
cat colours

@catcolors / catcolours.com

An extensive cat colour reference archive for Oriental Longhairs and other breeds in all their variations. Send me an ask to request any cat breed and colour of your choice for Mixed Monday!

One of my devon rexes has weirdly long fur for her breed. It's still really curly and soft, but she looks like a little sheep cat. Do you know how/why it happens?


Sofia with cameo by brother Milo

beautiful lamb! she’s simply longhaired :) the gene for long fur is recessive, meaning it can hide away unnoticed in breeds that are supposed to be shorthaired until suddenly emerging in a kitten. this happens every now & then in the Bengal breed too, resulting the most beautiful cats known to humanity


Psst, longhaired Bengals are a thing. Their breed name is Cashmere.


lilac tortie bicolour

© inclic

© Virginie Bali, Angelica Andersson coralreefs.se

Coral Reef’s Volupté breed: Oriental Longhair breeder: Angelica & Mattias Lyckare coralreefs.se; owner: Virginie Bali

© V.D.

© ?

Ghanima Jihane  breed: Oriental Longhair breeder: François Martin; owner: Raphaëlle Gaillard


Is there any new information out there on the new Russian Altai and Topaz cat breeds?


Nothing really new no and I don’t really expect there to be much new information very soon. Heterozygous breeding is continuing at the moment as expected without any issues and more blue eyed cats are being introduced into other breeds/breeding programs like Munchkins, Maine Coons and I think Norwegian Forest Cats.

However on a sidenote an Australian cat breeder (maryvalleycattery.com) who imported one of these cats this year to introduce the blue eyed gene to his cattery by chance found another cat with very intense blue eyes and independant coat colour in Australia, which has produced blue eyed kittens as well. 

He is currently hoping to find out if it is the same gene as the Russian Altai or a new blue eyed gene altogether, which would be quite exciting. Especially since there is a possibility that homozygous kittens from this (potentially) new line won’t display health concerns like the Ojos Azules did before or the increased risk of deafness when 2 blue eyed high white Topaz cats are being mated.

For anyone who wants to look up some more about this new breed/gene you can have a look at this post I made a while back:


Hey folks!

I’ve been busy with work and my private life recently so I had to take a bit of a break, but everything should be back on schedule now. :)


black silver ticked tabby

© Zwenneke Landkroon foto-z.nl

Heikki Hippolito von Kap Ca Mau breed: Oriental Longhair breeder: Katharina Heinrich kapcamau.de;

© Johnson Photography johnsonanimalphoto.com

© Chanan Photography chanan.com

GC, BW, NW Purrmatix Silver Bullet  breed: Oriental Longhair breeder and owner: Terrie and Bruce Smith 

Anonymous asked:

Do smokes lose their ghost markings invariably? Or is it hypothetically possible that a cat's ghost markings will remain visible throughout their life?

Actually it would be more accurate to say that ghost markings never go away. They will always fade with age or be less visible compared to when still young, but with the right lighting and angle you’ll usually still be able to see them. 

The intensity of ghost markings varies from cat to cat and also from shorthair (more visible) to longhair (less visible) so the more clearly you see them the more likely it is they will stay.

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