Saturday, March 15, 2025

AI Learning I Am Doing

If you are in education, I'm sure you have been inundated with AI tools, resources, how to's, why/why not, do/do not's, and so much more. I know I have been.  ChatGPT was release on November 30, 2022. A little more than 2 years ago. I did a search on Amazon for "artificial intelligence books" and it returned over 20,000. Wow. 

I am not opposed to AI, but I'm super hesitate to just go all in. I have serious concerns with introducing AI far too early to our students only to find out in a few years that we've unintentionally weakened their educational foundation. I'd like to take a slower approach and be mindful with what and how I incorporate AI in the classroom.

I have been in the ed-tech world for at least a decade and I have my favorite resources so I have been sticking close to them in this world of AI discovery and learning. Catlin Tucker comes out near the top. She and Katie Novak have recently release a book, "Elevating Educational Design with AI: Making Learning Accessible, Inclusive, and Equitable". What I am most excited about this book is that it is not pushing a tool or prompts to feed o AI. 

In their own words, this book wants to  "empower teachers with an adaptable and rigorous educational design framework that embodies the best ideals of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and blended learning". 

I have not yet gotten my hands on this book, but I have listened to a couple of Catlin's podcasts where she shares about the book and it really piqued my interest. I think they might be of interest to you, too. Here are the two I've listened to:

I'd love to know if you have read Catlin's book. Is it helpful? Do you have other resources you'd like to share? 

*** Every Monday, I share a newsletter with a collection of Tech You Can Do resources. It is delivered right to your inbox. Interested? 
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Saturday, March 1, 2025

OETC 2025 Presentations & more!

I presented twice at Ohio's Educational Technology Conference (OETC) in early February. I haven't presented in quite some time - and thanks to the encouragement from my curriculum director, I put in for and was accepted. It felt really good to get back into the presentation world and I very much enjoyed going to OETC this year.

My first presentation was "Citizenship, Connection, & Collaboration in the Tech Classroom." When I began at Madeira Middle School, I felt it was important to infuse digital citizenship with my students. And I wanted to encourage a community infusion, so I asked the Madeira Police to join forces. They happily agreed and we are on year 2 of our collaboration. It has been a wonderful collaboration.

My second presentation was a collaboration with the art teacher at Madeira "Collaboration to Create a New Course". We were tasked with creating a course for our incoming 6th graders this year and we designed Digital Art. We shared our story of creating Digital Art and where we are going from here. It was great to co-present with Liz and share our success. I hope we can inspire you - or someone you know - to create a new course. Our students love this class and we do, too!

Finally, the day after I returned from OETC I did a super fast - 2 minute - demo slam for Book Creator. I've never done one of these before and it was great! In my 2 minutes, I shared how Liz & I use Book Creator for our Digital Art class' portfolios. They love using it and we love seeing them build them over the semester.

You can watch my 2 minutes here: 2025 Demo Slam. You can see the entire list of slams, from this one and previous ones here: Community Demo Slams

I hope you enjoy these!

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Sunday, February 23, 2025

"Lifelines" You Can Do

I've noticed the many of the students I have right now are hesitant to work independently. I don't mind questions, but it's not so much about not understanding as it seems to be they want hand-holding. I wracked my brain to try something to encourage independence and inspiration hit! 

Big time!

Do you remember the game show, "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?" Do remember the lifelines each contestant was given? Bingo. 

I decided to give my students 4 lifelines the first time I gave them a digital breakout to work on. Most students said they were familiar with digital breakouts, but when we got to work on it, most of them froze on what to do. I'm so glad I decided to use the lifelines!

The four "lifelines" I gave them were:

  • ask a classmate
  • help from Mrs Kiefer
  • Google It
  • Google It
I explained to them a digital breakout would take some work. They'd be challenged and may not find the answers right away. But they could use a lifeline to help them if they were really stumped. Ultimately, if they didn't use a lifeline, I'd reward them with a bonus point on their total score. They could earn a total of 4 bonus points. This really motivated them! (I also told them if they didn't write their name on their lifelines they'd lose any chance of the bonus points ... I'm also working to instill responsibility! I'm shocked at how many of them did NOT write their name on theirs!)

I'm not quite sure who had more fun with these lifelines; the kids or me? They would ask me a question and before I'd answer, I'd say to them, "Are you sure you want to use this lifeline?" The vast majority of the time, they hesitated and waved me off. It really encouraged them to think strategically about using each one.  And they were super honest about when they DID use one, even if I wasn't right there to mark it off - they'd do it themselves.

The second time I used them this quarter, I collected them from the students as they left the room. The social studies teacher across the hall from me noticed them and asked about them. I shared the story and he asked if he could borrow the idea - he had noticed the struggle, too, since we share the same kids. I laughed and said, "Of course! But you have to find your own bitmoji!"

