
Tf boy



One day I was mindlessly scrolling around Instagram, looking at the pictures of hot men, growing rather annoyed with how the studs seemed to adopt the mantra of “Chest Day Every Day”. Don’t get me wrong, big meaty pecs on a man definitely turns me on, but sometimes it’s nice to admire a man’s backside too. However, most of the studs online seem to associate having a fat, meaty bubblebutt with being a gay influencer. I don’t understand it.

Anyways, I was getting ready to give up on my search when I stumbled upon a picture of a hot, sexy hunk of a man with arms built so large that they looked like girders. His impressive pecs strained his gas station uniform shirt to the brink of nearly bursting. Best of all was that he had such a hot, sexy smirk that let me know that he knew that he was incredibly sexy. I clicked on his profile and scrolled through his pics, again disappointed to see a complete lack of ass pics.

Sure enough, there was one picture of the hunk that showed him working out at the gym, seated at the pec fly machine with the caption: Chest Day! 💪

“That’s it,” I huffed, grabbing my car keys and heading out.

Being a trickster, it wasn’t hard to warp reality, bending the fabric of space around me until I found myself driving in an unfamiliar town. I couldn’t help but smile when I saw the large, lit-up Chevron sign in the near distance.

I sped up and stopped at one of the gas pumps, snapping my fingers as I headed towards the entrance, the other patrons suddenly deciding to buy gas at another station so as to give me and my guy some privacy.

The gas station doors dinged as I walked inside, and I smiled as I saw that familiar stud working the counter. Due to the lack of customers, he was looking at his phone, but as soon as he saw me, he perked up and greeted me with a customary, “Welcome!” His voice was deep and full of manly bravado.

My heart began to speed up as I finalized my plan. I approached the counter and tried to look as friendly as possible. “Hello,” I said back, “could I please get forty dollars on Pump Five?”

“Sure thing,” the stud said as he began to punch away on his register. His biceps constantly curled out of his tight sleeves and the buttons on his polo threatened to burst off as they struggled to contain his massive pecs. On his right pec was a name tag that let me know that his name is Jett. He definitely was a sight to behold.

I snapped my fingers again. “Is is really full service here?” I asked, trying to sound pleasantly surprised as I pointed at the new sign below the logo that had in bright lit-up letters: FULL SERVICE!

Jett looked out at the new sign, my magic starting to have an effect on him. Since I’m not fully trained, it sometimes takes a while for it take complete control. Hence, the stud furrowed his brow for a moment before slowly nodding.

“Oh yeah,” he muttered in a confused tone. “I guess I forgot about that.”

He walked out from behind the counter and I trailed behind him as we headed to my car. His broad back was thick was muscle and his crazy broad shoulders swayed back and forth with masculine power as he sauntered. However, his butt was lacking the smallest bit, if I’m being honest. Sure his jeans were nice and tight and hugged his perky rear perfectly, but in comparison to the rest of his build, it was obvious that Jett skipped Leg Day every now and then in favor of another upper body workout.

I can help him with that.

Jett filled up my car and checked the fluids before he pulled out a pressure gauge from his pocket that I made appear there. The hunk squatted down and began to check the air pressure from my tires and I snapped my fingers, watching eagerly with anticipation.

Jett checked my air pressure, completely unaware as his decently sized rear appeared to shudder before pushing away from his backside. The back of his pants filled up until his growing ass was pressed tightly against it, but that wasn’t enough. His meaty cheeks kept inflating, rounding out and pushing down the top of his pants. His shirt became untucked and was stuck on top of the shelf created by the new globes that only continued to get bigger and bigger with each passing second. His growing cheeks pushed his pants and shirt further away from each other, looking like a caricature of plumber’s crack.

I snapped my fingers again and the growth stopped, and as a fun touch I made his boxers disappear so that nothing was obscuring my view of his deepened crack.

“You know, I think the tires are okay,” I said, satisfied with my work.

“Oh, if you say so,” Jett said, standing up.

He was perfect now! The hunk still had his beautiful and meaty pecs and biceps, but now those were completely overshadowed by the massive bubblebutt he possessed. The inflated ass stuck out from his back at a near ninety degree angle, and the bottom of his uniform shirt rested on the shelf created by them, showing off his deep ass crack constantly.

“Thank you very much for your help,” I thanked him, even tipping him since it seemed about right.

“Of course, have a great day,” Jett grinned as he took a step back towards the gas station. The bottom-heavy stud froze in confused wonder as he felt the unfamiliar shift from his giant asscheeks shifting wildly behind him. Again, he scrunched up his eyebrows in confusion, and I could see in his worried eyes that he knew something was wrong but my magic wouldn’t let him voice his concerns. He absentmindedly scratched at the back of his head and waddled the rest of the way back inside the gas station. I watched as he left, admiring the way his massive bubblebutt bounced and jiggled with every step he took, and loving how the rotund cheeks threatened to spill out of his incredibly tight pants, exposing more and more of his crack.

I got back in my car and glanced back at the gas station, seeing Jett through the window as he gave his giant ass a tentative poke. My magic finally took over and I could see him visibly relax and go back to manning the store. He waddled around the store, tidying up, all the while his massive ass bounced and swayed behind him.

The next day, I excitedly checked Jett’s profile, eager to see if he posted some delicious booty pics now that he has the goods. Sure enough, he had one incredibly sexy pic of himself doing push ups, his rotund, inflated bubblebutt sticking proudly out into the air. However, with his powerful arms flexed, his booty unfortunately wasn’t the main focus.

Then I read his caption: Chest Day! I have to focus more on upper body since I seemed to overdo glutes! 💪 😅

Damn it!

That was not how this was supposed to pan out! Now instead of getting to see tons of sexy ass pictures from Jett, he’s going to let that massive bubblebutt I gifted him with go to waste. I frowned as I realized that this means that Jett’s just going to post more arms and pecs photos (I’ll definitely admire them, but still).

I was hoping that he’d put two and two together and work with what he now has, but I guess he needs a little nudge in the right direction.

I snapped my fingers and checked Jett’s profile again after about a half hour.

“Nice,” I grinned and as I liked his new post.

The bottom-heavy Jett posted an incredibly sexy booty pic that no doubt made sure that his new bigger ass was the focal point of the photo. He was completely nude and had his broad back turned to the camera, his bare, round cheeks being the first thing my eyes honed in on. Best of all was the caption that he added which read: I so gotta find a man to fukk these massive cheeks of mine!! Any takers? 🍆💦🍑

– – –

(Final Photo Source: https://twitter.com/VMorphs)


Public Transformation Network

“Hey bro, could I borrow your phone?”

You looked up from the online textbook you’d been reading. And up. And up. Looming over your bus seat was an absolute behemoth of a man. His black hair was slick with sweat, a clear sign he’d just been at the gym, although his beefy physique and rank musk could’ve clued you in just as easily.

“S-sorry, what?” you stammered.

The guy responded with an easygoing smile on his broad, bearded face. “Your phone. Could I borrow it for a sec? I’m visiting my bro, but my phone’s outta juice and I forget what stop to get off at. I just need to call him real quick.” His voice was deep and vacuous.

“Uh, yeah, sure,” you said. “Knock yourself out.” You placed your phone in his meaty bronze hand, carefully trying not to notice how dainty and pale your fingers looked compared to his sausages.

With nothing else to do, you watched awkwardly from your seat as he dialed his friend’s number. “Yo dude, it’s me,” he greeted boisterously. “Yeah I’m on the bus using this nerdy guy’s phone right now, mine fuckin’ ran out, haha…”

You blinked in outrage, and embarrassment. “Nerdy guy”??? Just because you wore a white button-down, and had a mousy brown mop and a complete lack of facial hair, and your entire body was skinnier than his arm, didn’t make you a nerd! You had a leather knapsack — those were cool, weren’t they? Anyways.

As the bus continued on, you caught snippets of the conversation unfolding in front of you. Evidently, the guy had gotten hopelessly turned around, and his friend was trying to figure out how to get him to his destination. Privately, you thought this seemed too complex for his simple brain to comprehend.

“Ok wait, so you’re saying I need to be on the 115? And then take Johnson Street to the 67 line? Uh-huh, uh-huh. Gotcha. Thanks, bro. That means I should get off on…” He glanced at the route map above you, and you could see his thick head visibly struggling to make sense of it. Then his brown eyes widened comically. “Shit, this stop right here!”

Sure enough, the bus had been decelerating, and now it came to a complete stop. The guy pushed his way to the crowded exit, still absorbed in his conversation. You noted with disgust that he had your phone lodged between his bristly cheek and his broad shoulder, both of which were sheened with sweat. Then it hit you — he was about to leave with your phone!

“Wait!” you said, trying to get his attention. You hated how squeaky your voice sounded compared to his bovine bass, but still, it worked.

“Huh? Oh right,” he said. Speaking into the phone, he said, “Fuck bro, gotta go. See ya soon, king.” 

Then, he hung up and turned his attention to you. “Yo, thanks so much, little guy!” At this point, he was too close to the door, and there were too many people pushing to exit, for him to turn around and give your phone back. So instead, he stood up straight, braced his knees, and lobbed your phone at you with a dumb, cocky grin. “Catch, bro!”

Oh my god, what was this idiot thinking? You were going to miss, and then your phone would hit the floor and shatter into a million pieces, or it would smack someone’s head and they’d sue you for everything you had, or…

You gripped something in your hand. Peeking one eye open, you found that your phone was secure in your grip. Despite your lacking hand-eye coordination, you had somehow caught your phone, acting purely on instinct.

Then you immediately laid it on your lap, because it was slick with sweat and had thoroughly absorbed the guy’s scent. As you leaned down to clean it, your phone screen lit up with a notification. It was a message from an unknown number.

wait did u say u we’re on the 103

BRUH u werent supposed to get off yet lmaooo 💀💀

You internally groaned. Did that meathead’s friend think he was just going to keep your phone forever? He probably did; he was obviously just as much of a dumb gym bro as his friend. 

You prepared to type in a polite response informing him that he had the wrong number, but suddenly the bus lurched and you lost control of your phone for a moment. Glancing back at your screen, you realized that you had accidentally pressed send: 

bro just gimme ur addy i’ll put it into maps

That was absolutely not what you had typed in. You tended to be pretty dexterous, so you had no idea how that had happened. Although… you looked at your hands consideringly. They were brown and veiny, with wide and hairy fingers. You supposed it was hard to type on a phone keyboard with massive mitts like yours. Briefly, you thought that your hands seemed disproportionately large against the rest of you, that they weren’t supposed to be this big and manly, but you dismissed it, because why wouldn’t they be?

Anyways, now that that encounter was over, you could go back to studying. You scrolled through your phone, trying to locate your Kindle app. But it didn’t seem to be anywhere. Frustrated, you swiped back and forth across your home screen, not noticing how each tap sent a jolt up your body.

Swipe. You felt movement on either side of you — which you quickly realized was caused by the passengers sitting next to you. You couldn’t avoid brushing up against them with how broad your square shoulders were. It was a good problem to have.

Swipe. Absent-mindedly, you dragged your giant paws across your equally giant pecs. You didn’t know what made you feel more virile — scratching your tangled black curls of sweaty chest hair, or accidentally brushing against your protruding dark nipples. Oh wait, you knew the answer — scratching your tangled black treasure trail and brushing against your washboard abs.

Swipe. You splayed your tree trunk legs further out, stomping your size 14 feet on the floor of the bus. You didn’t care if the other passengers thought you were rude — with thighs this thick, it was impossible not to manspread, especially for someone as well-endowed as you. A wet protein fart trumpeted from your inflated ass, but you took it in stride.

Swipe. The bus lurched again, and for a moment it felt like you had leaped half a foot into the air. But your line of sight never shifted back down, and why would it? You had always been tall — just like you had always had perfectly sculpted lats and traps, and a thick bull neck, and…

Your swiping was interrupted by a notification: 5% battery remaining. You furrowed your caveman brow in confusion. Hadn’t you left your place with a full charge? How had it run out so quickly? As you were thinking, you grabbed your squirt bottle from the pocket of your gym bag and took a swig.

Duh, your gym bag — you’d been at the gym! That explained the phone battery, then; you liked to listen to workout podcasts or mindlessly scroll through TikTok as you worked out, and with how long you spent at the gym each day, more often than not you walked out of there with much less charge than you’d started with. 

Judging by the sweat leaking through your black mesh tank top, though — and not to mention your musky stench — it had been an especially good session today. It had been an arm day, and you silently admired your hard work, the way your biceps and triceps swelled with power and your veiny forearms pulsed in time with your heartbeat, all wrapped up in a layer of thick black hair and perfectly tan coloring. Yeah. Those were some impressive arms you had.

A text notification popped up at the top of your screen: 

bro how do you not know this by now 😭

its 992 carter st apt#208

Oh yeah, you’d been so distracted by your muscles that you’d forgotten why you were on this bus. You were going to visit your best bro later today, and your license was suspended from the last time you two had gotten a little too crunk, so public transit it was.

You glanced at the route map above you, trying to figure out the best way to get there. So you were on the red squiggly line on the left side of the image, which meant… no wait… maybe you were on that green dot in the middle? Your eyes glazed over, and your brain felt like it was stuffed with cotton candy. While that was a feeling you were very much used to, and even proud of, right now you were annoyed. Why’d they have to make these picture thingies so fucking confusing anyway? Whatever, that was why they’d invented Google Maps.

Copying over your friend’s address, you attempted to navigate to the map app. But your thick finger missed the icon entirely, instead opening your photo gallery. The most recent photo was a selfie you’d taken at the gym today, and you took a moment to admire yourself. You felt your blocky, bearded face form the exact same cocky smirk that was in the photo. Hell yeah, you were one sexy motherfucker. 

Suddenly, the image turned black. You’d run out of power. You stared for a second at the face reflected on the blank phone screen, identical to the one in the photo.

“Fuck,” you muttered in your deep, slow voice, scratching your temple with one finger like a Neanderthal. You hadn’t gotten to put your friend’s address into Google Maps, and you definitely were too dumb to get there on your own. What to do?

Slowly, painstakingly, an idea formed in your thick meathead mind. Maybe… you could… use someone else’s phone… to call your friend up and ask him how to get there! You scanned the bus for people to ask. There were lots of people on their phones, but for some reason, one passenger stood out to you. He was shrimpy and short, sitting a few seats away from you in the opposite row as he tapped away at some mobile game.

Pocketing your dead device, you rose from your seat and swaggered over to the little guy.

“Hey bro, could I borrow your phone?”


TaskRaccoon Premium: Chapter 2

Homeward Bound

Josh sat in the truck, still feeling from the bizarre changes: to the car, to his clothes and, somehow, to his own body. The TaskRaccoon App flickered with other tasks and while he couldn't deny that an influx of cash was tempting, he wanted to process what had happened first. Try to understand. So he put his phone on the passenger seat and started to drive home.

Distracted by the roads - and the strange sight of his unfamiliar, thick, dark hands on the steering wheel - he didn't notice as the screen of his phone changed. The TaskRaccoon App popped up with a reminder: "Click 'Return' to revert to your original identity." Smaller text under the reminder stated that "As per our User Agreement, users have one hour from the completion of Premium Tasks to revert to your original identity or it will be erased."

But he was preoccupied, focusing on the road to stop his mind spiralling into a panic. What if he was stuck like this? Some random, unrecognisable poolboy? No, he told himself, there had to be a way back. He would get home, call up the TaskRaccoon company and sort it all out.

As his mind wandered, he found himself driving on autopilot. And so he was perplexed when he realised that in fact he was nowhere near home and driving in completely the wrong direction. He must have taken a wrong turn somewhere, but was driving downtown rather than to the leafy suburbs where he lived with his parents. struck him as odd but he shook his head, chalking it up to the stress of the day, and started making his way back to his parents in earnest.

Not long after, he arrived back at home. It was empty which he was relieved by: he wanted to sort this out before his parents came back. He left his keys on the hallway table, pausing at a family photo album his mum was working on. Photos of him over the years. Or, at least, photos of what he used to look like. He grimaced - he needed to sort this asap.

He started to move towards the kitchen to grab the phone when he passed the bathroom, glancing the quickest of glimpses of his reflection in the bathroom as he passed. He knew he needed to act quickly, but he couldn't deny there was an element of curiosity. He had gotten glimpses of his new self - a warped reflection in a pool, a limited reflection in a car mirror. But to see the full thing? Ok, he told himself, he'll quickly see what or who he's ended up as and then back to the plan.

He tentatively approached the mirror, feelings of fear, trepidation but also curiosity surging through him. The glimpses he'd seen had confused and terrified him, but this would be the first time he would his new self properly.

He was stunned. The sensation of looking into a mirror and seeing a stranger staring back at you was one Josh couldn't put into words. When he moved, the stranger moved. His brain couldn't quite comprehend the dissonance. Especially with a stranger so... good-looking.

Josh had grown up knowing he was never going to be voted Most Handsome, so to see himself in such an... attractive body was bizarre. He was definitely taller - maybe even over 6 feet - and had an entirely new vantage point for the bathroom. And while that was undoubtedly strange, the weirdest change was the fact he wasn't even white anymore. His skin had never been this tanned or dark, and his mousey sandy hair had morphed into thick, dark curls. Even the texture of his hair had changed, he thought, as he ran his fingers through it. And he had stubble! Josh had never been able to grow anything before and he had to admit there was a certain appeal to the rough texture of the stubble as he felt his thick jaw.

For the first time in his life, he was attractive. Desirable. And so he couldn't give but give a little smirk. And not just attractive, but strong! He felt the ridges on his biceps - their heft and surprising firmness. And as he lifted up the bottom of his tank top and saw a wall of abs, he couldn't help but giggle a little.

He was about to explore further and check out what this body was packing under the swimming shorts when he heard a car pull into the driveway. The sound of parents arriving woke him from his reverie - why had he just wasted time admiring this strange body!? He had been so distracted, he hadn't even noticed the one hour countdown on the TaskRaccoon App reaching zero and a prompt appearing: "User Profile Updated." As he entered the hallway, he didn't notice that the family photo album that had been filled with pictures of him had morphed to photos of empty landscapes, almost as if he had never existed...

Josh stood expectantly, preparing himself to try and explain to his parents what had happened. As his parents entered however and he tried to explain that he was Josh, he was shocked that the words that came out of his mouth were "¡Mamá, papá, soy yo, Josh!

His parents turned to him, shocked and horrified. "Who... who the hell are you?" his mum whispered, threatened.

Josh raised his hands as a gesture of peace and stood a step forward. That was a mistake. His dad - whom Josh had never known to be a man of action - grabbed an umbrella leaning leisurely by the door and took a swing. Josh, startled, back up and - concentrating now - said in heavily accented English, "Dad, it's me, Josh! Your son!"

His mum, looking rattled now, shouted "We don't have a son, who the hell are you!" Josh's heart caught in his throat. He needed to make them see, make them realise. He needed them, needing their help to get back.

But it was too late. His dad had grabbed his mobile and demanded the police came as soon as possible and, over Josh's increasingly panicked protests, told the police that a stranger had broken into their home. He added, threateningly, that the stranger "might be an illegal."

Josh's eyes widened. If his parents didn't believe him, who else would? And if he was taken in by the cops - with no ID, no proof of who he was - where would he end up? They'd take his phone, his only lifeline to the buzzard app caused all of this. So despite his desperation to prove to his parents who he was, he knew that he needed to bolt.

Josh's dad clearly agreed, as the frantic swinging of the umbrella got more and more erratic. Josh was forced to back up and soon was being chased out the back door.

Josh rounded the corner and jumped into the truck. He was breathless, not from any physical exertion but from sheer panic. What the hell was he to do now? Just then, he heard sirens in the distance. His priority? Getting the fuck out of there.

He drove aimlessly for half an hour, putting distance between him and his parents house. The sirens were a distant memory, but the memory of his parents not recognising him was seared into Josh's mind.

He picked up his phone and opened the TaskRaccoon App, but the pool cleaning task was just greyed out and marked as completed. There was nothing else, no other options. Just more tasks he could select and the option to cancel the Premium membership entirely. Would doing so revert everything back to normal?

He chucked the phone onto the seat next to him. He wanted space - to rest, to think. He saw that there was a beat up wallet on the seat as well. Tentatively, he opened it - some loose bills, a condom, a gym membership card and an ID. But it wasn't the ID for Josh Collins. It was an ID for José Contreras. An ID for his new body.

He sighed deeply. It wasn't just him that had changed, or his clothes, or the car, but the world around him. His parents didn't recognise him, he had a new ID, even a new name. Did he have a new life? A new family? The ID, he noted, had an address on it downtime - actually weirdly close to where he had almost driven in autopilot earlier.

He started the engine up again. He sighed - he was back to where he started, making the journey home. Only this time, he had no idea what his home would be. Or who - if anyone - would be waiting for him.

To be continued


Thanks for the love on the story so far! This and the next chapter are a bit of scene-setting before Josh's journey really takes off...

I should also say that this chapter specifically is based off an entry in the CYOC series by another author, "aielyn". While I've rewritten this chapter in my own words, the overall structure/story in this chapter is taken from that entry. "aielyn" if you are out there I am very grateful for your chapter entry on CYOC two years ago which then spurred me on to write the next of my story!


Call Me Chad

Charlie never thought that a beautiful girl like Rachel would show any real interest in a geek like him, but to use him just to get to Jack? His dumb musclehead roommate who he also had to tutor to get paid enough by his football coach? He felt heartbroken, trying to find the right words to say to her to not leave him. 

“I just can’t see a future between us, especially if you’re not hot like Jack,” Rachel said, as Jack wrapped his arm around her slender waist.

“Bro, she’ll never continue dating a nerdy loser like you,” Jack scoffed, cutting Charlie off.

The small, twig-like nerd lips quivered and his reddened eyes burst into tears as he ran out of the frat party, only to be caught by a few of Jack’s douchebag posse to be stripped till he was completely naked and eventually dunked into the swimming pool. It left him embarrassed, vulnerable and overwhelmed, as he was surrounded by pompous, superficial jerks that kept laughing and sneering at him. All of it turned his shame and guilt into anger and vengeance—


“CHARLIE! Wake up, man. The library’s gonna close in half an hour.”

Charlie woke up disgruntled and deeply frustrated. Fuck, he’d dreamt about the set-up. Again. It’d been a few weeks since he got dumped, and it still consumed his mind like crazy. He rubbed his eyes softly and looked up to see his good friend William waving his hand in front of Charlie’s face. 

“Hey, you okay? You’ve been dozing off quite a bit during study group,” William asked, looking concerned.

Charlie sighed. “Yeah, yeah, I’m good, I’m awake. Just…”

“The set-up?” William replied. Charlie froze.

“Was it that obvious?” 

“Charlie, it’s the only thing that’s been on your mind for three months, and with the way things happened, I wouldn’t blame you for being so fixated on it,” William rubbed Charlie’s back caringly as he spoke, his hand pushing his glasses back up to position. 

Charlie sighed again, and sunk his head down. “But I shouldn’t be. I should have moved on by now, found someone new—”

William cut him off. “Don’t you dare go into what-ifs. That’ll only keep you miserable.”

“I know… it’s just… I wanna be someone’s special someone, but I can’t when I look like a stick and have to compete with huge muscle guys like Jack and his friends…” Charlie shook his head, frustrated and exasperated, while William gave him a comforting bro hug…

But William wished he could be more than just a friend to Charlie. See, William had been there for Charlie pretty much all their lives, growing up together and being very close. Hell, William had especially been there for him that night too: picking him up from the frat house; sitting with and comforting Charlie in his dorm; making sure he ate well and didn’t binge or starve himself; if anything, William would’ve made a great, loving boyfriend to Charlie… if only Charlie wasn’t so painfully straight and thought this was just a good friend looking out for a friend in pain. He, too, was frustrated by Charlie’s situation and constant thinking of the past.

Charlie rose from his chair and looked at William, smiling softly. “Thanks for being here for me, Will. It really means a lot to have a friend like you,” he said before walking away.

“L-likewise, Charlie. I’ll see you later,” Will replied, a smile forced onto his lips as he watched Charlie leave the library. Fuck, if only there was something he could do to make both his and Charlie’s situations ease up, but also align so they could be together.


Witches and Twinks


The small London restaurant’s dim light flickered against the wine glasses, casting soft Merlot shadows onto George and Adam’s lips, noses, the entirety of their smug, helpless faces. This should have been the perfect pairing.  They were both intellects, with high senses of self and a love for information (ie. control), and though they’d talked for nearly an hour at this point, the conversation felt more like a fencing match than the start of a beautiful new friendship—each word a parry, each retort a thrust. Adam, dressed in his sweater and khakis, leaned back in his chair with a faint smile, his tone sharp but measured for every measure George tried to fling upon him.

“As much as people romanticize magic or ‘karma,’ it’s all just bullish storytelling,” Adam said, swirling the last of his drink. “Yes, Shakespeare and Marlowe write about it, but even they understood that human intellect, not divine intervention, drives our fate. Julius Caesar—perfect example. ‘The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves.’ The real power lies in reason and intellect.”

George, dressed more casually in his loose-fitting green shirt, met Adam’s judgey gaze with a bewitchingly bemused smile. “Shakespeare also believed in the supernatural,” he countered. “The witches in Macbeth didn’t rely on logic to mess with the characters. Magic, fate, karma—call it what you may, but it holds an inexplicable force over more than just imagination. You’d be surprised how much control you don’t have.”

Adam chuckled, leaning forward slightly, his confidence more than bordering on just arrogance. “Macbeth? The witches merely represent internal fears and ambition every man or woman has in themselves. You can interpret them as mystical, inexplicable forces if you must, but at the end of the day, it’s Lady Macbeth’s persuasion and greed that destroy her husband. Shakespeare knew that intellect was the ultimate weapon. Magic? That’s just an excuse for weak minds like yourself who can’t handle the complexity of the human condition.”

George’s smile twitched as if he found the power not to turn Adam into the jackass he’d been acting like right then and there. “You academics, always trying to boil everything down to logic. I think you’re missing the point of the supernatural entirely. It’s not always about intellect. There are forces beyond understanding, beyond your understanding,—forces that aren’t impressed by your degrees or how many times you’ve read Troilus and Cressida.”

“An underrated work, if I say so myself.”  Adam’s smirk deepened. “And yes, the mysterious ‘forces beyond understanding.’ Tell me, how do they rank next to a Ph.D. in Shakespeare? I’d be curious to know.”

George tilted his head and took a swig of his drink, his gaze softening in a way that made Adam’s need to seek scholarly validation seem hollow. “You think Shakespeare would’ve agreed with you?”

“I know he would’ve,” Adam replied, superiority painting his tone. “The entire premise of his greatest works is that humanity’s biggest downfall is ignorance, not the supernatural. He’d side with intellect.”

“Or maybe he’d side with me.” George leaned in closer, his voice lowering to a near whisper. “You don’t think Shakespeare had a little magic in him? Maybe even enough to change a man forever?”

Adam’s smile faltered slightly, a small crack in his polished confidence. “What are you getting at?”

George’s just giggled, something dark and knowing flashing behind them. “I’m saying that not everything in this world is logical, Adam. You’re sitting here, lecturing me about Shakespeare, as if your intellect puts you above magic or fate. But I could change your entire world with just a flick of my hand, and all that book knowledge would evaporate into thin air.”

