Photographer: Vince Agagnina

Photographer: Jimmy Stewart with Blacksuit FM Photography

Photographer: Sasha Kay

Photographer: Mendel with MG Photos

Photographer: Sasha Kay

“Many Loves” Hannah Ray as Alise/Serafina/Mrs.Breen/Clara

Photographer: Edwin Ascencio with EAA Photos

Photographer: Edwin Ascencio with EAA Photos

Photographer: Vince Agagnina

Photographer: Vince Agagnina

Photographer: Edwin Ascencio with EAA Photos

“Many Loves” Hannah Ray as Serafina

Live at Arlenes Grocery NYC

Photographer: Charles Chessler Photography

“Big River” Joanna Wilkes

Photographer: Mendel with MG Photos

Photographer: Sasha Kay

Photographer: Mendel with MG Photos

Photographer: Sasha Kay

“Grease” Hannah Ray pictured 2nd from right in front row

Photographer: Sasha Kay

“Big River” Hannah Ray Pictured Center

Photographer: Jimmy Stewart with Blacksuit FM Photography

Professional Division Ballroom Dance Competition

Photographer: Edwin Ascencio with EAA Photos

“Many Loves” Doc and Clara

Photographer: Edwin Ascencio with EAA Photos

“Big River” Hannah Ray as Jo Harper Pictured front right

Photographer: Edwin Ascencio with EAA Photos

Photographer: Edwin Ascencio with EAA Photos