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Insurance and Eligibility of Membership

Membership and insurance cover shall only be available to members who meet the following acceptance rules:

  • Are over the age of 22 and under the age of 75.
  • Are full driving licence holders for the class of vehicle being hired, who have held their licence for a minimum of 24 months.
  • Have no more than 6 penalty points in the last five years
  • Have had no more than two accidents in the last three years.
  • Have not been disqualified from driving for a period exceeding six months in the last three years or has been disqualified for more than three months during the past year.
  • Whose licence has not been suspended or endorsed for the following major offences in the past 5 years:
    - Failure to stop when required by a member of An Garda Síochána
    - Driving a vehicle when unfit to drive
    - Breach of duties at an accident
    - Driving without insurance
    - Driver found to be driving carelessly
    - All drink driving offences
  • Any person not disclosed on the hirer driving declaration (application).
  • Have had no more than two theft claims in the last three years.
  • Are not a professional sportsperson, a professional model, a member of the entertainment profession or a person without a permanent address or residence.
  • Any members with a medical condition which requires notification to the National Driving License Service must notify YUKÕ Toyota Car Club prior to membership being permitted.
  • YUKÕ Toyota Car Club has insurance coverage for the persons using the vehicle with their permission (and not otherwise) in accordance with an Automatic Liability Insurance Policy. This policy meets all applicable statutory requirements and protects the owner and/or authorised driver of the vehicle against any legal claims from third parties for personal injury or material damage caused using the vehicle.
  • The member waives all rights to and agrees that YUKÕ Toyota Car Club or persons acting on its behalf will conduct negotiations and agree any settlement with the insurers and that any monies in respect of vehicle loss or damage will be paid to YUKÕ Toyota Car Club or such persons as YUKÕ Toyota Car Club may direct.
  • YUKÕ Toyota Car Club has insurance coverage for persons who have their YUKÕ account approved on the application. Only persons with an active membership are covered under this insurance policy. 
  • Members with a suspended or a closed account do not qualify for insurance cover. Driving a YUKÕ vehicle without insurance coverage can incur a fine of €500. 

Collection of YUKÕ Share Vehicles

The member agrees before driving the vehicle that he/she will:

  • Inspect the vehicle for any damage, either inside or outside of the vehicle and report to YUKÕ Support.
  • The member is only authorised to use the vehicle at the time and date specified on the booking made with YUKÕ Toyota Car Club.

Collection of YUKÕ Rental Vehicles

The member agrees before driving the vehicle he/she will:

  • Inspect the vehicle for any damage, either inside or outside of the vehicle and report to the relevant Toyota Dealership.
  • The member is only authorised to use the vehicle at the time and date specified on the booking made with YUKÕ Toyota Car Club.

Return of YUKÕ Share Vehicles

  • The vehicle must be returned by the agreed time and date to the designated street as booked with YUKÕ Toyota Car Club.
  • The member agrees he/she will return the vehicle with all documents and accessories present at the time of collection and in the same condition as they were on collection.
  • All extensions of vehicle hire requests from YUKÕ Toyota Car Club must be made prior to the agreed return time for hire.

Return of YUKÕ Rental Vehicles

  • The vehicle must be returned by the agreed time and date to the designated Toyota Dealership as booked with YUKÕ Toyota Car Club.
  • The member agrees they will return the vehicle with all documents and accessories present at the time of collection and in the same condition as they were on collection.
  • The member agrees they will return the vehicle with a full tank of fuel.
  • All extensions of vehicle hire requests from YUKÕ Toyota Car Club must be made prior to the agreed return time for hire, and agreed with the Toyota Dealership.

Charges for late return

  • If the vehicle is not returned by the agreed time and date to the designated collection point, YUKÕ Toyota Car Club will charge the member at the agreed hire rate (see relevant tariff details on YUKÕ Toyota Car Club Website).
  • If the member fails to inform YUKÕ Toyota Car Club that they will return the car late prior to the original end time, YUKÕ Toyota Car Club may apply a penalty charge of €25.

Charges for Returning the Vehicle in Poor Condition Unacceptable to YUKÕ Toyota Car Club

If the vehicle is not returned to YUKÕ Toyota Car Club in the same condition as it was in on collection, including all documents and accessories present at time of collection, YUKÕ Toyota Car Club will be entitled to charge the member a €50 penalty fee.

Joining and Rental Charges YUKÕ Share

  • You can be charged for your booking anytime 24 hours prior to your booking start time. 
  • Full details of all the joining and rental charges are as shown on the YUKÕ Toyota Car Club website under YUKÕ Share pricing.
  • There is an insurance excess of €1850. You are responsible for the first €1850 of damage caused to the vehicle, this is charged to the member's account immediately after an incident. If it is proved that you are not at fault this excess will be refunded to you.

Joining and Rental Charges YUKÕ Rental

  • You can be charged for your YUKÕ Rental booking at the time of making your booking.
  • Should a YUKÕ Rental booking exceed the duration of one month, the first month’s rental will be processed at the date/time of making the booking. Thereafter, fees are charged monthly after the booking has commenced.
  • There is an insurance excess of €1500. You are responsible for the first €1500 of damage caused to the vehicle, this is charged to the member's account immediately after an incident. If it is proved that you are not at fault this excess will be refunded to you.