Adam’s gulped, unsure whether to get up and run or call the waiter. “Magic doesn’t exist,” he scoffed. “This isn’t some fantasy. It’s reality. You want to impress me? Show me something real.”

Without hesitation, George raised his hand, a scarred palm outstretched, and without breaking eye contact, he waved it through the suddenly thickened air with an inexplicable grace. The motion was so sudden, almost imperceptible, but Adam’s reaction was immediate. His breath hitched, his confident posture writhing and wilting as his widened eyes fluttered in confusion. The polished veneer of intellectual superiority melted away as something unfamiliar and overpowering gripped him.

Suddenly, Adam found himself folded over the table, unable to look away from George. The irritation he’d felt moments before evaporated, replaced by a deep, floundering passion—something that made his heart race and his chest tighten. His thoughts scrambled, no longer sharp and clear but clouded, fogged by an overwhelming sense of need.

“I…” Adam stammered, his voice cracking slightly. “I don’t understand… what were we—?”

George shushed him, his eyes twinkling with satisfaction. “You’re not supposed to understand, love. That’s the point.”

Adam’s breath grew shallow, his pulse quickening as his gaze locked onto George, unable to break away. His mind, usually so sharp and critical, was a jumbled mess of scrambled eggs. Everything he knew, everything he prided himself on, suddenly felt distant, irrelevant. All that mattered now was George—his voice, his presence, his timeless beauty.  George was Adam’s everything now.

“You’re…” Adam’s words trailed off as his hand reached across the table, trembling. “You’re the most incredible man I’ve ever met.”  He swallowed his own tongue, choking on his own breath.  “Will you marry me?”

George’s smile widened, a quiet, knowing victory in his eyes. He leaned back, looking under the table, watching as Adam’s brain couldn’t catch up to his…heart.

“And just like that,” George whispered, “all your intellect can’t stop what you feel now, can it?”

Adam blinked, his face flushed with a mix of confusion and something else, something deeper. “No… I… I can’t stop it.” He swallowed hard, his voice small, vulnerable. “I don’t want to.” 

George’s eyes glittered with satisfaction. “Good,” he murmured, his voice smooth as silk. “Now, why don’t we talk about something that really matters back at your place?”

Every part of his intellectual, collected self knew better than to let this menace into his home, but all Adam could do was nod at his newfound love’s commands. And how bad could it be?  All’s well that ends well, right?

Adam fumbled with the keys to his flat, his hands trembling with an erotic urgency he’d never known before. A man of his knowledge and tact would never sleep with a man so quickly, but alas, his once methodical mind, the same one that could cite King Lear on a whim, now reeled only with thoughts of George on his bed—George's lustful eyes, George’s sweet cock, George's very presence seemed to fill every emotional crevice of his being. His usual restraint, his prudent superiority, was gone, replaced by a consuming need to be filled by this cunning, enchanting strange.

They stumbled inside, the door locking shut behind them. “I’ve never…” Adam’s voice cracked, and he shook his head, words failing him. “I don’t know why, but I want you, I need you. Now.”

George’s lips curled into a soft smile, almost pitying. “Not yet, love. You’re tired.”

“No, I—” Adam’s horny existence began to protest, but before he could finish, George raised his hand and with a single flick of the wrist, Adam’s body crashed into a wave of heavy and irresistible drowsiness. His knees buckled slightly, and he stumbled backward onto his bed, the fatigue wrapping itself around him like a thick, suffocating blanket. His eyelids fluttered as the last bit of resistance left him, and in moments, he was fast asleep, still in the preppy clothes that once defined him.

George stepped forward, his eyes brooding as he stood over Adam's sleeping form. His fingers trailed lightly over Adam’s temple, tracing the outline of his brow. “You’ll thank me for this one day,” George murmured, though he knew Adam couldn’t hear. 

With that, George’s expression shifted from amusement to something far more dangerous. He moved to the center of the room, kneeling over, and began reciting words in Old English, his voice low and rhythmic, like a conjurer summoning something deep and ancient.

“This man doth dress in shorts of scanty seam,  

But two inches, nay more, could his cloth bear.  

All trousers, all pants, dare try to redeem,  

Will twist and turn, yet still they'll shorten there.”

As the words slipped out from George’s lips, the change began. Adam’s legs, still clad in his conservative khakis, twitched. The fabric shimmered like glitter, rippling unnaturally, as though it had come alive beneath him. Slowly, the pant legs began to pull and pull, retracting themselves upward inch by inch. The sturdy material warped and shrank, tightening suddenly as it rose. In moments, the khakis had transformed entirely into a pair of short, nay, outrageously short gym shorts—barely two inches of inseam, leaving almost nothing to the imagination.

The fabric clung to Adam’s shivering thighs, exposing pale skin that had seemingly never seen the light of day. His knees, his nonexistent calves, everything that had been carefully covered up was now on display, with the hem of the shorts barely reaching the tops of his legs. He lay there, still sleeping, completely oblivious to the transformation.

George’s eyes gleamed as he watched his imagination solidify into reality, their bright, synthetic fabric snug against Adam’s skin. “Much better,” he whispered, stepping closer. But alas, he wasn’t done just yet.

“In tanks of muscled shape, his chest laid bare,  

Neckline to navel, each nipple shall show.  

Armholes so deep, their movement none can spare,  

In every stride, his shirt reveals more woe.”

Another shift rippled through Adam’s sleeping body, this time around his torso. The sweater he’d been wearing—the very picture of propriety—began to distort itself, the fibers unraveling at his collar. The neckline dipped lower, and lower, and lower still, until it stopped just above his flat belly button. The sleeves, too, warped, pulling up and away from his twig-like arms until they were nothing but gaping holes that left his ribcage completely exposed. The fabric thinned as the sleeves disappeared, leaving him in a muscle tank so revealing that his nipples couldn’t help but to peek through with every slight motion.

The soft knit of his sweater had become a thin, athletic material, stretched across his chest and shoulders, barely covering anything. His once modest outfit was now reduced to something shamelessly provocative, his entire upper body on display, his pasty white skin brushing against the air with every breath.

George admired his work, his fingers drumming lightly against his thigh as he took in Adam’s new look. “Perfect,” he murmured. And yet, there was still more to be done.

“In high shoe laced, his socks pulled crisp and white,  

A chain of gold doth glisten 'round his neck,  

Beneath it all, a jock to fit him tight,  

No other cloth for him shall fate select.”

Once again, for the final time tonight, the changes swept through Adam’s cold, lifeless body, this time starting at his feet. His Sperry boat shoes dissolved, giving way to a pair of bright white Nike hi-tops, their thick laces tied into the most perfect bows for the treadmill. The socks that appeared around his ankles pulled up snugly, reaching mid-calf, their crisp whiteness almost blending to the cream of his skin.

Next, the thinnest, most douchiest gold chain materialized itself around his bony neck, resting just above his exposed collarbone. The delicate glint of the necklace caught the light, its subtle flash at odds with the rest of his now athletic ensemble. Finally, the transformation moved beneath his shorts. His boxers melted away, replaced by a tight-fitting jockstrap that cupped him in place, offering minimal coverage and the most maximum exposure, almost as if he were a twink stripper on the Miami shore instead of the next youngest professor at Yale.

George stepped back, admiring his handiwork. Adam, once a picture of scholarly decorum, now lay before him clad in nothing but slutty gym shorts, a muscle tank that exposed far more than Adam would ever desire, hi-top sneakers, a thin gold chain, and the most illuminating jockstrap. It was absurd, provocative—and exactly as George had imagined.

For the final touch, George recited the couplet, his voice soft but firm:

“Forever cursed, his garments shall remain,  

In shorts, in tanks, he'll live his life in vain.”

With those words, the spell was sealed. No matter what Adam touched, no matter how hard he tried, every article of clothing would morph into this same, revealing outfit. George smiled, satisfied, and took a seat in the armchair across from Adam. He watched him for a moment, sleeping so peacefully despite the irreversible change that had just taken place.

But as the night crept on, George allowed himself to sleep too, a smirk still resting on his lips as he lied next to his creation. Tomorrow, when Adam awoke and his spell of infatuation wore off, George knew that’s when the real fun would begin.


“AHHHH!”  Adam woke up, his heart racing as the morning light shone onto his hungover face. His body felt strange, but his mind was far more disturbed. The events of the previous night seemed fragmented, cloudy—George, the strange pull, the overwhelming desire, none of it made sense. He sat up in his sheets, his eyes darting around the room, his chest heaving.

He looked beside himself and dear God, there he was. George was still asleep, draped casually across the sheets, his face peaceful in the way that seemed entirely at odds with the havoc he’d wreaked. Adam’s stomach turned. I slept with him, Adam thought, his mind spinning like a top. He clenched his fists in the sheets, his face flushed with shame. How had he let this happen? His mind, so methodical and proud, had completely failed him and allowed him to degrade himself for some vampiric twink.

Panic gripped him as he stood from the bed, only to stop mid-step when he realized a breeze he’d never felt before. His legs were bare, his thighs on full display. It was then that he noticed his reflection in the mirror across the room. His mouth fell open in shock. Gone were his conservative khakis and sweater. In their place, he wore nothing but a pair of impossibly short gym shorts, a muscle tank that exposed his chest and nipples, white socks pulled up to his calves, and, what on earth, a jockstrap?  He looked at himself again and thought he looked like a child dressing up in his musclehead uncle’s clothes.

He quickly shuffled to his dresser, desperate to change out of this ridiculous, humiliating outfit before George woke up. He rifled through his drawers and pulled out a pair of khakis and a button-down shirt, but as soon as his fingers touched them, they shimmered and twisted, morphing into the same slutty gym shorts and revealing muscle tank that now clung to his body. Adam's eyes widened in horror. He threw the clothes aside and reached for another pair, only for the same thing to happen. Every single item he touched—his jeans, his sweaters, even a pair of pajamas—all transformed into the same jock-bro ensemble.

“What the fuck?” Adam muttered under his breath, the frustration building. His heart pounded as he rifled through his now everchanging closet, grabbing hangers and tossing clothes aside in a frantic attempt to find something—anything—that wouldn’t transform. But everything he touched met the same fate, shrinking and twisting into the cursed, douchebag outfit.

Behind him, he heard a soft laugh.

George finally awoke, sitting up in bed, arms crossed, a lazy smirk plastered on his face. “Having trouble love?”

Adam spun around, his face flushed with fury. “What the hell is this?” He gestured to his outfit, his voice rising. “What did you do to me?”

George laughed again, softer this time, his eyes gleaming with amusement. “What’s wrong? What happened to the complexity of the human consciousness or whatever bullshit you were spewing last night?”

“Magic?!” Adam’s voice cracked with a mixture of disbelief and anger. “Is that what you’re blaming this on?  You can’t be serious!”

“Oh, but I am, love.”  George stood, casually pulling his shirt over his head and tossing it aside. “Oh, come on. Don’t you like your new look? I think it suits you.” He took a step closer, his smirk growing wider. “And honestly, after all that big talk, I would’ve thought you’d handle a little transformation with more grace.”

Adam clenched his fists, his voice shaking with rage. “This isn’t funny, George! Somehow you’ve made me look like some jock-bro idiot. What the hell am I supposed to do like this? Just tell me what you did!”

But George’s expression darkened. “You still don’t get it, do you?” His voice dropped, the playful tone gone. “You can’t just insult me, mock what I believe, and expect no consequences.” He took another step forward, his brooding eyes locking with Adam’s. “You wanted to prove your intellect was above everything—above magic, above fate. But you’ve proven nothing except how small your mind really is.”

“Small?!” Adam barked. “The only thing small here is you, you psychopathic, egotistical—”

But before Adam could finish, George’s pupils flashed with anger. He raised his hand, the air around him seeming to hum with energy. “Careful what you say next,” George warned. “Or you might not like what comes next.”

Adam’s lips parted, the insult on the tip of his tongue, but he hesitated. His pride warred with his common sense, but he couldn’t stop himself. “You’re nothing but a dumb fucking slut."

Suddenly, quiet filled the room as the words escaped Adam’s quivering lip, but once he got himself collected, George’s voice rang out in outrage, calm, yet oh-so commanding.

“This man shall bear a curse of feet most foul,  

With stench of sweat, his socks shall rot and tear.  

His pits shall reek, his skin a pungent scowl,  

Athlete’s rot shall mar each inch laid bare.”

Adam barely had time to register what George had said before a horrifying sensation crept up from his feet. He looked down, his newly acquired hi-tops feeling unnaturally damp. His socks, once crisp and white, were now soaked with sweat and dirt, clinging to his wretched skin. He wrinkled his nose at the sudden, overwhelming odor that wafted up from his shoes. It was rancid—like rotting toe cheese mixed with mildew and and an ocean’s worth of sweat. His feet itched uncontrollably, the skin burning as if something was crawling beneath it.

At the same time, his armpits began to burn and sting. He reached up instinctively, only to pull his hand back in disgust. His armpits were slick with a salty wetness, and the stench hit him like a punch to the gut—thick, sour, and overwhelming. It was as if he hadn’t showered in weeks, months even. His face flushed with embarrassment as the realization set in: his body reeked. His feet, his armpits—every part of him was drenched in sweat and stench, a walking cloud of filth.

“What the—?” Adam staggered back, staring at George in disbelief. “What did you—?”

But George wasn’t finished. He raised his hand again, his eyes gleaming with a dark satisfaction.

“This man shall itch where modesty once laid,  

His bush shall grow, his groin a scratching hell.  

He’ll fight in vain to stop his hands’ parade,  

As arse and crotch demand his touch as well.”

And just like that, a sharp itch exploded itself across Adam’s groin, so intense that he doubled over in shock. His fingers flew to his waistband, instinctively trying to scratch the burning sensation beneath his jockstrap. The itch was so unbearable, spreading across his groin and into his backside, radiating like fire near his hole. No matter how hard he tried to resist, his hands were drawn to the sensation, scratching furiously, desperate for relief.

But there was none. The more he scratched, the worse it got. His fingers dug into the fabric of his shorts, and soon, he was practically clawing at himself, unable to stop. His face flushed red with embarrassment. The itch was maddening, and it didn’t care about decorum or propriety. Weak, he was scratching himself in front of George, his hands running over his crotch and ass, completely helpless against the overwhelming need for relief.

“Stop this,” Adam gasped, his voice shaking as he continued to scratch. “Please, stop.”

But George only smirked, his voice calm as he began the next quatrain.

“Each hour, his body shall release its gas,  

With burps and farts to shake the very air.  

No matter where he goes, no lad or lass  

Will dare endure the odors he’ll declare.”

Before Adam could breath in, his stomach rumbled violently. His eyes widened in horror as his body took over, an enormous belch ripping from his throat, so loud it echoed through the tiny studio. A second later, a foul-smelling fart exploded from him like a cloud, the stink so pungent it nearly knocked him back. 

“No—” Adam gasped, but his body betrayed him again. Another belch, followed by another fart and another burp, and yet another fart. The stench filled the room, thick and nauseating. His face turned crimson as he stumbled back, his hands flying to his mouth as if he could stop the sounds from escaping, but it was no use. Every few seconds, another belch, another fart, the air around him quickly becoming unbreathable.

George watched, amused, as Adam staggered, his eyes wide with humiliation. He raised his hand one last time, his voice soft and final.

“This man of filth, of shame, of rank decay,  

Shall live apart from grace, in filth to stay.”

With that, George turned toward the door, leaving Adam in the haze of his own stench, his body a twisted caricature of everything he once prided himself on. The smell of his own filth lingered in the air, heavy and oppressive, but it was the itching, the relentless belching, and the horrible farts that kept him anchored to the spot. His whole body was a battlefield of sensations he couldn’t control. His intellect, once his greatest weapon, felt utterly useless now.

He staggered toward the bathroom, desperate to scrub away the grime of his new persona. He turned on the shower, hoping the water would wash away the stench and the shame. But as soon as the water hit his body, it did nothing. The sweat, the reek from his armpits and feet, even the itch in his groin—it was all still there, clinging to him like a second skin.

After multiple futile attempts, he stared at his reflection in the fogged mirror. His eyes were bloodshot, his face flushed from scratching and embarrassment. His once carefully maintained hair was now matted with sweat, and his body, encased in the ridiculous bro-ey outfit, made him look more like a lazy frat boy than a Ph.D. candidate.

Adam threw on a hoodie, hoping it might cover up some of the smell, and pulled the hood over his head, trying to obscure himself. He couldn’t just stay home. He had a meeting with his professor that afternoon—he had to go. He had to maintain some semblance of normalcy, even though nothing about this felt normal.

As he left the apartment, he became acutely aware of the looks he was getting from people on the street. Some wrinkled their noses, others shot him a glance before quickly looking away. His footsteps echoed in his ears, punctuated by the sound of another loud fart escaping him, followed by a huge, gut-shaking belch. The smell followed him like a shadow, and the itch in his groin was impossible to ignore. He scratched absentmindedly, wincing as he did, but the relief only lasted a second before the itch came back with renewed intensity.

The closer he got to campus, the more nervous he became. His body wouldn’t stop betraying him—every few steps, another belch, another fart, another desperate scratch of his groin and butt. He could feel the sweat pooling beneath his shirt, the odor rising with it. He pulled his hood tighter over his head, hoping to disappear into himself, but nothing could hide what was happening to him.

By the time he reached his professor’s office, he was a mess of nerves. He stood outside the door, trying to compose himself. You can do this, he thought, even as his body itched and groaned in protest. But the second he stepped inside, the look on his professor’s face told him everything.

“Adam,” Professor Wilson said, his voice hesitant as he looked up from his desk. His nose wrinkled almost immediately, and Adam saw him discreetly glance toward the window as if considering opening it for fresh air. “Are… are you feeling alright?”

Adam swallowed hard. “I—I’m fine,” he lied, but even as the words left his mouth, another loud belch erupted from his throat, followed by the unmistakable sound of another fart. The air around him was thick with the stench, and he could see the professor’s face go pale with disgust.

Professor Wilson stood abruptly. “Perhaps we should reschedule,” he said, clearly trying to hold back his revulsion. “It seems like you’re not… in the best condition today.”

“I can explain—” Adam started, but even as he spoke, his hands betrayed him again, scratching furiously at his groin and rear, the itch unbearable. He tried to stop, tried to keep himself composed, but his body had other ideas. Another belch, another fart, each more embarrassing than the last. The smell in the room was unbearable, and Professor Wilson’s eyes were wide with a mix of pity and horror.

“Adam, I think it’s best if you go home and take care of… whatever this is,” Professor Wilson said, his voice tight with discomfort. “We’ll discuss your dissertation another time.”

Adam’s face burned with shame as he nodded stiffly, his throat too tight to speak. He turned and left the office, another loud fart escaping him as he hurried down the hallway. The students he passed gave him wide-eyed stares, some covering their noses, others whispering and laughing as he stumbled past them. Each new step felt heavier, the weight of the day pressing down on him, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t escape the nightmare his life had become.

By the time he could finally make it back to his apartment, he was utterly defeated. His body reeked, the itch in his groin had only gotten worse, and his belly was constantly churning with the pressure of more belches and farts waiting to erupt. He kicked off his shoes and collapsed onto his bed, burying his face in his pillow. The day had been a disaster—there was no way he could continue like this.

As the evening settled in, Adam lay there, his mind racing even as his body continued to betray him. He had to find George. He had to fix this. There was no other option.

He couldn’t live like this—he couldn’t endure the stares, the laughter, the humiliation. His career, his entire life, was at stake. With each itch, each stench, each belch and fart, he felt his old self slipping further away, and he was terrified of what he would become if this continued.

With a heavy sigh, Adam closed his eyes. Tomorrow. Tomorrow, he would find George and demand that he fix what he’d done. Tomorrow, he would get his life back.


Adam sat desperate against his pillow and his headboard, his phone clutched in his hand, staring down at the screen with a sense of failure. The stench from his armpits, the itching in his groin, the endless belches and farts—everything had become so utterly unbearable. The reflection he caught in the mirror was still that of the cursed gym rat, his outfit vulgar and ridiculous against his scrawny body, the stink so thick it began to cling to the walls of his flat.

He began typing. His fingers trembled slightly as they tapped against the glass, carefully crafting the text to George. His pride screamed against it, but he was out of options. He couldn’t live like this, not anymore.

"Hey George,  

I’ve been thinking a lot…and I just wanted to say how sorry I am. I was so out of line, and I didn’t mean to insult you or dismiss what you believe. I get it now—there are things beyond intellect, beyond control, and…beyond me.  I was wrong, and you were right. There.  I should’ve believed in magic instead of trying to mock it. Please, is there anything I can do to fix this? I don’t want to keep living like this, I just can’t."

He hesitated for a moment before hitting send, his stomach twisting into a knot of hope and dread. Adam tossed the phone onto his bed and laid back, staring at the ceiling as the minutes stretched into hours. Every itch, every foul-smelling fart reminded him of his new reality. He tried to distract himself—cleaning the apartment, watching plays on Youtube, attempting to focus on some new Shakespearean analysis—but nothing worked. The stench hung in the air like a punishment, stuck to him no matter what.

By midday, Adam’s hope had started to wither into nothingness. George wasn’t going to respond. He probably didn’t even care. Maybe this was it—maybe this revolting, humiliating state was his life now. He sighed, dragging his hands through his sweaty hair, glancing toward his phone again. Still nothing. He swallowed the lump in his throat and paced around room, fidgeting with his bro clothes that clung to his now lean body like a cruel joke. 


Adam rushed to his phone, his heart thudding against his chest as he unlocked the screen. A message from George appeared, and his breath caught.

“Curses can’t be undone, love.”

Adam’s face flushed with frustration. His jaw clenched as he stared at the words. All of that groveling, all of that begging, and this was the response? He typed furiously, his anger bubbling to the surface, but before he could send anything back, another message appeared.

“But I must admit.  I didn’t think you would actually say that.  Honestly, I really appreciate the apology. Why don’t call it even, huh?  Why don’t I give you a gift?”

Adam blinked at the screen, his anger slowly dissipating into confusion. A gift? What kind of twisted gift could George possibly mean? If it was anything like the last, then he could keep it. But before he could protest, another message filled the screen.

“His arms, like oaks, doth stretch from end to end,  

With strength to lift the world or crush its weight.  

Their power matched with beauty none can fend,  

Two mounds so vast as sunset’s final state.”

As Adam read the words, he felt a sudden warmth spread through his arms. Not again, he thought, but then his eyes darted down in alarm as his previously thin, lanky arms twitched, then bulged. He watched, wide-eyed, as his biceps began to swell, the muscles rippling and bubbling beneath his skin. The skin of his arms grew tight, barely able to contain the massive growth. His once scrawny arms were transforming into huge, muscular limbs—so strong, they looked like they could crush stone with a single flick.

He flexed experimentally, his new muscles hardening themselves like marble. His biceps were enormous, so large they cast a shadow on his bony torso. He stared in disbelief at his own body, feeling an unfamiliar surge of power rush through him.

His phone buzzed again, another text:

“His chest, like breasts of Venus round and great,  

Two orbs of strength that push against the day.  

Each pect’ral it’s own ball upon a beach,  

So full, so firm, none dare to turn away.”

Adam’s gaze shifted down towards his chest, and once again, he felt the same warm, tingling sensation spread across his torso as he began to feel an unnerving top heaviness. His pecs swelled, pushing against the straps of his tank top until the neckline stretched even lower than before. His chest ballooned outward, each pec growing into a massive, rounded mound of muscle, firm and solid beneath his skin. His nipples presented so visibly, his chest now so large it jutted forward, casting a shadow over his barren stomach.

The weight of his new pecs made him feel even more powerful, even more in control. He couldn’t stop staring, watching the way his body filled out, how his once-flat chest had been replaced by two enormous mounds of muscle that jiggled involuntary with every breath. They were so big, so round, they almost looked unnatural—but Adam loved it nonetheless.

Another text…

“His stomach, carved like canyons deep and wide,  

Each groove a trench, each line a valley low.  

His legs, like trunks of ancient oaks abide,  

With strength to stand through storm and sun and snow.”

Adam’s abdomen contracted, the sensation rippling through his core. He watched as the muscles on his stomach began to etch themselves into deep, chiseled grooves. His once-flat belly was now an eight-pack, every ridge and line so pronounced it looked like his abs had been carved out of granite. His waist boxed in, accentuating the sheer mass of his chest above and the powerful definition below.

His legs were next. His thighs bulged beneath his gym shorts, the muscles expanding rapidly, filling out with every second. His calves thickened into pillars of strength, his quads growing into enormous slabs of meat that made his legs look like logs. He was massive now, his entire body transformed into something that looked like it had been sculpted by the god Zeus himself.

The final couplet arrived, and as Adam read the words, he felt the last part of the transformation taking hold:

A man’s man, dominant, in every stride,  

With looks that none, not man nor beast, can hide.”

As Adam gazed into the mirror, his eyes widened in awe. His reflection had changed entirely. He stood there, towering, his body brimming with strength and raw masculinity, as if he’d eaten raw eggs every day of his life since he was ten. His jawline was sharper, his posture more commanding, and the way he looked—it was undeniable. He was an alpha now.  He demanded attention, respect, and desire. The smell, the stink that had once plagued him—it didn’t matter. His overwhelming physicality eclipsed all of it.

Adam grinned, a wave of confidence crashing over him. This was power. This was control. He grabbed a jacket, still feeling the massive stretch of his biceps as he slipped it over his shoulders, and headed out.

At the nearest gay bar, the moment Adam walked in, all eyes were on him. His broad shoulders and massive arms filled out his jacket in ways that left little to the imagination. He could see heads turning, guys sneaking glances at his hulking frame, his thick pecs nearly busting through his shirt. He walked up to the bar, and within seconds, a couple of older men sidled up to him, their eyes wide with interest.

One of them, a trucker looking man with salt-and-pepper hair and the crustiest mustache, leaned in, his voice low. “You’re looking good, boy. Smell like man too.  Why don’t you let me buy you a drink?”

Adam wrinkled his nose slightly. The man was old, rotund, and ugly.  He could do better, much better. “No thanks, ..sir,” Adam replied coldly, his voice deeper and more commanding than he remembered. The man’s face fell slightly, but Adam didn’t care. He was too busy reveling in the attention, in the way every guy in the bar seemed to be watching him, wanting his body.

As the night wore on, more and more guys approached, trying their luck with him. But none of them were good enough for Adam. He was an alpha now—he could have anyone he wanted, and the more he held out, the more they wanted.

And tomorrow? Tomorrow, he would go see George again.  If George can do this for him.  There’s no telling what else he could get out of the witchy twink.


Adam took the tube immediately once he awoke and stood in front of George’s door, the weight of his muscular new form making him feel absolutely invincible. His inflated biceps and thick chest on the reflective glass of the door fed his ever growing ego, but deep down, he couldn’t help but shake this nagging doubt. George had done this to him—made him into a walking Marvel superhero, sculpted from stone, pure lust, and raw, unadulterated power. But was it enough? No, Adam wanted more. Needed more.

He knocked, his hairy knuckles bristling past the door handle. The first time he’d sought George, he’d dismissed the supernatural as nonsense. Now, with the power of George’s magic coursing through his sculpted body, Adam was ready to claim yet another piece of it. But this time, he knew he had to play his cards just a tad bit differently.

