

Chapter twenty-eight

"Do you wanna play a game, sub?"

The game is that you must do what I command you, and if I cum, you have to clean everything with your tongue, including my dick and boots.

***You want to?


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Made in Córdoba, Argentina.

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Chapter twenty-seven

It's Sunday, do you want to have fun?

We who enjoy this boot and leather fair, we often enjoy random monuments to satisfy and self-satisfy ourselves.

Quienes gozamos de este feriche de las botas y el cuero, solemos disfrutar monentos aleatorios para satisfacer y autosatisfacernos.

***You match, sub?

***Coincidís sub?

I read you. Los leo.


Thank's for follow and reblog.

Made in Córdoba, Argentina.

Chapter twenty-six

Part II - "Let'go to the ranch, i got something for you"

***Any sub volunteers?

***Algún sub voluntario?

I read you boys. Reblog.

Thank's por follow and reblog.

Made in Córdoba, Argentina.

Chapter twenty-six

"Let's go to the ranch, I got something for you"

A well Argentine gift for you.🇦🇷

Un regalo bien argentino para ustedes.🇦🇷

***Any sub for this gaucho?

***Algún sub para este gaucho?

I read you. Te leo. 🇦🇷

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Chapter twenty-four

I'm getting ready for my sub.

Reblog if you need a sub too.

The pleasure that the sub begs you to feel, smell and lick the smell of male and leather... is priceless.

El placer de que el sub te suplique sentir, oler y lamer el olor a macho y a cuero... no tiene precio.

Do you confirm?

Thank's for follow and reblog.

Made in Córdoba, Argentina.

Chapter twenty-three

"He's back."

Remember the story I've come telling you? Okay, he showed up, on a simple app. My sub is back and remasterized.

Recuerdan la historia que vengo contándoles? Ok, él apareció, en una simple app. Mi sub está de vuelta y remasterizado.

Reblog if you think every male deserves a sub like him.


Thank's for follow and reblog.

Made in Córdoba, Argentina.

Chapter twenty-two

"Hi sub, I put my boots on for you, I'll wait for you."


Countless times, when I'm hot, I've put my boots on and I'll send texts to the sub to fuck him.

Incontables veces, cuando estoy caliente, me he puesto las botas y le envío textos al sub para coger con él.

***I ask, You did?

***Te pregunto, lo has hecho?

I read you. Te leo.

Thank's for follow and reblog.

Made in Córdoba, Argentina.

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Chapter twenty

Part II - Mutual satisfaction.



Thank's for follow and reblog.

Made in Córdoba, Argentina.

Chapter twenty.


As I said earlier chapters, self-satisfaction, using boots and leather to feel pleasure... smell, feeling in the skin, feeling the power.

Como dije capítulos anteriores, la autosatisfacción, el usar botas y cuero para sentir placer... oler, sentir en la piel, sentir el poder.

***Have you ever done it?

***Lo has hecho alguna vez?

Tip: Just do it.

I read you. Te leo.

Thank's for follow and reblog.

Made in Córdoba, Argentina.

Chapter Nineteen

How can you not pretend like this?

In my short, but constant exploration of the world of boots and leather, I always end up like this... full, satisfied and desired more...

En mi corta, pero constante exploración dem mundo de las botas y el cuero, siempre termino así...pleno, satisfecho y con deseo de màs, mucho más...

***You feel the same way?

***Sentís lo mismo?

Thanks for follow and reblog.

Made in Córdoba, Argentina.

Chapter eighteen

When you find who can do this job.

As I come telling you, when I met my sub, I forced him to make me cum on my boots and then clean them up with his tongue.

Tal y como les vengo narrando, cuando conocí a mi sub, lo obligaba a hacerme acabar sobre mis botas y que luego las limpiara con su lengua.


Thanks for follow me.

Made in Córdoba, Argentina.

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Chapter seventeen.

My boots need shine, dude! 🔥


Once upon a time, there for my 23 years, when my silent and cautious search began for a bottom that would share the same fetish for boots and leather.

Érase una vez, allá por mis 23 años, cuando comenzó mi silenciosa y cautelosa búsqueda de un pasivo que compartiera el mismo fetiche por las botas y el cuero.

***Why is it so hard to find a bootlover bottom?

***Por qué es tan difícil encontrar a un pasivo amante de las botas?


Made in Córdoba, Argentina.