


Slutty women can stop following me.....you WILL get blocked.

βš”οΈ π—‘π—²π˜„ π—Άπ˜π—²π—Ί! Iron Rose
Weapon (morningstar), rare (requires attunement) ___ The head of this morningstar is in the shape of a rose. You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. The weapon has two forms: bloom form (if the weapon is in bright light) or bud form (if the weapon is in dim light or darkness). Iron petals unfurl from the weapon’s spiked head while in bloom form, and enclose it while in bud form. While in bud form, the weapon deals bludgeoning damage, instead of piercing. While holding the weapon, you can use an action to cast one of the following spells from it (spell save DC 15): β€œentangle” (bud form only), β€œprotection from poison” (any form), or β€œspike growth” (bloom form only). Once a spell has been cast from the weapon, it can’t be cast from it again until the next dawn. ___ ✨ Patrons get huge perks! Access this and hundreds of other item cards, art files, and compendium entries when you support The Griffon’s Saddlebag on Patreon for as little as $3 a month!


βš”οΈ π—‘π—²π˜„ π—Άπ˜π—²π—Ί! War Mage’s Staff
Staff, very rare (requires attunement by a sorcerer, warlock, or wizard) ___ This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. At one end of the staff is a crystal orb, while a crystal blade is affixed to the other; your attacks with this weapon deal either bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage (your choice each time). The staff has 10 charges for the following properties. The staff regains 1d8 + 2 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff loses its Arcane Ward and Spells properties. On a 20, the staff regains 1d8 + 2 charges. π˜Όπ™§π™˜π™–π™£π™š π™Žπ™π™žπ™šπ™‘π™™.Β When you’re hit with an attack (but before taking any damage) and are holding the staff, you can expend 1 of the staff’s charges to roll a d4 and add the result to your AC against the triggering attack (no action required), potentially causing the attack to miss. You can continue to expend charges in this way to add additional d4s to the AC bonus, even after seeing the result of the previous d4 but before the damage is calculated. If you’re concentrating on a spell, the first d4 you roll per attack costs 0 charges. π™Žπ™₯π™šπ™‘π™‘π™¨.Β While holding the staff, you can use an action to expend 2 of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell attack bonus and spell save DC: β€œchromatic orb” (4th-level version), β€œfire shield”, β€œfreedom of movement”, β€œmirror image”, β€œmisty step”, β€œray of enfeeblement”, β€œthunderwave” (4th-level version), or β€œwind wall”. ___ ✨ Patrons get huge perks! Access this and hundreds of other item cards, art files, and compendium entries when you support The Griffon’s Saddlebag on Patreon for as little as $3 a month!


βš”οΈ π—‘π—²π˜„ π—Άπ˜π—²π—Ί! Sickle of the Golden Ibis
Weapon (sickle), rare (requires attunement) ___

The head of this sickle is designed in the likeness of a proud ibis. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. While the sickle is on your person, you also gain a +1 bonus to any ability check or saving throw you make that uses Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. If you’re a cleric, you can use the sickle as a holy symbol, and when you make an attack with it, you can use your Wisdom modifier, instead of Strength or Dexterity, for the attack and damage rolls.

π™ˆπ™žπ™£π™™ π™Žπ™‘π™žπ™˜π™š. The first creature you hit with the sickle on each of your turns takes an extra 1d6 psychic damage from the attack. If you roll a 6 on the psychic damage die, the creature reels from the psychic attack, and the next attack roll or ability check that creature makes before the start of your next turn is made with disadvantage. A creature is immune to this effect if it has immunity to psychic damage. ___

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πŸ’Ž π—‘π—²π˜„ π—Άπ˜π—²π—Ί! Bangles of the Wind’s Blessing
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) ___

While wearing these bangles on either your wrists or ankles, you’re always under the effects of the β€œfeather fall” spell. In addition, you can use a bonus action to tap the bangles together to gain a flying speed of 30 feet. The effect lasts for up to 1 hour, all at once or in several shorter flights, each one using a minimum of 1 minute from the duration. You can end the effect early using a bonus action. The bangles regain any expended flight time daily at dawn.

The bangles’ other benefits depend on where they’re worn. You can use an action to doff or don the bangles.

π˜Όπ™£π™ π™‘π™šπ™¨. While wearing both the bangles on your ankles, wind graces your every step. Your walking speed increases by 10 feet, the maximum distance you can jump is doubled, and you can hover up to 2 feet above solid ground. If you have a flying speed, your flying speed also increases by 10 feet.

π™’π™§π™žπ™¨π™©π™¨. While wearing both the bangles on your wrists, a gentle wind swirls around you. The range of your unarmed strikes increases by 5 feet (pummeling a target with forceful winds), and once on each of your turns when you hit a Large or smaller target with a melee weapon attack or unarmed strike, you can push that creature up to 15 feet away from you. In addition, the normal range of your thrown weapon attacks increases by 15 feet.

