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People stain brick for many reasons: to make repairs match the rest of the wall, to complement surrounding decor, or just to create a great color change. Unlike paint, stain will seep into and bond with the brick, creating a permanent color and allowing the brick to breathe.

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Getting Started

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  1. Splash a cup of water onto the brick. If the water beads up and runs off, your brick cannot be stained. It may have a coat of sealant applied, or it may be a non-absorbent type of brick. See the next step for more information.
  2. If the brick surface does not absorb water, you may need to remove a sealant. This process will not always work, and may cause discoloration. Try the following method:[1]
    • Apply lacquer thinner to a small area and let sit for ten minutes.
    • Wipe off and test with water again. If it is absorbed, use lacquer thinner on the whole area.
    • If the water is not absorbed, try again with a commercial brick or concrete sealer stripper.
    • If the commercial stripper does not work, staining is not possible. Paint over the brick instead.
  3. Clean the bricks. Saturate the brick with water first, so it cannot absorb cleaning solution. Scrub with a dilute, mild detergent from the top down to remove mildew, stains, and dirt. Rinse thoroughly from the top down, then let dry completely.
    • Heavily discolored bricks may require chemical brick cleaners, which you can find at your local brick supplier.[2] However, these can damage the brick or mortar, or interfere with the stain. Look for gentle options, and avoid unbuffered muriatic acid in particular.
    • If you are treating a large surface, hire a trained operator to pressure wash the surface. Unskilled pressure washing can permanently scar bricks. Make sure you mix a cleaner into the water before pressure washing.
  4. If possible, find a hardware store that will let you test samples of the stains before purchasing. If ordering online, find a kit that includes multiple colors, so you can mix them to experiment with the right shade. Choose from the following types:
    • Water-based brick stains are recommended for most purposes. They are easy to apply and allow the brick to "breathe," preventing water buildup.
    • Stains pre-mixed with sealant create a watertight coat on the bricks. This can actually make water damage worse in many situations.[3] Use these only for small areas with extreme water exposure, or very porous, damaged bricks.[4]
  5. Wear gloves, old clothes, and safety glasses.[5] Use painter's tape to seal off areas you do not intend to stain, such as window sills, door frames, etc.
    • You do not need to seal the mortar lines between bricks, as long as you're careful during application.
    • Stay near a bucket of water or a sink so you can quickly rinse spills. If spilled on skin, rinse with soapy water. If spilled on eyes, flush for ten minutes.
  6. The brick surface should be completely dry and clean. Exterior brick surfaces should not be stained during windy weather, to avoid dripping and uneven drying. Some stains should not be applied in cold or hot weather, as described on the label.
    • Temperature is usually only a concern at cold and hot extremes. Depending on product, minimum temperatures range from 25 to 40ºF (-4 to +4ºC). Maximum temperature is typically around 110ºF (43ºC).
  7. Read instructions on the stain container carefully. Typically, the user mixes the stain with water before using. Measure out the amount of water carefully to get a consistent color. Stir thoroughly in a figure eight pattern.
    • Use a disposable container that you can easily fit your brush into.
    • When in doubt, add less stain to the water. It's easy to add more concentrated color later, but difficult to lighten a stain once it's been applied.
    • If you are mixing multiple colors together, record the exact amounts of each color you mix, so you can repeat the recipe for the next batch.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Applying the Stain