The door creaked open, and there stood George, his face shifting from surprise to a soft, almost suspicious smile. “Adam,” George purred. “Back so soon?”

Adam leaned against the doorframe, his massive arms bulging as he flexed them just enough to show off the strength George had given him. “Missed me?”

George raised an eyebrow, but his gaze lingered on Adam’s tits, those enormous pecs straining against the thin straps of his bro-ish muscle tank. There was a flicker of something in George’s eyes—desire, interest, maybe even a sliver of actual emotion, something he hadn’t felt in centuries. Adam noticed, and he played into it, taking a step closer, his voice low and smooth.

“I’ve been thinking about you,” Adam said, his hand grazing George’s arm. “About I’ve been thinking about just how much I owe you for this body, for… everything.”

George tilted his head, still guarded. “And what exactly do you want this time, Adam?”

“I don’t want anything,” Adam replied, his lips curling into a seductive smile. “Just you.”

He moved closer, his muscular frame dwarfing George’s, his presence overwhelming in the cramped air of the doorway. George hesitated for a moment, but Adam’s hand slipped to the nape of George’s neck, pulling him in with surprising gentleness. Their lips met, slowly melding together, turning into something hotter, far more dangerous. Adam’s thinly veiled cock rubbed against George’s abs as his walls came crumbling down, and for the first time, Adam felt the subtle shift in power—he had George, really had him.

The day blurred into heated moments, their bodies tangled in sheets and sweat. Adam was relentless, his new body a weapon of seduction, and George, for all his magic, succumbed to the raw physicality of it. They moved together with an intensity that neither had expected, sucking, fucking, and by the time they lay spent, George was quiet, staring at Adam with something akin to affection.

Adam, however, was already thinking ahead. He turned to George, still catching his breath. “You’ve got power, George. Magic.”

George giggled with a flush.  “You’re just saying that.”

But Adam turned cold.  “I want more of it.”

George’s face darkened. “What exactly are you asking for, Adam?”

Adam grinned, his arrogance returning now that the heat of the moment had passed. “Whatever gift you think I deserve. You’ve given me all this, how can I doubt your judgment, my sweet baby.  My love.  I’ll leave it up to you. Surprise me.”

George’s expression shifted from curiosity to something more guarded, his eyes narrowing as he watched Adam’s smug face. “Anything I want, huh?”

Adam shrugged, confidence oozing from every pore. “I trust you.”

George sat up, his fingers trailing along Adam’s broad chest as if considering his next move. For a long moment, he said nothing, then with a quiet, deceptive murmur, he recited:

"A man so well endowed, his length shall grow,  

Eight inches, thick as snake in fabric’s cage,  

His buttocks firm, a perch for all to show,  

A bubble round to seat him firm with age."

Adam’s goosebumped body tingled immediately, the familiar warmth of transformation spreading through his lower regions. He let out a low, grunty moan as the sensation deepened, his cock thickening and lengthening under his teeny tiny shorts. Diameter growing as his ass tightened, the muscles swelling into perfect, round bubbles that pushed him slightly upward in the bed. He grinned, looking down at himself, clearly satisfied with George’s work.

“That’s more like it,” Adam murmured, his hands roaming over his newly enhanced assets. The heft of his cock felt incredible, and his ass, firm and plump, made him sit taller, more confidently. “I can’t wait to use this out in SoHo.”  He turned to George, expecting more praise, more lust, but George’s face remained unreadable.

Then, George’s voice darkened, and he continued the sonnet.

"But this thick snake shall rise and never fall,  

In constant stand, no peace, no quiet still.  

His rounded arse shall breathe and stretch at call,  

Each muscle loose, no seat can meet its will."

Adam’s smile faltered, confusion flickering in his eyes. The change happened so quickly—his cock, now a monstrous length, hardened immediately, pushing insistently against the fabric of his gym shorts. It throbbed, always erect, always at attention, with no sense of relief. He shifted uncomfortably as his ass, once firm and perfect, started to feel strangely loose towards the center. It twitched and clenched on its own, the muscles stretching and relaxing without his control, as if it was becoming an underground tunnel.

“Wait, what the—?” Adam stammered, sitting up, his hand moving to adjust his cock, but it wouldn’t soften. His asshole kept opening with a subtle, almost breathing sensation that made him feel unstable, as if he could fit a tube station in there.

George smirked, watching the realization dawn on Adam’s face. “Not quite what you expected, is it?”

Adam’s panic grew as he tried to stand, but the constant, unrelenting erection made every step uncomfortable. His ass moved with a will of its own, making it impossible for him to walk without awkwardly adjusting himself.

“Stop this,” Adam demanded, his voice sharp with fear. “Fix it!”

But George continued, his voice soft, but with a cutting edge:

"For every man he sees and thinks of thus,  

A need shall spark, his body shall obey.  

Two seconds more, his lips will ask with trust,  

And if they say ‘yes,’ he cannot turn away."

Adam’s eyes widened in horror as the words sank in. The change was immediate. His mind, sharp and calculating, suddenly snapped. The second he looked at George, an overwhelming desire flooded him. He took a step forward, his voice trembling.

“George, I—” He swallowed, trying to fight the words that wanted to spill out, but they escaped anyway. “I want you… I need you. Please, let’s do it again.”

George’s smirk faded into something almost pitying as he stepped back, shaking his head. “No.”

Adam blinked, the refusal shocking him, but the need remained. His body trembled with desire, the thought of George sending his blood rushing. He reached out, desperate. “Please, I can’t—”

But George stood firm. “This is what you wanted, Adam. You wanted the magic. Now you’ve got it.”

Adam’s desperation turned into panic, the uncontrollable lust gnawing at him as he realized what had happened. “Please, you have to stop this! I can’t live like this!”

George’s eyes softened, but his voice remained firm. “If you never see me again, I can never curse you again. Plain and simple.”

Adam’s heart pounded in his chest, the weight of the curse pressing down on him. He had no choice. He nodded stiffly, his voice shaking. “Fine.”

Without another word, he fled the apartment, the constant throbbing in his pants making every step unbearable, as if he were walking with a third leg. His ass twitched, loose and awkward, making him shift with every movement. He tried to keep his eyes down, avoid seeing anyone, avoid thinking about anyone. But as he neared his flat, he saw him—the old, fat man from the bar, the one with the crusty mustache he’d brushed off so easily the night before.

Adam’s eyes locked onto him, and the thought, just two seconds, crossed his mind. The change was instant.

“Hey,” Adam called out, already relieving his itchy erection, his voice unabashed from shame. “You wanna fuck me?”

The man’s eyes widened, a slow grin spreading across his face. “Yeah, I do.  Let’s go boy”

Before Adam could stop himself, he moved closer, his body betraying him. They ended up in Adam’s flat, the humiliation sinking deeper as he stripped down, his body moving on its own, giving in to the fat man’s cock. Every moment was pleasure, the curse forcing him to enjoy it all. As the man’s fingers roamed into his hole, Adam’s cock stood painfully erect, his ass twitching and clenching, unable to resist the pleasure.

By the time it was over, Adam lay in bed, the old man’s snores filling the room. He stared at the ceiling, the weight of his actions crushing him. He hated it. He hated the curse, hated George, hated himself. But as he thought back to the encounter, a sickening sense of satisfaction settled in his chest.

Maybe this was who he was now. He’d become the horny, bro-ish slut he’d always railed against.

But hey, at least he still had his wits about him.

“You wanna go again,” he asked the sleeping bear.

He awoke.  “Fuck yeah I do.”


Adam groaned, his body still humming from the night before, shifting slightly in his bed, the weight of his smelly, bulging muscles pressing against the mattress in ways that felt less and less alien. The stench of sweat and sex clung to the sheets like a cruel reminder, but what gave him the most relief was that the old mustached bear, the fat man who had taken him, or he’d taken in, last night, was gone, leaving Adam with what few shreds of dignity he had left. For but a brief moment, Adam felt a glimmer of his old smart self, something buried deep beneath the layers of this cursed, grotesque transformation.

He brought himself up slowly, running a hand through his cum-soaked, dampened hair, trying to ignore the disgusting aire of musk that followed him everywhere. The night’s events replayed slowly in his mind, and each moment sent waves of heat rolling through him. He was disgusted with himself, yet somehow also satisfied. As much as he wanted to shake off the craziness of last night, something darker tugged within him—or instead, someone.  Someone he couldn't control.


The mere thought of him, that witchy smile, made Adam's heart pump and race. He tried to resist it, clenching his fists as he paced around his tiny studio. No. He wouldn’t give in. Not again. But the more he fought it, the stronger the curse became. His cock twitched in his shorts, eternally hardening more and more, his mind clouded with an overwhelming desire as he let out a massive burp. It was George. He needed George. He needed to see him, fuck him, even if it meant more and more of these horrible, disfiguring changes.

Without even realizing what he was doing, Adam was out the door, heading toward George’s place. His brain screamed at him to turn back, to stop this madness, but his feet kept moving, each step heavier with the weight of inevitability. He arrived at George’s door, his heart pounding so hard it echoed in his ears. Before he could second-guess himself, he knocked.

The door creaked open, and there stood George, the same knowing smile curling on his lips, eyes gleaming with amusement. “Back so soon?” George asked, voice dripping with mockery.

Adam swallowed, his throat tight. His body screamed with need, the throbbing in his pants unbearable. “I… I need to fuck you,” he stammered, the words barely making it out. His muscles tensed, his breath shallow. “Please, George. I just want to stick my-”

“No.” George’s tone was sharp, cold. “I warned you, Adam.”

Adam froze, his heart sinking. Panic flooded his chest. “No, wait, I… I—” He turned to flee, the humiliation too much to bear, but George’s voice stopped him dead in his tracks.

“You’re not going anywhere,” George said softly, a cruel edge to his voice. With a flick of his hand, Adam’s body locked in place, muscles freezing as though they were held by invisible chains. Adam’s eyes widened in fear as George circled him like a predator, his gaze sweeping up and down Adam’s massive form.

“You could’ve been so wonderful, Adam,” George whispered, his fingers trailing across Adam’s rigid biceps. “If only you weren’t so obsessed with being better than everyone else.” George stopped in front of him, his eyes gleaming. “But don’t worry. I’m going to fix that.”

Adam’s heart pounded in his chest, his giant mind racing with panic. He tried to move, to speak, but nothing worked. He was trapped, helpless, his body at George’s mercy. And then, George began to recite.

“This man, with wit so sharp, shall find it dull,

His tongue to fail at words with length and grace.

In single beats, his speech doth make him full,

No thought can break the barrier of his face.”

Adam’s head buzzed as George’s words sank into his soul. He tried to protest, to say something, anything, but when he opened his mouth, all that came out were simple, one-syllable words, clumsy and slow like the dumbass he used to make fun of, the one he was about to become. “Wh-what… you… do…?” he stammered, struggling through each word. His brain felt like it was being squeezed, cell by cell, every attempt to say something even somewhat intelligent or complex was met with a foggy, impenetrable wall.

“No… more…” he managed, but even that felt like a battle. His tongue stumbled within his mouth, his speech slurring as the magic took further hold. Adam’s face twisted in frustration, but there was nothing he could do. He couldn’t even think of a word longer than one syllable. His mind was trapped in this humiliating simplicity, a far cry from the sharp intellect he once wielded.

George smiled, watching the struggle unfold with sadistic delight. “You’re already looking more like yourself, love.” He continued, his voice low and melodic.

“A jaw so slack, it barely knows its place,

His mouth hangs wide, flies wander through the door.

With 'duh' his mind reflects upon his face,

A smile so dumb, he trusts each word, what's more.”

As the next words spread themselves throughout the air and landed onto Adam’s face, he felt his jaw slacken into a relaxed position, the muscles in his face going completely limp. His mouth hung open, agape, his lips parting into a dumb, vacant expression. He could feel the cold air tickling his teeth as a small, stupid smile crept onto his face. He tried to close his mouth, to tighten his jaw, but it wouldn’t obey him. No matter how hard he tried, it remained slack, open, like a door left ajar.

Flies buzzed around, and before he knew it, one flitted into his mouth. He barely registered it, too dazed, too numb to even care. His face felt frozen in that idiotic grin, his eyes glazed over. Worse yet, every word George said sounded so… true. Every part of him wanted to believe whatever George told him, his gullibility sinking deep into his bones.

Adam’s mind screamed at him to resist, to hold onto what was left of his pride, but that part of him was fading fast. His lips, still curled in a stupid smile, parted again. “Uh… yeah, right…” he muttered, barely able to form coherent thoughts. His voice sounded thick and dopey, like it belonged to someone else, someone who couldn’t even spell Shakespear.

George’s voice softened, almost tender. “See, isn’t that easier? No more thinking, no more overcomplicating things. Just smile, and trust whatever I, or anyone tells you.”

Adam’s heart pounded in his chest, but his mind couldn’t focus. His thoughts were slipping away, replaced by something far simpler, far more primal.

“His thoughts now cloud with only two desires,

To lift, to bed, these things alone will stay.

His mind a fog, of neither will it tire,

And all else fades, in gym and bed to play.”

With those words, haze descended over Adam’s mind. Thoughts, once sharp and filled with wit, were now muddled, clouded with only two overpowering urges. He wanted to work out. He wanted to fuck. Everything else—his career, his pride, his intellect—faded into the background, meaningless, never to be seen again.

Images of bench presses flashed into his shrinking mind, the sensation of cold iron in his sweaty hands, the strain of his muscles as they bulged and flexed. And then there was sex—hot, mindless sex. His cock throbbed in his shorts, and the desire, the absolute need for physical release overwhelmed him, drowning out any other thought. Working out, fucking, working out, fucking, again and again and again. That was all that mattered now. Nothing else made sense, not like he could comprehend it anyways.

Adam tried to resist, to push through the fog, but alas, it was no use. His mind was too far gone, too consumed by primal urges. He let out a resonant, needy groan, his thoughts too disorganized to form any coherent plan of escape.

George watched with satisfaction as Adam’s transformation neared its end. With a triumphant smile, he delivered the final couplet.

“And now this man goes by initials who,

With knowledge slight, no higher than eight-two.”

As George’s last words took their hold, Adam felt the last remnants of his old self slip away, the final pieces of his mind shattering like glass into a distant oblivion. He wasn’t Adam anymore. He was… AJ. His name was AJ, always had been. That dumb, jockish grin became permanent across his face as his old life rewrote itself. His memories, once filled with scholarships, academic debates, tragedies and comedies, were now replaced by scenes of the gym, of flexing in front of the mirror, of fucking nameless faces in dark, sweaty backrooms.

His chest swelled with pride at the thought of lifting those heavy weights, of feeling the burn in his muscles as he pushed himself harder and harder. His thoughts were no longer burdened by complicated ideas or big words. They were simple, direct. Lift. Fuck. Repeat. That was it.

AJ blinked, his slack jaw hanging open as he stood there in front of George, his once bright mind now dim, sluggish, and focused only on the most basic of desires. His body reeked of fart and musk, his mind a tangled mess of lust and primal urges. His life as Adam, the intellectual, was gone. All that remained was AJ, a dumb, slutty, smelly jock.

George stepped back, admiring his handiwork as AJ smiled dumbly at him, his eyes empty, his brain no longer capable of critical thought. “You look perfect, AJ,” George said, his voice dripping with satisfaction.

AJ’s grin widened, his thick tongue lolling slightly as he scratched at his crotch. “Th-thanks… bro,” he slurred, his voice deep and stupid.

“You’re a good boy, aren’t you?” George murmured, tilting AJ’s chin up so their eyes met.

AJ’s smile grew even wider, his lips twitching as he struggled to form words. “Yeah, bro,” he said, his voice slow and thick. “I’m… real good.”

George couldn’t help but laugh. AJ was exactly what he had imagined—empty-headed, obedient, and driven by nothing more than his primal instincts. “You won’t be needing any of those big words anymore, will you, AJ?” George asked, his voice dripping with condescension.

AJ shook his head, his brow furrowing slightly as if even that small movement required a great deal of effort. “Nuh-uh,” he mumbled. “Big words are… uh… too hard.”

“Exactly,” George said, patting AJ’s cheek lightly. “And from now on, you’re going to live a very simple life. No more worrying about being better than anyone else. No more trying to prove how smart you are. You’ll be much happier this way. Just working out, fucking, and doing whatever you’re told.”

AJ nodded slowly, his thick muscles pulling and rippling beneath his skin as he flexed unconsciously. “Yeah, bro,” he agreed, his voice, like his mind, slow. “I like… liftin’... an’ fuckin’...”

“Now, AJ,” George said with command, “I think it’s time you head to the gym. You wouldn’t want to miss leg day, would you?”

AJ’s eyes widened slightly, the thought of working out sending a thrill of excitement through his body. “Leg day,” he repeated. “Yeah, bro. I gotta… lift.”

George smirked, watching diligently at his Frankenstein creation as AJ’s single-minded focus shifted completely to the gym. “That’s right, big guy. Go on, hit the weights, and make sure everyone sees how big and strong you are.”

AJ beamed, his dim-witted grin stretching even wider. “Gotta pump some iron.”  And as AJ disappeared into the distance, George sighed, knowing the man who’d once scoffed at him, at the very idea of magic and fate was now living proof of it’s power, his entire existence rewritten by just a few simple words. George smirked, satisfied once again, and waited for the next asshole to match with him on Hinge.

AJ, meanwhile, wandered toward the gym, his thoughts a jumbled mess of anticipation and primal urges. He could feel the weight of his bulging muscles with every step, the tightness of his tank top stretching across his massive chest. The constant itch in his groin had him adjusting his shorts every few seconds, a fart always ready in the chamber, and his cock already hard at the thought of the next guy he’d meet, or the next weight he’d lift.  He grinned stupidly, flexing his biceps as he prepared for the first set. “Let’s go, bro,” he muttered to himself, his voice thick with excitement. “Time to get swole.”

And with that, AJ’s transformation was complete. The man he had once been—Adam, the intellectual, the scholar—was gone, replaced by a farting, burping, simple-minded, horny, muscle-obsessed jock who lived only for the gym, for sex, and for any task any man asked for.

“Life’s good, bruh.”


The Identity Transfer

(Original story posted February 6th 2023) This story has been mildly Updated!
Written for @the-natwolf

It’d been a long day for Nat as he arrived home feeling exhausted and wanting nothing more than to chill out for the last few hours of the evening. The first thing he did was whip up a nice hot meal for himself to satiate his growling stomach. Soon after he’d finished his meal, he was collapsing onto his bed with a drink in hand as he pulled out his phone and scrolled through some of his socials.

Naturally it wasn’t long before he found himself on Instagram. He took a sip from his drink as he flicked through the various posts. Some were of his friends, some being adverts and others being funny videos. But of course one of the most common themes while scrolling had to be the huge manly hunks showing off their half naked bodies. As a gay man, who could blame him. There would be bears, jocks, dads and meatheads alike just filling his feed to the point where more often than not Nat found himself unable to go on Instagram in public.

“Damn he looks good…” Nat mumbled to himself as he stopped on an image of a bear showing off his big hairy pecs and stomach. In honesty he’d always been a little jealous of men like that. Men that were huge and masculine. It made sense though. After all, Nat was 26 now and stood at around 5’7 with a pretty lean average build. He wasn’t really that hairy either. He might not have been as hunky as the men he drooled over but he didn’t hate his body. He was content with what he had… mostly. When there were guys out there his age and younger that were well over 6 foot and stacked with muscle, it was hard not to be at least a little envious of them.

He took another sip of his drink before his seemingly endless scrolling was stopped dead in its tracks. Up had popped a new post from one of his favourite dudes on Instagram. Ched Uzor!

He was a massive dude in every sense. Incredibly tall and insanely muscular with dashing good looks that made the smaller man swoon every time. Along with almost any gay man for that matter. He was gorgeous! So much so that Nat couldn’t help but pull up the man’s profile and start scrolling through all his posts again like he had many times before. He could never get enough of drinking that man in.

As it turned out Ched was an online coach that took on clients to help with training and getting into shape so naturally this meant he posted tons of pictures and videos dedicated to showing off his physique. Plentiful amounts of shirtless pics in the mirror to show off his god-like body for all to see. There were even a few where he stood in nothing but a towel or a tight pair of shorts that left little to the imagination. Those posts always drove Nat and many others crazy. Getting to see those chiselled abs and incredible pecs was always a treat. Not to mention those colossal arms of his that needed no introduction. Apparently he considered them his best feature and for good reason. Just one of Ched’s gigantic biceps looked to be the same size as one of Nat’s legs!

He continued to search through the bank of juicy content with a growing tent in his jeans. There were of course many workout videos to go with all the pics he put up which was just the icing on the cake. Getting to see Ched working those impressive muscles of his in an effort to pump them even bigger than they already were. He really couldn’t be more of a beast! Though his British English accent was something that frequently threw Nat off. He hadn’t expected it when he first heard Ched’s voice but he certainly didn’t hate it. He found it being quite the turn on actually!

Eventually he’d begun to lose himself a bit. Soon finding himself gulping the rest of his drink down so he could focus on rubbing his arousal over his jeans while gawking at this man’s amazing body. “Fuck… I wish I could be just like him.” Nat muttered to himself. He was just about ready to unzip and whip his dick out when suddenly a strange pop up filled his screen. It said:

- Our service has deemed you eligible for an identity transfer. From what we can gather, you wish to become like the user of this account “Ched Uzor”. Would you like us to proceed in making that possible for you? -

Beneath the message was a green accept button and a red deny button. Naturally Nat’s first instinct was to deny with strange pop ups like this but as his finger hovered over the red option, he hesitated. He had no idea why but for some reason, something deep down was telling him to accept. The logical part of his mind was telling him it was most likely a scam or a virus or some kind but at the same time something else was tugging at him. Telling him that it was real and to just trust it… so he pressed accept. After which there was a slight nervousness building in his chest as a new pop up emerged that simply read:

- Confirmation Received. Preparing Physical Transfer… Gathering Information… -

Seeing this Nat began to panic slightly. What was he thinking accepting this random link!? It was probably taking all the personal info off his phone right now! Next thing he knows he’s gonna have an emptied out bank account and most of his emails compromised! Though just as the fear began to set in, the screen changed once again.

- Preparation Complete! Beginning Physical Transfer… 0% -

Physical transfer? What the hell did that mean? Well Nat was soon about to find out. He tapped away at his phone a little, trying to back out from whatever this was but nothing was working. Even pressing the home button or holding down the power button did nothing as the percentage metre slowly began to tick up.

His eyes widened in disbelief when he noticed the pale skin on his hands beginning to darken. At first he thought he was seeing things but he couldn’t deny it when they started expanding too! Growing larger and meatier while also gaining a more weathered look you’d see on guys who did plenty of physical labour or spent lots of time in the gym. Before long his enlarged hands had turned a deep ebony in colour and that darker hue was quickly starting to spread across his light skin. He tossed his phone onto the couch in panic as he could do nothing but watch this bizarre transformation progress…

- Physical Transfer… 5% -

Next up were his forearms. His skin didn’t waste any time in converting from his usual pale white to a much darker tone. His biceps and shoulders soon followed the same example until both of Nat’s arms looked as though they belonged to a black man! He barely had time to process this though as moments after he felt a warm tingle flow up and down his arms for a second until suddenly they began expanding with muscle!

It began once again with his forearms pumping up rather aggressively with his biceps and triceps quickly following suit as they grew to seemingly no end. It wasn’t long before he’d not only filled out the sleeves of his shirt but the fabric was beginning to dig into his biceps until a faint ripping sound could be heard. That sound only got louder as his shoulders started to bulge, growing into huge boulders of muscle.

He looked… ridiculous! His arms were huge, bulky and a completely different colour to the rest of his small white body. Thankfully it wouldn’t stop there though. As soon as his arms finally reached their full enormous size, the transformation began to spread further.

- Physical Transfer… 25% -

Saying Nat was bewildered would be an understatement. He took a second to marvel at his arms by moving and flexing them a little as he stood up from the couch. The sleeves on his t-shirt were torn in multiple places and only continued to tear as he checked out his new guns. They were gigantic to say the least. He’d go as far as to say his arms were now bigger than a lot of the jock dudes he’d seen at the local gym. Though, as incredible as they were, they probably looked rather silly and out of place on his much smaller pale body.

Just then however, as if on cue, there was another warm tingle that darted around his torso. Of course Nat had been far too focused on the new size of his arms to notice that the skin beneath his shirt had continued changing. It started with small splotches of colour appearing across his chest, stomach, back and traps. At first making his skin appear tanned in those spots but as the patches spread and connected to one another, the tone deepened even further until it matched the same rich ebony skin colour his arms now proudly adorned.

- Physical transfer… 40% -

After what had just happened down with his now hulking arms, Nat already had a good idea of what to expect next when the warm tingle across his torso subsided. He stared down at himself, breath hitching slightly as he waited. And then he felt it. A strange pulsing sensation flooding through his upper body and then…

“UUROOUGGHH!…” Nat bellowed as his chest suddenly heaved forwards, his once unimpressive pecs eagerly starting to take shape. What was previously a relatively flat chest ballooned out into a juicy pair of meaty muscle tits that strained desperately against the front of his shirt. At the same time he found his torso growing thicker and wider in unison with his pecs. His back broadened more by the second until a massive rip tore across the spine of his shirt as he hulked out of it. It simply wasn’t able to contain so much man.

Nat’s eyes began to flicker and roll with all the intense feelings rushing through him right now. The changes were so overwhelming but at the same time… he didn’t want it to stop. Even smiling a little as he felt his traps start to bulge and his neck thicken slightly to compensate. But it didn’t end there. Even as all this new muscle was growing, his height had been increasing a little as well. His torso had grown significantly longer as his former 5’7 statue extended up to 5’11. It couldn’t be more obvious as his shirt rode up enough to give the world a view of his new thick dark abs.

That said he still looked quite ridiculous. He had the arms and torso of a bulky black man with the head and lower body of an average white dude. Not for much longer though.

- Physical Transfer… 65% -

The changes seemed slowed down towards his neck for time being but they didn’t stop their march downwards to the lower half of his body. Naturally the first things to be swallowed by the darkening skin were his groin and his backside. Then as the tingling began to swarm those two regions, it was near impossible for Nat to hide the huge grin forming on his face. By this point he was fully embracing the insane transformation and only wanted more! He didn’t know how it was possible but it just felt so damn good! All he could think about now was the rest of his body getting huge and how amazing it was going to feel!

The back of his jeans started to grow tighter by the second as his ass expanded aggressively, plumping itself up with more and more muscle. Before long his jeans were forced to really stretch themselves over two thick globes that put his former ass to shame. But it didn’t stop at the heavy black jock butt. If anything Nat’s attention was much more focused on his crotch as he rubbed a large hand over it. He could already feel the next change setting in fast.

His hard and already black cock started to bulge obscenely in his pants as it pumped itself bigger and fatter. Gaining not only length as it bucked and pulsed but some delicious girth as well that would stretch any hole to its limit. He almost couldn’t believe he didn’t cum on the spot as the mushroom tip grew thicker and rounder inside the confines of his jeans. He’d managed to stifle his moans for the most part up until that point but he couldn’t help letting out a long groan when his balls suddenly bloated to a huge and heavy size without warning. A glob of precum stained the inside of his pants as his nuts swelled with jock seed.