I made mine in Canva and I would suggest you look at the assignment you want to use it with and think about what would be an appropriate number and type of lifelines and go from there. I also shrunk them down so they are about the size of a bookmark - 4 to a single sheet of paper - rather than an entire sheet. I ran off a bunch, so I always have a stack ready to go at any time. 

This is such a fun addition to ANY activity. It can be added to ANY lesson - ANY grade - ANY content.

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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Google Sheets Teaching You Can Do

Google Sheets is one of my favorite Google applications. (I think I say that about all of them, don't I?) I have chosen to purposefully add Sheets to the curriculum I teach with my 6th graders. This quarter, I felt like I needed to step up the learning portion before I gave my students the Google Sheets Choice Activity to show off their learning. 

I turned to my favorite "tech extraordinaire"  ... Eric Curts! He has so many amazing Google Sheets activities. I had been using one of Google's Applied Digital Skills lessons previously, but I felt like it was a little dry for my 6th graders, so I collected several of Eric's Sheets activities and really looked at what skills I wanted to focus on and then chose Sheets that worked with the selected skills. I put together a teacher version and a student version to make it easier for me to see what skills should be focused on on which sheet.

I present: Google Sheets ... Teacher workbook & Google Sheets ... student practice! It's posted on my connected blog, Templates for Teachers, so you can also browse for other activities for your classroom. I don't dig into complex Sheets formulas - most of it is on the basic level. My students haven't had much experience with Sheets - most couldn't even remember ever using it.

Sheets doesn't have to be an overwhelming tool - it is a powerful tool, that with some learning, can be beneficial to have at your fingertips. The "Directions" tab was a great way to start and probably the tab we spent the most time on. Laying this strong foundation was a great starting point. I'm definitely using it again!

If you use it - will you let me know how it goes? I'd love to hear feedback.

*** Every Monday, I share a newsletter with a collection of Tech You Can Do resources. It is delivered right to your inbox. Interested? Sign up here!  ***

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Unit Planning Overview You Can Do

One of the things I've struggled with the last 18 months is keeping my lessons organized in a simple way. This school year, I feel like I've got a bit of a system worked out that works pretty well. The process to get there has been a bit messy, but I feel good about it now.

Here's my situation:

  • I returned to the classroom after 8 years
  • I have formal observations from my principal
  • I am teaching Digital Art, Coding, Communications, Tech Skills, & Tech Applications
    • Digital Art, Coding, & Communications meet twice a week for a semester
    • Tech Skills & Applications meets M-F for a quarter
  • I have students in grades 6, 7, & 8
  • I was given the flexibility to improve the curriculum for all of these courses
I started in the staff handbook, where a narrative of the districts lesson plan expectation was outlined. Last year I worked with a digital platform, but it felt clunky to me. I turned to Google Docs, where I create a template for my lessons. It has worked really well to help me organize my plans and thoughts and activities. I plan by "unit", so each Google Doc covers multiple days. I do not follow this strictly from class to class or even quarter to quarter. I am also a little "old school" in that I print it out to keep on my desk. I will jot notes on it as the unit progresses, then I transfer it into the digital version for future reference.

Interested in seeing this lesson plan template? I've shared it on Templates for Teachers - Lesson Plan Template

Since I teach 5 different classes, I needed a way to "track" them all and keep them organized. I also found that I had a few seasonal lessons or even lessons I could use as sub plans if necessary that I wanted to be sure to have easy access to. I realized a Google Sheet was the most practical way to keep my lessons together - yet separate for each class - as well as being able to add in links. (I'm sure a Doc would have worked, too, but I like the functionality of Sheets better for this.)

I made a template tab and then got to work building it out for my Tech Skills class. I had the name of the unit, projected number of days it would cover, the essential question, and the link to the full lesson plan. I realized as I was filling this all in, it would also be helpful to have a column for the programs I'd need to use and what skill I was focusing on. Simple - with some detail - and I've worked to keep it to a "one-pager" when I print. I love it!

Interested in seeing this unit planning template? I've shared it on Templates for Teachers - Curriculum Map.

Some improvements I've made since I first started using this - I separated out the Digital Citizenship lessons I do with each class a few lines down from the last lesson. I like to keep these separate so I can easily find them. I also separated out "other" lessons below the Digital Citizenship lesson. These might be "one-day-ers" or sub plans or even holiday themed lessons. This is especially helpful when I switch quarters and I won't re-use that lesson.  Finally, I added in a link to the detailed lesson plan template in the upper right corner, so when create new lessons, it's easy to find. 

Even though I love tech, I do print these curriculum maps. I carry these in my planner so I can plan when it's convenient for me & I'm not dependent on internet connection. I've also begun writing the dates in the far left margin. 

Is this helpful? I hope so. I always figure I'm not the only one out there that is looking for something. My solution my not be yours ... but maybe my solution will inspire you and give you a place to start. Good luck!

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