
Fuck Yeah Chinese Fashion

@fuckyeahchinesefashion / fuckyeahchinesefashion.tumblr.com

雅俗共赏 suiting both the refined and popular tastes

Chinese knots (中国结)

What Is a Chinese Knot?

A Chinese knot is a knot that is tied and woven from a single length of cord or rope to be a variety of shapes and of varying complexity. Each shape has its own symbolic meaning, and nowadays you can find them as decoration, gifts for special occasions, and adornments on clothes.

Each kind of knot is named after its shape or the symbolic meaning that it carries. Knot weavers can use a variety of colors, but they usually weave deep red ones as in the picture above. The color red signifies good fortune.

Ancient and Modern Use of Artistic Knots

Several styles and colors of Chinese knots

Even today, Chinese knots are rich in symbolic meaning, and they therefore hold sentimental value when given as gifts or passed down through families.

For example, in ancient times and even now, lovers may give a knot as a token of their love. The ‘true love knot’ and the ‘double happiness knot’ are given or used at weddings to express mutual love and growing old together in fidelity. Knots connoted love and marriage in Chinese culture.

Knot Etymology

This connotation can even be seen in Chinese words. The Chinese word for ‘rope’ is ‘shèng’ that sounds similar to the words for ‘spirit,’ ‘divine,’ and ‘life.’ Knots had a spiritual meaning and were used for worship.

The word for ‘knot’ itself is ‘jié’ and is related to many other terms that reinforce the symbolic meaning of the knots. For example, ‘tuán jié’ which means ‘to unite,’ ‘jié hūn’ means ‘to marry,’ and ‘jié guŏ’ means ‘bear fruit,’ ‘result,’ or ‘outcome.’ So a knot given to a marriage partner or a couple means all these things and having children as well.

Modern Usage of Artistic Knots

Along with being symbolic gifts or messages, knots are still used if they wear traditional Chinese clothing or as good luck charms. They are a means of fastening traditional garments instead of buttons or wooden pegs. Now, silk is most widely used to make these clothing knots.

They are used as jewelry such as even rings, earrings, bracelets, and necklaces. They are sold as handicraft novelty items too.

Source: chinahighlights 


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