Tuxedos Formal Wear Rental & Sales in North Hollywood Los Angeles
Gregory’s Tuxedos And Suits
12051 Magnolia Blvd. North Hollywood, CA 91607
(Near Laurel Canyon Blvd)
818-980-5480Make An Appointment
10AM to 6PM Monday-Friday (PST)
10AM To 5PM Saturday
In-Store Shopping Experience
At Gregory’s we frown upon the idea of picking your tuxedos solely out of a catalog or off a mannequin. That’s why when you come to our friendly showroom a formalwear professional will assist and encourage the groom to dress from head to toe in as many tuxedo and accessory combinations as he would like.
He then can make a selection with confidence in knowing exactly what he will look like on that very special day, leaving virtually nothing to the imagination. Everything is in stock at Gregory’s! We make Tuxedo Rentals Sales easy. It’s definitely worth the trip!
You’ll get great service and take advantage of Gregory’s special wedding party pricing. With a party of 5 or more rentals you can choose from over 32 style for just $89 to $130, and with a party of 6 the grooms tux is free!
To Rent or Buy?
We Rent and sell tuxedos but unlike most stores we sell more tuxedos then we rent. The reason for this is that we make our own brand MODA FORMALWEAR. Once people find out that they can get a tuxedo package to buy for a low everyday price. they opt to buy instead of rent.
We also carry other name brands. We still do tuxedo rentals so when you come in you will be surprised and delighted with your options to buy and rent.
The menu on the top is for all the items we sell online and in our store. The menu on the left is for rental items in our North Hollywood Store only
Tuxedos and Accessories for sale can be shipped anywhere