
Roonil Waslib


Sam, He/him, 21, bi Lately I just post about the slenderverse (mainly TribeTwelve), but other fandoms can get caught in the mix

This is actually the best intro to a porno that has ever existed

There is no way this is a porno

This is the best porno there has ever been.

The way he says “HEY WHAT THE FUCK” shaped me as a person

It’s been over a decade, and I still think “I’m a lemon stealing whore” to myself every time I take fruit off a lemon tree.

Which isn’t often, but it’s often enough.



Literally no one:

Not a single soul:

Male authors:

[Image text from a novel:

"I like your mother. You have your mother's breasts."

"Her breasts."

"Great stand-up tits," he said.]

sorry I think we’re sleeping on

This author is either writing a parody or they’re an alien

this is Cosmopolis by Don DeLillo. it’s a really weird novel about a man going to get a haircut that’s also a pretty explicit criticism of the 1%.

the main character is a multimillionaire who’s so fixated on money and materialism that he’s basically forgotten how to be a normal human being and connect with people. that conversation above is him talking to his new wife. at one point, he even says something like, “this is good. we are having a conversation. this is what people do.”

i’m convinced that every conversation elon musk and grimes had was exactly like this


Hi! Know of any recs that have a poly relationship, preferably mmf and bonus if it’s fantasy?

Thank you!


You can always look under Polyamorous here! https://lgbtqreads.com/representation/romantic-sexual-orientation/

Here’s everything under MMF, though the closest thing to Fantasy is Kit Rocha, which is really more...Dystopian, I guess?


I'm actually reading a manuscript that meets all of this criteria right now (more sci fi than fantasy but it stands!) - Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao is coming out in Sept 21 and it's EPIC. Highly recommend, def add it to your tbr for later this year!


the Dark Artifices trilogy from Cassandra Clare shows the development of a mmf polyamorous relationship!


this is how I feel about generational conflict 

This is accurate as hell.

Like here’s the thing: I don’t care if young kids make fun of my generation. It’s not hurting anyone and to be honest, I have faith in the next generation. They’re smart, talented and I’m happy for that. Shouldn’t we all be happy that the next generation is learning from past mistakes


If this post gets 80,000 notes by September 13th 2021 I’ll finally finish writing my novel “Cosmic Collisions” and self-publish it!

  • Bioluminescent dragons and jellyfish in space
  • LGBTQIA characters
  • Set in space ships
  • Fantasy/romance
  • Dystopian

I need space jellies


If this post gets 80,000 notes by September 13th 2021 I’ll finally finish writing my novel “Cosmic Collisions” and self-publish it!

  • Bioluminescent dragons and jellyfish in space
  • LGBTQIA characters
  • Set in space ships
  • Fantasy/romance
  • Dystopian

I need space jellies


You cannot be a good person and be transphobic

You cannot be a good person and be homophobic

You cannot be a good person and be racist

You cannot be a good person and be sexist

You cannot be a good person and be a bigot

Idgaf how old you are; there've been good, accepting people throughout all of time

Idgaf what your parents taught you; you have to actively work to unlearn that shit

Idgaf if you're a minority targeted by 1 or more of the above; being 1 minority does not give you the right to be bigoted to another (or your own.. I know a poc who is a gay man, and he's racist, homophobic, transphobic, AND sexist)

You cannot be a good person and be a bigot


would anybody be interested if i made a discord channel for pokemon mystery dungeon stuff? i want to set one up really bad because this game series has been my favorite thing for pretty much my entire life *w*


apparently this is a controversial opinion in atla fandom rn but...i love pakku’s character/ arc/ presence/ storyline, and i love that he’s reunited with kanna. i love that, in katara, he sees not only the defiant spirit of the woman he loved and lost to his own ignorance, but also a chance to undo his past wrong. i love that kanna fled the NWT but that katara was compelled to return - and that her return offered a chance to heal a transgenerational divide. i loved how pakku openly praised and admired katara’s prodigious skill and called her his best pupil. love that he was inspired by katara’s courage to make the same journey his former lover once did - across the world, in the middle of a war - to fulfill something he believed was right.

and i love that kanna, after all these years and being alone at the SWT, gets to see her former lover return at the helm of a fleet carrying vital supplies and resources. i love that kanna’s original rebellion - leaving home to keep her freedom - came full circle in the NWT returning to aid the South, in katara learning waterbending from pakku, and in the avatar mastering water. i love that pakku and kanna get to have romance in their later years, to find each other again after so many decades apart, to see the end of a war they never thought would end - together.

i love how pakku and kanna’s story demonstrates a central theme of the show: that our choices and actions have further reaching consequences than we realize, and that every time we take a risk to do what’s right, every time we stand up for ourselves and for others, every time we are brave and humble enough to admit we need to change, we transform the world in ways we can’t even begin to imagine.


YES more pakku love


bi women are allowed to talk about their attraction to men without adding qualifiers.

if you see a bisexual woman being excited about her male crush/partner and feel tempted to say anything that isn’t positive leave her alone.

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