
Official Mod makoto yuki blog


this is the official blog for me Mod makoto yuki I normaly in charge of @ask-ultimate-personas and @ask-mastermind-shadow-persona and @ask-phantom-foundation while Mod sonic 10 is soon to be making their amv blog.

Tsumugi:”The prologue for Dangansona is nearly done just need some help with finishing it.

Due to stress of doing stuff and mod makoto yuki with college stuff it took over 4 years now to do it but the story will be soon on here and animo.

Mod makoto yuki:”I can’t wait for it but if you want to help me message me and I will show you what I have so far.

At the moment I have the protagonist introducing herself and Theodore in the velvet room.

also check out my karaoke blog @wildestpantherkaraoke


Hello, everyone mod Makoto yuki here sorry for not being on here as often I have been practising my songs for college and stuff and watching the new season of Miraculous I can't wait to see my boy Luka again. I loved how everything went off smoothly but I do want to roleplay again fill free to tag me in them.

I had a wonderful birthday now that I am 22 now.

Veth Everton , Tavvi Tickner, Ryu shinji , Lyra wolf heart , velocity stiffener and Delaware

Made new ocs

I love epic musical that's the reason why Delaware came to be and I like Telemachus since my favourite song is legendary


My spin the wheel Danganronpa Thh + P3 killing game results feel free to tell me your opinions!


Nice maybe I could show you mine as what could happen


Meet the Fate strikers

Wada:”What are you doing here?”

Yanagi:”Now now Wada please be careful who we are dealing with who knows they could be like me 😁”

Daku Kage:”Behave you two we don’t have any more medicals supplies here but they seemed interesting”

Mizuno:”Are you here to Party 🎉🎉?”

Kiyoshi:”I highly doubt that Mizuno”

Saki:”Ew Nature is Gross 🤮 “

Tanmanhamari:”Plants are not your enemy and nature isn’t gross they give life to the world”

Maki:”Are you here to play bowling?”

Lucian Hikou Taikou:”Nice to meet you all my name is Lucian Hikou Taikou but you can call me Staria and I am leader of the fate strikers and these are my members of my team nice to meet you”

Staria - alien and royal and trans

Kiyoshi - a neko who helped Staria

Maki - a girl who owns a bowling alley

Wada - a demon with a split personality

Yanagi - former Mafia member and is a demon

Mizuno- person who loves party but was last of their kind

Saki- betrayer

Tanmanaha Mari - doing a mission they have to go to the person who was charge of nature.

Daku kage - Detective that was curious who they were …..

Interact if you want too

My oc’s


My persona 6 idea for Mabel and Dipper is that some days they attend Yasogami high and some days they attend shujin high with Mabel being a popular student at both, and they wear a fusion of the school’s uniforms, eventually they get Personas and become the mystical duo investigating cases like the investigation team, but also stealing the truth similar to the phantom thieves,


not bad for a crossover - compared to mine with fate strikers and having every persona franchise gets represented.


Get to know me so I am gonna do this challenge

Day 1: Favourite character

People who don’t know I am huge simp for Shuichi saihara because I can relate to him you see I used to be shy and not very open to conversations due to people speaking behind my back or due to my paranoia. I can feel that Shuichi is going through the same thing which is why I can relate to him.

You can try it your self if you like to

Who I don't like


THE REASON WHY I HATE HIM IS BECAUSE OF INCEST IF THAT WAS OUT OF IT I WILL BE FINE BUT THE THING IS I WASN’t routing for him to survive either he looked a bit creepy on way he acted and when it came to his death chapter I felt he was suspicious to ask to help Angie and others with this strange motive of the thing and the reason why got me to hate him.

I won't roleplay as him all the time but if it's need like Phantom foundation I had to since its Phantom thief au which is in V3 so I have to but I won't have fun with it.

DAY 3 Best girl

This obvious that’s Chiaki

Chiaki owns me on how nice she is both versions of her and I am not always into boy and girls ships I like I have one that's Hajime x Chiaki it’s cute she was the only one that accepted him which made me watch danganronpa 3 Despair arc which made the pain so much for me. I can't believe they did that to her but it was interesting way out and the one in game as well.

I also ship her with Makoto yuki

If they met its so sweet you know what here it is using character Ai I am that curious.

Best boy

Well you know what I think about shuichi but I do have other best boy that is second

That's hajime I like his personality and storyline I felt bad for him and I am glad 😌.

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