
One Sleepy Gal

@elitadream / elitadream.tumblr.com


"-One day son, you'll be a tall, strong and handsome warrior just like your Pa'!"


I love this image so much. The yellowish tint of the paper, the watercolor textures, the homely vibe and candor of the moment portrayed there- it all feels so nostalgic and soft. The notion that Asterix had a happy childhood with loving parents is one that I'm very fond of, and those rare glimpses we get into his past are among my favorite elements throughout this franchise. πŸŒ„

To think that this fierce and witty warrior was once just a little boy is really sweet and endearing. πŸ₯°


Just watched the new Asterix trailer and I'm really loving the English dub! :D (A lot more than the French one, I must say.) Also hoping there will be some good interactions with our main duo and that the new/secondary characters won't occupy too much screen time. The animation is definitely the highlight of it for me so far; Asterix's design is exceptionally faithful to the comics and the color palette looks great. Keeping my fingers crossed! 🀞


Pencils for Asterix by Albert Uderzo


Oh my goodness. This is so insanely detailed, I can't stop looking at it! 🀯

It's entirely too easy to forget the sheer amount of work and planning that goes into making a comic like this. The artist must not only know anatomy like the back of their hand and be able to visually adapt a script panel-to-panel, but they also have to be an expert at drawing architecture and be a very skilled caricaturist all at the same time. Look how expressive this is!! How dynamic and awesome!!

Masters like Uderzo will always have my utmost admiration for their dedication and patience. πŸ‘ŒπŸ©΅


Kind of a nitpick, but I'm a little sad that Asterix's eye color was changed in the second CG film. πŸ₯² Initially, they were a golden shade of green, but this was later replaced with brown. Maybe it's because it was the first time I'd seen him with colored eyes and it kinda stuck with me, but I've always remained partial to green since. πŸ’š

I also quite liked the more realistic glossy sheen, though I gotta say the white sparkle probably suits the comic style better. :3 πŸ‘

I'd be curious to hear other people's headcanons on this! Since there is no official mention of that detail anywhere in the albums and the drawings feature no distinctive color, fans are entirely free to make their own interpretation outside of canon, which is always neat. 😌✨


Average Obelix experience: falling in love, enjoying food, getting drunk maybe or have a heartbreak, walking around with his tiny dog, just having fun most of the time (with some exceptions)


Average Asterix experience: Almost drowning, getting captured, thrown in a ring with dangerous animals alone, getting run over by a horse, getting tortured, getting kicked out of his village, losing his magic potion, getting left alone between enemies and without magic potion, more specific things I might have forgotten




(Original post here)

@stripetkattelalala54-gf Oh, "Obelix all at Sea" is a GREAT album concept wise. πŸ€©πŸ‘ I mean- turning Obelix into a child?? The possibilities are endless!

By far, my favorite element of the story is how protective Asterix and Obelix are of each another. That always gives me so many feels... ;_;

And of course, their next reunion afterwards was also very touching. β˜ΊοΈπŸ’–

All in all, a fantastic idea and really fun time! 😁 I've always loved these comics too. It's impossible not to enjoy them. 🀭


I did not watch the recent animated movies often enough. Asterix doing helmet maintenance when he is upset? And Getafix busting him in a moment of pure pessimism? πŸ₯Ί I don’t always like what the movies do with Asterix’s personality, but this scene … It’s kind of spot on.


Yesss I noticed that too! β€οΈβ€πŸ©Ή Asterix fiddling with his helmet as a sign of anxiety or helplessness is a really nice touch. He looks so much more vulnerable without it! 🀲


His relationship with Getafix is easily one of my favorite things about this franchise. Other than Obelix, the old druid is undoubtedly Asterix's closest friend and someone he sincerely looks up to. He always turns to him for guidance when faced with a troubling issue, and clearly values his opinion a lot. Their dynamic feels very natural and genuine; almost like father and son at times. Love them. ☺️


AYYYY a fellow Asterix fan!! πŸ˜πŸ’•πŸ™Œ I've been noticing other people around me mentioning this franchise and I'm very happy to see that it appears to be fairly well known online. 🀭

Got a favorite album, just out of curiosity?^^


Ayyyy your ask made me so happy!! πŸ˜„πŸ˜„ Yayyy I've always LOVED AstΓ©rix ever since I was little, and I love rereading the comics and rewatching the movies from time to time!! I had no idea a series was in the works and I found out thanks to your reblog 🀩🀩 I am SO looking forward to it!! And I'm also so happy to find more and more people who love and enjoy this franchise πŸ₯°πŸ’–

As for a fave album, it's honestly a hard decision because I have so many! But you know, being Spanish, I just have to go with Asterix in Spain as I LOVED reading it over and over again growing up, and it has so many funny moments!! Also, I personally love to see how they represented us Spaniards with our typical customs and all that 🀭 It doesn't matter how many times I reread it, it always makes me laugh like crazy πŸ˜‚

I also love Asterix and the magic carpet and Asterix and Obelix all at sea as two other favorites. What about you? I'd love to hear more about your story and memories with this franchise, if you'd like to share! πŸ₯°

Thank you so much for the ask! πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–


Me too omg!! The comics are honestly amazing. The humor and wit in these stories had me in stitches so many times when I was a kid! They still do to this day. πŸ˜‚πŸ’―

I'm very much looking forward to the new series as well! 🀩 I'll be excited to hear your thoughts on it when it comes out in late April. πŸ˜‡

These are all SUCH good ones, I absolutely agree!! :DπŸ‘ŒπŸ’— I'll have to go reread them as soon as possible. ^-^

If I had to say, my personal favorite album would have to be Asterix and the Cauldron, for two main reasons. The first one being the beautiful moments of friendship between Asterix and Obelix...

And the second being that it's one of the very few and very rare stories in which we get to see Asterix' excellent swordsmanship. πŸ₯°

Can't wait to discuss more about this franchise with you! And you're very welcome. Thank you for the lovely response!! 😁✨

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