The 4th episode of Jujutsu Kaisen, titled Fearsome Womb, sees Itadori, Megumi and Nobara facing off against an S-Grade curse named the Finger Bearer. It’s a scary being created from eating one of Sukuna’s fingers, hence the name. It’s also the focal point of episode 4, that is filled with 16 amazing quotes, all of which I’ve gathered here today. Scroll down, and enjoy the 16 best Jujutsu Kaisen quotes in episode 4!
Check out the best Jujutsu Kaisen quotes in Episode 1, 2 & 3!
“Do not fight under any circumstances. If you encounter a special-grade, your options are to either run or die.” – Kiyotaka Ijichi
Simple. Straight to the point. Crystal clear. Sadly for Yuji Itadori, he didn’t listen to a word our timid lil’ Kiyotaka Ijichi said! What part of “run or die” was not clear? Was it the running away part or the dying part? Nevertheless, Yuji’s actions don’t take anything away from this badass quote. If anything, Yuji’s decision to fight the Finger Bearer made this quote more awesome.
What stands out to me is how this quote amplifies the threat level. When you hear someone say that you can only “run or die” from a threat, that threat now becomes increasingly scary. Therefore, I really like how it was said, and when it was said. It added that little extra spice to an unforgettable encounter.
“Good boy! Have some jerky! Have all the jerky you want!” – Nobara Kugisaki
Here’s a lesson worth learning. If you want to make your friends like dogs, just explain to them how they can save your life in sticky situations. If you ever get lost, just use your dog’s sense of smell the find the way out, and your friends will love your puppy, just like Kugisaki and Itadori.
There’s not much to say about this quote, as it’s simplistic and straight forward, with a mildly amusing delivery. Whether you like it or not, I think we can all agree that this moment was a bit unexpected, and thus rather funny!
“I have no intention of risking my own life to save someone I had no intention of saving in the first place!” – Megumi Fushiguro
When Yuji Itadori comes across the dead body of Tadashi Okazaki, he wants to bring his body back to the young man’s mother, who was seen pleading outside of the detention center. But Megumi felt like it was an unnecessary risk to drag a dead body with them, since the man was already dead. Not only that, but Megumi didn’t want to risk his life for a person he supposedly had “no intention of saving in the first place”. There’s our conundrum. There’s the conflict that sparked a heated confrontation between Itadori and Fushiguro.
On one hand, Itadori is right for wanting to give Tadashi’s mother some closure, thinking that it’s the most humane thing to do. On the other hand, Fushiguro is right that they should focus on their mission, and not drag a dead body outside, especially since Tadashi wasn’t some kind of an innocent bystander. Tadashi hit a schoolgirl while driving his car without a licence, and it was his second offence. Therefore, both of them have valid arguments. It all depends on what side of the fence you choose? Who’s right and who’s wrong?
Irregardless of who you think is right and wrong, hearing Megumi say that he never intended to save anyone anyways was truly shocking. To hear him be this cold-hearted and insensitive was unexpected. But it showed us that he could hold himself to the mission at hand, and not be swayed by distractions. It’s something that you’re either gonna hate or like. But that’s also the reason this quote is amazing. It makes you think, doesn’t it?
“I know you’re stuck on saving lots of people and guiding them to proper deaths. But what are you going to do when someone you saved kills someone else in the future?” – Megumi Fushiguro
In this heated confrontation, Megumi Fushiguro challenges Yuji Itadori’s simplistic and holier than thou worldview. It’s important to choose who you save. If you try to save everybody, you won’t be able to save anyone. And if you happen to save the wrong people, your actions might lead to the death of others. So caution needs to be practiced, even if you have the opportunity to save someone’s life. But you have to ask yourself if the person you want to save is worth risking your own life over, and whether or not they should be saved at all.
Warm Heart or Cold Heart?
It’s a terrifying thing to think about, isn’t it? Whether or not people should be saved based on their deeds in life? Both sides of the coin have a good argument, and Itadori isn’t wrong for his compassionate view on people. It’s as if he looks at everybody as a good person or a lost soul that can be helped. It’s very beautiful in essence. But it’s an extremely unfair and dangerous way of thinking, as that means that good people are equal to bad people. That doesn’t make any sense morally speaking. And thus, you must think who you are saving, as a good person like Kugisaki can’t be compared to someone like Mahito.