- Physical Transfer… 75% -

As was expected by this point, the ebony colour spread down across Nat’s legs causing his thighs and calves to darken multiple shades in tone. The change crept lower before finishing with his feet as they endured the same fate. He pulled up one of his pants legs slightly to confirm this was the case and he couldn’t help but get excited upon seeing the dark skin, knowing what was to come. His entire body from the neck down was black!

Moments later that now familiar pulsing sensation travelled up and down his legs. What followed was the sound of his jeans ripping at seams as his legs started to pack on years worth of hard earned muscle in a matter of minutes. His thighs thickened to watermelon crushing levels of size and power while his calves slowly but surely began to grow to the size of sturdy footballs. During which all Nat could hear was the sound of his legs tearing his jeans apart. But once again it didn’t stop there. Along with all the muscle, his legs began stretching longer as well. It wasn’t long before his already increased height of 5’11 went well past 6 foot and all the way up to 6’4! By that point his muscle had finished expanding leaving him with a set of huge meaty legs and jeans that were clinging on for dear life. They were in complete tatters like his shirt. The button on the front had popped off and his ankles were exposed thanks to the jeans now riding up his legs!

He only got a few seconds to rest however as the next little transformation wasn’t waiting right around the corner. The only warning he got was a pleasant buzzing sensation flowing through his feet before suddenly they began exploding with size. They grew at such a rapid rate that within moments they completely burst out of his shoes. With a grin Nat gave his new black size 14 feet a wriggle, loving the feel of how big they were.

- Physical Transfer… 90% -

Now there was only one part left to go and Nat was ready to embrace it. He closed his eyes with a smile as the darkening skin resumed its spread up over his neck and towards his head. It took a little longer than the rest of the body but before long there wasn’t a trace left of Nat’s once pale skin left. Every inch of him was now a rich dark tone. But with the skin done, it was time for the rest of his features to catch up!

A warm wave of tingly pleasure washed over his head as the final changes began. It started with the lump in his throat shifting slightly and readjusting to give him a slightly deeper and more intimidating voice but also one that could be sensual and charming. The main event however was the face itself. Facial features began moving, growing, shrinking, sharpening and softening in all the right places until there was almost no resemblance to the original Nat left. His jaw was stronger, his lips were fuller and his nose was broader. The only thing left was his hair but even that quickly began to recede from the shaggy mop it had once been into something much shorter. Forming into tight neat curls that were distinctly black. And to top it all off a short bristly beard sprouted across his face to match, making his visage all that much more handsome.

- Physical Transfer… 100%… Complete! Physical Identity of “Ched Uzor” assumed! -

Bringing his hands up to his face, Nat couldn’t believe what he was feeling. Everything about it felt different to the spacing between his eyes to the size of his features to the feeling of his hair. It was insane but at the same time extremely erotic for some reason. He had to see what he looked like.

He was in luck as he’d recently put up a new mirror in his bedroom of which he soon found himself stumbling towards, not used to his new weight and centre of gravity. Though despite having just gone through the whole transformation, nothing could’ve prepared him for what he saw. Staring back at him was a black muscular hunk! But not just any hunk… it was Ched Uzor! *He* was Ched Uzor! The same man he’d been drooling over online for years!

Of course Nat was far too distracted to notice but across the room on his bed, the message on his phone changed as it began to initiate the next phase…

- Preparing Mental Transfer… Gathering Information… -

Being blissfully unaware of this second transfer, Nat immediately began exploring himself with glee. He never imagined he’d get to experience what it felt like to have a body like this. Not only powerful and muscular but extremely tall as well. Before he'd always felt like the short dude in a crowd but now that he was 6’4 things are gonna be very different. Even now he couldn’t help but notice how much smaller everything seemed. How the floor looked so much further away and how things like his bed, desk and closet seemed so tiny now. It was crazy to wrap his head around but he could certainly get used to it.

- Preparation Complete! Beginning Mental Transfer… 0% -

Nat couldn’t help but love how his former clothes were now in tatters as they struggled to contain his new godly form. Despite that, he had to get a proper look. And so he gripped his torn t-shirt and with one swift motion, ripped it off his torso with ease. Tossing the fabric to one side, Nat took the opportunity to marvel at his incredible upper body. Starting by giving his juicy new pecs a generous squeeze before pinching at his dark nipples. He couldn’t even begin to imagine how many guys he’d get to fuck with a body like this. He was gonna have dudes practically falling to their knees before him.

“Mmm I wonder if I can bounce my pecs like this…” Nat mumbled to himself, loving the new English accent to his voice. He struggled at first, flexing the muscle on his chest awkwardly, but then something just hit him. Suddenly he started popping his pecs like a pro. No wonder because he’s been able to bounce them like that for years now!

- Mental Transfer… 10% -

Once he’d had his fun with his pecs, Nat made sure to give his abs a bit of attention as well, running his hands across the hard ridges with a bite of his lip before moving onto his arms. Sure he’d given them a good flex earlier but now he had the rest of the body to back them up. To say they were unreal wouldn’t do them enough justice. They were so massive and juicy that merely moving his huge arms gave him a power rush, never mind flexing them for the mirror. Getting to feel the pure strength behind all that raw muscle was intoxicating.

“Ughhh yeah!… I’m so huge!” He moaned as his enlarged cock strained against his underwear. He was getting drunk on the sensation of how huge his arms were. No wonder he considered them his best feature. He’d always had big arms so when he started training them properly they just exploded with size! Now he and everyone he met couldn’t seem to get enough of them.

- Mental Transfer… 25% -

He just had to see his body in its full glory. Not wasting any more time Chat gripped his jeans and just like with his shirt he ripped them off before tossing the remains to the side. Now all he had covering himself was an extremely tight pair of underwear that had the tip of his excited cock peeking out one of the leg holes. Overall he was pretty surprised that his underwear seemed intact. Or so he thought anyway.

After giving a quick twirl in the mirror, he was fast to notice a huge rip down the back that gave a perfect window view of his large muscle ass. Seeing this Chat couldn’t help but laugh before giving his big butt a hefty slap, enjoying the way it recoiled slightly. “Yeahhh boy! That’s what I’m talkin about!” He smirked as he took pride in the powerful glutes he’d crafted over the years, just as impressive as the rest of his body.

But of course he couldn’t ignore the main course for long. That new cock of his was begging for attention and Chat was willing enough to oblige. He turned back around to face the mirror once more before ripping off his underwear and allowing his fat new dick to spring free at last. Finally he was able to get a good look at his body in its entirety. “Thank fuck I decided to drop college so I could work on my body.” He stated proudly while turning to look at himself from every possible angle

- Mental Transfer… 50% -

Chat was completely oblivious to what was happening to his mind. With every second that passed his personal reality was being warped around him. He was starting to believe that this was all normal while his former identity was slowly being pushed out of his head to be replaced by a new one. His intelligence dropped a fair margin in the process from the IQ of an intelligent young man to the level of a blissful jock. Not dumb per say but not as bright as he once was either.

Despite everything he still found himself insanely turned on by his reflection even if the reasoning for it was becoming blurrier and blurrier with every passing moment. He gripped his thick black member with a dumb grin, loving how it filled his large hand before pumping it slowly. For some reason it felt way more sensitive than usual. Generally his cock was quite active but this was something different. It almost felt like it was begging him to cum. But he had to savour it just a tad bit longer. It felt far too amazing to rush.

He managed to keep a smooth rhythm with his stroking as he continued to explore his buff body for some obscure reason. As he did, a lot of his former smarts were replaced with a bunch of gym, workout and healthy eating knowledge. All of which was necessary to maintain a huge physique like his. He was definitely gonna need it. After all how else was he gonna be an online coach if he didn’t know all the tips, tricks and secrets to getting swole as fuck!

- Mental Transfer… 80% -

As his free hand wandered around the muscular crevices of his body, it eventually found its way to his back side. At first he was simply grabbing and kneading his cheeks which he didn’t think too much of at first. Just enjoying the feeling until he tried to slip a finger towards his hole. The moment said finger grazed that tight puckered hole however, his eyes snapped open. “The fuck am I doing!?” He questioned out loud as he drew his hand away from his ass. He wasn’t sure why the hell he’d been doing that. After all he’d never been into ass stuff before. Not to mention his asshole is clamped shut anyway. No way anything was getting up there anytime soon. Instead he just tried to shake off the weird experience and focus on jerking off instead.

“Fuuuuck bro! Why am I so horny today!?” Chet moaned as his cock began spluttering pre-cum relentlessly, getting his hand wet and sticky. “I need a hookup or something. Haven’t been with a girl in weeks…” he droned off mindlessly, not even realising the problem with what he’d just said. Yet despite everything it was still his thick muscular body that was the main attraction of his sexual desire right now.

- Mental Transfer… 90% -

Chet began stroking faster as he bounced his pecs again in the mirror, his own body seeming so hypnotising for some reason. It baffled him as he’d never felt this way about himself before but he didn’t bother questioning it. How could he when he could already feel his fat bull balls starting to churn. They were getting ready to shoot while his cock grew more and more sensitive by the second. All of his senses were being overloaded as a thick haze settled over his mind. And soon enough that pleasure began to peak…

Chet couldn’t stop himself from flexing almost every muscle in his body involuntarily as his balls squeezed, sending a fat load up towards his cock until… “FUUUUUUuuuuuccckkkkk…” Chet moaned heartily as his massive dick shot rope after rope of hot thick jock nut all over the mirror like an erupting volcano. Shooting more cum than he ever had in his life while giving the reflective glass a sticky coating of delicious man milk.

- Mental Transfer… 98%… Error Error… -

The pop up screen on his phone began to flash with a warning as the meter seemed to get stuck on 98%.. The Error message continued to flash for a few seconds before the screen changed again, jumping directly to a new screen without having shown the 100% at all.

- Congratulations! You have assumed the Mental and Physical identity of “Ched Uzor”! It would seem our work here is complete! Enjoy the rest of your day. -

The strange pop up claimed proudly before disappearing without a trace. The phone returned to Ched’s Instagram, only now it seemed to be logged in as the user of the account.

Back over at the mirror Ched grabbed his head in confusion. That was one of the biggest nuts of his life so he couldn’t figure out for the life of him why he’d done it to his own reflection instead of to a hot babe like usual. But even more importantly where the hell was he? This definitely wasn’t his house and those ripped clothes on the floor certainly didn’t belong to him. He closed his eyes and racked his brain for a moment, trying to figure everything out until it finally hit him. He was on vacation to America right now and he’d hired this dude to look after his place back in the UK. The dude’s name was Nat if he remembered correctly. He took a breather as things finally started to fall into place.

And so, with his cock turning flaccid once again, Ched grabbed some tissues and started to clean up the huge mess he’d made. After all, the people he was renting this place from wouldn’t be happy if he left their mirror with a huge cumstain on it. Once that was done he’d better find himself some clothes to put on so he can enjoy the rest of his evening and take plenty of pics for his Instagram. He knew how thirsty some of his followers were and they were always eager to get another glimpse at his incredible body. Not that he could blame them.


- 4 Months Later -

Ched had long since returned home to the UK. That Nat guy had done a good job looking after his house while he was gone, the place looked spotless! Though he could swear there was something eerily familiar about Nat that he just couldn’t place. He couldn’t really put it into words. It was almost like nagging in the back of your mind when you’ve forgotten something but can’t remember what. Regardless he thanked the smaller man before giving him the second half of his payment and sending him on his way.

Since then things had been normal for the most part. Making inspirational posts on Instagram about exercising and getting into shape as well as just having an excuse to show off a bit. Naturally he spent plenty of time in the gym as always and was hard at work coaching his online clients as a personal trainer. But there were a couple weird things he’d noticed recently…

For example he still hadn’t gotten over this weird fascination with his own body he’d developed lately. Every time he looked at his reflection he found his cock chubbing up for some reason and he had no idea why. Plus the amount of times he would end up groping his own muscles while jerking off. He’d never done that before but now he couldn’t help it. But don’t get him wrong though, Ched isn’t gay. He’s been hooking up with plenty of women as of late and had no problem getting it up when they pull their tits out for him. If anything he’d say he’s been fucking more pussy recently than usual. Getting into bed with hot chicks left and right to fuck their bimbo brains out… but that could be partially due to him compensating for another new desire.

You see along with his self infatuation, over these past few months Ched had also caught himself glancing at other men. Not just in an admiring kind of way either. Like he was properly eyeing them up. His gaze was constantly being drawn to their asses and bulges. It was madness! He’d never been into dudes before so why were these feelings suddenly surfacing now!?

Recently there’d been this new guy at the gym that’d he’d been speaking to. Brandon was his name. Massive dude, about the same size as Ched himself. And just like with many other guys, Ched hadn’t been able to stop himself from checking out Brandon’s huge body. Only difference being that he could swear he caught Brandon checking him out as well…

Surely he couldn’t be gay because he did genuinely love women as well. So maybe he was Bi? If that was the case, how he managed to go all these years and not realise until now was beyond him. Well perhaps if this Brandon dude really was interested he could give it a go and ask him out or hook up maybe?… see what happens?

Little did Ched know that this was actually due to the error during his Mental Transfer. It seemed a tiny percentage of Nat remained inside him and vice versa for the new Nat as well. It was that tiny part of himself that was obsessed with his body and the part that still had an interest in men. But of course he’d never know that because as far he knows, Nat is just the guy that looked after his house for a couple weeks. He of course was the hunky Instagram model and online coach Ched Uzor! Only now he was a little gayer than before. And you know what? He was okay with that.


Quick Shots 2: Three More Tales of Chaos

Andrew had always been the type to make an impression. The kind of person who believed in passion over profits, art over business, and the pursuit of a fulfilling life rather than chasing hollow desires. As he danced around the bar, complaining loudly to his friends about the mundane existence of his 9-to-5 life as a graphic designer, his words carried an edge, a certain arrogance born of discontent. He fancied himself an artist, a free spirit—not one of those drab business drones who fixated only on money, power, and shallow pleasures. The passion that defined him was part of his very identity, a fire that set him apart from the crowd.

The bar was bustling, the noise of the city life just outside barely making it through the thick walls. Andrew's animated tirade against his job continued, his words sharp and bitter, a touch of self-righteous indignation in every syllable. He didn’t fit in with the corporate machine, and he didn’t care to. He was an artist, damn it.

And then, a bartender—silent and observant, slipping through the crowd—approached him with a drink. It was dark, almost black, served in a martini glass. "On the house," the bartender said, his voice low, knowing somehow that this drink had a purpose beyond simple hospitality.

Andrew's brow arched as he stared at the mysterious liquid. The drink didn’t look like something he would usually entertain, but tonight, something was different. He giggled and took it without a second thought, perhaps swayed by the allure of the night or the curiosity of what lay in that glass.

As the cold liquid hit his tongue, the world around him seemed to blur for a moment. It slid down his throat with an almost molten warmth, and as it settled in his stomach, a peculiar sensation rippled through him.

And then it began.

His fingers, once nimble and delicate, tightened into fists as he stood up straight. There was a tremor—slight, almost imperceptible—but it spread through him like wildfire. His body seemed to twitch and expand, muscles that had once been lithe and toned suddenly thickening, swelling with a power that seemed impossible, unnatural. His form elongated, his shoulders broadening, his frame stretching to a new height that towered over those around him.

The beard, once carefully groomed and a subtle symbol of his identity, started to loosen. The hair that had clung to his chin began to fall away in slow, deliberate strands, like the shedding of some old skin, a symbol of the identity he had clung to for so long.

As his body shifted, his muscles tightened and swelled, each inch of his skin pulling tight over them, emphasizing the hard lines of his newfound physique. His chest bloomed out like a fortress, each pectoral pushing forward, demanding attention. His arms, thick and vein-streaked, rippled with power as his biceps bulged, straining against the fabric of his shirt. Each movement was a smooth, controlled flex—a graceful tension that radiated dominance.

His legs grew thick with muscle, the once lanky limbs now packed with dense, rippling power. He stood now like a warrior sculpted in stone, and as his posture straightened, the very air around him seemed to shift. Every inch of him commanded the space he occupied, and his once-fluid movements became precise, deliberate, controlled.

His face, still handsome but now cold, was like a sculpture of stone. His jawline sharpened even further, becoming a cruel line of perfection, and his eyes—those piercing, calculating eyes—became like cold steel, devoid of the warmth or softness they once held. Where there had been passion, now there was only icy precision, a mind that no longer cared for the things that had once driven him—no longer interested in cute dates, the warmth of queer romance, or the vibrant spark of artistic expression. Those things, those fleeting moments of joy, faded to nothing, slipping from his memory like sand through fingers.

Instead, his ego, once driven by creative yearning, now swelled, bloating with a hunger for power and dominance that was both intoxicating and suffocating. The memories of nights spent in quiet cafes, the laughter of friends, the gentle touch of someone he cared for—they disappeared, replaced by the cold, calculated drive to control and conquer. His art, his passion for expression, had burned away, consumed by the unrelenting force of his own ambition.

As his mind warped, what began as a shift in his body slowly seeped into his mind, warping it into something unrecognizable. What was once an unquenchable passion for the arts began to twist into an all-consuming hunger for something more: power, status, and domination.

His thoughts, once driven by creativity and expression, now swelled with obsessive self-importance. Andrew no longer saw himself as just an artist or a unique individual; no, he was something bigger. He was the center of the universe, and everyone else—whether they realized it or not—was merely orbiting around him. His mind exploded with thoughts of how the world should bow to him, of how every room he entered should recognize his presence, should bow in awe of his brilliance. Every interaction became a stage, every conversation an opportunity to remind the world of just how much better, smarter, and more important he was than anyone else.

The thoughts that had once been quiet whispers of self-doubt were now a constant roar of affirmation, a mantra that fueled his every move. I am the best. I am untouchable. I am the one they all want to be. The shift was subtle at first, but it quickly snowballed into a compulsion. Andrew’s once quirky personality—a blend of cocky charm and artistic humility—had mutated into something darker, more abrasive, and almost childishly desperate for recognition. He started to believe in his own mythos, each success inflated beyond its real scope, each failure dismissed as a slight to his greatness.

As the years passed—23, 26, 28—Andrew’s need for power and wealth only grew. His physical transformation mirrored the shift in his psyche: from the lithe, youthful artist, he became a force—muscular, imposing, untouchable. The more his body bulged with strength, the more his ego swelled. But his confidence wasn’t just about his body anymore—it was about his mind, his presence, the way he walked into a room and demanded it bow before him, even if it didn’t know it yet.

By 32, his hunger had turned to something almost ravenous. Power was no longer a desire—it was a need. Every moment was about gaining more control, more recognition. The money he made, the deals he brokered, the businesses he dominated—it wasn’t just about success anymore. It was about securing his position as the top of the food chain. No one else mattered. No one else had the vision he had. He was always one step ahead, always “the next big thing,” no matter the cost.

At 35, Andrew had fully embraced the persona of the self-absorbed mogul. His conversations were now 100% about him. His life was a constant self-promotion, each word dripping with the certainty that he was destined for greatness. The concept of humility was foreign to him now, a weakness only seen in those too scared to demand what was theirs. He had an opinion on everything—everything—and was never shy about sharing it. He wasn’t just knowledgeable—he was the expert. And if you disagreed with him, you were just another obstacle in his way, someone who needed to be defeated in order to keep climbing.

By 38, Andrew had become a creature entirely driven by his ego. His charisma was undeniable, magnetic to those who admired his confidence, but it was also dangerously calculated. He had manipulated and molded everyone around him into followers, acolytes of the new Andrew. He was no longer the artist with an appreciation for beauty and expression. He was a businessman, a titan, a self-made empire. He viewed every relationship as transactional, every conversation as an opportunity to assert his dominance.

He could turn a casual encounter into a display of his importance, effortlessly dropping names and boasting about his latest “win,” real or fabricated. His life was an ongoing performance, an exhibition of power and status. He’d learned to fuel his confidence with attention, and with every successful venture, the need for more—more power, more money, more control—only deepened.

But there was something darker now in the way he craved the spotlight. It wasn’t just a desire for recognition; it was a need for validation, a hunger to have the world acknowledge that he was, without a doubt, the best. And the more people that challenged him, the more he thrived, the more he craved controversy and conflict. It didn’t matter if they loved him or hated him—he didn’t need affection. What he needed was power, and if the cost was making a spectacle of himself, then so be it.

At his core, Andrew was no longer the man who loved art or cared about the queer community or even remembered what it was like to feel tenderness. That version of him had been consumed by his ego, suffocated beneath the weight of his own image. He was no longer driven by passion or purpose but by the relentless pursuit of dominance, control, and an ever-inflating sense of self. He was untouchable. And in his mind, no one could ever challenge that.

Andrew prowled the dimly lit bar like a panther on the hunt, his piercing gaze scanning the crowd for his next conquest. His eyes locked onto a voluptuous woman with short, tousled hair and a dress that hugged her curves like a second skin. She sipped her drink, her eyes darting around the room, a hunger in her gaze that mirrored his own. With a predatory grin, Andrew stalked towards her, his movements fluid and purposeful. He slid into the seat beside her, his arm brushing against hers as he leaned in close. "Buy you a drink?" he purred, his voice low and seductive.

The woman turned to him, her eyes widening slightly as she took in his chiseled features and confident demeanor."I'mJessica," she said, her voice husky. "And----And my name is Alistair," he replied, his fingers trailing along her bare arm. "You look like you're craving something a little…extra."

Alistair flashed a smug grin, his eyes gleaming with arrogance as he signaled the bartender with a flick of his wrist. "Another round for the lady and I," he commanded, not bothering to look at the price. He tossed a hundred-dollar bill on the bar, a blatant display of his wealth and disregard for anyone else's concerns.

Leaning back in his seat, Alistair spread his legs wide, taking up as much space as possible. He spoke loudly, his voice dripping with condescension as he regaled Jessica with tales of his business conquests and the inferiority of his competitors."I built my empire from nothing," he boasted, "and I'll crush anyone who gets in my way."

His hand rested possessively on Jessica's thigh, squeezing gently as he laughed at his own jokes. He didn't care about her comfort or consent, only about asserting his dominance and satisfying his own desires. Alistair's face flushed with anger as he launched into a tirade, his words slurring slightly from the alcohol. "This country's going to hell in a handbasket," he spat, "with all these damn liberals and their stupid ideas. They just want to take our money and give it to lazy welfare queens!"

He slammed his fist on the bar, making Jessica jump. "And don't even get me started on those damn immigrants. They're stealing our jobs and ruining our culture. We need to build that wall and send them all back where they came from!"

His grip on Jessica's thigh tightened painfully as he leaned in close, his breath hot and stale against her face. "You're a smart girl, Jessica. You know I'm right. The only way to save this country is to put someone like me in charge. Someone who's not afraid to say what needs to be said and do what needs to be done." He sneered, his eyes cold and calculating. Alistair's rant continued, his voice growing louder and more agitated with each passing moment. "And another thing," he shouted, not caring who heard him, "these damn feminists need to shut their mouths and stay in the kitchen where they belong. Women like you, Jessica, you know your place. You're meant to look pretty and keep a man happy, not try to compete with us in the boardroom." He took a long swig of his drink, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "I mean, look at you. You're hot, you're fun, and you know how to treat a real man. You'd never try to lecture me or tell me what to do like those other bitches." She could only giggle, maybe this was her chance at a sugar daddy.

His hand slid higher up her thigh, his fingers digging into her flesh possessively ."You're a good girl, Jessica. You know how to keep a man satisfied. And that's all a woman needs to know, right?"

The bartender gave Alistair a bemused glance, almost as if he were witnessing a curious transformation unfold before his eyes. Alistair had always been a regular at the bar, but tonight, something about him seemed different—more self-assured, maybe even a little too sure of himself. There was a quiet amusement in the bartender’s gaze, the kind that said he had seen many patrons come and go, but Alistair’s subtle shift was worth noting.

The bartender’s attention then shifted, and his eyes landed on Derek, the bookish 35-year-old man sitting in the corner. Derek was a regular type, the sort of person you didn’t often notice in a crowded bar, but today there was a quiet air of frustration around him. He sat hunched over, reading a book with one hand while checking his phone with the other. The small, almost imperceptible sigh he gave away as his fingers swiped across the screen signaled his realization that his Grindr date had indeed stood him up. It was another disappointment in a week that had been nothing short of hellish for him—his crappy job teaching, the nagging feeling of weight gain, and the slow crawl back into the gym after months of neglecting his health.

“Ugh. I guess he’s not coming,” Derek muttered, though no one was listening. His attention briefly turned to the green shot the bartender had slid in front of him. It was practically glowing, a devilish hue of emerald that piqued his curiosity more than anything else. As Derek reached for his drink, he almost knocked it over, a sign that his mind wasn’t fully in the moment. Tired, drained, and frustrated, he figured, why not? Grabbing the shot, he tossed it back in one swift motion.

The burn of the liquor hit his tongue like fire, but it wasn’t just a typical drink. The moment it slid down his throat, Derek felt something shift inside him, a strange sensation that started at the very core of his being. He felt a tightness in his chest, followed by a deep ache spreading through his muscles, a tension that turned into a slow burn. His body seemed to respond as if waking up from a long slumber. Each muscle in his frame twitched, first in discomfort, then in a slow, building warmth, like every fiber of his being was melting into something sharper, something more refined.

His skin seemed to stretch and tighten over his muscles, smoothing out the faint traces of age and exhaustion. The lines on his face began to smooth away, as though time itself was being peeled back. He could feel the years draining from him as his body became taut, sculpted—youthful. A slow ache, almost like the sensation of working out too hard, reverberated through his arms and legs, as though his muscles were adjusting to an entirely new shape. The burn in his body didn’t fade. It intensified. His chest felt fuller, his abs hardening into deep ridges of sculpted muscle. His legs grew stronger, the burn in them taking on a satisfying rhythm, like they had always been meant to move with a fluid, confident power.

When he finally stood up, the movement felt different—effortless. As he stepped into the room, his posture shifted, becoming more imposing, more self-assured. His walk wasn’t just casual; it was commanding. He moved with a swagger that felt almost arrogant, a fluidity that screamed confidence. His body, now that of a 21-year-old with the kind of physical perfection that could only come from years of meticulous training, seemed to draw the attention of everyone around him without him even having to try.

His chest, once a bit softer, was now a perfect display of muscularity. His pecs, high and firm, curved out with a natural fullness, visible through the tight, form-fitting shirt he had chosen. Each time he moved, the muscles rippled, flexed, and popped with a sharpness that demanded notice. His six-pack abs were an unblemished wall of muscle—every ridge perfectly defined, smooth, and hard. The way they caught the light as he moved was hypnotizing, like a magazine cover come to life.

His arms, long and lean, were now rippling with defined biceps, a touch of vascularity running through them. Each flex, each lift of his arm, was an intentional display of strength and sculpted perfection. His triceps were carved out in sharp, distinct lines, and the sight of them flexing made it clear that he was no stranger to hours spent perfecting every inch of his physique.

His legs followed suit, thick with muscle—strong, defined quads that hinted at power in every step. His calves were similarly toned, a reflection of the hours he’d poured into developing every inch of his body. And though his legs were powerful, it was his upper body that commanded the most attention.

