
Keep Calm and Try Not to Die.


I have no idea what I'm doing but I'm here. If you have any problems with it, well,, uh,, that kinda sucks :/  I am a Minor(And not JUST a minor nuissance)! No NSFW stuff here! Please!(Especially nothing of the sexual kind, for I am ALSO Asexual)

And the other one!

This is Lightless, who is a selfish bastard who lacks any and all empathy. They are more than willing to sacrifice people for something they have interest in.

They are the Treeangle of my Heartless AU. I want to bap them with a newspaper.


Hello Jsab community, I have an offering to the Tree Cult—

Here’s Tree, aka Treilan/Trei. I hold them so gently, and I love them very much. Therefore, they need therapy.

(I don’t think I’ve EVER shown my Treeangle on here dkjfgshdfjngh)

(This is the Normal Tree by the way!! I’ll totally doodle Lightless soon tho. That’s the Heartless Treeangle. They’re just a bastard)

Ah yes


Yesssss!! They are here now and I’m working on doodling the other Treeangle that I have. >w<

Anonymous asked:

is it the kinda tree where all 3 pieces are 3 different individuals or all of them are just one person? - Tech anon

It's just them!

Buuut They can be torn into three parts. :3c

The triangle on the flower on their face, their tail, and the eye on their chest are the three pieces of the Treeangle that were torn off during the Corruption Event. They're fine now but they were NOT fine then djkfghdskfjghdksf


Hello Jsab community, I have an offering to the Tree Cult---

Here’s Tree, aka Treilan/Trei. I hold them so gently, and I love them very much. Therefore, they need therapy.

(I don’t think I’ve EVER shown my Treeangle on here dkjfgshdfjngh)

(This is the Normal Tree by the way!! I’ll totally doodle Lightless soon tho. That’s the Heartless Treeangle. They’re just a bastard)


Genuine question to the fandom

how many of your trees are evil? like i see so many evil tree versions, i want to know how many there in comparison to good/neutral trees

One of mine is for sure evil, but the others depend on the definition.

the trio are not really “evil” but they’re definitely NOT lawful good


I have one evil tree and two good trees that will adopt anyone if they don’t hurt their heroes


One Evil Tree and one Good Tree! :3



In honor of The New JSaB Update, I have made Level Designs for each of the new levels!

Sky High, aka, Airbone Robots! They are a Robot who wants to fly and help people! Real big sweetie!

Carven, aka Interlaced! Another Robotic shape who has serrated fingers and feet... just don’t try and hold his hand! He doesn’t want to cut you.. :(

Cria, aka Last Tile! A bigender menace who manages to look her best while sitting in prison. He is in jail for Various Crimes involving the Corruption Event.

Karigo, aka Born Survivor! A cat-like shape that is blind, and mute... except for their tails! Their tails talk for them, being able to talk from all four separately!

Trici, aka Spider Dance themselves! They are a mischievous spider with a ‘secret’. They live in the Prison, and feed off of the remains of shapes who die, sometimes trying to take a bite out of one of the workers there.

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