hybrid's V4 500 Project

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Barrels- Mick Abbey (UK) Tune
- Uppers modified to fit RZ350 cages.
PipesNikkon GP
InductionFuel Injection
- GPZ1100 Throttle Body Injection
- GPZ1100 Fuel Pump
- ECU: Microsquirt
IgnitionZeeltronic CDI-RD500
- Separate Front and Rear Circuits
-Allows different timing for Front and Rear Cranks

- Barrels repaired with JB Weld where fitting RZ350 cages went through.

- Top cases welded and JBWelded for RZ350 cages.
A seam of weld was run along the outside edges of the reed housing gasket surfaces, and then milled flat to give a wider gasket face. JBWeld was then used to fill in the sides for extra strength.
The manifold was also filled with JBWeld for extra strength and sealing surface.

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