
Mini-Short Film: Love at First Sight


Final Short Film


Portraits with Partner Activity


Personal Pictures: The Beauty of Nature 


My Animination GIF


Journal #1 - Case Study

I think that the LEGO interpretation of the Mona Lisa made by an appropriation artist. This contemporary artist's work is an appropriation because they made enough changes to Leonardo da Vinci's original Mona Lisa. After learning about Law, Art and Ethics, it's understood that Leonardo da Vinci didn't have copyright laws for his painting due to the reason that these laws didn't exist at the time. However, even if these laws existed, the Mona Lisa interpretation was created beyond 50 years after Leonardo da Vinci's death. Also, this artist has appropriated the famous painting in order to challenge the way it was being viewed. This was done by using LEGO pieces to create a character that reassembled the Mona Lisa. Therefore, thus art piece is not theft, but appropiation.


Double Exposure 


Before and After Photoshop


Motion Tween YAY


Bunny Walking Cycle 


My Bouncing Ball hooray!


Sabotage - Two Minute Short Film


The "F" - Thirty Second Short Film


Eye Bombing - Photograph Activity

1. For the first image, I could have taken the picture in a place with better lightning. The second image should have been taken in a different angle to show that the object is a locker. I don’t think my third image needs any improvement.

2. Its similar to yarn bombing because they both are types of street art that bring smiles to people. 

3. I personally don’t think eye bombing is a form of vandalism because its temporary, meaning it can easily be taken off but still be able to bring joy to people. I consider it as art, since its creative and only for the public to enjoy.


Interactive Digital Art Sites: Activity #1-3

1-Day Computer Lab Activity


Karma -  Short Animation Video


The Bouncing Ball

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