π˜½π™€π™©π™. While wearing one bangle on your wrist and the other on your ankle of the same side, you can summon a barrier of buffeting wind at a moment’s notice. When you or a creature within 5 feet of you are hit by a weapon attack, you can use your reaction to impose a βˆ’5 penalty to the triggering attack roll, potentially causing the attack to miss. You must be able to see the attacker. ___

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βš”οΈ π—‘π—²π˜„ π—Άπ˜π—²π—Ί! Helios Spear
Weapon (spear), legendary (requires attunement) ___

This spear radiates with warmth, as if it had been left in the sun. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon, or +2 if you’re in sunlight. On a hit, the weapon deals an extra 1d10 radiant damage. Whenever you roll radiant damage for the spear and roll a 10 on the die, the target of the attack must also make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target is blinded until the start of your next turn. On a success, it’s immune to this effect until the start of your next turn.

The spear glows with light while in flight. The first time on each of your turns that you hit a target hit with the thrown spear, that target takes an extra 3d10 radiant damage from the attack, instead of an extra 1d10 radiant damage. Making an attack at long range with the spear doesn’t impose disadvantage on the attack roll. In addition, you can use a bonus action to magically teleport the spear to your empty hand, provided it’s on the same plane of existence as you. When you do, it reappears in your hand in an instantaneous flash of light. When it emits light, the spear sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet.

π™Žπ™ͺπ™£π™—π™šπ™–π™’. You can use an action to throw the spear and speak its command word. When you do, you duplicate the effects of the β€œsunbeam” spell (save DC 17), and the spear immediately vanishes amidst the beam of light. This version of the spell is instantaneous and doesn’t require concentration. The spear then reappears in your hand at the end of the spell. Once used, this property of the spear can’t be used again until the next dawn. ___

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βš”οΈ π—‘π—²π˜„ π—Άπ˜π—²π—Ί! Hell Bells
Weapon (flail), rare ___

Three horned bells hang from the head of this flail. On a hit, a target takes 3d4 bludgeoning damage, instead of the weapon’s normal damage. Whenever you roll a 4 on one of the damage dice, you can choose to deal 4 fire damage with it instead of 4 bludgeoning damage.

π™Žπ™ͺ𝙒𝙒𝙀𝙣 π™ƒπ™šπ™‘π™‘ 𝙃𝙀π™ͺ𝙣𝙙.Β You can use an action to summon a hell hound while holding the flail. When you do, the flail’s bells emit a soft ringing, like a dinner bell. The hound appears in a random unoccupied space that you can see within 10 feet of you. The hound is friendly to you and your companions, although it ignores any command you give it. In battle, the hound takes its turn immediately after yours. On its turn, it moves and attacks the nearest hostile creature to it. If there aren’t any hostile creatures, it instead takes the Dodge action. The hound ceases being friendly to you and your companions if any of you hurt or otherwise threaten it. The hound remains for 1 hour, moving to remain within 60 feet of you for the duration. Once this property of the flail has been used, it can’t be used again until the next dawn. ___

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πŸ’Ž π—‘π—²π˜„ π—Άπ˜π—²π—Ί! Helm of the Dawn Guardian
Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement) ___

This golden helmet radiates a gentle warmth, like the light of the sun. While wearing the helmet, your eyes glow with a soft radiance, and you gain a +1 bonus to AC. If you’re in sunlight, the bonus increases to +2.

The helmet’s warmth extends out from you in a 10-foot radius while you wear it. If you have at least 17 levels in the paladin class, the radius increases to 30 feet. The weapon attacks of friendly creatures within that area deal an extra 1d4 radiant damage on a hit. This extra damage increases to 1d8 if the attack is made with aΒ β€œsun blade.”

While wearing the helmet, you can use an action to cast theΒ β€œsunburst” spell (save DC 17). This version of the spell affects a 60-foot cone that originates from you, instead of its normal area of effect. Once this spell has been cast from the helmet, it can’t do so again until the next dawn. ___

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βš”οΈ π—‘π—²π˜„ π—Άπ˜π—²π—Ί! Mage Arrow
Weapon (arrow), uncommon ___

When you fire this arrow from a bow at a target within its normal range, you don’t make an attack roll for the attack. Instead, the arrow immediately splinters apart into 1d4 + 4 darts of magical force, as if by the β€œmagic missile” spell. The darts all strike the target of the attack. The arrow is then destroyed, before it reaches a target.

Other types of magic ammunition of this kind exist, such asΒ β€œmage bolts” meant for a crossbow, though arrows are most common. ___

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πŸ’Ž π—‘π—²π˜„ π—Άπ˜π—²π—Ί! Ring of the Koi
Ring, rare ___

While wearing this ring, you can breathe underwater, and you have a swimming speed equal to your walking speed. In addition, you can swim up waterfalls; doing so costs 2 feet of movement for every 1 foot you move.

