
[Header and icon description: photos of lavender fields during sunset. lavender is an herb with dull green leaves, upright purple flower spikes, and compact shrub-like structure.]

I wanted to make a post about the earthquake that will eventually occur in İstanbul. Cağrı Abi did a video on this and summarised every possible thing that will happen in the intro.

I will only tell you the potential results here.
Within a few minutes, thousands of hospitals, factories, workplaces, houses, and skyscrapers will collapse in İstanbul. Buildings that were damaged in the first quake but still standing will collapse from the aftershocks that will come within just a few hours or days later. A total of 700k buildings will collapse in the city. 200k buildings will be declared as unusable. 2M people will be homeless. Bridges, tunnels, overpasses, and underpasses will be heavily damaged, some will collapse, and many will become unusable.
It's not just the earthquake. If the earthquake causes a slide under the Marmara Sea, tsunami waves will swallow the citizens living near the sea coast who won't be able to escape.
Of course, the earthquake will also bring a row of problems. For example, water and sewage pipes will burst throughout the city, and leaks will carry dangerous diseases to the people under the rubble and will spread to the surrounding areas. Due to gas leaks and open flames existed during the earthquake, fires will start in thousands of places, which will cause additional deaths and injuries. Many districts of İstanbul won't have electricity for days. The possible electricity won't be stable. Of course, the telecommunication companies that let us down everything won't be able to overcome such an earthquake. People won't be able to reach out to their loved ones for days. The coordination of rescue teams and operations won't be sufficient.
Those last standing hospitals will be overcrowded to the point that they won't be able to get off tail. Therefore, the injured will have to be transported to distant provinces. There will be agglomerations in these provinces.
After everything, we will have 100k dead 1.5M injured, which 200k is critical.
This chaos will, of course, suit some rutterkins. Theft, looting and gangbanging rates will rise to top throughout İstanbul. Since the police and the army will be heavily involved in rescue processes, security breaches will accur in many places.
The possible socioeconomic destruction that will accur afterwards is unemployment, health problems and mental problems will reach to a indigestible point. The mass migration out of İstanbul after the earthquake will cause very serious socioeconomic changes in the other provinces of Turkey.
Factories, refineries, chemical production companies, warehouses will become inaccessible. Both dangerous leaks will accur in those places and companies won't be able to do any business. Millions of people will be unemployed in Turkey overnight. Fires in industrial areas won't able to be extinguished for weeks.
Repairing those collapsed buildings will cost billions of dollars. Due to direct and indirect damages, Turkey will suddenly experience a financial loss over 250 to 300 million dollars.
As you can see, when this unexpected earthquake occurs, not only the Turkish history will be affected. We will also experience one of the most disastrous natural disasters in the entire history of the world.

no neurodivergent infighting here

[Image ID: A black-and-white photo of a person putting a finger to their lips. There is text and screenshots of text, likely from Wikipedia.

Short version: "A real [autistic person] never speaks ill of [schizophrenia]."

Full version:

Top text reads: "A real [start screenshot] Autism spectrum disorder (ASD), or simply autism, is a neurodevelopmental disorder "characterized by persistent defects in social communication and social interaction across multiple contexts" and "restrictive, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities"."

Bottom text reads: "Never speaks ill of [start screenshot] Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized variously by hallucinations (typically, hearing voices), delusions, disorganized thinking and behavior, and flat or inappropriate affect." End ID]


to the people who struggle with hygiene, kinda smell bad, have rooms filled to the brim with trash and dirty clothes, or can’t properly take care of themselves for whatever reason i love you a lot and i care about you a lot. able bodied and mentally well/stable people have no right to be commenting on our lives, they know nothing. go at your own pace, no matter how slow that pace may be.


oh hey btw, apparently tumblr mobile now has an option to report ads for having flashing lights, if you click the three dots in the top right corner it should show up. not sure how long thats been there but i dont remember it being there at least a few months back, i would venture to guess it came with the recent update but shrug. fucking ridiculous that they cant just not put flashing ads in our faces in the first place, but at least this is an option.

people who dont have issues with flashing lights are allowed and encouraged to reblog


I wish epilepsy was taken more seriously because I literally see constant untagged and extreme strobe, especially on tiktok but even on YouTube. I have a filter but it does not work on tiktok, it only blocks regular videos. I’m still suffering from the seizure I had around 5 hours ago and my head feels likes it’s going to explode. Please, please, tag properly. I don’t wanna hear a single ‘but trigger warnings are bad!!!’, epilepsy is serious and seizures can kill.