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  1. Try out the stain on a corner of the wall or a spare brick. Let it dry completely so you see how this mixture looks. Refer to the steps below for application instructions.
    • Repeat this step each time you try a new mixture. Stains are permanent, so it's worth taking the time to find a color you prefer. If you cannot find a suitable color, ask for help from the store that sold you the stain kit.
  2. Use an ordinary paintbrush, about as wide as a single brick. Dip it into the stain, then press it against the side of the container nearest to you to drain excess stain. Don't use the side of the container opposite you, or splashes could hit the wall.[6]
    • If you are nervous about dripping on the brick, practice the technique using plain water. A water-based stain has the same consistency.
    • For very large surfaces, use a roller or sprayer instead. These methods give you much less control and will stain the mortar as well.
  3. For brick-and-mortar structures, run the brush along a single brick in one smooth motion. For brick pavers or other brick surfaces with no material between them, brush on in overlapping strokes, covering each surface twice. In either case, immediately touch up minor gaps with the corner of the brush.
    • Pull the brush toward the direction of the hand you are using (left to right for right-handed people).[7]
  4. Dip and drain the brush after every 3rd or 4th stroke, or when you notice it's leaving a less even layer of stain. Stir each time to keep the color even. Do not dip the brush partway through a single brick unless absolutely necessary.
  5. If you stain the bricks in a row, you may get darker or lighter color at one end, when you reach the bottom of your stain container. Make these slight differences look natural by painting bricks in a scattered pattern.
  6. Drips can leave darker streaks that are difficult to remove once set. Wipe them up with a damp rag immediately. Drain the brush against the side of the container to prevent more drips.
    • If you accidentally stain the mortar and can't wipe it all off, scrape off the color gently with an old screwdriver or other metal tool.
  7. If you plan to stain the mortar, use a narrow brush that can fit inside the mortar lines. Using a different color is recommended for aesthetic reasons.
  8. Wash all tools promptly to avoid dry residue. Dispose of your stain container and excess stain according to the safety label.
  9. Drying time varies significantly with temperature, humidity, and product. Good air flow across the brick's surface will speed this up.
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Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    If polymeric sand is stuck on bricks and cannot be removed easily, can paint over it?
    Mark Spelman
    Mark Spelman
    Construction Professional
    Mark Spelman is a General Contractor based in Austin, Texas. With over 30 years of construction experience, Mark specializes in constructing interiors, project management, and project estimation. He has been a construction professional since 1987.
    Mark Spelman
    Construction Professional
    Expert Answer
    Yes. it's preferable to remove, but if it's not possible, it's ok to paint over it.
  • Question
    Can the stain be used on a brick patio as opposed to a brick wall? My brick patio has pretty bad water stains that are unsightly.
    Mark Spelman
    Mark Spelman
    Construction Professional
    Mark Spelman is a General Contractor based in Austin, Texas. With over 30 years of construction experience, Mark specializes in constructing interiors, project management, and project estimation. He has been a construction professional since 1987.
    Mark Spelman
    Construction Professional
    Expert Answer
    If you're going to be standing a brick patio with bad water stains, use an impregnated dye
  • Question
    Will stain cover up the efflorescence on brick?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    I have used muriatic acid in a pump sprayer to remove efflorescence on the bricks in my basement. Take the usual precautions: gloves, mask, goggles, and plenty of ventilation.
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  • Brick stain does not typically pose any health or safety risks. It's always a good idea to check your product label for safety information, just in case.
  • Unlike paint, stain soaks into the brick and adds to its color, instead of covering it completely. The color you get will be a mix of the existing brick color and the stain color.
  • Wipe off extra stain when using latex-based stain, or it may thicken on the surface instead of seeping in.
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Things You'll Need

  • Glove, safety glasses, and old clothes
  • Brick stain
  • Disposable container
  • Paint brush (recommended), or deep nap roller or powered sprayer
  • Painter's tape and drop cloths
  • Measuring cup and measuring spoons
  • Brush as wide as your brickwork
  • Rags
  • Water

About This Article

Gerber Ortiz-Vega
Co-authored by:
Masonry Specialist & Founder, GO Masonry LLC
This article was co-authored by Gerber Ortiz-Vega. Gerber Ortiz-Vega is a Masonry Specialist and the Founder of GO Masonry LLC, a masonry company based in Northern Virginia. Gerber specializes in providing brick and stone laying services, concrete installations, and masonry repairs. Gerber has over four years of experience running GO Masonry and over ten years of general masonry work experience. He earned a BA in Marketing from the University of Mary Washington in 2017. This article has been viewed 327,755 times.
14 votes - 93%
Co-authors: 18
Updated: March 10, 2025
Views: 327,755
Categories: Painting Walls
Article SummaryX

Before staining your bricks, test how the mixture looks by applying it to a spare brick since the color may appear different than you expected when it dries. If you like the color, apply the stain by running a paint brush along the brick in a smooth motion. After every third or fourth brick, dip the brush in your stain and drain off any excess. As you work, try to paint the bricks in a scattered pattern to avoid getting a darker or lighter color on 1 end when you get to the bottom of your stain container. Finally, clean up any drips promptly. To learn how to stain mortar and how to choose the right brick stain product, read on!

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