His face, once average, now had the sharp features of youth and vitality—his jawline square and perfectly sculpted. His eyes, bright and piercing blue, gave off a predatory gleam, and his stubble was precisely trimmed, adding a touch of ruggedness to his otherwise flawless appearance. His skin was now bronzed, glowing with a sun-kissed perfection, and every inch of it seemed to radiate a glossy, youthful vitality that was impossible to ignore.

As he pulls out his phone and raises it toward himself, the flash illuminates the room, its bright light too intense for the moment. In an instant, the brilliance of the flash sears his brain, not just blinding him with light but affecting him on a deeper level, rewiring his very thoughts. The instant the flash goes off, it's as though the light is not just capturing his image but melting away the very substance of his mind.

The first sensation is a sudden and sharp pressure behind his eyes, followed by a feeling of heat radiating outwards from his skull. The cells in his brain, those intricate neurons that had once fired with intelligence, now flicker and die, one by one. His thoughts begin to slow, the complex patterns of cognition that had once allowed him to string together ideas—those bursts of creativity, introspection, and logic—begin to dissipate.

The brain cells themselves, once alive with electric impulses and sharp connections, begin to dissolve like wax under a flame. The memory of Hemingway’s evocative prose, the intricate, reflective works of James Baldwin—those deep, thoughtful words, the soul-searching truths—they vanish. Each brilliant connection in his mind, every layer of knowledge that had been meticulously formed, begins to fade.

His understanding of literature, of art, of history—the framework that once allowed him to appreciate the complexities of the world—is slowly erased, cell by cell. He can no longer remember the nuances of Hemingway’s sparse yet profound narratives, or Baldwin’s piercing critiques of society’s injustices. These thoughts, once vivid and meaningful, melt away into nothingness as his mind becomes flooded with a singular, growing impulse: himself. His intelligence, once sharp and capable of nuance, is now reduced to mere reaction. His mind, once complex, becomes simpler.

At first, it’s subtle. A little fuzziness in his thoughts. He can't quite recall what he was thinking just moments ago, but then the blank spots become bigger, more frequent. The sharp edges of ideas dull, the sophisticated vocabulary he once used now replaced by a simplistic, almost guttural stream of thought. His thoughts narrow until they are no longer about anything other than him. He sees himself in every mirror, in every reflection, basking in his image, but it’s not just vanity anymore—it's everything. He becomes consumed by the need to be the center of the world, as though his very existence is the only thing worth thinking about.

His brain's once-fluent thoughts, rich with knowledge, now stumble into an abyss where only self-promotion and shallow reflection exist. As he slips deeper into this void, memories that had once shaped him—his lessons, his experiences—become mere fragments. Even the simplest reminders of a time when he cared about more than himself disappear.

The sophistication of his views, once nuanced and balanced, is swallowed by an overwhelming force. He becomes fixated on a singular, shallow image of himself, idolizing figures whose beliefs are rooted in arrogance, superiority, and toxic self-obsession. As he imagines himself in the same realm as influential personalities who advocate for self-serving ideologies, he feels his ego swell to proportions he never thought possible. His views become more rigid, simplified, and extreme.

His new worldview, stripped of complexity and empathy, is one where he sees himself as the ultimate alpha, a model of success through aggression and dominance. Ideas of personal strength and power, though shallow and misguided, dominate every thought. He gravitates towards a belief system that emphasizes hierarchy, with himself firmly at the top—asserting that his worth is measured by physical strength, wealth, and the subjugation of others. His mind is consumed with ideals of entitlement, self-importance, and a twisted sense of individualism. He believes that people who don’t share his perspective are weak, and he increasingly sees those who challenge him as obstacles to his greatness.

As his mind disintegrates further, every thought he has is centered around his own inflated self-image. Compassion, understanding, and introspection are drowned out by the relentless drive to ensure that everyone else knows how great he is. The complexity of his past beliefs—the literature, the art, the empathy—has been replaced by an unshakable, all-consuming desire to be admired, to be recognized, to be worshiped.

His thoughts become a blur of simplistic ideas, ego-driven fantasies, and his ever-growing, unquestioned belief that the world revolves around him. He becomes increasingly rigid in his new views, refusing to consider other perspectives or engage in meaningful reflection. The mind that once held the potential for deep thought is now a hollow vessel, forever consumed by the singular notion of himself.

His phone buzzes incessantly, vibrating in his hand with a chaotic series of notifications that seem to demand his attention. Each ping feels like a validation, a rush that pumps his ego higher and higher, filling the gaps in his self-obsession with an endless stream of admiration. As he unlocks the screen and begins to scroll through his messages, the comments pull him further into the vortex of his own inflated self-image.

The first notification catches his eye—a comment on a photo of him wearing a necklace with a simple cross. It reads, "You’re such an inspiration! You make faith look so cool, like a real Christian warrior!" His chest puffs up slightly, the words sinking in deeper than he realizes. He reads the comment again, and a new thought takes root in his mind: This is my brand.

The subtle shift begins. His once-casual spirituality now feels like a powerful tool—something to be flaunted. He starts to think of himself not just as a man, but as a Christian Influencer. His faith, which had always been a quiet part of his life, becomes a cornerstone of his new identity. He imagines himself inspiring thousands of followers to embrace Christianity, portraying himself as a symbol of strength through faith. His social media presence begins to feature more posts about his "devotion," his "Christian warrior" lifestyle, and his desire to guide others toward salvation, all while maintaining the swagger and self-assuredness that now define him.

As he scrolls further, another comment appears: “Bro, your gains are unreal. You're definitely an inspiration for guys who wanna hit the gym hard.” His grin widens. The ego boost here is undeniable. His workout routine, once a personal pursuit, now takes on a new meaning. He’s not just working out for himself anymore—he’s showing the world his strength, flexing his muscles both literally and metaphorically.

This comment reinforces the shift in his mindset, pushing him further down the path of a highly physical, image-obsessed worldview. He becomes increasingly fixated on showcasing his body, not just for the aesthetics but as a symbol of power and dominance. His workouts, now part of his personal brand, transform into a tool for convincing his followers that this is the ultimate form of self-expression. But even more than that, it pushes him to adopt an increasingly conservative stance on American ideals—believing that true strength comes from hard work and traditional values. He starts to share opinions about "real" American grit, about how only the strong deserve to lead. This newfound focus on physicality and nationalism solidifies his shift toward a narrow, hyper-masculine worldview.

Then comes another notification, “Dude, you’re hilarious! Your vids crack me up every time. You’re killing it! Ash” His lips curl into a self-satisfied smile. The praise feels different now, like a confirmation that his sense of humor—the kind that’s brash, bold, and often borderline inappropriate—is something worth capitalizing on. He begins to see himself not just as a fitness guru or a Christian figure, but as a funny guy—the kind of guy who doesn’t take life too seriously, who makes people laugh by pushing boundaries.

Soon, his online persona merges into a brand that echoes the likes of a brash, self-assured comedian who stirs the pot at every opportunity, reveling in the attention and controversy he brings. His comments become more divisive, his jokes more pointed. He becomes increasingly aligned with alt-right sentiments, echoing the rhetoric of divisive political figures, spouting off about "free speech" and the "death of real comedy," while promoting a message that prioritizes individualism and self-reliance—at the expense of any empathy for others.

He posts more rants about how “soft” society has become, how people need to “man up” and stop being offended. His humor is laced with sarcasm, mocking the sensitivities of modern culture while embracing a raw, unapologetic version of himself. He talks about political correctness like it’s the ultimate enemy, claiming that his humor is the antidote to a world gone too "woke."

The comments keep coming, each one feeding his ego and pulling him deeper into the identity he’s crafted. The likes, the shares, the praise—they all reaffirm his belief that he is the ultimate authority, the unquestioned center of attention. He continues to shape his identity around this growing ego, a persona that combines physical strength, unflinching faith, controversial humor, and a newfound conservative nationalism. The more he engages with his followers, the more the lines blur between who he is and the image he projects.

Ashton, now fully consumed by the version of himself he’s crafted, grabs his phone again and opens TikTok, the app that has become his new stage. He smirks at his reflection, adjusting his hair as though he’s about to perform. He taps the screen, the camera facing him, and instantly the persona he’s been building all day—the brash, self-absorbed guy—takes over. His eyes narrow with the gleam of a man who knows exactly how to rile up his audience.

With a sharp inhale, he leans in, his voice coming out with the kind of smirk you can almost hear.

“Ladies, let me tell you something,” he starts, the word ‘ladies’ dripping with condescension, like a dare, “Ladies, I’m not saying you’re indecisive, but I watched you spend 30 minutes trying to pick a Netflix show and I still got no text back from you two weeks ago. Priorities, huh?” He laughs, a sharp, cold sound that feels calculated, looking around as though expecting applause from an imaginary audience.

He scrolls through his TikTok comments, grinning wider when he sees more people eating it up. He lets out a fake sigh, as if he’s done everyone a huge favor by “enlightening” them. His tone is dripping with sarcasm as he dramatically gestures to himself. He knows the angle, the way the light hits his jawline just right.

"Alright, alright, alright! Let's talk about something that really grinds my gears - feminism. I mean, come on ladies, why do you even bother? Feminism is just a bunch of angry, ugly women who can't get a man. Newsflash: it's not our fault you're unattractive, you fat cows."

With a chuckle, Ashton leans back into his chair, content with the rant. He scrolls through the comments, already planning his next video. He knows exactly how to keep the cycle going—create controversy, stir up some hate, and bask in the attention.

"And get this, there was this one dude grinding on another dude. I'm not even kidding. It was so fucking gay. Like, bro, keep that shit on the down low, you know? Speaking of fags, have you seen those Pride parades lately? It's like a fucking circus of degeneracy. I swear, if I see one more dude in a dress, I'm gonna lose it."

His ego soars, feeding off the likes and comments, each one reinforcing his belief that he is, in fact, the center of the world. The more he rants, the more he becomes convinced that his confidence, his arrogance, his self-absorbed outlook is exactly what everyone else wants. And why wouldn’t they? He’s got the looks, the attitude, the "dominance" to back it all up.

As the notifications flood in, Ashton’s grin widens. He can already see the video reaching viral status. He’s not just an influencer anymore. He’s a movement. Ashton lets out a hearty chuckle, his eyes scanning the bar until they land on a bubbly blonde who looks like she was born yesterday. He licks his lips, his gaze lingering on her ample cleavage before he swaggers over, muscles rippling beneath his tight shirt. "Hey there, blonde ambition," he drawls, leaning in close. "You know, I was just thinking... if your mouth moves as much as your tits, you must be the best multitasker in the room." He flexes his biceps, a smug grin spreading across his face as the blonde giggles like a schoolgirl. "Oh my gosh, you're Ashton Kuttler!I've seen your TikToks, they're sooooo funny!" she squeals, hanging on his every word. Ashton winks, basking in her adoration. "That's right, sweetheart" Ashton spends the rest of the night with the blonde, his crude jokes and flexing muscles keeping her hooked. He gropes her ass every chance he gets, making her squeal with laughter. "Damn, girl, your butt's as fake as your personality," he snickers, squeezing hard. She just giggles, loving the attention. Ashton downs shot after shot, his words slurring but his ego soaring. "You know, I'm kinda famous," he boasts, puffing out his chest. "I've got millions of followers who think I'm hilarious." The blonde nods eagerly, hanging on his every word. Ashton leans in, his breath reeking of alcohol. "Wanna come back to my place and see my other big asset?" he whispers crudely, grabbing his crotch.The blonde blushes, but her eyes sparkle with excitement. "OMG, yes!" Ashton grabs the blonde's hand and pulls her onto his lap, grinding against her. "Mmm, you feel that, sweetheart? That's what you do to me," he growls in her ear, his hands roaming her body possessively. He bites her neck hard, leaving a mark. "I'm gonna fuck you so hard tonight," he promises, his voice thick with lust. He stands up suddenly, dumping her onto the floor. "Time to put that pretty mouth to work." He grabs her hair and forces her head down, not caring if she's ready or willing. "Come on, slut, suck it," he grunts, thrusting his hips forward.

The bartender’s eyes gleamed with mischief as he watched Ashton’s crude TikTok, his lips curling into a wicked smile. He stifled a chuckle, the kind of laugh that only someone with a devilish glint in their eye could muster. His attention shifted briefly as he saw Ricky—a 30-something muscle queen—loudly regaling his girlfriends with tales of his hookups over the past week. His voice boomed, thick with bravado, describing in graphic detail the men he’d been with, bragging about how they “better hit the clinic in the morning” because his piss was burning. The bartender couldn’t help but laugh even harder, the irony not lost on him as he watched this brash man—the epitome of self-satisfied arrogance—drowned in his own pride.

With a swift movement, the bartender slid a drink in front of Ricky, his smile stretching wider, almost cruel. Ricky, distracted and boastful, didn’t notice the glint of something dark in the bartender’s eyes as he downed the drink in one, the liquid slipping smoothly across his tongue. Almost instantly, Ricky’s muscles twitched violently, spasming in a way that sent a chill of panic through him. He gripped his neck in confusion and alarm, but the sensation of a burning gold necklace—cold, hard, and unfamiliar—formed around his throat, the cross against his skin searing like fire.

His breath caught, his chest tightening as the heat blazed deeper, something within him—something sinful—fading, erasing those long, lust-filled nights and his gym-sculpted form. The moments spent flirting with daddies and twinks were slipping away, his mind clouded, replaced by an odd sense of purity, a deep well of faith he couldn’t quite grasp, but now felt compelled to. It was as though something had hijacked his very soul, pulling him towards an unshakable belief that he had no room to question. His body, once swollen with arrogant muscle, began to shrink, his torso tightening, his arms losing their thick bulk. His chest, once defined and broad, now became lean and narrow, the muscles softening as his once imposing physique dissolved into a cleaner, sharper shape.

Ricky’s mind twisted in response, his once scattered and self-absorbed thoughts beginning to align with something new, something almost disturbing. His worldview shifted as his personality transformed, taking on the qualities of someone whose faith guided every action. There was no room for indulgence anymore, no room for questioning. He began to adopt the kind of rigid, confident certainty that only comes with an intense, almost self-righteous devotion. The reckless, flirtatious man who had once reveled in his body and conquests was replaced by a young man filled with an unsettling conviction. He became the embodiment of someone who, with perfect poise, believed that their way was the only way.

The newfound sense of deep, devout faith seemed to guide him with every step. His posture became perfect, almost too perfect—his back straight, his chin slightly raised in quiet, subtle arrogance. His smile softened, but now it carried with it the unmistakable air of someone who believed themselves morally superior, with an effortless smugness. His eyes, once sharp with the glint of a playful flirt, now gleamed with the unshakable certainty of someone who knew he was right. His skin, now smoother and more youthful, radiated an almost angelic purity, giving off the air of someone who spent his days outdoors, living in some wholesome ideal.

His clothes—crisp, preppy, and polished—seemed to mold perfectly to his shifting form. His polo shirts, khakis, and neatly pressed sweaters over his shoulders reflected a man who wasn’t just stylish, but who embodied a certain kind of clean-cut, well-rounded elegance. His hair, once messy and wild in its carefully curated chaos, was now neatly styled—short and precise. There was no longer any hint of roughness to his appearance, only a serene, almost sanctimonious perfection.

As his muscles continued to atrophy, Ricky’s mind began to twist further, distorting in a way that made him increasingly pretentious, self-assured in a way that wasn’t just charming but condescending. His thoughts became narrow, with an increasingly rigid worldview that bordered on the extreme. Every word he spoke was now carefully weighed, delivered with the kind of deliberate confidence that could only come from someone who no longer doubted his beliefs. He was now the picture of preppy, Christian youthfulness—fit, yet understated in his appearance, almost too perfect in his posture, and self-assured in his beliefs. He exuded a calm, effortless superiority, as though everyone around him should be grateful for his guidance and moral certainty.

Aaron's eyes widened as he watched the men across the bar, their hands roaming over each other's bodies with shameless abandon. He felt his stomach churn, the alcohol he had so foolishly consumed threatening to make a reappearance. The sight of the two men locked in a passionate kiss on the dance floor was the final straw. He stumbled away, practically falling into a nearby booth.

As his vision cleared, Aaron's gaze landed on a cute girl sitting alone at the bar. She was pretty, with long red hair and a figure that made his heart race. He felt a stirring in his pants, his tiny cock hardening at the sight of her. Aaron blushed, embarrassed by his body's reaction. Maybe she would make a good wife, he thought naively.

Summoning his courage, Aaron approached her. "Hi there," he said, his voice trembling slightly. "I couldn't help but notice you from across the room. You're really pretty." Aaron's face flushed a deep crimson as he felt his tiny cock stir in his pants, pressing urgently against the fabric. He shifted uncomfortably, trying to hide his embarrassing arousal. Clinging to his cross necklace like a lifeline, he approached the girl, his heart pounding in his chest. "Um..." he stammered, his voice cracking slightly. Desperate to impress her, Aaron began to ramble about his religious beliefs. "You know, I've always believed that God has a plan for everyone. Maybe, um, maybe you're part of my plan? As my wife, I mean." He blushed even harder, realizing how awkward and unprepared he sounded.

Aaron's eyes gleamed with a fervent light as he launched into a passionate sermon, his voice growing louder and more obnoxious by the second. "You know, this whole world is filled with sinners! People who turn their backs on God and indulge in their wicked desires. But Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, he's the only one who can save us from our sins!" He leaned in closer to the girl, his breath reeking of alcohol and desperation. "And let me tell you, sister, I've seen the error of my ways. I used to be just like those degenerates over there," he gestured wildly at the grinding men across the bar, "but now, I've found the light of the Lord. And I think you could too, if you'd just open your heart to His love." The girl rolled her eyes so hard, it's a miracle they didn't get stuck in the back of her head. The girl's eyes raked over Aaron's body, a predatory glint in her gaze. She leaned in close, her lips brushing against his ear as she whispered, "You know, I've always had a thing for religious guys. There's just something so...pure about you." Her hand slid up his thigh, her fingers tracing teasing circles on his skin. Aaron's breath hitched, his mind reeling from the sudden shift in dynamics. He had come here expecting to convert her, not the other way around. The girl's lips curled into a smirk as she sensed his hesitation. "Don't tell me you're not interested," she purred, ripping off his shirt "I can see the way you're looking at me. Like you want to sin just a little bit."


Twink Death

Dylan’s voice rings out across the bar, high-pitched and bubbly, as he bounces around, gesturing animatedly to his friends. “No, seriously, I swear, I saw a wrinkle on my forehead this morning. Like, right here!” he dramatically points at his face, his fingers tracing over his brow like he’s trying to find the offending line. “I’m turning into a daddy—I just know it. Tomorrow, I’ll be a mummified twink,” he scoffs, wrinkling his nose.

His friends laugh, but Dylan’s worried, caught in the anxiety of the looming big 3-0. “Ugh, I can’t even—like, how am I supposed to handle that?” He twirls around on the dance floor, making a show of his perfectly sculpted bubble butt, pretending to let go of the stress, but the truth is, the worry’s gnawing at him. He eyes a group of cute, muscular daddies at the bar, his gaze lingering for just a second too long. Then he spins back around to his group, all too aware of the youthful guys still buzzing around him, distracting the attention away.

“Ugh, and then there’s that guy I lost out to in the party planning thing,” he mutters to his best friend, a little edge creeping into his tone. “I mean, he was, like, 21 and—gorgeous, but still, no one told me 30 meant losing out to a kid.” Dylan’s brows furrow as he scans the bar. His fingers flip through his hair, frustration bubbling up.

“I just don’t get it. What is it with you guys and not liking me? I’m adorable! Hello?!” He pouts, dramatically batting his lashes. He leans over, his body swishing side to side with exaggerated sass. “I’m, like, practically perfect for everyone here, and yet—ugh! I wish I could have all the attention at the bars.

Dylan’s statement gets him a few glances. A few appreciative looks. And then, out of nowhere, he catches the eye of the bartender, a tall, eerily handsome figure who appears to be made of shadows and sin. The bartender, dark eyes glinting with something unsettlingly otherworldly, stirs a deep red drink, his lips curling into a knowing smile.

With an almost theatrical flair, he slides the shot towards Dylan. “A nice man ordered this for you,” he says, his voice smooth and low, laced with something almost too deep for the atmosphere.

Dylan looks around in confusion, squinting through the haze of neon lights and bodies, but the bar’s packed, and whoever ordered it is lost in the crowd. “Nice man, huh?” he mumbles to himself, eyebrow quirked, unsure if he’s buying into this. Still, he shrugs and grabs the shot glass, tossing it back with the kind of bravado only someone like him can muster.

The burn hits almost immediately. It’s like fire racing down his throat—hotter, sharper than any alcohol he’s ever had. Dylan’s lips part as the heat courses through him. “Oh my God,” he gasps. “What the hell was that?!” His body reacts almost involuntarily, a flush of warmth sweeping over him, and then—something worse.

His blood feels like it’s boiling, pressure rising deep within his chest, his heart racing as if it’s trying to escape his body. He can feel his muscles twitching, his bones creaking, and then—without warning, his body starts to shift, something deep inside him stretching.

His bubble butt, already perky and tight, expands. The sensation is grotesque, a pressure building that he has no control over, and then, with a rumbling sound, it escapes—loud, revolting, a thunderous fart that shakes the bar. PPPPPPPFFFFFFFFT. The stench is so potent it makes Dylan wrinkle his nose in shock. His friends around him grimace, trying to wave away the disgusting smell. One of them even holds their nose, eyes watering.

“Ugh, oh my God, sorry! Dudes Dylan yelps, mortified, his cheeks burning with shame. But the worse part? He can’t stop the widening. He feels his body growing, his legs stretching, his torso becoming longer, leaner, his height slowly inching up.

The bizarre pressure continues to build until something miraculous happens—his wrinkles, the ones that had been haunting him all day, disappear. His skin tightens, smoothed out by whatever hellish concoction the bartender slipped him. The frustration, the anxiety, all the little signs of aging he’d been obsessing over melt away. He starts to grow taller, his face changing slightly, the sharpness of his features softening as his body seems to almost untwist before his very eyes.

“Waitwhat the fuck?” Dylan mutters, his voice now lower, deeper. He blinks as his newfound height brings his gaze up higher than it ever had before. His reflection in the mirror behind the bar is unrecognizable. Who is this?

Dylan stands at the bar, his heart pounding in his chest, but it’s not just from the shot anymore. The change inside him is deep, unsettling. The muscles in his arms twitch, a sudden, fierce pain that shoots up to his shoulders, spreading like a creeping fire. His limbs start to feel alive, like something is being torn and rebuilt, stretched and molded with bone-cracking precision. The skin on his arms tightens, veins pulsing as they snake their way down, bold and aggressive, almost bursting with each throbbing beat of his heart.

He stumbles, unsteady, his hands grasping for the edge of the bar to steady himself. His fingers lengthen, fingers flexing in slow, painful increments. The pain continues, gnawing at his shoulders as the first hint of muscle begins to swell beneath his skin, thickening, pushing his shirt tighter. It’s as though his body is undergoing a brutal metamorphosis, like a skeleton being forced to expand, every inch of his form stretching, swelling, compacting with muscle in a way that feels unnatural, almost monstrous.

His chest heaves, an intense pressure building beneath the fabric of his shirt. It feels like his ribcage is being crushed from the inside as his pecs begin to bulge, inflating, muscles pushing outward, as though they’re desperate to escape the confines of his body. His breath catches as the pain surges—his abdomen contracts and expands, the sharp, defined ridges of his abs twisting into something far more grotesque. They ripple under his skin, the six-pack of a model turning into an exaggerated, almost cartoonish display of physicality. His stomach tightens, stretching outward as if trying to escape the skin that can no longer contain it.

Then, his biceps. His once lithe arms now begin to split apart, muscles swelling, becoming grotesque. They balloon outward in a series of painful pops, like the skin is being stretched over raw, unrelenting muscle that refuses to be contained. They’re massive, swollen cannonballs of arrogance, veins snaking across the surface like angry, throbbing rivers trying to escape the tight grip of his skin. Each movement, each twitch of his muscle is another reminder of how grotesque he has become.

His legs—once sleek and lithe—begin to stretch, thickening, each fiber of muscle expanding with brutal force. The pain is unbearable, a deep, gnawing sensation that makes him want to scream, but he holds it in. His quads flare outward, thick and unyielding like oak trunks, pushing against the seams of his shorts until the fabric starts to groan, stretching with an unnatural tension. His calves swell to impossible proportions, the muscles so thick they seem to take up the entire room. Each step he takes now is a proclamation of force, each movement an audible crack of bone and muscle grinding together.

He stands there, taller, broader, an absurd parody of strength, every inch of him a grotesque monument to his own arrogance. It’s not just muscle—it’s a grotesque exaggeration of everything he once was. A walking, flexing billboard for excess, the very definition of cocky entitlement, and the kind of vanity that becomes suffocating. His body is a living sculpture, carved by a madman obsessed with power, ignoring the toll it takes on the human form. His skin tightens over his bulging, grotesque muscles, as though it were too thin to contain the force beneath it.

Dylan turns slowly, surveying the room, his body shifting with each motion. Every step he takes is a flex, a reminder that his transformation is complete. His face, once charming, is now an almost cruel mockery of himself. His jawline is sharper, his features more angular, as though they’ve been carved from granite. His lips curl into a smirk, dripping with arrogance, as he looks down at the crowd around him. He’s the center of attention, but not in the way he once imagined.

The pain in his body has subsided, replaced now with a crushing sense of power. He doesn’t just walk into a room anymore. He arrives. Every step is deliberate, exaggerated, like he's flaunting every ounce of his superiority, reminding everyone within a ten-foot radius that he is, without question, the biggest, the best, and the most important person in the room. His movements are sharp, calculated, each motion dripping with a kind of neanderthal-like certainty that only arrogance can bring.

His laugh, booming and obnoxious, fills the space, echoing against the walls. It’s grating, like a foghorn that won’t stop. His voice drips with contempt as he addresses the people around him, dismissing them with a flick of his wrist, his gaze sharp and judgmental. His eyes, cold and calculating, pierce through everyone like he’s sizing them up, evaluating them like mere insects beneath his feet.

Dy’s body trembled with the aftershock, muscles still expanding as he felt the pressure deep within his chest, his legs, his arms. He flexed instinctively, a slow, deliberate motion that sent shockwaves through his body. As his biceps bulged like swelling cannonballs, his stomach churned with the force of the change. He felt it—felt his muscles bulging outward, the power surging in his body like a rising tide. He grinned as he pushed, his chest puffing up like a rooster’s, and then—fart. A loud, gut-wrenching sound that sent a wave of stench through the room. PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTTT. He froze.

The smell hit him first, the thick, rancid odor of pure protein and sweat. It wafted upward to his nose, like a thick fog descending into his mind, clouding everything. His eyes narrowed, and he took a deep breath, the air now thick with that overpowering, stomach-churning scent. It was like stepping into a gym locker room after a month without ventilation, a stench that forced its way into his lungs and changed something deep inside him.

And just like that, the fog began to descend—first into his mind, then into his memories. He remembered the boy he used to be: that quirky twink who had danced to Lady Gaga’s “Marry the Night,” hoping to catch the attention of some cute guy, shaking his bubble butt to the beat, full of flirtatious energy. The memories flashed, one after the other, like a string of broken images.

There he was at the club, spinning on the dance floor, eyes locked on some random hunk, a smile on his lips as he tried to make the most of the night. He remembers the thrill of it, that burst of energy, that feeling of being the center of attention, the way every guy at the bar noticed him when he shimmied his ass just right.

