To the people politely inquiring about my identity, what it means, and why one would identify themselves in this way, here is a repost of an answer I gave to someone on instagram who was also asking politely:
This is a question that can have so many different answers depending on who you ask, but I'll try to explain to the best of my ability. Just keep in mind that my experiences are not universal and that someone else who identifies as an agender lesbian may have a completely different reason for why they identify as such!
So, let's dissect the terms themselves: to me "agender" means not having a strong sense of personal gender, "transmasc" means that my gender presentation leans more masculine and that I have made efforts to pass as a guy to the general public, while "lesbian" defines who I am attracted to.
I grew up as an afab kid struggling with their sexuality, and the way I came to terms with my attraction to women has a lot of overlap with most other lesbians. I can't erase those experiences, they are a part of who I am, and I believe that your experiences in life inform the label you choose for yourself rather than the other way around. I'm attracted to women, and only women, and while I don't technically feel like a girl, I still experienced girlhood as a child, and I have a lot feelings of love for and camaraderie with women that I simply can't define as, say, male heterosexual attraction (especially since I don't REALLY feel like a guy, in one of my comics I bring up that I feel more like I'm "guy flavored" and I still think it sums my gender up pretty well).
A good resource to check out for more info on this topic is the book Stone Butch Blues by transmasc lesbian Leslie Feinberg, where they talk about their struggles with their sexuality and gender and with finding a place for themselves within a world defined by strict gender and sex roles. Thanks for reading this very long-winded reply and I hope that it made some sense to you haha
To the people who were asking...let's say, less politely, or making broad assumptions about me/my sexuality/my gender/my background based on a single comic; I don't have the power to keep you from believing whatever it is you believe, so it's not my problem if you spend your time getting angry at actual strangers online instead of doing literally anything else.
As for everyone else who has expressed support for me or joy at feeling represented by this little comic, thank you and I hope y'all have a lovely day <3