π™ƒπ™–π™‘π™‘π™€π™¬π™šπ™™ π™’π™–π™©π™šπ™§.Β You can perform a special ritual over the course of 10 minutes; doing so requires the β€œring of the koi” and a golden basin worth no less than 100 gp, which must be filled with water. At the end of the ceremony, you drop the ring in the basin. The ring is then destroyed, but duplicates the effects of the β€œhallow” spell, centered on the basin of water. This version of the spell uses the Courage option for its extra effect. When a creature finishes a long rest within the spell’s area, it gains the benefit of the β€œring of the koi’s” other effects for the next 24 hours. ___

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πŸ›‘ π—‘π—²π˜„ π—Άπ˜π—²π—Ί! Bardic Leathers
Armor (studded leather), very rare (requires attunement by a bard) ___

This armor has strands of spun mithral strung between its various studs, adding extra protection and allowing you to play it like a worn instrument. Even if you’re not attuned to the armor, you gain a +2 bonus to AC while wearing it, and if you’re proficient with lutes or lyres, you add your proficiency bonus to ability checks that involve playing the β€œbardic leathers” as an instrument.

If you’re attuned to the armor and have a free hand, you can use your reaction when you’re hit by an attack to expend one use of your Bardic Inspiration, using your hand to pluck one of the armor’s strings. When you do, you can roll the Bardic Inspiration die and add the result to your AC, potentially causing the triggering attack to miss. ___

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βš”οΈ π—‘π—²π˜„ π—Άπ˜π—²π—Ί! Constellation Whip
Weapon (whip), very rare (requires attunement) ___

The handle of this whip is a magic spyglass. When you peer into the night sky through the spyglass, the stars are magically connected by an illusory series of lines that illustrate the namesakes of any constellation you know.

The spyglass can be collapsed or extended using a bonus action while you hold it. You can speak its command word as part of extending it or as a bonus action on another turn to cause a stream of tiny stars to pour from the spyglass’s lens. The stars collect in a whip-like line, connected by a glimmering lash. The lash and stars disappear when you speak the command word again or when you collapse the spyglass or let go of it.

While the lash persists, the spyglass can be used as a whip, which deals radiant damage instead of slashing damage. Between dusk and dawn, your reach when using the weapon increases by an additional 5 feet. The whip sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet.

𝙂π™ͺπ™žπ™™π™žπ™£π™œ π™Žπ™©π™–π™§.Β Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with the whip, you can choose for it to leave behind a mote of starlight. The next attack roll against that creature before the end of your next turn is made with advantage. On a hit, the mote explodes immediately after the attack and deals 4d6 radiant damage to the target. On a miss or at the end of the effect’s duration, the mote winks out harmlessly instead. ___

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πŸ’Ž π—‘π—²π˜„ π—Άπ˜π—²π—Ί! Circlet of Resonant Spheres
Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement by a bard or wizard) ___

This metal circlet is surrounded by ten circular openings. Each opening holds a floating metal sphere, which rings softly like a bell when held to your ear. While wearing the crown, the spheres hover just outside of their respective openings.

Once you attune to the circlet, you can interpret the spheres’ soft chimes as a sort of musical language. This language expresses the flow of magic around you, and by understanding it, allows you to change the nature of any spell you cast.

π˜Όπ™§π™˜π™–π™£π™– π™ˆπ™ͺπ™¨π™žπ™˜π™–.Β When you attune to the circlet for the first time, you can choose three Metamagic options of your choice from the sorcerer class. While wearing the circlet, you can use one of these options whenever you cast a spell.

The circlet has 10 charges and regains all expended charges daily at dawn. Whenever you use a Metamagic option from the circlet, you must expend a number of its charges equal to the amount of Sorcery Points normally required by the option. While wearing the circlet, you can use an action to expend 10 charges from the circlet to replace one of its Metamagic options with a different one.

π˜Ύπ™€π™’π™’π™ͺπ™£π™š π™¬π™žπ™©π™ π™’π™šπ™–π™«π™š.Β Alternatively, while wearing the circlet, you can expend 5 of its charges to cast the β€œcommune with nature” spell from it over the course of 1 minute. This version of the spell allows you to commune with the very magic around you in a 300-foot radius, even in dungeons or towns, instead of the surrounding area’s land and flora. As a result, you can ask it up to three questions that can be answered with a yes or no and that relate to the magic found within that area. The magic isn’t necessarily omniscient, so you might receive β€œunclear” as an answer if a question pertains to information that lies beyond its understanding. In a case where a one-word answer could be misleading, the GM might offer a short phrase as an answer instead. You must ask your questions within 1 minute of casting the spell. ___

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βš”οΈ π—‘π—²π˜„ π—Άπ˜π—²π—Ί! Death Dog Lasher
Weapon (whip), uncommon ___

This twin-lashed whip was made from the fur and hide of a death dog. A target hit with the whip takes an extra 1d4 slashing damage from the attack.

When two of the whip’s slashing damage dice roll a 4, the target of the attack must also succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned until the end of your next turn. For the duration, this property of the whip ceases to function. ___

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