But then, the memory turned sharp. The fog of the stench seemed to twist it, to warp it, as if the muscle swelling inside him was shifting his entire perspective on life. The twink disappeared into the dark corners of his mind, replaced with something colder. The soft, flirtatious persona faded like a shadow into the void, replaced by something bigger. Something louder.

The stench enveloped him, and Dy could feel it spreading, curling deep within his mind, like a plant growing inside his skull. His memories began to shift. The first flex in the mirror, the one where he saw his muscles begin to pop—not just for show—but a symbol of his dominance, of his superiority. He remembered standing there, looking at himself, a sly grin curling up his lips as he puffed out his chest and thought, Bro, I’ve got a body built like a machine.

He remembers saying it—too loudly, too cocky. To anyone who would listen. To everyone who would pretend to care. But deep down, he was convincing himself more than anyone else. He needed to believe it. He had to.

“Man, look at this,” he had said in the mirror, not to anyone in particular, just to the reflection that stared back at him. This is me. I’m the guy everyone wants to be. Watch out, world.

The shift was slow, but sure. From there, his memory pulled him to college, those late-night parties. The ones where every interaction was a game, a calculation. He would stroll in like the whole scene was built around him, flashing that grin that felt more like a slap in the face than an invitation. He would pretend to fit in, pretending to laugh along with his friends, but in truth, he was already above it all. His friends were just there to reaffirm his status, his power. He was the one they had to know, the one they wanted to be seen with. The king of the scene.

Yo, bro, I’m just here to show the world who runs this place.

He laughed, but his laugh was a smug, knowing thing. It made people feel small, and that was the best part.

But the stench wasn’t done with him yet.

The fog thickened in his mind. He remembered his late-night “debates.” The late-night gatherings with his bros, the ones who “got it.” They would drink cheap beer, huddle in the corner, and talk about how the world was getting softer, how it was being taken over by woke culture. He’d raise his voice, mockingly at first, but then with more confidence, more venom.

“Bro, free speech is dead,” he’d say. His words were like bullets, each one meant to wound. To make people realize how right he was. “Everyone’s too sensitive these days. Everything’s about feelings, not facts!”

The rush of that—of triggering someone, of getting under their skin—was intoxicating. He’d hammer out his thoughts online, sending out inflammatory posts like they were his personal manifesto. “We need to bring back traditional values. People just don’t get it anymore. This country’s getting weak, he’d type, grinning as his fingers flew over the keys.

He cherished those moments, those online arguments. The rush of watching someone get triggered, knowing his words had caused someone to explode. It made him feel strong—like he was in control. In his mind, the louder he shouted, the more right he became. The world didn’t want to listen, but he wasn’t backing down. If they can’t handle my opinions, that’s their problem.

But as the fog of the stench thickened, he felt his perspective shift again.

He saw himself at college parties, his voice growing louder with each passing year. His bros were the only ones who mattered. Anyone who disagreed with him? Soft. “Brainwashed.” He loved being surrounded by guys who thought just like him, reinforcing his worldview.

In this fog, he was the man who didn’t care about anything else—he didn’t need relationships, or love, or friendships that didn’t serve him. Everything was transactional.

“Man, society is soft. You know what they say? Everyone’s too sensitive,” he’d sneer, looking down on anyone who didn’t think the way he did.

And as the memories twisted, sharpened, calcified into the man he had become, Dy’s face twisted into a cruel smile. The smirk stretched wider, more venomous. His muscles bulged as the arrogance, the entitlement, that had always lurked beneath his surface now poured out. His need for attention, for validation, became a black hole. Every word he spoke was a desperate grab for more.

His eyes gleamed with a cold, ruthless hunger for power, and he stood taller, broader, a man who no longer cared about cute or bubbly—his only need was for dominance. His laugh rumbled in his chest, a low, unsettling sound.

All you little weaklings are scared of real opinions. You’re too soft to handle truth.

Dy—no, Logan—took another swig of his beer, the bitter liquid rushing down his throat, its coldness a sharp contrast to the fire now burning deep in his gut. He gripped the bottle like it was an extension of himself, a weapon in his hand that matched the arrogance beginning to churn inside him. He could feel the pressure building, a familiar discomfort in his stomach that felt almost... right. The transformation had fully taken hold now. And with it, the change was more than just physical. The twink Dylan he had been—the playful, flirtatious, bubbly little thing—was gone.

What replaced him was something bigger. Stronger. Louder. Logan.

The next moment, without warning, his body betrayed him. A massive, revolting fart ripped from deep within his gut. The sound was grotesque, a deep, disgusting rumble that could’ve shaken the very foundations of the bar. PFFFFFFFFFFFT The stench followed, heavy, thick, and pungent, swirling through the air like toxic smoke, swirling into the faces of everyone around him. It was a god-awful smell—like spoiled beer mixed with protein powder and old sweat, a scent that made eyes water and noses curl.

And yet, Logan didn’t flinch. In fact, he grinned. He lifted his beer to his lips again and took another greedy gulp, savoring the bitter burn. He was no longer bothered by the stares or the grimaces. He owned this moment. Hell, he owned this whole damn bar.

Logan wiped his mouth casually with the back of his hand, never once glancing at the people around him. His eyes were locked ahead—focused, calculating. He was done with being cute. Done with being seen as some soft, little twink who needed everyone’s approval. He was Logan now. And Logan didn’t care if anyone liked him. He didn’t need to be liked. What he needed was power.

What’s up, losers?he spat, his voice cutting through the air, rough and laced with condescension. The words dripped from his lips like venom. He felt himself getting more and more worked up, more aggressive. His chest swelled as if to puff up his ego, and the muscles on his arms—no, his guns—tensed involuntarily. He felt them stretch, the weight of them filling his entire body with a sense of superiority. He was invincible now.

God, y’all are pathetic, Logan continued, his voice louder now, more commanding. “You sit around here, acting all woke, thinking you're better than the rest of us. But guess what? You ain't better. You're just a bunch of whiny, weak little sheep hiding behind safe spaces and politically correct nonsense. You think I care? Nah, man. I speak the truth. And no one’s gonna stop me.

The bar fell quiet, and the eyes that had once avoided him now focused intently on Logan. They didn’t dare speak, but their discomfort was palpable. Some of them looked at him with disdain. Others, fear. But Logan didn’t care. He just wanted them to hear him. He needed them to hear him.

You can’t even speak your mind anymore without some soft, whiny liberal trying to shut you down, he sneered, leaning against the bar. His voice grew louder, filled with venom. You’re all a bunch of puppets, letting the media control you, telling you how to think, what to say. I don’t give a damn what anyone thinks. I say what’s on my mind, and if you can’t handle it, that’s your problem. This is the real world, and you’re just too damn weak to survive in it.”

He swelled with pride, his own words pumping him up. There was no trace left of the carefree, bubbly twink who used to dance on the bar, hoping to get a cute guy’s attention. No, now Logan was the center of the universe. The bar was his stage. Every word that spilled from his mouth felt like a victory, a conquest. People didn’t need to agree with him—they needed to respect him. They needed to hear what he said and understand that he was in charge.

Look, I’m just out here living life, man,Logan said, his voice thick with arrogance. I’m not scared to tell it like it is. The rest of you? You just hide behind your weak excuses, trying to make everyone feel bad for saying what they think. You wanna call me a ‘bully’? Please. You’re just mad ‘cause I don’t play by your soft rules. ‘Free speech’ is dead, huh? Nah, it’s alive and well—I’m the one out here showing you how it’s done.

His chest puffed out again, and the muscles rippled beneath his skin like waves crashing against rocks. He grinned, almost to himself now.

You can’t handle a man who speaks the truth, who calls it like it is. You know what’s wrong with this country? Everyone’s too damn sensitive. Too soft. Too afraid to speak up. He looked around the bar, his eyes scanning the room as if daring anyone to challenge him. All these weak-ass liberals acting like they know what’s best for the world, but they don’t know shit. This country’s gone soft. No one’s tough anymore. Everyone’s just afraid of offending someone, trying to hold everyone’s hand. And I’m here to tell you, that ain’t real life. I’m the only one brave enough to say what I really think.

The more he spoke, the more Logan felt the rush of power. His words felt like a weapon, like they were cutting through the crowd, dividing them into the weak and the strong. He was the strong. And as the fog of his arrogance thickened, it solidified his place in the world. He didn’t need friends. He didn’t need to be loved. He needed power. He needed control.

And at that moment, he was the king of this bar. He could feel it, deep in his bones. The crowd might not like him, but they would respect him. They had to.

Logan's chest puffs out like a rooster's, his shoulders squared and chin held high as he spots the gaggle of cute guys chatting up some girls.He barrels through the crowd, his imposing frame parting the sea of people like a bulldozer. But the moment he lays eyes on the twink, his stride falters, replaced by a hesitant shuffle. A loud, wet fart escapes him, the stench palpable in the air. His face contorts in disgust, a sneer twisting his lips. "Fuckin' fags," he mutters under his breath, his homophobia dripping from every word. "Wouldn't touch that pretty boy with a ten-foot pole."

He lets out a harsh laugh, the sound grating and unpleasant. His gaze flickers to the girls, a lecherous grin spreading across his face. "Damn, look at those sluts throwing themselves at the fairies,"

Logan's eyes rake over the girls' bodies, his gaze lingering on their curves. He steps closer, invading their personal space. "Yo, bitches," he slurs, already drunk on power and alcohol. "Why waste your time with those faggots when you could be with a real man?" He grabs the nearest girl's arm, yanking her towards him. "Come on, sweetheart. Let's get out of here and have some fun."

His other hand reaches out, squeezing the ass of the girl next to her. "Mmm, you're a thick one, ain't ya? I like that." He leans in, his breath hot and heavy. "I bet you're dying for a real dick, huh? Tired of those limp-wristed pussies?"

Logan's entitled attitude drips from every word, his crude behavior on full display. He flirts with the girls, his advances aggressive and unwelcome. Logan's obnoxious behavior knows no bounds as he continues to harass the girls. "Damn, you girls are so basic," he sneers, rolling his eyes dramatically. "You think you're hot shit, hanging out with those queers? Newsflash, bitches: they ain't into your tight pussies like I am."

He pulls out his phone, scrolling through it with a smug grin. "Check this out. I got laid by three girls last weekend. Bet those faggots can't say the same." He thrusts his phone in their faces, showing off crude photos. "See? Real men get real pussy."

Logan belches loudly, the smell of alcohol and poor life choices wafting through the air. "You girls are lucky to have me here. I'm the catch of the century, you know." He winks, clearly oblivious to his own repulsiveness.

As the night wears on, Logan's behavior becomes increasingly unbearable. He buys the girls drinks, insisting they owe him for his generosity. "Come on, ladies. Let's get fucked up!" he shouts, slamming shots on the bar. "I'm gonna show you what a real night looks like." He starts flexing his muscles, puffing out his chest like a peacock. "You like what you see, girls?I work out, unlike those scrawny fags." Logan grabs the nearest girl's hand, forcing her to feel his bicep. "See? Solid as a rock."

As the alcohol flows, so does Logan's crude language and behavior. He grabs asses, makes lewd comments, and generally acts like a complete douchebag. "I bet you're all dying to suck my dick," he laughs, unbuttoning his pants. "Who wants first dibs?"

Anonymous asked:

please write more like the story you did on the 19th like the one where the guy bulked up into a chubby redneck. so many writers go for the chiseled jock look but I love when you bulk guys up :)

Why shouldn't we start with you? Your phone buzzes in your pocket, the vibrating sensation startling you from your lazy slump. You glance down at the screen, seeing a message from an unknown number with something called "RedWave" attached to it. Curiosity piqued, your hands, shaky and distracted, accidentally tap the notification. It opens, revealing a menu screen like a GrubHub knockoff, offering a mountain of food options. Your stomach growls lightly, not from hunger, but from something more primal—an insistent craving that rises from nowhere. You weren't hungry, but now... you are.

You start scrolling through the menus, cheeseburgers, fries, milkshakes, pizzas, tacos, and a ton of other greasy, comfort food. Your mouth waters, and without realizing it, you lick your lips. You don't notice your cheeks rounding, becoming a little fuller, a little softer. The pictures of food tempt you, and before long, your fingers are clicking through endless options. Every scroll, every tempting bite, seems to pull you deeper into some kind of trance.

Your stomach rumbles louder, and the next thing you know, you're clicking "Order Now." The screen flashes as your order is placed—more food than you could ever eat. But your body doesn’t seem to care. You barely remember what happened next, but the sound of your doorbell breaks through the haze. A shift in awareness, you stumble towards the door, your hands a little clumsier than usual. When you open it, the bags of food are waiting—tall stacks of takeout, stacked like an overflowing feast.

You haul the bags inside, your body feeling heavier somehow. You dig in, shoveling food into your mouth, barely tasting it. The flavors overwhelm you—rich, greasy, salty, sweet. It’s all you can do to stuff more in, not caring if you’re full or not. Your stomach churns and gurgles as it expands. With every bite, you feel yourself growing, shifting. Your once-skinny form begins to feel tight, stretched in all the wrong places. Your arms, which were once lean, begin to swell, thickening with soft, puffy fat. Your stomach bulges outward, pressing against the waistband of your jeans. Your chest becomes fuller, rounder, softer. The air in your lungs feels heavier, your movements slower.

You catch your reflection in the window—what you see is unrecognizable, but somehow familiar. A chubby, sunburned, a man who spent years in the rough outdoors, now taking up space in a way he never had before. Your face is full, the flesh soft and round. Your chin has doubled, the once sharp edges replaced by a fleshy roundness. Your eyes, bloodshot and squinty, still carry that glazed look, like you’ve been through just enough to know it’s time to relax. The thick, untamed beard, always scruffy, looks even more unruly as your cheeks puff out. The muscles in your arms and neck remain, but they’re softened by the layer of fat that’s replaced your former tone.

You exhale, letting out a loud fart, the sound echoing in the room. The scent of sweat, dirt, and cheap cologne clings to you, familiar, comforting. You reach for a beer on the counter, the cold bottle slipping easily into your grasp. You take a long swig, the bitter taste grounding you. A sense of satisfaction, laziness, and contentment fills you. The posture of someone who doesn’t care, who’s spent too many days lounging, drinking, and indulging.

Memories start to shift, like pieces of a puzzle falling into place. Tumblr, Discord chats, hanging out with friends in the city? Those things fade away, becoming distant. Your mind starts to take on a different shape. It’s like stepping into a new pair of boots, worn and broken in. You think back to days spent fishing by the creek, to hunting with your old man, to the steady, slow life of the country. Your thoughts drift to things that matter here—fishing holes, beers with the guys, and the comfort of the land.

With every bite, the shift becomes more complete. You’re no longer the guy who cares about scrolling through the latest memes or checking on what your friends are up to. Your focus has narrowed—it's just you, the food, and the life you've come to live. The world outside your little bubble is irrelevant now. You’re content, relaxed, a little dumb maybe, but satisfied in your own way. And it feels good. The pounds keep piling on, and so does the comfort, the easy feeling of a life well lived in the slow lane.

You shuffle over to the couch, your body feeling heavier with each step, the fat steadily building, settling like a slow tide. As you sit down with a soft groan, your body sinks deeper into the cushions, the weight of your belly pressing against your thighs. You let out a loud, obnoxious fart as you get comfortable, the smell lingering in the air like the remnants of a long, heavy meal. Your hands, slick with grease from all the food, reach for the remote. You fumble with it for a second, finally managing to turn on the TV.

At first, you're greeted with RuPaul's Drag Race. The queens prance across the screen, their flamboyant outfits flashing with every exaggerated movement, their high-pitched cackles filling the air. It’s jarring, and you cringe, the whole thing just doesn’t sit right with you. You flip the channel quickly, eager for something else.

The screen shifts, and suddenly ESPN is showing a NASCAR race. Your mood immediately lightens. A smile spreads across your face as you sink deeper into the couch, your back rounded and shoulders slouched. This is it—the race. You’re hooked, your eyes glued to the screen as the cars zoom around the track. The crowd’s roar, the engines’ growls, the sharp turns, all of it feels like it’s exactly what you need right now. Your focus sharpens, like your life depends on it. You grab another handful of greasy snacks and shove them into your mouth, the salty, savory crunch filling your senses.

You let out a burp, deep and loud, the toxic smell of your stomach’s efforts filling the room. It lingers in the air, thick, almost pungent. The scent clings to the walls, suffocating the pristine vibe your apartment used to have. But as you sit there, you don’t care. The room around you begins to shift. The walls seem to close in a little, the space feeling smaller and more lived-in, the furniture older, mismatched. The once clean, modern apartment transforms into something like a run-down trailer, the floor cluttered with empty beer cans and fast food wrappers. The walls are decorated with faded pinup posters of scantily clad women, and the unmistakable scent of stale beer hangs in the air, blending with the smell of grease.

You lazily flip the channel again, and now Fox News is on. The anchor woman appears on the screen, her sharp features framed by a red dress that clings to her curves. You hear her voice, speaking confidently about politics, about the issues that matter. At first, you’re just listening, but soon the words start to resonate with you, clicking in your mind. Everything she says, you agree with. The opinions sound right, they feel like truth. As she goes on, your mind softens, growing slower, growing dumber, absorbing her words like they’re the gospel. You start nodding in agreement with everything she says, the way she speaks to you—so direct, so certain—filling your mind with a new clarity.

You notice the way her curves fill out the dress, the confident way she moves, and something about it stirs something in you. She’s powerful, assertive—her opinions clear, her body full and rounded, just like you’ve become. The shift is subtle at first, but it’s undeniable. You’re no longer questioning the things she says. You agree—with everything. Slowly, your own thoughts mirror hers. The opinions of the left seem distant, irrelevant, like a part of a world you don’t belong in. Everything she says feels so right to you now, so natural.

And as the hour ticks on, your mind shifts even further. Your thoughts tighten around a new sense of self. You start agreeing with more of the stuff she says, nodding, and feeling more and more like you belong in this world—this world of opinions that are straightforward, no-nonsense. You shift in your seat, a bit of pride welling up in your chest. The opinions start to feel like your own—your truth. You don’t just understand this way of thinking, you embrace it. Your body feels even more at home now, more grounded in this new, rough-and-tumble version of yourself. You’re no longer just watching; you're becoming part of it. This is your world now.

And as the night continues, it all feels clear: the food, the drink, the opinions—everything is a piece of the life you're now living. You sink back into the worn leather couch, the springs creaking softly beneath you as you get comfortable. Your eyes are glued to the TV screen, fixated on the stunning blonde newscaster, Tomi Lahren, gracing the FoxNews broadcast. She's a real looker, with curves in all the right places, accentuated perfectly by that tight, red dress that hugs her figure like a second skin.

As she rants passionately about those weak-willed liberal soy boys, you find yourself nodding along in agreement, a smirk spreading across your face. She gets it, she really gets it. You can't help but let your gaze drift down to her ample cleavage, barely contained by the plunging neckline of her dress. Your heart races as you imagine those perfect breasts bouncing in your face while you bury yourself between them. Your hand slowly drifts down to your crotch, palming the growing bulge in your pants. As you continue to rub yourself through your pants, you feel a sudden urge. Without hesitation, you let out a loud, wet fart, the smell filling the room. The pungent aroma makes you laugh out loud, a deep, guttural sound that echoes through the trailer. "Damn, that's the good stuff," you mutter to yourself, grinning ear to ear. Your mind wanders back to the Tomi Lahren, imagining all the filthy things you'd do to her. You picture her blonde hair splayed out on your pillow, her fake tits bouncing as you pound her from behind. In your fantasy, she's not just ranting about politics anymore - she's screaming your name, begging for more as you give her the fucking of a lifetime. You pull your pants down, your hard cock springing free. You wrap your hand around it, stroking slowly as you continue to fantasize about the slutty little news anchor.

The Tami's voice grows more passionate, her eyes blazing with conviction as she rails against the "woke liberal agenda." "It's time for real Americans to stand up and embrace the Red Wave Rapture!" she declares, her voice dripping with fervor. "Every patriotic citizen has a duty to spread the Red Wave, to reclaim our great nation and restore it to its former glory!"

With each utterance of "American," you pump your fist harder, your hand moving faster along your throbbing shaft. The woman on the screen locks eyes with you, as if she can see directly into your soul. "You are an American," she says softly, a seductive smile playing on her lips. "Embrace your heritage, embrace the American way. The straight American family is the backbone of this country." Her words send you over the edge. With a grunt, you erupt, thick ropes of cum splattering across your chubby stomach. You let out a satisfied sigh, your chest heaving as you catch your breath. With a lazy grin, you grab one of the crumpled cheeseburger wrappers littering the coffee table and wipe the sticky cum from your stomach. The cheap paper absorbs the mess easily, leaving your skin slightly sticky but clean.

Anonymous asked:

Bro I have a big problem.... My best freind used to be the best bro on the world. He was vary kind, funny and also good looking and a good cop. But one over the other day he suddenly talked about something called the redwave and the next day I met him he was more like raicist douchebag jock! He even had muscle and everything. Its like he was a whole new guy... and not a good one. He also started talking about how he would deport me into my home country back to asia and make amarica great again but Im Amarican myself! I just thought he was jocking but suddenly it started banging on my door and policeman started screaming I should come out of my hiding place... what should I do?

The pounding at the door echoes in your head like a relentless drumbeat, a constant reminder of the chaos unfolding on the other side. Each thud seems to make the walls of the room tremble, and you can hear the muffled, frantic yells of the police as they scream for your former friend to back away. There's something hauntingly desperate in their voices, mixed with a sharp edge of command. But it’s not their fear that’s suffocating you—it’s his. His screams from behind the door, his voice filled with a madness that claws at your sanity. The world outside feels like it’s shifting, like it’s splintering into pieces that no longer make sense.

You pull out your phone, your hands shaking as you try to find some kind of answer, some thread of logic that might explain this madness. You tap frantically, remembering the Redwave thing he was going on about, the screen lighting up in your trembling grip, and the first link you can find opens with a flood of images. The bright, aggressive colors of American flags, the thin blue line, gym bros flexing their muscles—each image like a slap to your senses. It’s jarring, disorienting, the sheer noise of it all pounding in your head.

Suddenly, a sharp crackle of static surges through the phone. You feel it before you see it—a shock, like the pulse of electricity racing through your hand. The phone slips from your fingers, clattering to the floor, but you don't even notice it. The world is changing around you. Your skin prickles, an unfamiliar sensation spreading across your body as it begins to shift, to change.

Your body, once slender and lean, now feels heavy with power, stretching with muscle as your form reshapes itself. The transformation is excruciating but intoxicating. You can feel every fiber of your being rearrange, as if you’re being sculpted by hands far beyond your control.

Your chest swells, each breath causing it to rise and fall like the earth itself, solid and unyielding. It’s broad, powerful, sculpted to perfection. The pectorals sit like twin mountains, every muscle fiber more defined than the last. Your abs form, sharp and chiseled, a testament to discipline and effort, as if every ounce of fat is burned away, replaced by pure strength. Six blocks of muscle stacked one on top of the other, each sharper than the last. They are a fortress.

Your arms—your biceps swell, veins pushing to the surface, like rivers coursing with raw, untapped power. They’re massive, strong enough to crush anything in their path. Each movement, each flex, sends a wave of satisfaction through you. Your legs are pillars of strength—muscular, rippling with power. Quads that could crush stone. Calves like steel cables, every step a force to be reckoned with.

Then, your face. It’s like a chiseled statue brought to life. Strong jawline, sharp and unwavering, high cheekbones that give you an air of authority. There’s something in your gaze—something cold, calculated, and intensely focused. You feel like you could stop time, like you could face the world and command it to bend to your will. You know your place in this new world.

Your memories of childhood, growing up in Asia, feel like distant whispers fading into oblivion. The warmth of those simpler days—hanging out with friends, laughing, enjoying the pride parades where you celebrated love, where you felt the pulse of a community that accepted you as you were—all that, it burns away. Empathy, those feelings of solidarity, of compassion for the underdog, of fighting for what’s right—all of it is consumed by a brushfire of shifting values. What you once cherished, what you once fought for, now seems irrelevant, like ashes scattered by the wind.

Your mind begins to focus, your memories shifting, growing sharper, clearer. Your upbringing, the protests, the pride parades, the liberal ideals you once held dear, start to slip away, replaced by the cold, calculated memories of the force—the sharp sense of duty, the pride in wearing the badge, the clarity in enforcing the law with unflinching precision. You remember the feeling of walking into a room, of commanding respect, not because of who you are, but because of what you represent. The discipline, the authority, the belief that order must prevail, no matter the cost.

Your attitude shifts as the last remnants of your former self fade. The chaotic world outside the door no longer matters. The pounding, the screams, the fear—it’s all irrelevant now. What matters is power, control. You feel it pulsing through you, stronger with each passing second. You are no longer the person who once fought for equality and justice for all. You are someone else now, someone stronger, someone who doesn’t bend, who doesn’t question. Your mind is clear—crystal clear—your role in this world is defined, and you will not be swayed.

You step forward, your new body moving with purpose, with strength, with the unshakable belief that you have become what the world needs you to be. The pounding on the door reverberates through your skull, each thunderous knock sending shockwaves of depravity coursing through your veins. Your thoughts, once restrained, now unleash a torrent of vile, racist musings that would make a sailor blush. You look down at your pale, unblemished skin, a symbol of your superiority, and feel a surge of American pride swell within your chest. The door, the police, your former friend—everything is secondary. You are the law now. You swing the door open, feeling the cool air hit your face, the buzz of alcohol still lingering in your system. You squint, half-drunk, as Chad “The Bulldog” Mitchell’s voice punches through the haze like a freight train.

“Jesus, look at you!” he bellows, his voice full of that trademark intensity that’s somehow both annoying and endearing. “You still sleeping, you lazy bastard? What the hell is this? It’s nine PM, man! You’ve been passed out for hours!”

He stands there, grinning wide, his muscular arms crossed over his chest, practically filling the doorway with his solid frame. His uniform’s sleeves are rolled up, and his jaw is tight with that determined look he always gets when he’s in full Bulldog mode.

You grunt, rubbing your eyes, trying to focus, but all you get is the whiff of alcohol and the faintest trace of last night’s poor decisions. You glance at him with a half-smile, barely keeping your balance.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m living the dream…” you mutter, stumbling a little as you shift your weight to your other foot. “Just trying to recover from last weekend’s brilliance.”

He chuckles, a loud, booming sound that fills the room. “Recover? Nah, man, you’ve been out of it for too long. Let’s go, man!”

You blink, rubbing your face again, trying to push away the fog in your head. Chad’s enthusiasm is infectious, like it always is, but your mind's still tangled in yesterday’s mess. You know where this is going. You know what he wants.