Responsibility of the Member (YUKÕ SHARE)

  • The member is responsible for the first €1850 of any costs of repairs for damage to the vehicle, howsoever caused. 
  • The member is responsible for any charges or fines that occur as a result of their booking. 
  • The member is responsible for the vehicle and liable for any damages from the time they start their booking until they return the vehicle back to its designated street and end their booking.
  • The member is responsible for any costs arising from damage to tyres, lost, stolen or broken keys, key rings, accessories, any wearable vehicle item, or damages caused by the use of incorrect or contaminated fuel.
  • The member is responsible for the first 20% of the cost of any claim resulting from the theft of the vehicle whilst in their custody or control if negligence is proved.
  • The member is responsible for 100% of the cost of any claim should it be proven criminal damage was caused to the vehicle by the member. 
  • The member is responsible for reporting all damage that occurs to the vehicle, insurance coverage is waived if damage is not reported to YUKÕ customer support as soon as possible after incident. 
  • If unreported damage is found after a members’ booking the member is responsible for the cost of repairs.  

Responsibility of the Member (YUKÕ Rental)

  • The member is responsible for the first €1500 of any costs of repairs for damage to the vehicle, howsoever caused. 
  • The member is responsible for any charges or fines that occur as a result of their booking. 
  • The member is responsible for the vehicle and liable for any damages from the time they start their booking until they return the vehicle back to its designated Toyota Dealership and end their booking.
  • The member is responsible for any costs arising from damage to tyres, lost, stolen or broken keys, key rings, accessories, any wearable vehicle item, or damages caused by the use of incorrect or contaminated fuel.
  • The member is responsible for the first 20% of the cost of any claim resulting from the theft of the vehicle whilst in their custody or control if negligence is proved.
  • The member is responsible for 100% of the cost of any claim should it be proven criminal damage was caused to the vehicle by the member. 
  • The member is responsible for reporting all damage that occurs to the vehicle, insurance coverage is waived if damage is not reported to the relevant Toyota Dealership as soon as possible after an incident. 
  • If unreported damage is found after a members’ booking the member is responsible for the cost of repairs.  

Care of the Vehicle YUKÕ Toyota Car Club

  • The member must look after the vehicle, making sure it is locked and secure when not in use.
  • The member is responsible for ensuring that the vehicle interior is left clean and tidy before it is returned.

Conditions of Use YUKÕ Toyota Car Club

The member must not allow the vehicle:

  • To be used to smoke in.
  • To be used to carry passengers or cargo for remuneration (it is however permitted to share the cost of hire with passengers).
  • To be used to propel or tow any vehicle, trailer, or other object.
  • To be used to take part in any race, rally, pace-making, trials, speed testing or other contest.
  • To be used for motor trade use.
  • To be used while the driver is under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or any other substance impairing their consciousness or ability to react.
  • To be used in contravention of any traffic regulations.
  • To be driven by any other person (including any other member) who has not first been authorised by YUKÕ Toyota Car Club.
  • To drive or be driven outside the island of Ireland.

Penalties YUKÕ Toyota Car Club

  • €25 penalty if you return the vehicle with less than 1/4 tank of fuel.
  • €25 penalty for late return.
  • €50 penalty leaving lights on / not leaving the vehicle in park.
  • €50 penalty if the vehicle is excessively dirty after your trip.
  • €50 penalty for unreported damage before or after your booking.
  • €100 penalty if car is left on a one-way trip.
  • €200 penalty for smoking in the vehicle or transporting pets.
  • €500 penalty for allowing an unauthorised driver to operate a YUKÕ vehicle & permanent ban from YUKÕ.

Accidents YUKÕ SHARE

The member must report any traffic accident, loss, damage, or theft to YUKÕ Toyota Car Club as soon as practically possible, which would normally be within 6 hours; the police reference number allocated must be provided. The member must not admit liability or guilt in the event of an accident, or promise to pay any third party, or attempt any repair. A Service Provider accident or theft report form must be fully completed on request. If the member does not comply with this request, insurers may refuse the claim. The member agrees to co-operate with YUKÕ Toyota Car Club and its insurers in any investigation or subsequent legal proceedings.

Accidents YUKÕ Rental

The member must report any traffic accident, loss, damage, or theft to the Toyota Dealership and YUKÕ Toyota Car Club as soon as practically possible, which would normally be within 6 hours; the police reference number allocated must be provided. The member must not admit liability or guilt in the event of an accident, or promise to pay any third party, or attempt any repair. A Service Provider accident or theft report form must be fully completed on request. If the member does not comply with this request, insurers may refuse the claim. The member agrees to co-operate with the Toyota Dealership, YUKÕ Toyota Car Club and its insurers in any investigation or subsequent legal proceedings.

Personal Property

YUKÕ Toyota Car Club is not liable to the member or any passenger for loss or damage to property left in the vehicle either during the period of hire or thereafter. Such property is left entirely at the member’s or passenger’s own risk. Members are not covered by YUKÕ Toyota Car Club’s insurance for the theft of possessions or valuables from the vehicles.

Personal Data

The member consents to the computer storage and processing of the member’s personal data by YUKÕ Toyota Car Club in connection with this Agreement and to the transmission of this data for the purposes of YUKÕ Toyota Car Club’s legitimate interests including statistical analysis, marketing of our services and credit control. If the member breaches this Agreement, the member’s personal data may be disclosed or passed to third parties to the extent necessary to assist recovery procedures.


To the extent allowed by law:

  • The member agrees to indemnify and hold YUKÕ Toyota Car Club harmless against any claims in connection with operation of the vehicle, any damages suffered by, including without limitation, the fines and other consequences referred to in clause 5 above, or any matters which are the consequences of the member’s acts or omissions.
  • YUKÕ Toyota Car Club expressly disclaims any liability for damage or loss of any kind suffered by the member or any third party, unless it has been proven that YUKÕ Toyota Car Club is at fault.

Law and Jurisdiction

Any proceedings arising in connection with this Agreement shall be submitted to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the competent court in the county of registration of the vehicle. The applicable law in any proceedings will be the law of the courts of Ireland.


The member shall not be entitled to assign or otherwise transfer any of its rights or obligation under this Agreement.

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