Pro-Hero Lingerie
Summary: With the success of the hero sex-toys, the Hero Association has decided to release lingerie mimicking the famous pro-heroes once more and their costumes. Seeing as they had a piece designed after your man, you decide to check out the selection as you plan to give your man a special surprise.
Warning: Semi-Lemon Headcanons/Mini scenarios
Author’s Note: Welcome to Fantasy’s Secret ya’ll.
The unexpected success of the hero sex toys skyrocketed much to the Hero Associations’ surprise. Being in such high demand, the manufacturers couldn’t seem to keep up. As an alternative, they’ve decided to release a lingerie line based off of the pro-hero costumes. When you first heard of the release, a sly smirk graced your lips as you planned to surprise your man with the sexy and skimpy outfit.
Walking into Xrotica, you look over to a newly added room hidden behind a parted pink curtain. Giddy with excitement, you speed walk over to the entry and throw the curtain open only to gasp in shock. Your eyes land on your mans' design immediately and you practically skip over to his section. Picking up the first one you can reach, you take time to admire the piece and turn it slowly to analyze the back.
Knowing that the piece is going to look breathtaking on you, you place it back on the rack as you begin to look for your correct size. While rifling through the rack of garments, you smirk as you mentally plan the reveal to your man later tonight. Giggling, you grab the item and hurry to check out. He has no idea what’s coming to him.
Groud Zero
Arriving home, you immediately threw the bag on the bed and ran to the shower. Bakugou wasn’t coming home until later tonight because today he was scheduled for patrol. You hum as you prepare, knowing how hard Bakugou has been working. He puts his everything into his work to the point of him straining himself. You noticed him wincing sometimes and spending extra time stretching in the morning.
As much as you love his hard work and dedication, you had advised him to take a break and relax. His response was a grumpy, “Heroes never rest,” as he got ready for work. You decided you’re going to to make him relax one way or another when he came home from work. As you finished rubbing lotion into your body, you look out the window noticing the sun had gone down. Gasping at the time, you hurry over to the bag that was left abandoned hours ago on the bed. Excitedly, you pull out the lingerie.
→ What it looks like: It’s a black mesh teddy with a frilly hunter-green lace border around the short-sleeves, hugging your arms, and the bottom, hugging the panty line. The front is open down to just under your belly button in a v-cut, and in that open space are two orange lines crossing over your chest in an x-shape so it covers your nipples. The back is just the plain black mesh and the bottom of the teddy is a regular cheeky cut.
Stepping into the teddy, you slowly begin pulling it up your body and slip your arms through the sleeves to adjust the orange ‘x’ over your chest. Taking a deep breath, you look yourself over in the mirror and your jaw drops. Oh my god…I’m not going to walk for a week. Biting your lip, you quickly fix your hair and search for the spare candles you kept around the house. Setting them throughout the bedroom, you make sure to light enough so it leaves the room in a halo glow. Just as you finish lighting the last one, you hear the front door open.
→ His reaction: Bakugou opened the door and was about to call out to you that he was home but froze when he saw a single candle flickering in the dark. “Is the fucking power out, (Y/n)?!” He calls out to you, setting his duffle bag on the floor. God, he was sore. Luckily, he had showered and changed at the agency after patrol so he was relieved to come home, drop his belongings, and relax. Rolling his tense shoulders back, he calls for you again. “(Y/n)?" Is she sleeping already? He walks towards the bedroom and notices a flickering light coming from under the door. Opening it slowly, his eyes widen in shock, his hands dropping limply at his sides.
"Welcome home, Ground Zero,” you purr sashaying over to him. Stopping in front of him, you look up at him through your lashes, placing your hands on his shoulders while squeezing them gently. “Do you need a massage?” You watch Bakugou gulp as he slowly places his hands on your hips. He rubs your sides gently and lightly caresses your exposed stomach as his eyes burn holes in you. “I-fuck…” A low groan escapes his throat as he picks you up making you squeal in surprise. “Bakugou! Put me down and let me give you a massage!” Ignoring your request, Bakugou begins walking you towards the bed with a certain hunger in his eyes that you haven’t seen before. “A massage? We’ve got time babygirl because I’m not fucking stopping until the last candle burns out.”
Finally finding your size, you basically run to the cashier wanting to hurry home so you can prepare for tonight. Midoriya had gone into work early so you knew he was planning to come home early. Recently, the agency has been rearranging his schedule like crazy and its been interrupting the time you two usually spend together.
With this new release, you were hoping to surprise him and make up for lost time. It has been frustrating the past week, but you knew it was nothing you couldn’t handle. You understood he was a hero and had expectations to meet, however, he was also human. Checking the time once you arrive home, you immediately put the lingerie on.
