VéLOCOLOUR makes smiles happen


You might think of us as a custom paint and cycling bag producer, but we prefer to think of ourselves as a satisfaction supplier. It's true. We love to create great things that make you smile and jump up and say hell yeah!

It's not all about sunshine, however. We like to have fun and all, but we take this pretty seriously. Our focus on durability, longevity and distinctively smart design can be a source of endless discussion and scrutiny on our part. While this keeps us up some nights, building an environment fueled by hard work and creativity helps us sleep well the rest of the time. The job doesn't end at producing amazing stuff and feeling great about what we've made, though it could. Environmental concerns are occupying an ever larger part of our daily thoughts. The material choices we make both in paint and soft goods along with the life expectancy of our products get rigorous assessment. We offer a lifetime warranty and repairs on broken or damaged goods to ensures they stay in use and out of the land fill. That’s smart business and good for all of us.

As we look ahead we'll continue to find ways to offer you more awesome — we just can't help ourselves. We hope to keep you as excited and passionate about what we do as we are.


VéloColour Paint

Open since 2008 VéloColour is a custom painting shop in Toronto that specializes in contemporary bicycle painting and design as well as top-quality vintage bicycle paint restoration.

Owner and head painter Noah Rosen got his start in 2005 painting bikes for bicycle expert Mike Barry Sr. Initially highly regarded as a paint restoration shop, VéloColour is now considered to be one of North America’s best custom painters.

Cinelli, Colnago, EddyMerckx, Legnano, Rene Herse are all familiar names around the shop along side modern aluminum, carbon, steel and titanium frames from custom builders and bigger name brands as well. Brands and styles too numerous to list, VéloColour has painted everything from road, cx, commuter, track and touring bikes to mountain bikes and tandems, they have all come through the shop for refinishing or a special touch.

Over the years VéloColour has had the chance to paint for several great people within the cycling community and beyond, including the current Pope, Pope Francis.


VéloColour Products

In 2008 VéloColour opened it’s doors with the mission to produce the best quality paint and design available. Since that time VéloColour has gained a world wide reputation for its highly detailed custom paintwork and flawless bicycle restorations.

In 2015, with those same concerns for detail, design and quality, VéloColour launched its soft goods and accessories division. Focussed on function and durability first VéloColour products unite modern design with timeless style. All of our products are constructed in Toronto using the best North American produced materials available.

From paint to products VéloColour designs for you, the cyclist. Guaranteed performance, made to last a lifetime.

Noah Rosen – Founder and Paint Master 

Noah Rosen has a life-long passion for making things with an art degree to prove it. Riding bicycles has also been a near-equal love. From long days mountain biking with friends in Toronto’s Don Valley to daily commutes to school, bicycles have been a central part of his life for more than three decades. Though his artistic focus mostly remained in the three-dimensional realm, his first taste of bicycle painting back in 2005 quickly opened his eyes to new possibilities within painting. Noah’s devotion to cycling paired with his ceramics and fine art background made the creative aspects of bicycle painting the perfect combination of the two, it also seemed like a reasonable way to pass the time.

In 2008 Noah opened the doors to the now world-renowned VéloColour paint shop. With the business’ steady growth since then, Noah still has his hands in almost every project that goes out the shop door. From paint and product design to paint finishing, product testing, chatting with customers Noah got plenty to do around the shop.

While constantly working to expand VéloColour’s creative, environmental and social vision Noah still finds time to ride - more than ever before and commuting by bike is still a daily, year round activity. When asked about all of this Noah says “Yeah, it’s pretty good.”

Suzanne Carlsen – Designer and General Dictator 

Suzanne Carlsen is a creative monster with wide ranging skills and incredible design intuition. She joined VéloColour in 2014 to assist with communications, paint design and product development. Now her aim is to raise the quality of our previously lack-luster spontaneous dance program and show the cycling industry that women have an integral part to play. She’s got moves on both counts!

With a background in design, jewellery, metalsmithing and textiles, Suzanne is a major part of VéloColour’s quality and aesthetic. All of the impeccably executed head badges, chain guards and custom metal work that we are known for are the result of her years of metalworking experience. Suzanne is also now the lead paint designer and project consultant here at the shop. There’s nobody sweeter to talk paint with.

Suzanne’s knowledge in production sewing and manufacturing techniques also make her an essential part of VéloColor’s soft good design. She heads up our textile department with a carefully growing product list of high quality, well-designed cycling bags and accessories as well as guidance for our growing list of cycling kit, bag and clothing repair options. If you’re curious how she handles all of these rolls, the truth is no one is really sure. Even with so many hats to wear Suzanne still finds time for her love of cyclocross racing and, like Noah, never misses a day commuting to work on her city bike.