
Fibercraft Fun


Just a place to post fun fiber pictures and process linktr.ee/saltpixie

My next project. I'm in the middle of pre-drafting the purple, so this isn't all of it, but it's good enough for a photo!

The purple is Merino from Frabjous Fibers. It's a little felty from sitting in my stash for four years, but it should spin up just fine.

The purple/pink/orange is a Corriedale/Rambouillet/Columbian blend from Shaky K Fibers. Unfortunately they don't seem to still be around (this one's also been waiting it's turn on the wheel for around four years), but I've always loved their wool, so I'm glad to have this one to spin.


I should add that space is a bit of a concern for me, so a standard non folding floor loom unfortunately has too big of a footprint for me at the moment... but the other one I had my eye on was the Harrisville T4, which has double the weaving width. I just don't have enough experience to know if I should save up for the bigger one, or get the less expensive one now 😖


It folds up really well, even with a weaving project on it !!!! I loveeeeee mine and it compacts in my craft room well, it's a very good/forgiving loom for beginners and it is easy to get tension even. At that price, it's an absolute *steal* I would say go for it!!!!!

Especially is space is a concern I would really consider what big project plans you have for the future, because it only has a weaving width of 15". If you want to do wider cloth I would look into the Harrisville, but if you want to do scarves or like I use mine for bag fabric/demoing, it's a very solid pick.

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