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Safe and Easy Shopping Guarantee
Official PayPal Seal

Secure transactions guarantee

      With the help of PayPal® and Payflow gateway service (formerly managed by VeriSign®), we guarantee every transaction you make at Virtual Sheet Music (either purchasing a single sheet music item or joining as a Member) will be 100% safe and secure. This is assured by using the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology built in your browser, which protects all your personal information (credit/debit card numbers, check numbers, name, email, etc.). Most importantly, NO credit/debit card or check number is stored on our servers. Every transaction, in actuality, is done in real-time by PayPal and assured and guaranteed by Norton® Securty & Guarantee. PayPal stores your personal information safely on its secure servers in case we need to perform a refund or a reference transaction for any possible future purchases you only may authorize.

Norton Shopping Guarantee

Satisfaction guarantee

      If any Virtual Sheet Music paid product or service fails to meet your expectations, we will refund the full cost of the product or service, no questions asked. Just contact us and we will do whatever we can to satisfy you. Be aware only that conforming to the new Visa/MasterCard regulations, the refund period is limited to 90 days after purchase. After that period you can request a refund only through your bank.

Privacy Policy

      Any information you relay to us is strictly confidential and will be used only as you request. Your information will never be given or sold to a third party for any reason whatsoever. For more information, read our Privacy Policy page.

All credit/debit cards and on-line payments are accepted

Accepted Payments
      Any credit/debit card is welcome at Virtual Sheet Music. If you have an Apple account and use a compatible Apple device, you can also pay with Apple Pay®. PayPal® users are welcome too. If you are interested in a Membership or other higher-priced items ($10 or more), you can also pay by check via regular mail. To establish a different method of payment, please don't hesitate to contact us.

      For other questions, please contact us. We will be happy to assist you in your musical pursuits.

Thank you!

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