I feel like there are a lot of people out there who needs to hear this:

If you dropped out of school because of diagnosed (or undiagnosed) ADHD, Autism, ADD, OCD, Dyslexia, Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar disorder, psychotic disorders, schizophrenia etc… You did not fail. The education system failed you.


you’re not a disability advocate if you make fun of people with incontinence or people that drool or peoples motor functions or people with brain damage or people with low intelligence 👍


Shout out to the ten year old who just got diagnosed. Shout out to the housebound fourteen year old. Shout out to the eighteen year old who can’t go to the university they wanted. Shout out to the twenty two year old who can’t get a job. Shout out to the twenty six year old with a caretaker. Shout out to the thirty year old who can’t buy their own house.

Shout out to young disabled people. We exist.


ok so you support the disabled, disordered, and mentally ill. but are you normal when someone takes long to respond to you? or if they have a hard time listening to you? when someone has a hard time giving you their attention? or when their manners aren’t perfect? or when someone makes mistakes that may be obvious or simple to you? or when someone talks loudly or “causes a scene?” are you normal when people have to think really hard to explain things? or when they have a hard time putting their thoughts into words?

are you normal when people’s hair is unkempt or oily or visibly unbrushed? or when their face might be full of acne? or when they don’t have deodorant on for one reason or another? how about if their clothes are dirty? 

are you normal about disabled/disordered/mentally ill people when they make you a little uncomfortable?


"Brain damage" only sounds like a harsh and offensive way to describe brain injuries because people constantly use it as an insult. It's a totally neutral descriptor of what it is. I have brain damage. My brain is damaged. It's not ableist to call it that, it's ableist to call people you don't like brain damaged because you think it's an inherently bad thing to be.

(Yes abled bodied neurodivergents, that includes you)

[ID: a dark red banner with the words "This post is about physical disabilities, do not derail." in grey font. Either side of it is a lighter grey wheelchair user symbol with the user leaning forward with the arms raised and back, giving the appearance of wheeling fast. End ID.]


don’t think i can call it a hyperfixation anymore fam im afraid im just long term insane about this piece of media


Hot take it’s not actually accessible if I have to ask an abled body person for help or assistance


"An Indian state is celebrating as a beloved nearly-extinct unique subspecies of lion, the Asiatic/Persian/Indian lion, a charming charismatic creature, has been brought back from the brink. India, with the power of science, is saving nature! It's apolitical!"

Not so fast.

This nearly-extinct Asiatic lion situation brings to mind the nearly-extinct Asiatic cheetah reintroduction situation a few years ago.

Weaponizing the image of naturalist and the "stewardship" of "nature" for nationalist pride and power.

This is a HELL of a time to be using words like "Gujarat's pride."


Wait a minute, what's that?


That's an interesting headline about lions from March 2025.

Any other interesting headlines from March 2025?

(Literally just the top of the page when you search 'modi gujarat' in March 2025.)

Busy month for Modi!

What else has he got going on in March 2025:

So what's up?

Until about a century ago, lions lived across much of Asia, from the Mediterranean to India. (A unique subspecies of lion, Panthera leo persica.)

Now, on the continent, they only live in one place: Gujarat state.

So administrators in Gujarat are essentially stewards of the last lions in Asia.

And a few years ago, the Indian nation-state sought to make itself the stewards of (some) of the last cheetahs in Asia, too.

Like the lion, the cheetah also used to range from basically the Mediterranean to Bengal. And like the lion, the cheetah also has a critically-endangered unique subspecies still surviving in Asia: Acinonyx jubatus venaticus, variously called the Asiatic or Persian cheetah.

Only 25 or less Asiatic cheetahs survive.

And they only live within the borders of Iran.