On the other side of the coin we have Megumi, someone who is very selective in who he saves. While there’s more to the story than this part of the quote, it’s clear that Megumi is not happy with saving people that might lead to more ruin and death in the future. It’s a cold approach, but also very logical. While you could make a case that people can change and that there are variable levels to being a “bad person”, it’s clear that Megumi wants to save good people. But then again, sometimes even good people were bad before they were good, isn’t that so? Thus, it’s another deep quote that makes you think. I love it!
“Cut it out! Christ, what are you two doing?! You’re both idiots!” – Nobara Kugisaki
You have to love Nobara’s straight-forward nature, and her willingness to constantly speak her mind – especially in these types of situations. While both Megumi and Yuji have a valid point, the way they are arguing and grabbing a hold of each other is completely unnecessary in this particular situation. After all, we’ve got a Special Grade curse roaming about, ready to kill ’em all!
“If you want to switch, go ahead and switch. But once you do, I’ll kill that brat before the cursed spirit can! Then, I’ll go for that woman! She’s a lively one. I’ll have fun with her.” – Ryomen Sukuna
Ryomen Sukuna’s quotes go from badass to awfully scary in a course of a few sentences, isn’t that so true? Take these intimidating lines as proof of that. We’re talking about a threat to not only Megumi Fushiguro, but a creepy warning to Nobara Kugisaki. It’s unsettling, isn’t it? But I guess that’s the reason it’s such a good quote. I simple like the straight forward approach that still has so much personality and charisma in it! I just had to include it on my list of the 16 best quotes of Jujutsu Kaisen episode 4.
“Trying to say it’s easier to move around in your underwear?” – Yuji Itadori
When the Finger Bearer reveals his muscular legs that would make The Rock jealous, Yuji says this quote in response. While it’s obviously intended to be a light-hearted jab at the Curse, it’s a way for Yuji to downplay the situation so that he’s not as fearful. It goes without saying that it didn’t work. Instead, we got a fun little line where Yuji pokes fun at the Finger Bearer for it’s choice of fight gear, and everyday mobility. After all, it is easier to move around in underwear than any piece of clothing.
“Ow, ow, ow… It hurts, it hurts, it hurts! Why am I… If only I hadn’t picked up that finger back then. If I hadn’t eaten it, If only, If only…” – Yuji Itadori
The sheer intensity of Yuji’s distress slices through the air, palpable and shattering. Witnessing him scrape through the recess of his psyche, as he delves into the deepest parts of his mind, is excruciating. With a Special Grade curse before him, Yuji is questioning everything. It’s truly a sight to see, someone so young and full of vigor, to ponder so deeply about his decisions. But it’s not surprising. It’s what makes Yuji so relatable and likable. And it’s the reason it’s one of the best 16 quotes in Jujutsu Kaisen episode 4.
“I want to run, I want to run, I want to run! I don’t want to die. If I died here… If I actually died… Would that be a proper death?! Don’t think!” – Yuji Itadori
The pain can be felt through the picture and heard through the words. It’s truly painful. It’s a hard image to even look at without feeling some sort of way.
You’ve lived your life with superhuman strength, agility and speed, so you’ve probably never felt weak or incapable of resolving a situation with your gifts. Now that you’ve lost your only known relative, your grandfather, and eaten Sukuna’s finger, the life you’ve once known has changed forever. You can’t take any steps backwards. You can only move forwards. And here you are, with your hand cut off, fingers blasted away, suffering from internal bleeding, trying to hold off a Special Grade curse. For the first time in forever, you can’t win with your physical gifts, so you feel weak. You want to run. You want to live. And you keep asking yourself what’s a “proper death”. It all makes sense.
“I was so full of myself, I thought I was strong. I thought I was at least strong enough to choose when I died. But I was wrong. I’m weak! I’m far too weak!” – Yuji Itadori
Do you want to know the saddest thing about this quote? It’s absolutely 100% truthful. Itadori has always been able to rely on his physical gifts and positive mindset to push through things. But in this situation, he noticed exactly how running head first into situations isn’t always the best approach. It can result in death. If it wasn’t for Sukuna, Itadori would’ve been killed. But thanks to the King of Curses, he was able to swap out and survive the encounter.
What’s special about this quote is that it shows how humble Itadori is. It’s not like he does not understand when he’s beaten. He does. It’s that he truly gives it his all, every second of his life, and every minute of the day. So for him, losing is heartbreaking. Worst of all, his grandfather’s death put twisted doubt into his heart, and made his emotional state weaker. So when he was faced with the Finger Bearer, he let all of his emotions out, understanding that he wasn’t good at all. And by that I mean that he wasn’t feeling good, even though he tried to put on a brave face in front of everybody. In turn, in this moment, Itadori grieved for his grandfather. And that is beautiful in it’s own right.