→ What it looks like: It’s a two-piece set that consists of a simple ruffle-strap bra and a ruffle skirt panty. The set is a darker turquoise color compared to his hero costume and has a red-lined border. It also comes with a garter belt that attaches to the panties and wraps around your thighs. No need for thigh high socks–it’s a sleek and sexy look.
Securing the straps around your thighs, you walk over to your full-length mirror and check yourself out. The two-piece hugged your figure perfectly, the sexy thigh garter belt and innocent frills balancing each other out. You bite your lip moving into a more seductive position, eyeing yourself up and down. It was then you heard a thump from the doorway making you whip around in surprise, seeing Midoriya standing there with a blush on his face.
→ His reaction: Midoriya arrived home earlier than intended in hopes of surprising you. Quietly opening the front door, he softly sets his bag on the ground and tiptoed to the bedroom. What he really wanted–more than anything in the world–was to spend the night in with you, order food, and watch some movies together to get back the quality time that was taken from you two. Easing the door open, he sees you suggestively posing in some lingerie causing him to stumble. You whip around, shocked.
“Midoriya! You’re home earlier than I thought…” You watch Midoriya’s face become increasingly red by the second causing a smirk to grace your lips. Sauntering over to him, you bit your lip and grab his hands, placing them on your hips. “(Y-y/n) w-what…?” Midoriya gulps. Leaning up, you leave a quick peck on his lips. “I haven’t seen you lately Izuku…I missed having you around me and in me…” Furrowing his brows, you see the slight flicker of dominance you love so much in Midoriya’s eyes. He easily picks you up and tosses you on the bed. “I’ll make sure to leave you satisfied enough and thinking about me until next time…”
My Prince: Good afternoon darling. I just wanted to let you know that my plane comes in tonight and I can’t wait to see you…x
You blushed as your heart swelled from reading the text. Todoroki has been gone on a business trip for the past week and you were missing him deeply. When you heard about the lingerie release, it was too perfect because there’s a small chance Todoroki hasn’t heard about it. This was the perfect opportunity to welcome him back home.
While you were walking home, you decided to stop by a flower store to get some rose petals. You can make the occasion sexy and romantic, right? Purchasing a bucket of red rose petals, you practically skip out of the store wanting to hurry home and change.
→ What it looks like: It’s a two-piece set that has a white to red ombre effect. The top is a longline bralette that has underwire to hold up your breasts and the back hooks together like a corset. The bralette starts off as a pure white and fades into a dusty pink then to a bright crimson hue. The panties are a cheeky cut and are the opposite from the bralette; starting off crimson and fade back into the pure white. To add some elegance to the piece, there are rhinestones sewn in the front, close together covering your nipples through the material and they spread out farther down the bralette and none on the panties.
Once you get dressed, you turn on some soft sensual music while walking to the fridge to get the rose petals. Might as well set the mood early. You begin sprinkling the petals near the door and leave a trail to the bedroom. Reaching the bed, you dump what’s left of the petals on the white sheets and begin shaping them into a heart.
→ His reaction: “I’m home…(Y/n)?” Todoroki steps into the house and pauses feeling he had stepped on something. Lifting his foot, he glances down to see rose petals littering the ground and leading to the bedroom where he heard a soft melody playing. A small smirk ghosts his mouth as he places his briefcase on the floor before walking to the bedroom while loosening his tie.
“My darling (Y/n), what are you-” Opening the door, Todoroki freezes as he sees you bent over the bed arranging the rose petals into the shape of a heart on the bed. He shamelessly checks out the view you’re unknowingly giving him until you stand up, finally finished. Satisfied with your work you turn around and jump–surprised to see your man leaning against the doorway a lustful smirk on his face. “You’re home early…” You trail off, bashfully looking anywhere but him. Todoroki pushes off the door frame and walks toward you, reaching for your hand. Giving it to him, he raises it above your head and motions for you to spin around. “My, my, (Y/n)…I should go on business trips more often.” You huff once he’s done taking in your appearance and you come face to face with him. “No. I missed you too much,” you complain as Todoroki sweeps you off your feet. He gently lays you on the rose petals and crawls on top of you. “Miss me more, (Y/n)…”
Red Riot
The release came just in time for you and Kirishima’s anniversary. For the past few anniversaries, Kirishima was the one who surprised you, so you took matters into your own hands and decided to surprise him this time. He has been working extra long hours lately, causing him to be preoccupied, making the plan you had in mind perfect.
Kirishima was the type of guy to appreciate the little things. That was one of the many things you loved about him. Wanting this evening to be simple and romantic, you went out to the grocery store and picked up some chocolate-covered strawberries and champagne. From the grocery store, you went to pick up the lingerie and gasped when you saw his design. It was too perfect.
