Ashmolean Museum by vebriisfebruary.
Covent Garden Hotel by sparrowinlondon.
The cabin is a log cabin, but rather old, and has a caduceus over the door.
hi!! i LOVE ur greek gods/godesses aesthetics, they're beautiful! if ur taking requests, could you please do hermes? thank you so much! if not don't worry lol. have a great day/night!
Thank you so much dear, don't worry new posts about greek gods/godesses are on the way! ๐ค
Chatsworth House by co.versailles.
A sense of tranquillity and peace.
ig credit: rufiguns.
Sleep is my lover now, my forgetting, my opiate, my oblivion.
ig credit: adventuringbeth.
Leiden by eskimo.
Tea is a ritual, an art that nourishes the soul.
ig credit: isvrina.
Galleria Borghese by co.versailles.
Being a great baker and pastry chef requires the upmost open mind.
ig credit: mmoremb.
Wander often, wonder always.
ig credit: emilie.hofferber.