
Stewardship is the use of investor rights and influence to protect and enhance overall long-term value for clients and beneficiaries, including the common economic, social and environmental assets on which their interests depend.

Here we provide guidance on best practice stewardship, information on collaborative stewardship initiatives and our online PRI Collaboration Platform, plus details of how we work with signatories and other stakeholders to address regulatory and structural barriers to effective stewardship. There is also a series of guides on issue-specific stewardship topics.

  • About stewardship

    The PRI defines stewardship as: “the use of influence by institutional investors to maximise overall long-term value including the value of common economic, social and environmental assets, on which returns and clients’ and beneficiaries’ interests depend.”

  • Active Ownership 2.0

    Active Ownership 2.0 is a framework for the more ambitious stewardship needed to deliver against beneficiaries’ interests and improve the sustainability and resilience of the financial system. Under this framework, investors use their influence to shape sustainability outcomes by engaging in more effective and assertive stewardship activities.

  • An introduction to responsible investment: stewardship

    This introductory guide explains the importance and relevance of stewardship within responsible investment and outlines the stewardship tools investors can incorporate into policies, processes and practices.

What we do

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Collaborative engagements

The PRI coordinates collaborative investor engagements on environmental, social and governance issues.


Addressing system barriers

Part of the PRI’s work to promote more effective stewardship and active ownership amongst our signatory base is to address the system and regulatory barriers to stewardship.

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The PRI aims to support investors during AGM season by promoting ESG-related shareholder resolutions on the Collaboration Platform and through the vote declaration system.

PRI Collaboration Platform

The PRI Collaboration Platform is a unique forum that allows PRI signatories to collaborate, to pool resources, share information and enhance their influence on ESG issues. It is also a hub for academics and investors to connect and engage with research.


Issue specific stewardship guides

Learn more about how stewardship works on particular issues.


Filing shareholder proposals

Shareholder proposals are an important corporate engagement mechanism. They allow investors to use their formal rights as owners to publicly and transparently escalate important matters, and directly interact with a company’s board.