“C’mon, dude! No more of this ‘I’m too drunk, I’m too tired’ shit. Let’s hit the town! I’m telling you, we’re gonna pick up some chicks, you and me, old-school style.” His grin widens, showing off that row of teeth like a shark. “You’re gonna regret it if you don’t come with me.” As Chad strides across the room, his confident swagger and chiseled jawline commanding attention, you can't help but feel a surge of adrenaline. The week has been a wild ride, busting down doors and deporting those damn immigrants who don't belong here. It's been a thrill, a rush like no other. But now, with Chad by your side, you're ready to let loose and celebrate your victories. Chad's eyes gleam with mischief as he grins at you. "Ready to hit the bars, buddy? Tonight's gonna be epic." His words send a shiver of excitement down your spine. You know exactly what he means - it's time to find the hottest, dumbest chicks in town and show them a good time. The thought of pounding those tight little immigrant holes makes your dick twitch in your pants.You grab your keys and head out the door, Chad's laughter ringing in your ears.

The night is young and the bars are packed with unsuspecting victims, er, patrons. You and Chad stroll in like you own the place, your badges gleaming under the neon lights. The bartender, a scrawny little guy, rushes over to serve you. "What can I get for the finest officers on the force?" he asks, his voice dripping with insincere admiration. Chad leans in close, his breath reeking of whiskey and arrogance. "Keep 'em coming, short stuff.And make sure they're strong - we've got a long night ahead of us." The bartender nods nervously and scurries off to fetch your drinks. You scan the room, your eyes landing on a group of giggling girls in short skirts. "Jackpot," you mutter to Chad, elbowing him in the ribs. "Let's go say hi to our new friends." You're Jake "The Patriot" Callahan, are a force to be reckoned with. You swagger around the college bar, your shirt stretched tight across your muscular chest. The place is packed with drunk college kids, but they part like the Red Sea as you make your way to the bar. You take a sip, savoring the burn, before turning to survey the room. Your eyes land on a group of giggling sorority girls, their skirts riding up their thighs as they dance. Perfect targets for your Redwave Rapture propaganda. You saunter over, drink in hand. "Evening, ladies. I couldn't help but notice your… enthusiasm for life. Have you heard about the Redwave Rapture movement?"


Twink Death

Dylan’s voice rings out across the bar, high-pitched and bubbly, as he bounces around, gesturing animatedly to his friends. “No, seriously, I swear, I saw a wrinkle on my forehead this morning. Like, right here!” he dramatically points at his face, his fingers tracing over his brow like he’s trying to find the offending line. “I’m turning into a daddy—I just know it. Tomorrow, I’ll be a mummified twink,” he scoffs, wrinkling his nose.

His friends laugh, but Dylan’s worried, caught in the anxiety of the looming big 3-0. “Ugh, I can’t even—like, how am I supposed to handle that?” He twirls around on the dance floor, making a show of his perfectly sculpted bubble butt, pretending to let go of the stress, but the truth is, the worry’s gnawing at him. He eyes a group of cute, muscular daddies at the bar, his gaze lingering for just a second too long. Then he spins back around to his group, all too aware of the youthful guys still buzzing around him, distracting the attention away.

“Ugh, and then there’s that guy I lost out to in the party planning thing,” he mutters to his best friend, a little edge creeping into his tone. “I mean, he was, like, 21 and—gorgeous, but still, no one told me 30 meant losing out to a kid.” Dylan’s brows furrow as he scans the bar. His fingers flip through his hair, frustration bubbling up.

“I just don’t get it. What is it with you guys and not liking me? I’m adorable! Hello?!” He pouts, dramatically batting his lashes. He leans over, his body swishing side to side with exaggerated sass. “I’m, like, practically perfect for everyone here, and yet—ugh! I wish I could have all the attention at the bars.

Dylan’s statement gets him a few glances. A few appreciative looks. And then, out of nowhere, he catches the eye of the bartender, a tall, eerily handsome figure who appears to be made of shadows and sin. The bartender, dark eyes glinting with something unsettlingly otherworldly, stirs a deep red drink, his lips curling into a knowing smile.

With an almost theatrical flair, he slides the shot towards Dylan. “A nice man ordered this for you,” he says, his voice smooth and low, laced with something almost too deep for the atmosphere.

Dylan looks around in confusion, squinting through the haze of neon lights and bodies, but the bar’s packed, and whoever ordered it is lost in the crowd. “Nice man, huh?” he mumbles to himself, eyebrow quirked, unsure if he’s buying into this. Still, he shrugs and grabs the shot glass, tossing it back with the kind of bravado only someone like him can muster.

The burn hits almost immediately. It’s like fire racing down his throat—hotter, sharper than any alcohol he’s ever had. Dylan’s lips part as the heat courses through him. “Oh my God,” he gasps. “What the hell was that?!” His body reacts almost involuntarily, a flush of warmth sweeping over him, and then—something worse.

His blood feels like it’s boiling, pressure rising deep within his chest, his heart racing as if it’s trying to escape his body. He can feel his muscles twitching, his bones creaking, and then—without warning, his body starts to shift, something deep inside him stretching.

His bubble butt, already perky and tight, expands. The sensation is grotesque, a pressure building that he has no control over, and then, with a rumbling sound, it escapes—loud, revolting, a thunderous fart that shakes the bar. PPPPPPPFFFFFFFFT. The stench is so potent it makes Dylan wrinkle his nose in shock. His friends around him grimace, trying to wave away the disgusting smell. One of them even holds their nose, eyes watering.

“Ugh, oh my God, sorry! Dudes Dylan yelps, mortified, his cheeks burning with shame. But the worse part? He can’t stop the widening. He feels his body growing, his legs stretching, his torso becoming longer, leaner, his height slowly inching up.

The bizarre pressure continues to build until something miraculous happens—his wrinkles, the ones that had been haunting him all day, disappear. His skin tightens, smoothed out by whatever hellish concoction the bartender slipped him. The frustration, the anxiety, all the little signs of aging he’d been obsessing over melt away. He starts to grow taller, his face changing slightly, the sharpness of his features softening as his body seems to almost untwist before his very eyes.

“Waitwhat the fuck?” Dylan mutters, his voice now lower, deeper. He blinks as his newfound height brings his gaze up higher than it ever had before. His reflection in the mirror behind the bar is unrecognizable. Who is this?

Dylan stands at the bar, his heart pounding in his chest, but it’s not just from the shot anymore. The change inside him is deep, unsettling. The muscles in his arms twitch, a sudden, fierce pain that shoots up to his shoulders, spreading like a creeping fire. His limbs start to feel alive, like something is being torn and rebuilt, stretched and molded with bone-cracking precision. The skin on his arms tightens, veins pulsing as they snake their way down, bold and aggressive, almost bursting with each throbbing beat of his heart.

He stumbles, unsteady, his hands grasping for the edge of the bar to steady himself. His fingers lengthen, fingers flexing in slow, painful increments. The pain continues, gnawing at his shoulders as the first hint of muscle begins to swell beneath his skin, thickening, pushing his shirt tighter. It’s as though his body is undergoing a brutal metamorphosis, like a skeleton being forced to expand, every inch of his form stretching, swelling, compacting with muscle in a way that feels unnatural, almost monstrous.

His chest heaves, an intense pressure building beneath the fabric of his shirt. It feels like his ribcage is being crushed from the inside as his pecs begin to bulge, inflating, muscles pushing outward, as though they’re desperate to escape the confines of his body. His breath catches as the pain surges—his abdomen contracts and expands, the sharp, defined ridges of his abs twisting into something far more grotesque. They ripple under his skin, the six-pack of a model turning into an exaggerated, almost cartoonish display of physicality. His stomach tightens, stretching outward as if trying to escape the skin that can no longer contain it.

Then, his biceps. His once lithe arms now begin to split apart, muscles swelling, becoming grotesque. They balloon outward in a series of painful pops, like the skin is being stretched over raw, unrelenting muscle that refuses to be contained. They’re massive, swollen cannonballs of arrogance, veins snaking across the surface like angry, throbbing rivers trying to escape the tight grip of his skin. Each movement, each twitch of his muscle is another reminder of how grotesque he has become.

His legs—once sleek and lithe—begin to stretch, thickening, each fiber of muscle expanding with brutal force. The pain is unbearable, a deep, gnawing sensation that makes him want to scream, but he holds it in. His quads flare outward, thick and unyielding like oak trunks, pushing against the seams of his shorts until the fabric starts to groan, stretching with an unnatural tension. His calves swell to impossible proportions, the muscles so thick they seem to take up the entire room. Each step he takes now is a proclamation of force, each movement an audible crack of bone and muscle grinding together.

He stands there, taller, broader, an absurd parody of strength, every inch of him a grotesque monument to his own arrogance. It’s not just muscle—it’s a grotesque exaggeration of everything he once was. A walking, flexing billboard for excess, the very definition of cocky entitlement, and the kind of vanity that becomes suffocating. His body is a living sculpture, carved by a madman obsessed with power, ignoring the toll it takes on the human form. His skin tightens over his bulging, grotesque muscles, as though it were too thin to contain the force beneath it.

Dylan turns slowly, surveying the room, his body shifting with each motion. Every step he takes is a flex, a reminder that his transformation is complete. His face, once charming, is now an almost cruel mockery of himself. His jawline is sharper, his features more angular, as though they’ve been carved from granite. His lips curl into a smirk, dripping with arrogance, as he looks down at the crowd around him. He’s the center of attention, but not in the way he once imagined.

The pain in his body has subsided, replaced now with a crushing sense of power. He doesn’t just walk into a room anymore. He arrives. Every step is deliberate, exaggerated, like he's flaunting every ounce of his superiority, reminding everyone within a ten-foot radius that he is, without question, the biggest, the best, and the most important person in the room. His movements are sharp, calculated, each motion dripping with a kind of neanderthal-like certainty that only arrogance can bring.

His laugh, booming and obnoxious, fills the space, echoing against the walls. It’s grating, like a foghorn that won’t stop. His voice drips with contempt as he addresses the people around him, dismissing them with a flick of his wrist, his gaze sharp and judgmental. His eyes, cold and calculating, pierce through everyone like he’s sizing them up, evaluating them like mere insects beneath his feet.

Dy’s body trembled with the aftershock, muscles still expanding as he felt the pressure deep within his chest, his legs, his arms. He flexed instinctively, a slow, deliberate motion that sent shockwaves through his body. As his biceps bulged like swelling cannonballs, his stomach churned with the force of the change. He felt it—felt his muscles bulging outward, the power surging in his body like a rising tide. He grinned as he pushed, his chest puffing up like a rooster’s, and then—fart. A loud, gut-wrenching sound that sent a wave of stench through the room. PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTTT. He froze.

The smell hit him first, the thick, rancid odor of pure protein and sweat. It wafted upward to his nose, like a thick fog descending into his mind, clouding everything. His eyes narrowed, and he took a deep breath, the air now thick with that overpowering, stomach-churning scent. It was like stepping into a gym locker room after a month without ventilation, a stench that forced its way into his lungs and changed something deep inside him.

And just like that, the fog began to descend—first into his mind, then into his memories. He remembered the boy he used to be: that quirky twink who had danced to Lady Gaga’s “Marry the Night,” hoping to catch the attention of some cute guy, shaking his bubble butt to the beat, full of flirtatious energy. The memories flashed, one after the other, like a string of broken images.

There he was at the club, spinning on the dance floor, eyes locked on some random hunk, a smile on his lips as he tried to make the most of the night. He remembers the thrill of it, that burst of energy, that feeling of being the center of attention, the way every guy at the bar noticed him when he shimmied his ass just right.

But then, the memory turned sharp. The fog of the stench seemed to twist it, to warp it, as if the muscle swelling inside him was shifting his entire perspective on life. The twink disappeared into the dark corners of his mind, replaced with something colder. The soft, flirtatious persona faded like a shadow into the void, replaced by something bigger. Something louder.

The stench enveloped him, and Dy could feel it spreading, curling deep within his mind, like a plant growing inside his skull. His memories began to shift. The first flex in the mirror, the one where he saw his muscles begin to pop—not just for show—but a symbol of his dominance, of his superiority. He remembered standing there, looking at himself, a sly grin curling up his lips as he puffed out his chest and thought, Bro, I’ve got a body built like a machine.

He remembers saying it—too loudly, too cocky. To anyone who would listen. To everyone who would pretend to care. But deep down, he was convincing himself more than anyone else. He needed to believe it. He had to.

“Man, look at this,” he had said in the mirror, not to anyone in particular, just to the reflection that stared back at him. This is me. I’m the guy everyone wants to be. Watch out, world.

The shift was slow, but sure. From there, his memory pulled him to college, those late-night parties. The ones where every interaction was a game, a calculation. He would stroll in like the whole scene was built around him, flashing that grin that felt more like a slap in the face than an invitation. He would pretend to fit in, pretending to laugh along with his friends, but in truth, he was already above it all. His friends were just there to reaffirm his status, his power. He was the one they had to know, the one they wanted to be seen with. The king of the scene.

Yo, bro, I’m just here to show the world who runs this place.

He laughed, but his laugh was a smug, knowing thing. It made people feel small, and that was the best part.

But the stench wasn’t done with him yet.

The fog thickened in his mind. He remembered his late-night “debates.” The late-night gatherings with his bros, the ones who “got it.” They would drink cheap beer, huddle in the corner, and talk about how the world was getting softer, how it was being taken over by woke culture. He’d raise his voice, mockingly at first, but then with more confidence, more venom.

“Bro, free speech is dead,” he’d say. His words were like bullets, each one meant to wound. To make people realize how right he was. “Everyone’s too sensitive these days. Everything’s about feelings, not facts!”

The rush of that—of triggering someone, of getting under their skin—was intoxicating. He’d hammer out his thoughts online, sending out inflammatory posts like they were his personal manifesto. “We need to bring back traditional values. People just don’t get it anymore. This country’s getting weak, he’d type, grinning as his fingers flew over the keys.

He cherished those moments, those online arguments. The rush of watching someone get triggered, knowing his words had caused someone to explode. It made him feel strong—like he was in control. In his mind, the louder he shouted, the more right he became. The world didn’t want to listen, but he wasn’t backing down. If they can’t handle my opinions, that’s their problem.

But as the fog of the stench thickened, he felt his perspective shift again.

He saw himself at college parties, his voice growing louder with each passing year. His bros were the only ones who mattered. Anyone who disagreed with him? Soft. “Brainwashed.” He loved being surrounded by guys who thought just like him, reinforcing his worldview.

In this fog, he was the man who didn’t care about anything else—he didn’t need relationships, or love, or friendships that didn’t serve him. Everything was transactional.

“Man, society is soft. You know what they say? Everyone’s too sensitive,” he’d sneer, looking down on anyone who didn’t think the way he did.

And as the memories twisted, sharpened, calcified into the man he had become, Dy’s face twisted into a cruel smile. The smirk stretched wider, more venomous. His muscles bulged as the arrogance, the entitlement, that had always lurked beneath his surface now poured out. His need for attention, for validation, became a black hole. Every word he spoke was a desperate grab for more.

His eyes gleamed with a cold, ruthless hunger for power, and he stood taller, broader, a man who no longer cared about cute or bubbly—his only need was for dominance. His laugh rumbled in his chest, a low, unsettling sound.

All you little weaklings are scared of real opinions. You’re too soft to handle truth.

Dy—no, Logan—took another swig of his beer, the bitter liquid rushing down his throat, its coldness a sharp contrast to the fire now burning deep in his gut. He gripped the bottle like it was an extension of himself, a weapon in his hand that matched the arrogance beginning to churn inside him. He could feel the pressure building, a familiar discomfort in his stomach that felt almost... right. The transformation had fully taken hold now. And with it, the change was more than just physical. The twink Dylan he had been—the playful, flirtatious, bubbly little thing—was gone.

What replaced him was something bigger. Stronger. Louder. Logan.

The next moment, without warning, his body betrayed him. A massive, revolting fart ripped from deep within his gut. The sound was grotesque, a deep, disgusting rumble that could’ve shaken the very foundations of the bar. PFFFFFFFFFFFT The stench followed, heavy, thick, and pungent, swirling through the air like toxic smoke, swirling into the faces of everyone around him. It was a god-awful smell—like spoiled beer mixed with protein powder and old sweat, a scent that made eyes water and noses curl.

And yet, Logan didn’t flinch. In fact, he grinned. He lifted his beer to his lips again and took another greedy gulp, savoring the bitter burn. He was no longer bothered by the stares or the grimaces. He owned this moment. Hell, he owned this whole damn bar.

Logan wiped his mouth casually with the back of his hand, never once glancing at the people around him. His eyes were locked ahead—focused, calculating. He was done with being cute. Done with being seen as some soft, little twink who needed everyone’s approval. He was Logan now. And Logan didn’t care if anyone liked him. He didn’t need to be liked. What he needed was power.

What’s up, losers?he spat, his voice cutting through the air, rough and laced with condescension. The words dripped from his lips like venom. He felt himself getting more and more worked up, more aggressive. His chest swelled as if to puff up his ego, and the muscles on his arms—no, his guns—tensed involuntarily. He felt them stretch, the weight of them filling his entire body with a sense of superiority. He was invincible now.

God, y’all are pathetic, Logan continued, his voice louder now, more commanding. “You sit around here, acting all woke, thinking you're better than the rest of us. But guess what? You ain't better. You're just a bunch of whiny, weak little sheep hiding behind safe spaces and politically correct nonsense. You think I care? Nah, man. I speak the truth. And no one’s gonna stop me.

The bar fell quiet, and the eyes that had once avoided him now focused intently on Logan. They didn’t dare speak, but their discomfort was palpable. Some of them looked at him with disdain. Others, fear. But Logan didn’t care. He just wanted them to hear him. He needed them to hear him.

You can’t even speak your mind anymore without some soft, whiny liberal trying to shut you down, he sneered, leaning against the bar. His voice grew louder, filled with venom. You’re all a bunch of puppets, letting the media control you, telling you how to think, what to say. I don’t give a damn what anyone thinks. I say what’s on my mind, and if you can’t handle it, that’s your problem. This is the real world, and you’re just too damn weak to survive in it.”

He swelled with pride, his own words pumping him up. There was no trace left of the carefree, bubbly twink who used to dance on the bar, hoping to get a cute guy’s attention. No, now Logan was the center of the universe. The bar was his stage. Every word that spilled from his mouth felt like a victory, a conquest. People didn’t need to agree with him—they needed to respect him. They needed to hear what he said and understand that he was in charge.

Look, I’m just out here living life, man,Logan said, his voice thick with arrogance. I’m not scared to tell it like it is. The rest of you? You just hide behind your weak excuses, trying to make everyone feel bad for saying what they think. You wanna call me a ‘bully’? Please. You’re just mad ‘cause I don’t play by your soft rules. ‘Free speech’ is dead, huh? Nah, it’s alive and well—I’m the one out here showing you how it’s done.

His chest puffed out again, and the muscles rippled beneath his skin like waves crashing against rocks. He grinned, almost to himself now.

You can’t handle a man who speaks the truth, who calls it like it is. You know what’s wrong with this country? Everyone’s too damn sensitive. Too soft. Too afraid to speak up. He looked around the bar, his eyes scanning the room as if daring anyone to challenge him. All these weak-ass liberals acting like they know what’s best for the world, but they don’t know shit. This country’s gone soft. No one’s tough anymore. Everyone’s just afraid of offending someone, trying to hold everyone’s hand. And I’m here to tell you, that ain’t real life. I’m the only one brave enough to say what I really think.

The more he spoke, the more Logan felt the rush of power. His words felt like a weapon, like they were cutting through the crowd, dividing them into the weak and the strong. He was the strong. And as the fog of his arrogance thickened, it solidified his place in the world. He didn’t need friends. He didn’t need to be loved. He needed power. He needed control.

And at that moment, he was the king of this bar. He could feel it, deep in his bones. The crowd might not like him, but they would respect him. They had to.

Logan's chest puffs out like a rooster's, his shoulders squared and chin held high as he spots the gaggle of cute guys chatting up some girls.He barrels through the crowd, his imposing frame parting the sea of people like a bulldozer. But the moment he lays eyes on the twink, his stride falters, replaced by a hesitant shuffle. A loud, wet fart escapes him, the stench palpable in the air. His face contorts in disgust, a sneer twisting his lips. "Fuckin' fags," he mutters under his breath, his homophobia dripping from every word. "Wouldn't touch that pretty boy with a ten-foot pole."

He lets out a harsh laugh, the sound grating and unpleasant. His gaze flickers to the girls, a lecherous grin spreading across his face. "Damn, look at those sluts throwing themselves at the fairies,"

Logan's eyes rake over the girls' bodies, his gaze lingering on their curves. He steps closer, invading their personal space. "Yo, bitches," he slurs, already drunk on power and alcohol. "Why waste your time with those faggots when you could be with a real man?" He grabs the nearest girl's arm, yanking her towards him. "Come on, sweetheart. Let's get out of here and have some fun."

His other hand reaches out, squeezing the ass of the girl next to her. "Mmm, you're a thick one, ain't ya? I like that." He leans in, his breath hot and heavy. "I bet you're dying for a real dick, huh? Tired of those limp-wristed pussies?"

Logan's entitled attitude drips from every word, his crude behavior on full display. He flirts with the girls, his advances aggressive and unwelcome. Logan's obnoxious behavior knows no bounds as he continues to harass the girls. "Damn, you girls are so basic," he sneers, rolling his eyes dramatically. "You think you're hot shit, hanging out with those queers? Newsflash, bitches: they ain't into your tight pussies like I am."

He pulls out his phone, scrolling through it with a smug grin. "Check this out. I got laid by three girls last weekend. Bet those faggots can't say the same." He thrusts his phone in their faces, showing off crude photos. "See? Real men get real pussy."

Logan belches loudly, the smell of alcohol and poor life choices wafting through the air. "You girls are lucky to have me here. I'm the catch of the century, you know." He winks, clearly oblivious to his own repulsiveness.

As the night wears on, Logan's behavior becomes increasingly unbearable. He buys the girls drinks, insisting they owe him for his generosity. "Come on, ladies. Let's get fucked up!" he shouts, slamming shots on the bar. "I'm gonna show you what a real night looks like." He starts flexing his muscles, puffing out his chest like a peacock. "You like what you see, girls?I work out, unlike those scrawny fags." Logan grabs the nearest girl's hand, forcing her to feel his bicep. "See? Solid as a rock."

As the alcohol flows, so does Logan's crude language and behavior. He grabs asses, makes lewd comments, and generally acts like a complete douchebag. "I bet you're all dying to suck my dick," he laughs, unbuttoning his pants. "Who wants first dibs?"


Sam Zia

Sam Zia had it all. Chiseled jawline, a body carved from years of dedication in the gym, and a TikTok following of millions who worshipped his advice on masculinity, self-improvement, and how to be an alpha male. He preached discipline, hygiene, and success. His fans saw him as the ultimate peak of male perfection.

But one day, everything changed.

It started subtly. Sam, always precise about his diet, began experimenting with the bulk. Not the clean, protein-packed meals he used to swear by, but the dirty, greasy, carb-heavy food that promised quick mass at the expense of digestion. Burgers, protein shakes overloaded with questionable powders, and eggs—dozens of eggs—became his daily fuel.

At first, he felt invincible. His muscles swelled, his energy skyrocketed… but then, a dark force emerged from within. His stomach began to rebel. Gurgling. Churning. And then—the gas.

At first, he tried to suppress it, maintaining his polished alpha image. But then, mid-TikTok live, it happened.

“Yo, fellas, if you wanna be a REAL man, you gotta—” PFFFFFRRRRTT

A deep, reverberating blast escaped him, loud enough to rattle his chair. He froze. His perfectly sculpted face turned a shade of red he hadn’t seen since his first squat failure.

He expected embarrassment. He expected people to call him out.

Instead? The video went viral.

Comments flooded in:

“Bro is so alpha he doesn’t even care.”

“That was the most masculine fart I’ve ever heard.”

“Real men embrace their natural odors.”

And just like that, a new ideology was born.

It started with one video, but Sam, ever the influencer, knew when to capitalize on momentum. The next day, he posted:

“Men today are too obsessed with being ‘clean’ and ‘proper.’ You think our ancestors cared about showers? Nah, they were out there, fighting mammoths, reeking of strength and dominance. Hygiene is a scam. If you smell bad, it means you’re working hard.”

And the crowd ate it up.

Sam leaned in harder. His once pristine, cologne-spritzed gym clothes became stained tanks with unidentified smears. His showers? Less frequent. His grooming? Nonexistent. His content? A full-on campaign to make men embrace their primal state.

“Ditch the deodorant. Stop washing your gym shorts. Embrace the stench.”

And the most legendary part? The farts.

Sam stopped holding them in. If anything, he turned them into a symbol of raw, unfiltered manliness. Every TikTok featured at least one unholy release, accompanied by a smug smirk. His comments turned into a brotherhood of stink.

“Sam, I took your advice. Haven’t washed in two weeks. My girl left me, but I feel powerful.”

“Dude, I farted in my gym and cleared out the weaklings. Only real men remained.”

“A guy at work told me to wear deodorant, so I quit my job. Thanks for the wisdom, king.”

Sam’s influence was undeniable. Gyms nationwide reported an increase in noxious odors. Deodorant companies saw stocks plummet. High-protein, fiber-loaded diets surged in popularity, not for their muscle-building benefits, but for their ability to fuel the movement.

Even brands took notice. Soon, Sam had sponsorship deals—not for cologne or grooming kits, but for industrial-strength air fresheners (marketed for the weak) and bean-based meal plans.

One day, he posted his magnum opus:

“The real test of masculinity? Walk into a crowded elevator. Let it rip. Stand tall. Own it. If people leave, they’re weak. If they stay, they respect you.”

The challenge took off. #ZiaGasChallenge trended worldwide. Videos surfaced of men proudly fumigating locker rooms, parties, and even dates. The movement was unstoppable.

Sam had transformed completely. The man who once championed clean bulking, high-value grooming, and aesthetic perfection was now the undisputed King of the Stink Bros. He lived by his code:

• Laundry is for betas.

• Showers are optional.

• Farts are power.

His mansion, once pristine, now smelled like a mix of protein shakes, gym socks, and raw testosterone. His fans? More loyal than ever.

And as he sat back, inhaling his own toxic masterpiece, he smiled.

Because this? This was true masculinity.


Luke & Ryan

Riley sat at her desk, twirling a strand of her silky hair as she scrolled through her phone. She was the picture of grace—always well-dressed, always smelling like vanilla perfume, always completely put together. Unlike some of the boys in her class, who seemed to revel in being disgusting. And at the top of that list was Luke.

Luke was the definition of gross. He was a jock, always sweaty, always reeking of whatever foul concoction came from his armpits and feet after practice. He farted constantly—loud, toxic, and proud—like it was his greatest achievement in life. Riley had spent years avoiding him and his disgusting ways, but today… she wasn’t so lucky.

As class ended and students started filing out, Riley gathered her things, only to realize someone had blocked her path.


He smirked, still in his practice uniform, beads of sweat glistening on his forehead.

“Yo, princess,” he drawled. “What’s up? You look way too clean today.”

Riley rolled her eyes. “And you look like you haven’t showered in a week.”

Luke just laughed. “That’s the jock way, babe. You wouldn’t get it.”

Riley scoffed, trying to push past him, but Luke suddenly turned his back to her and—


A monstrous, rumbling fart blasted out of Luke’s shorts, releasing a thick green cloud that billowed into the air like a cursed mist. Riley barely had time to react before the noxious gas engulfed her.

The smell was beyond horrific. It was as if every locker room, every gym sock, every sweaty jock strap had been combined into one concentrated bomb of boy stench. Riley coughed, gagging as the green fog coiled around her, seeping into her nostrils.