But back in 2021 and 2022, the Indian Prime Minister had a little project.


Sounds good? "Extinct cheetah brought back!"

First: On his own birthday, he did this.

Second: They're not actually Asiatic cheetahs. They're a different subspecies. African cheetahs. And they weren't from the Sahara or North Africa either. They were from southern Africa. Quite a ways away and a different ecological world from South Asia. And ecologists did note this.

But what was the PM's interest?


"Modi named one of the felines 'Asha' which means hope [...]."

"They are the world's fastest land animals, and that's the pace at which Project Cheetah, launched under Modi's leadership is working."

"India is now the only place to be home to lions, tigers, cheetahs, and leopards."

Modi's just a little birthday boy!

Gujarat's pride!

Some context re Vantara - it is essentially an Ambani vanity project, so it's just another part of the Ambani-Adani-BJP nexus. Unofficially, Vantara is a big fat joke in the conservation world, besides being actively damaging to conservation work viz it being a fucking private zoo in every respect while masquerading as something else, AND by drawing away resources from long-standing conservation & rehabilitation projects that work on less glamorous species and landscapes (some embedded within the forest dept, some run by nonprofits); it's success essentially serving as a means to demonstrate to environmentalists in the country that you will only be allowed to work on the environment in exactly the degree that the govt will allow you and you cannot push back against any of their stupid policies (e.g. forest conservation amendment act of 2023; endless hydropower dams; running power lines thru the great Indian bustard habitats). Green and environmentally friendly behaviour is nakedly in the eye of the state.

The PR blitz being enacted on behalf of vantara is kind of insane. Reports about its conservation issues (possible illegal acquisitions from south africa and from state zoos, bad conditions etc) have disappeared from online news agencies, celebrities in India are reposting identical tweets praising it etc. Vantara is a private zoo run by people who make their fortunes in mining and oil, who let their famous friends visit the animals and get dangerously up close and personal.


Cultures that endorse modesty and cultures that endorse hypersexualization are the *same* thing. Both define female sexuality by how it relates to the male gaze. In both cases the female body exists as an ornament either to be kept carefully hidden or put on display. Neither is an empowering feminist achievement. 


Why the Culture Excuse isn’t an excuse

Forced marriage.

Child marriage.

Female genital mutilation.

Forced facial and body coverings.

Forced removal from schools.

Removal of medical attention to avoid shame.

Honour beatings, imprisonment, killings.

Isolating women and girls to preserve a good family name.

That’s not Islam, it’s Culture!

If Islam doesn’t eradicate these injustices, then it is compliant with them. No ifs, no buts: Islam declares to be perfect, so why isn’t it.


Forced? We don’t want to hear that!

Whenever hijab is mentioned, the only screaming people allow is about how “I don’t get forced to wear it!”. When a girl/woman speaks up about how they got forced to wear it, they get silenced. 

Forced? Only a small percentage is! That is what they say. The percentage is small enough in their heads to ignore the ones that got forced. 

“It’s wrong that they get forced. Now back to me! I don’t get forced! Islam is great!”

I have known nearly as much hijabis that got forced, as hijabis that didn’t get forced. A girl came crying to school saying her dad will beat her if she doesn’t wear it soon. That was the first time I heard someone else get forced. I was around 9 years old. She ended up wearing it, and hated it. I have no idea how she is doing now, but I hope for the best. 

For  many removing it isn’t even something they dare to ask, as they just KNOW their parents or other family members will kick them out, abuse them more, kill them, beat them, the government will get involved because they live in an Islamic country etc.

Hear both sides. Don’t silence the ones that got forced to make the hijab look perfect. Because it isn’t. It never will be.

Banning the hijab is wrong. Forcing the hijab is wrong. You should be able to choose a 100% without anyone pressuring you. Religious brainwashing and heavy manipulation is usually involved as well. 

It isn’t “just a cloth”, also for the ones that don’t want to wear it but are forced to. It gives a message. And many don’t want to carry that message on their heads. It doesn’t represent them. It keeps them from doing what they want. It makes mental illnesses worse. Makes people fall into depression. 

Also, world hijab day is still a joke and always will be.

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