The current generation Strada was launched with bolder styling than its predecessor with added creases. For 2019, it receives a major refresh. The most noticeable update is the sharper front end which now follows the same aggressive Dynamic Shield family face as the Xpander and Montero Sport. Moving to the sides, it gets more squared-off front and rear wheel arches. At the rear, new more angular taillights compliment the new front-end styling. It receives an updated interior which features a new center stack and a new steering wheel. For 2022, the GLS variants were given some cosmetic updates and added safety features. In late 2022, The GLS RALLIART 2WD variant joined the lineup, it features exclusive RALLIART components.The refreshed Strada is powered by a 2.4-liter DOHC diesel unit which produces 178hp and 430Nm of torque. It's available with a 6-speed manual transmission and a new 6-speed automatic tranny. 4x2 is standard while Super Select 4WD II is optional.
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