and fashion illustration. Seleh studied Fashion Design and Tailoring at Bay College of Maryland. He holds certifications in fur, design, and tailoring. This article has been viewed 2,308,759 times.
111 votes - 80%
Co-authors: 67
Updated: March 10, 2025
Views: 2,308,759
Categories: Basic Sewing Stitches
Article SummaryX

To sew a button, first thread a needle and tie a knot at the end of the thread. Place the button on the fabric where you want to sew it, making sure it’s lined up with the corresponding button hole. Then, bring the needle and thread up through one of the holes in the button. Place a straight pin underneath the button next to the stitch you just made, which will prevent it from getting stitched too tightly to the fabric. Next, bring the needle and thread down through the other hole. Repeat the process until the button feels secure. Then, push the needle and thread through the fabric, but this time don’t go through one of the holes in the button. Remove the straight pin, and wrap the thread around the stitching between the button and fabric 6 times. Bring the needle and thread down through the fabric again, and stitch 3-4 more stitches through the holes in the button. Finally, tie off the thread and cut the excess off with scissors. If you’re sewing a button with 4 holes instead of 2, follow the same process but alternate the pair of holes you’re stitching through. For help making your button more secure, scroll down!

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Reader Success Stories

  • Selene P.

    Selene P.

    Oct 27, 2024

    "I sewed my first button successfully, it was so nice, thanks."
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