→ What it looks like: It’s a tight red mesh dress with a matching thong. While the dress is see-through, it has a pattern of small red solid hearts etched into it. The fabric covering your breasts is lace accompanied by underwire for support. The back of the dress has a cross-back with adjustable straps. Now, the thong is plain red to be worn under the dress since the dress is see-through.
After you put the lingerie on, you set the champagne in a bucket of ice near the bed and matching champagne glasses in front of it. To top the room off, you set the box of chocolate covered strawberries on the bed. Now all that was left to do was to wait for your man to come home.
→ His reaction: Kirishima sighed in relief once he opened up the front door. “I’m home, (Y/n)!” It felt good to come home after a long day at work to the love of your life–speaking of which–he felt like he was forgetting something. “Eiji! Come here!” Hearing you call out to him, he sets down his bag and walks toward the bedroom where he thought he heard your voice. “Are you okay- whoa.” Kirishima stops dead in his tracks seeing you standing
“Happy Anniversary, baby.” You smirk, sashaying over to give him a kiss. Kirishima’s eyes widened as he felt a wash of shame come over him. “Oh no! I totally forgot I’m so sorry! How can I forget-” You silence him with a long and deep kiss. Pulling back, you genuinely smile up at him. “It’s okay, Eijiro. You’ve been working so hard and you’ve surprised me the past couple of times.” Kirishima pouts. “It’s still not manly to forget a date important as this.” You playfully roll your eyes and walk back over to the bed to grab a strawberry. Kirishima finally takes in your appearance as a small blush covers his cheeks. “Here.” You walk back over to him and offer him a bite of the strawberry. Kirishima gives you a toothy grin and wraps his arms around your waist, opening his mouth. Slowly, you place the berry between his lips watching as Kirishima bites down making a bead of strawberry juice run down your thumb. Quickly, he grabs your hand, a knowing glint in his eyes, and licks away the juice. “At least let me say thank you and make it up to you, cutie.”
You walked out of Xrotica cackling as you already had a plan on how you wanted to surprise Kaminari. He has been spending hours–sometimes all night–at the hero agency stressed out over reports and paperwork causing him to barely come home and rest. You knew how much of a burden this has been on him and how tense he has been. When you heard about this new release, you decided to take it upon yourself and help him relieve some stress.
Arriving home, you placed the bag on the bed as you threw open your closet to look for your black trenchcoat. Finding it, you smirk and toss it on the bed as you begin to take the lingerie out to get changed.
→ What it looks like: It’s a plain black teddy with a large yellow see-through laced lighting bolt on the back. The teddy has a plunging neckline to the middle of your breasts and cap sleeves that hug your upper body while the bottom of the teddy is a g-string cut. To finish the look off, there are matching thigh-high socks. The thigh-high socks are black while the top of the socks is a yellow lace that hugs your thighs.
When you finish putting on the outfit, you quickly glance in the mirror and whistle. This will definitely make him feel better. Grabbing the trench coat off the bed, you put it on and tie it tightly around your figure. Before walking out the door, you slip on a pair of black pumps strutting out the house on your way to set your plan in motion.
→ His reaction: Kaminari sighs as he sees another untouched stack of papers on his desk. He just wanted to go home and relax while spending time with you. A knot formed in his stomach when he thought of you…the guilt he felt thinking of you being neglected made him sick. However, you’ve been so kind to him and understanding that he didn’t know what he did to deserve someone like you. A knock came at his door and he wanted to scream. Instead, he rubbed his temples and leaned back in his chair. “Come in.”
You opened the door slowly and saw Kaminari’s eyes closed with dark circles under them. “Can I be of some assistance, Mr. Chargebolt?” Closing the door behind you, you make sure lock it. Kaminari perks up at hearing your voice. “(Y/n)! I was just thinking about you! I’m so sorry I haven’t been-” Clearing your throat, you cut him off as you strut towards him. Kaminari’s eyebrows furrow as he watches your hands reach to undo your tied trenchcoat. “(Y/n)?” Pulling it open slowly, you watch Kaminari’s eyes widen and flicker with that mischievous spark you’ve missed. Shrugging the coat off completely, you place it on one of the chairs facing his desk. Walking around to the other side, you move his paperwork to the side and sit on the desk in front of him, pulling one leg up on his chair armrests. “You look shocked, Chargebolt.” You tease, leaning back as his eyes rake over your body, his hand coming to rest on your knee before teasingly sliding it up your thigh. “Why don’t you take your mind off work for a while? C'mere Denki~”