
The Isaiah Projects is a ministry dedicated to creating and providing specific tools that will help Christians discover the Hebraic roots of their faith.


Promoting a Shabbat Lifestyle

Isaiah prophesied, “‘And it will that from New Moon to New Moon, from Shabbat to Shabbat, all of humanity will worship before Me,’ says The Eternal”  (Isaiah 66:23). In order to activate this prophecy now, The Isaiah Projects will provide digital teachings and videos on how one can adopt a Shabbat lifestyle.

In March of 2022, The Isaiah Projects published Your Sabbath Invitation to help Christians discover how to plug into the Amplified Transparent Presence of God and be a partner in ushering in the Messianic prophecy of Isaiah 66:23.


Creating Parent Resources for Discipleship in the Hebraic Roots of the Christian Faith

Isaiah envisions that “many peoples will go, and they will say, ‘Come and let us ascend to the mountain of The Eternal, to the House of the God of Jacob, and we will walk in His paths for from Zion Torah issues, and the Word of The Eternal from Jerusalem’” (Isaiah 2:3). The verse clarifies that Torah is the basis for obeying God (walking in His paths), and Zion is the epicenter from where Biblical revelation will pour forth in the end of time. The Isaiah Projects, in 2023, launched Biblical Excavations – a homeschool curriculum resource for parents to have their children develop their critical thinking skills and Hebraic understanding of the Bible.

Distributing Shabbat Supermarket Cards to Single-Parent Ethiopian Families

Isaiah 58:7 reads, “Is it not sharing your bread with the poor, and that you bring the homeless poor persons into the house? And you shall not hide yourself from your own flesh”. The Isaiah Projects is dedicated to uplifting those who do not have the financial means to properly celebrate Shabbat.

Providing Humanitarian Aid to Christians Living in Jerusalem

Isaiah 41:6 states that “Everyone helps his neighbor and says to his brother, ‘Be strong!'” The Isaiah Projects is committed to uplifting the Christian Arab community living in Jerusalem by providing food care packages to those who are financially challenged.

Book: Your Sabbath Invitation

Your Sabbath Invitation: Home Bible Fellowship Study uses the art of the question to train readers to decode and decipher scripture Hebraically – learning how Jesus learned. It is an interactive small group study and discussion guide that invites us to enter into the Sabbath state of mind by connecting the Sabbath experience throughout scripture. Using informative lessons, discussion questions, and prayer prompts this book enhances or restores wonder to scripture study. It’s fully adjustable to serve youth groups and individual families as well. 


Foundations Blog


A New Approach to Esther 4:14: Part III: A Time Such as This?

Foundations A New Approach to Esther 4:14: Part III:  A Time Such as This? David NekrutmanJuly 2, 2024   In the last two parts of the ...
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A New Approach to Esther 4:14 Part II: “Who Knows?”

Foundations A New Approach to Esther 4:14 Part II: “Who Knows” David Nekrutman April 26, 2024 At the beginning of this month, I left you ...
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Janet Cain

Janet Cain

Pastor Donna Taylor

Pastor Donna Taylor

Marsha Conrad

Marsha Conrad

David Nekrutman

David Nekrutman

Visiting Israel?

David Nekrutman, the Executive Director of The Isaiah Projects, would like to host your group for a Hebraic Bible Study at Netanya College Jewish Heritage Center or at your hotel venue. Please fill out the form below and David will contact you.

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