One University,
many voices

UD values

The University of Delaware embodies its motto—“Knowledge is the light of the mind”—and to spread that light requires a community that nurtures intellectual curiosity and free inquiry, where everyone is empowered to learn and to flourish. This is a community where we celebrate our individual and collective achievements, where we respect diverse backgrounds, values and viewpoints.

The values of the University of Delaware are woven throughout the institution—in our mission statement, in classrooms, offices and laboratories and in our actions. They guide us every day.


Academic Freedom

We each have the responsibility to foster an atmosphere that promotes the free exchange of ideas and opinions. Everyone has the right to benefit from this atmosphere.


Diversity and Inclusion

We welcome and value different backgrounds, perspectives and learning experiences; this is essential for educating global citizens, developing knowledge and advancing and enhancing our world.



Revolutionary thinking is part of our DNA—our first students in 1743 helped found this nation. We want to make a significant difference in the world, and we are collaborating across disciplines with risk-taking, creativity and innovation to address the biggest challenges of our time.



Our supportive, friendly campus community advocates for each individual’s voice to be heard. We encourage respect and civility toward everyone, knowing that mutual appreciation and dialogue leads to greater learning.



As an engaged University, we create and capitalize on innovative partnerships with government, industry and the community for economic and civic development. These connections enrich our scholarship, research and creative activity, enhance the curriculum and ultimately contribute to the public good.


On this page, you will find our values as expressed in UD’s Mission Statement, the Student Values Statement adopted by the Student Government Association and the Statement of Respect and Responsibility of the Office of Equity and Inclusion.