“Augh, I don’t want to die! No… No way! But I’m going to die!” – Yuji Itadori
I’m not going to write a lot underneath this image. It speaks for itself. What we’ve got here is a young man moments before thinking he’s going to die, suffering from internal bleeding, with his hand cut off and fingers torched off. It’s just so sad. But I couldn’t leave it off the list, as it’s one of the most raw and honest quotes in Jujutsu Kaisen history. All alone, moments from his death, Yuji itadori literally speaks from his heart. It’s honestly very gripping, but sad.
“A proper death? Yeah, right! Don’t be naive! Still, I want to be able to say my death was a proper one. So all the hate, fear, regret… Let it all out… And put it in your fist!” – Yuji Itadori
Talk about pulling yourself out of a slump mid battle? Yuji Itadori went from crying in agony and pleading for his life, only to turn around and throw his own mindset out the window and fight back with all the hate, fear and regret in his body! While the effort didn’t amount to any results, it made Itadori feel good enough to at least get back to his feet and try to fight back. That’s a champion’s heart right there!
What I like about this quote is how Itadori realizes that thinking about a “proper death” isn’t important, and that his worldview may indeed be a bit naive. While he doesn’t outright say that, he definitely thinks that he needs to change his mindset, the way he lists hate, fear, and regret. It shows that there are many things he’s living with that he’s not happy with, but that he doesn’t show it. He’s the type of person that will put on a smile even when it hurts, and that’s the reason he’s so damn likable! He’s one of us. One of the people that tries to look at the world through a positive lens even if it’s painful and naive. It’s honestly jaw-droppingly heartwarming.
“You don’t like walks?” – Ryomen Sukuna
I love it how Sukuna still has a sense of humor, willing to joke around with the Special Grade curse that just violently attacked him. It’s just Sukuna’s raw sarcasm that shines through in moments like these, where he genuinelly just wants to have a laugh and enjoy himself. After all, he’s been laying torment for many years now, so why not laugh, eh? Now come on, let’s take a walk, my lil’ Finger Bearer. The night is still young!
“If the worst case happens… then it’s my responsibility to end him.” – Megumi Fushiguro
It’s short, sweet and simple. Megumi asked Gojo Satoru to spare Yuji Itadori. Now, the master of shadows, feels responsible for what happens to, and with, Yuji. In turn, he’s willing to fight, and kill him, if need be. It’s the reason he stays at the Detention Center; to secure that Sukuna doesn’t overtake Yuji’s body and run rampant.
Ironic, isn’t it? Taking on such a burden? After all, Gojo fought for Yuji to be a vessel as well, and he also feels responsible for the kid, as well as Nobara and Megumi. I guess you could say that this chain of reponsibility makes sense. They are Jujutsu Sorcerers who fight curses and seek peace in the midst of bloody chaos!
“You look happy. Want me to praise you?” – Ryomen Sukuna
The Finger Bearers are prone to laughing, and when the curse did something worth laughing about, Sukuna quickly shut that happiness down in a matter of seconds. Alongside his quick and impressive decimation of the Special Grade curse came this quote. It illustrates Sukuna’s sick and sadistic side so well, as he finds it amusing when someone is confident and joyful, as if to say that those emotions are ironic to him. It’s why he asks whether or not the curse wants some “praise”, when he was able to do something menial and pathetic in the eyes of Sukuna.
If you look too happy, you can get hurt, especially if you’re face to face with the very reason for your existence; The King of Curses. After all, the name “Finger Bearer” comes from consuming, and housing, one of Sukuna’s fingers.
“Neither you nor this brat really understand what curses truly are.”
This ominous quote can send shivers down your spine, just like it did for me, as it’s so scary to hear the King of Curses saying that we don’t “understand what curses truly are”. Like, what on earth does he mean by that? Is this just directed towards Megumi and Itadori, or all Sorcerers? I’m puzzled! I don’t have a clue, and that’s why I think it’s such a great quote to begin with! As it makes you push your mind into gear, thinking of what Sukuna might be referring to. In turn, it’s a really interesting and thought-provoking quote.
I worked hard on putting together this list of the 16 best Jujutsu Kaisen quotes of episode 4. I hope you enjoyed it. Make sure to watch out for the best JJK quotes of episode 5 in the near future! ⚡