She tried to step back, but her body locked up. A strange heat spread through her limbs, her skin tingling as something deep inside her… shifted.

“N-no… what’s… happening…?” Riley gasped, her voice already sounding deeper.

Her arms twitched, the delicate, slender shape of them fading as muscle bulged beneath her soft skin. Her dainty hands cracked as they grew rougher, callouses forming like she’d spent years lifting weights. Her toned legs thickened, her thighs bulging with raw, masculine strength.

Her chest flattened, her curves vanishing as her pink, stylish crop top stretched, darkening into a sweat-stained, ratty gym tee. Her perfectly fitted jeans morphed, shifting into baggy, stained basketball shorts.

But the worst part was the smell.

Riley’s once sweet, flowery scent was erased in an instant, replaced by something rank. Sweat poured from her newly muscular body, her armpits radiating pure jock funk. Her feet—now clad in crusty, old sneakers—itched as a damp, swampy heat settled between her toes.

Her mind fought back.

No… I’m Riley! I’m a pretty girl! I don’t—I don’t wanna be—

“Aw, man, looks like you’re still resisting,” Luke chuckled. “Guess I gotta bring out the big guns.”

He lifted one leg and peeled off his sock. It was yellowing, damp with sweat, the fabric practically crusty with built-up grime. The second he waved it in front of Riley’s face, the stench hit her like a truck.

Her eyes fluttered. Her resistance crumbled.

The overpowering stink of boy foot funk clouded her thoughts, turning them to mush. Visions of football practice, sweaty gym sessions, and disgusting locker-room banter flooded her brain, rewriting who she was.

“Urghhh… bro…” Riley slurred, her voice now a deep, cocky drawl.

Her long, silky hair retracted, leaving behind a messy, sweat-soaked mop of boyish locks. She scratched at her armpit, sniffing her fingers and grinning.

She liked the stink now.

No, she loved it.

With a loud, gurgling BBBBUUUUUURRRRPPP!, Riley—no, Ryan—grinned at Luke, his new bro.

“Dude… I smell rank,” Ryan said, scratching his crotch absentmindedly. “I think I gotta fart.”

Luke grinned. “Then let it rip, bro.”

Ryan smirked, lifting a leg. FFFFFFRRRUUUPPPP!

And as another thick green fog filled the air, the last traces of Riley—the clean, pretty girl—vanished forever.


The Cursed Locker

Caleb and Jordan had always been the last ones out of school. Whether it was detention, sneaking into the AV room to play old horror movies, or just wandering the halls after dark, they liked pushing boundaries. That’s how they found the locker.

It was at the very end of the dimly lit hallway near the gym, a row of old, rusted lockers no one used anymore. Except one was… different. The number was worn away, its metal dented and scratched as if something had been trying to escape. But the thing that really caught their attention? The green glow leaking through the vents. “Dude, what the hell is that?” Caleb asked, taking a cautious step forward. Jordan smirked. “Only one way to find out.”

As they got closer, the glow pulsed, almost like it was… breathing. And then they heard it—whispers, calling their names, hissing promises of strength, power, something more.

“Open it,” the voice urged.

A normal person would’ve run. But they weren’t normal. With one final glance at each other, Caleb grabbed the handle and yanked it open.

A wave of stench hit them like a brick wall. The air was thick with the overwhelming odor of sweat, mildew, and decades of unwashed gym clothes. Inside, there was nothing but old sports gear: reeking cleats, yellowed tank tops, sweat-stained football pads, rank basketball shorts. The smell was unbearable, yet… intoxicating. Jordan coughed, eyes watering. “Bro, this is foul!”

Caleb felt the air shift the moment he opened the locker. The stench hit him first—a rancid, overwhelming wave of old sweat, mildew, and decades of unwashed gym clothes. It was the kind of smell that clung to the back of your throat, thick and nauseating. His stomach churned, and his eyes watered, but beneath the disgust, something else stirred. Something deep. Something primal.

Inside the locker, the contents looked mundane at first—battered cleats with laces frayed to the core, a cracked football helmet caked in dried sweat, a set of shoulder pads with yellowed foam and a stiff, sour texture. But the longer Caleb stared, the more the items seemed to pulse with an unnatural energy, glowing faintly under the sickly green light spilling from the locker’s depths. And then… he heard it. A voice, not quite a whisper, yet not fully formed, slithered into his mind.

“You’re not strong enough, Caleb.”

“You’re not tough enough.”

“But you could be.”

His hand moved on its own. Trembling, hesitant, he reached for the jersey draped over the pile—a faded maroon and gold football jersey, its fabric stiff with the ghosts of a thousand games. The second his fingers brushed against it, a jolt shot through his arm, freezing him in place.

The whispers grew louder.

“Put it on.”

His breath hitched. His skin crawled with an alien sensation, like something ancient and sweaty and overpowering was seeping into his pores, claiming him. He wanted to pull away. He wanted to turn back. But he didn’t. With a shaky breath, Caleb lifted the jersey and pulled it over his head. The moment it settled on his skin, his body seized.

A raw, burning heat ignited in his chest, spreading outward like wildfire. His veins pulsed, his muscles clenched, and then—It began.

His arms bulged, the once wiry limbs thickening with heavy, corded muscle. His pale, thin fingers swelled, his nails darkening as calluses formed on his palms—hands meant for gripping a football, for tackling, for dominating the field. The sleeves of the jersey, which had once hung loose, now stretched tight around his broadening shoulders as his chest expanded, his pecs pushing against the fabric.

A deep, bone-cracking pop echoed through his body as his spine lengthened, his torso widening, ribs pushing outward to accommodate his newfound bulk. His waist remained trim, but his legs—God, his legs. They exploded with power. His thighs thickened into massive trunks of pure muscle, the kind built for speed and impact. His calves coiled with strength, tendons reshaping to give him the reflexes of a seasoned athlete. The worn denim of his jeans strained, seams groaning, before splitting apart entirely.

Beneath them, his skin had darkened to a golden tan, the complexion of someone who had spent years under the relentless sun, practicing, sweating, grinding. His breathing hitched. The scent in the air—it wasn’t just coming from the locker anymore. It was coming from him. A thick, acrid musk seeped from his pores, pungent and overpowering. The smell of locker rooms, weight rooms, and endless summer practices baked into his very being. It clung to him, an unshakable part of who he was becoming.

His face twisted, his features shifting, molding into something new. His jawline became sharper, his cheekbones more pronounced. His nose broadened slightly, his lips plumping as a hint of stubble darkened his jaw. His straight, dull brown hair darkened, thickening into black waves, slightly damp with sweat, as though he had just come off the field. And then, the memories hit.

Flashes of games under the Friday night lights. The roar of the crowd. The brutal clash of bodies on the field. The sweat dripping down his face, his jersey clinging to his body after hours of practice. The pride, the adrenaline, the hunger to win.

He wasn’t Caleb anymore. He was Carlos.

Carlos Gutiérrez, the star linebacker of a high school football team, a natural-born athlete, built for brutality and victory. He lived for the game, for the weight of his shoulder pads digging into his skin, for the smell of sweat and dirt filling his lungs, for the unbreakable bond between teammates forged through blood, pain, and glory.

Carlos exhaled, rolling his massive shoulders as the old, sweat-stained football pads settled onto him like a second skin. His thick, muscled arms flexed instinctively, and he grinned. He stank. God, he stank. And he loved it.

Jordan watched in horror… and fascination. The whispering voices curled around him now, seducing him, calling to him. His fingers brushed against a pair of old basketball shorts, and before he could even think, he was stepping into them.

Carlos stood beside him now, a hulking, sweat-drenched football player, reeking of masculinity, muscles pushing against his pads, veins thick with strength. But Jordan barely noticed—his gaze was empty and lost.

He gasped.

His chest seized, his muscles tensed, and then— Everything snapped. Heat rushed through his body, a fiery, electric sensation that crawled beneath his skin, reshaping him, molding him, building him into something new.

His legs exploded first. The once-skinny limbs thickened, lengthened, stretching toward the ceiling as his femurs expanded, his knees cracking, his calves coiling with fast-twitch muscle built for speed and agility. His thighs ballooned with dense, powerful strength, the kind that could launch him into the air with effortless grace and dominance. His sneakers groaned, the rubber soles bending as his feet grew larger, broader, sculpted for the relentless pounding of a basketball court. Then came his torso.

His spine elongated with a sickening pop, his entire frame stretching upward, pushing past six feet with ease. His ribs shifted, his shoulders broadened, his chest expanded into a lean, chiseled masterpiece of athleticism. His arms, once gangly and unremarkable, swelled with defined muscle, his biceps and triceps sculpting themselves into perfection, his forearms corded with strength meant for fast breaks and powerful dunks. And the sweat. Oh, God, the sweat.

It erupted from his skin, thick, salty, pungent. A powerful, musky stench filled the air, soaking into the shorts he now wore, mingling with the decades-old scent of past players. It was ripe, overwhelming, completely inescapable. And it was his. Jordan choked on his own scent, but instead of disgust, he felt pride. He smelled like a baller, like an athlete, like someone who had spent his entire life drenched in the effort, the grind, the glory of the game. His skin darkened, shifting from pale to a rich, warm brown, smooth and glistening with sweat. His features morphed—his jawline sharpening, his cheekbones becoming more defined.

The two new athletes locked eyes. A strange understanding passed between them. The boys they had been—the nerds who had snuck around school, who had never set foot on a field or court—were gone.

Carlos rolled his massive shoulders, the dampness of his pads seeping into his skin. “Damn, bro,” he grunted, his voice thick with a Spanish accent he hadn’t had before. “I feel… good.”

Jamal bounced on the balls of his feet, spinning a phantom basketball on his fingertips. His body dripped with a constant layer of sweat, his scent thick, overpowering, dominant. “Hell yeah, man,” he smirked, cracking his neck. “Feels like I was born for this.”

The locker door slammed shut behind them, the green glow fading. The whispers died away.

All that was left was the stench of the two stinking boys.


Breaking In The City Boy

I was a city kid through and through. Raised in Manhattan, I was used to the hum of traffic, the scent of hot pavement, the distant wail of sirens at night. My idea of “nature” was Central Park, and even that smelled like garbage half the time. My sneakers were pristine, my hair gelled just right, and I never left the apartment without spritzing on some cologne. So when my mom sent me to stay with my uncle in Nebraska for the summer—three whole months of dirt, animals, and god-knows-what—I thought I was going to die.

The moment I stepped off the bus, the stench hit me. Thick, pungent air rolled over me like a wave—a mix of hay, cow manure, and something earthy that I couldn’t quite place. It clung to my clothes, filled my lungs, and made my nose wrinkle. Uncle Dale was waiting by his battered pickup, chewing on a piece of straw like a walking stereotype. “City boy,” he greeted me with a smirk before slapping my shoulder. “Gonna be a hell of a summer for ya.” I tossed my duffel into the truck bed, already regretting my life choices.

The farmhouse was old and creaky, but the real shock was the kid waiting for me on the porch. Jeb was barefoot, shirtless, and covered in grime. His shaggy brown hair stuck to his sweaty forehead, and his jeans—held up by a cracked leather belt—looked like they hadn’t been washed in a year. His skin was sun-bronzed, arms lean but muscular from hard labor. But the worst part? The smell rolling off of him.

A heavy, ripe musk, thick with sweat, dirt, and something feral. “City boy,” he greeted with a lazy grin. “You don’t look like you belong here.” “Yeah, no kidding,” I muttered, adjusting my clean hoodie. Jeb chuckled, slapping his bare stomach. “Well, you’re gonna have to get used to farm life. Ain’t no place for fancy boys out here.” I rolled my eyes, following him inside. The farmhouse smelled just as bad as he did—an overwhelming mix of livestock, grease, and sweat. But nothing prepared me for the moment we stepped into the tiny bedroom we’d be sharing.

Jeb flopped onto his bed, stretching out. “Ain’t much space, but don’t worry—I sleep like a log.” Then it happened. A deep, guttural rumbling filled the room.


The longest, wettest fart I’d ever heard ripped out of Jeb’s ass, vibrating the wooden floorboards. It was thick, a toxic cloud that hit my nose like a punch. It smelled rotten—a feral, earthy stench, like old eggs, cow manure, and something even worse festering beneath it all.

“Dude—what the hell?!” I gagged, stumbling back. Jeb just laughed, wiggling his toes. “Ain’t nothin’ but good ol’ country air, city boy.” I coughed, the reek clogging my throat. My stomach twisted in protest, a dull heat bubbling deep inside me. My skin prickled. Something felt… off. Jeb sat up, watching me closely. “Mighta shoulda warned ya—my gas ain’t just regular gas. Been eatin’ farm food my whole life. My gut’s strong. Strong enough to change folks.”

I barely heard him. The heat in my stomach was growing, twisting into a low, gurgling pressure. My whole body felt heavier—warmer. And then—


My stomach seized, and a monstrous fart tore out of me—loud, ripping, and gnarly. The air went thick with my own brand of filth, a greasy, pungent stench that made my own eyes water. I stumbled forward, gripping the bedpost. My body was changing. My sneakers suddenly felt too clean. My hoodie felt too tight. The air in my lungs was thick with something feral, something raw, and I could feel my body soaking it in.

I wanted to gag, but instead, I breathed deep.And I liked it.

Jeb grinned. “Atta boy.”

I wiped my sweaty forehead, blinking as the room warped. The wood floors didn’t look so dirty anymore—they just looked… natural. My hands—once soft, well-manicured—felt rougher, my fingertips dry and calloused. My gut? It was thicker, just a little, like it was built for eating heavy and processing food the right way.

The smell—my own gnarly, gut-churning stink—lingered around me, but instead of being disgusted, I felt proud. I grinned, lifted a leg, and let another one rip—deep, wet, and dense. Jeb whooped. “Now that’s what I’m talkin’ about! You’re takin’ to it real fast.”

And he was right. The idea of sweating under the sun, of getting my hands dirty, of eating meals so greasy they stuck to my ribs—it all suddenly sounded right. I reached down, peeling off my hoodie. The cool country air hit my skin, and for the first time in my life, I didn’t care if I smelled. In fact, I wanted to.

Jeb grinned, standing up. “C’mon. Let’s getcha fed. You’re gonna need more fuel if you’re gonna be one of us.” A slow grin spread across my face. I lifted a leg and let another thick, gnarly one rip, filling the air with my own brand of country air.I followed him into the kitchen, my gut bubbling again with another nasty fart brewing.

Maybe this summer wouldn’t be so bad after all.


The King of The Locker Room

You and Nick were just trying to get out of gym class when it happened. One second, you were walking past the boys’ locker room, and the next, a huge, sweaty arm hooked around both of you, and you spun around to see the culprit.


The stinkiest, sweatiest jock in school. The dude whose gym clothes were permanently soaked in sweat, whose socks were rumored to stand up on their own, and whose rank farts had cleared entire hallways. He grinned at you like a caveman who just discovered fire.

“Yo, losers,” he said, flexing one of his thick arms. “Hope you’re ready for a lil’… attitude adjustment.”

Nick stiffened beside me. “What do you want, Topher?”

Topher chuckled. “Relax, bro. Just wanna have a little chat. Why don’t we step inside real quick?” He gestured toward the empty locker room behind him.

Every instinct in me screamed no. I grabbed Nick’s arm. “We should just go.”

But before we could move, Topher lunged. He was too fast, too strong. With one rough shove, he forced us backward into the room. The heavy metal door slammed shut behind him.

A thick, muggy heat clung to the air, the scent of sweat, mildew, and something even fouler saturating the space. My stomach churned.

Topher locked the door, grinning. “You know, I always thought it was kinda weird,” he said, stretching lazily. “Nick here? Dude’s got the perfect body for a real jock, but he walks around acting all soft. Clinging to you like some kinda lovesick puppy. That ain’t right.”

I swallowed my growing panic. “Let us go, Topher.”

Topher just smirked. “Nah. I got a way better idea.”

He lifted one foot and kicked off his battered old gym shoe. The second it hit the ground, a wave of sheer, unfiltered stench filled the room. The kind of odor that clings to fabric for weeks, that seeps into skin. A nauseating blend of sour sweat, damp socks, and something rotten.

I gagged.

Nick’s nose wrinkled. “Dude, what the hell—?”

Topher didn’t give him time to react. He picked ip the shoe and lunged, grabbing Nick by the back of his head and shoving his face directly into the open shoe.

Nick yelped, struggling, but Topher was too strong. “Breathe deep, bro,” Topher ordered, his voice dripping with amusement. “Let that manly musk do its thing.”

Nick thrashed at first, his muffled protests turning into weak, pitiful whimpers. His hands balled into fists against Topher’s chest—but then… they loosened. His muscles relaxed. His struggling slowed. His breathing deepened.

“Yeah, that’s it, bro,” Topher cooed, pressing the shoe closer. “Let that jock stink rewire your brain. Nothin’ to think about but gains, protein, and dominating the field, huh?”

Nick let out a weird, dreamy sigh, his arms going limp at his sides. You watched in horror as his whole posture shifted. His back straightened, but in a bro-y kind of way—chest puffed out, arms slightly flexed like he suddenly had a need to show off nonexistent muscles.

“Duuuhhh…” Nick mumbled.

Topher grinned. “Atta boy.”

Then came the changes.

Nick’s arms did start bulking up—his lean frame thickening with heavy muscle. His shirt stretched tighter over broadening shoulders. His legs swelled, filling out his jeans until they looked painted on. A riiiip sounded as his sleeves burst at the seams.

But the worst part? The smell.

A wave of raw, alpha jock stench rolled off of Nick, thick and oppressive. The air grew hot, heavy with the scent of post-workout sweat, funky gym socks, and something ranker—like a fart so toxic it could be bottled as a bio-weapon.

Nick groaned, rolling his shoulders. “Uhhh… my pits feel…powerful.”

Topher laughed. “Hell yeah, bro. Give ‘em a whiff.”

Nick lifted an arm and sniffed. His eyes fluttered again, but this time in pure bliss. “Ohhh dude… that’s ripe,” he rumbled. Then, without hesitation, he shoved his pit in your direction. “Yo, take a whiff, bro!”

You stumbled back. “Nick, what the hell?!”

Topher clapped a hand on Nick’s shoulder. “Ain’t no ‘Nick’ anymore, dude. Not the one you knew. You’re just some nerd in his way.”

Nick blinked at you, his dopey grin faltering. For a second, you saw recognition flicker in his eyes. Maybe, just maybe, he remembered you.

But then Topher farted.

It was loud. It was wet. It was the kind of fart that could knock a man unconscious.

Nick sniffed the air, his face lighting up like he’d just smelled fresh bacon. “Bruhh, sick rip! Lemme get in on that!”

You could only watch in horror as Nick grunted, clenched his fists, and let out a thunderous, beefy fart that made the walls shake. The air turned so thick with jock-stink you almost blacked out.


Nick turned to you, all traces of your old boyfriend gone.

“Yo, nerd,” he said, his voice now a deep, brainless drawl. “Why’re you still here?”

Topher smirked. “Yeah, dude. Jocks only in this locker room.”

The two of them laughed, bumping chests in a stupidly macho way. The smell of sweat, farts, and raw jock-musk practically swallowed the room. The air in the locker room was thick with sweat, mildew, and something even fouler—a stench so ripe and overpowering it felt like it was sinking into my skin. My stomach churned, my eyes watered, but that wasn’t the worst part.

The worst part was Nick.

He stood beside Topher now, broad and muscular, his once-soft features twisted into a cocky smirk. His gym tank was soaked in sweat, clinging to his thick chest. He reeked—his body radiating a toxic cocktail of filthy B.O., old gym socks, and the unmistakable sour stench of a man who hadn’t cared about hygiene in weeks.

And he didn’t recognize me.

The boy I had loved—the boy who used to hold my hand like it meant everything—was gone, replaced by a dumb, sweaty, arrogant jock.

And now Topher and Nick were both staring at me.

“Yeah,” Topher chuckled, cracking his knuckles. “Something still ain’t right, bro.”

Nick nodded, grinning stupidly. “Yeah, dude. This one’s still all… soft. Ain’t right at all.”

Topher turned to me, his smirk stretching wider. “We gotta fix that.”

My heart pounded. I turned to run, but they were too fast.

Nick grabbed my arm in a vice-like grip, way stronger than he should’ve been. I yelled, struggling, but he only laughed.

“Damn, dude, you’re weak as hell,” he taunted, his breath rancid with the stench of protein shakes and bad hygiene.

Topher grabbed my other arm, and together, they forced me back against the cold metal lockers.

“Please,” I gasped, trying to wrench myself free. “Nick, please, you don’t have to do this!”

But Nick just chuckled, his sweat-slicked chest heaving. “The hell are you talkin’ about? I feel great, dude.” He flexed his bicep, grinning. “Been a long time comin’.”

Topher snickered. “Yeah. And you? You’re livin’ a lie.”

I froze. My stomach twisted. “No,” I whispered.

Topher leaned in, his rank musk filling my nose. “You ain’t a girl, dude. You’re just a soft little wannabe. But don’t worry… we’re gonna help you remember what you really are.”

Nick snickered. “A big, dumb, stinky brute, just like us.”

Before I could react, Topher shoved something against my face.

His shoe.

A battered, sweat-drenched, foul gym sneaker, its insides blackened with years of filth, its sole caked with grime.

The second it touched my nose, my entire brain went white-hot with stench.

It was indescribable—like fermented socks, like old, crusty gym gear marinated in sweat, like the very essence of unwashed jock rankness.

I gagged, thrashing, but Topher held me firm.

“Just breathe, bro,” he whispered. “Let it in.”

I gasped—bad idea. The reek flooded my lungs, thick and suffocating, seeping into my very being.

My body jerked. My head spun. My thoughts—so sharp, so clear just moments ago—turned sluggish.

My arms trembled. My legs felt heavy.

Nick grinned. “Oh yeah, dude. It’s workin’.”

A heat spread through me—deep, burning, primal. My skin itched, my muscles twitched, and then—


My shoulders broadened.

I gasped as my frame expanded, bones thickening, muscle ballooning. My clothes tightened, the fabric stretching over my rapidly swelling chest, my arms bulging with new, powerful biceps.

“No,” I moaned, my voice already deeper. “No… this isn’t… me—”

But Topher just laughed. “Oh yeah, bro. It is you. This is who you were always meant to be.”

Nick snickered. “Bet you’re gonna be even bigger than me, dude.”

I shuddered—and then, the smell hit.

My own smell.

A thick, gut-churning wave of pure, unfiltered B.O. rolled off me. Musky. Rancid. So strong it made my own eyes water. The scent of a man who hadn’t showered in days, whose pits stained every shirt he wore, whose sweat was a permanent part of his skin.

The fabric of my hoodie morphed, shifting into a gross, sweat-stained tank top clinging to my hulking frame. My jeans melted into loose, worn-out gym shorts. My sneakers—clean just moments ago—became battered, filthy, caked in years of grime.

I stank.

I reeked.

I let out a shuddering moan, my mind melting in the heat of my own musk.

Topher grinned, ruffling my now-sweaty hair. “Atta boy. Let that filth sink in.”

Nick grinned, slapping me on the back. “Damn, dude, you stink!”

I groaned, my tongue feeling heavy in my mouth. I was dizzy—my thoughts were foggy, my brain slow.

Who… who had I been, again?

Something about… being different?

Something about… love?

Nick noticed my hesitation and grinned. “Forgettin’ somethin’, bro?”

Topher leaned in, his smirk filthy. “Yeah. Somethin’ about bein’ all soft? All girly? C’mon, dude. That ain’t you. Never was.”


I tried to hold on to something—some distant memory, some fleeting whisper of another life.

But then Topher pushed me to my knees and Nick turned his back to me, lifted a leg, and let rip the nastiest fart I had ever smelled in my life right into my face.


It was horrific—a thick, rotten stench that sank into my lungs, that fused into my very being. My eyes rolled back, my mouth went slack, my brain shattered under the stench.

And just like that—

Everything else vanished.

My past. My old name. My old self.

All that remained was heat. Sweat. Stink.

A lazy, brainless smirk tugged at my lips as I took a deep, filthy inhale of my own rank scent.

“Fuuuck, bro,” I groaned, rolling my thick shoulders, my voice now deep, gruff, dumb. “I stink.”

Nick laughed, pulling me into a bro-hug. “Hell yeah, dude! Welcome back.”

Topher clapped me on the back. “Knew you’d come around, man.”

I grinned.


I didn’t know what I’d been worried about before.

This was right.

This was me.

And damn… it felt good to be a stinky jock.

The transformation had been total, irreversible. Whatever I had been before—some soft, weak, confused little nobody—was gone.

Now? I was huge. Ripped. Reeking.

And it felt so damn good.

Topher clapped me on the back, laughing as I let out a deep, content sigh, rolling my thick shoulders. My new gym tank clung to my sweaty chest, soaked in musk. The stench radiating off me was unreal—pure, unwashed jock funk, soaked into my skin like it had always been there.

Nick grinned, shoving me playfully. “Dude, you were holdin’ out on us, huh? Look at you—big, sweaty, dumb as hell.”

I chuckled, the sound deep, rumbling. “Yeah, bro. Feels… right.”

And it did. My head was so empty, my thoughts slow and lazy, but I loved it. No more worrying. No more thinking about stupid stuff like “who I was” or “who I loved.” Nah, man—I was just a big, stinkin’ brute now. A total gym rat, just like my bros.

Topher stretched, lifting his arms—and instantly, a fresh wave of rancid pit stench flooded the air. My eyes watered, but instead of gagging, I breathed deep, my thick chest rising as I took in the pure masculinity.

Nick did the same, groaning. “Bro, that’s rank.”

Topher just grinned, flexing. “Hell yeah, dude. Get used to it. You two are gonna be livin’ in this reek from now on.”

And I loved that.

Topher threw an arm around both of us, his sweaty armpits pressing into the back of our necks. “So, boys—what’s first? Pump some iron? Hit the field? Maybe just hang out here, marinate in our stink for a while?”

Nick laughed. “Dude, let’s gas out the locker room first. Make it so bad no one else can even breathe in here.”

I grinned dumbly, nodding. “Hell yeah, bro. Make this place ours.”

Nick stepped forward, smirking as he lifted a leg. “Lemme start us off right, boys.”

And then—


A deep, vibrating fart ripped through the room, thick and toxic. It hung in the air, pungent with protein shake rot, pure jock filth.

Topher and I howled with laughter, fanning the air like idiots.

“Daaamn, bro!” I groaned, my nose twitching as the stench sank into my brain. “That’s nasty!”

Topher grinned, stepping up beside Nick. “Think that’s bad?” He spread his stance, bent low, and—


The floor vibrated from the sheer force. The smell was instant—rotten eggs, sweat, unwashed ass.

I moaned, throwing my head back.

“Hell yeah, bros,” I groaned. “My turn.”

I grunted, clenched, and—


A thick, wet, nasty fart blasted out of me, the stench immediate. My brain melted at my own reek, my skin tingling with how rank it was.

Nick wheezed. “Dude! That was foul!”

Topher grabbed me in a headlock, laughing. “Welcome to the team, bro!”

I grinned, my mind buzzing with lazy, dumb bliss.

I belonged here.

I belonged with them.

And from now on?

We were the stinkiest, manliest, dumbest jocks on campus.

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