I had a different name back then, you know. Powder. You kind of remind me of her.
come to my rescue, Prince Charming
The Hunchback of Notre Dame story sketches by Paul and Gaëtan Brizzi (P2)
Resident Evil: Death Island (Summer 2023)
-Oh, look who it is. The boy savior. ARCANE - 1.07 "The Boy Savior"
A moment of silence to all the twinks Chris Redfield failed to save 😔🙏🏼
The trauma™️
RESIDENT EVIL 4 REMAKE March 24, 2023.
Never giving up no matter the odds.
“Forgive me Father, for I have simped.” -majority of the fandom, probably
Ethan: *enters Castle Dimitrescu and immediately begins vandalizing it*
Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela about to end the manthing’s whole career:
Before Dawn - Xiao Hua Yang
It's October, my friends. Have some spooky prints I had to make for one of my college printmaking courses back in 2019.
Moon Egg part 3
Here are two choices (among others) for options to support women in Afghanistan right now:
Women for Afghan Women: https://womenforafghanwomen.org/
A GoFundMe “Women Globally Working to Protect Afghan Women” here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/protect-women-leaders-in-afghanistan?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=m_pd+share-sheet
Both allow anonymous donations and both are vetted. Even if you can’t afford to donate, you can share these options with others.