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The first popular priced engagement of<br />

"Porgy and Bess," uncut, with full<br />

stereophonic sound, opened at the Stage<br />

Door in continuous performances on Christmas<br />

Day . . . Admission was free at the<br />

Esquire Theatre for "Happy Anniversary"<br />

during Christmas Week to those who<br />

could prove they were married in December<br />

. . . "Pillow Talk" was on the screens<br />

of ten theatres in San Francisco during<br />

the holiday week . . . The Warfield presented<br />

a special New Year's Eve showing<br />

of "Never So Few."<br />

Irving M. Levin and family vacationed in<br />

Palm Springs during the holidays . . . The<br />

Variety Club mixed bowling league resumed<br />

its weekly games January 4 . . .<br />

New Year's Eve nearly all first-run theatres<br />

and foreign houses offered previews in<br />

addition to regular bills.<br />

Moving day for Pischoff Sign Co. will<br />

be Saturday U6> to 880 Harrison St.<br />

Exhibitor works on piay<br />

GREAT FALLS, MONT.—Clarence Golder,<br />

operator of the Civic Center Theatre,<br />

and Dan Cushman are working on plans to<br />

present Cushman's play, "Whoop Up,"<br />

based on the novel "Stay Away Joe,"<br />

produced<br />

by Feuer and Mack on Broadway.<br />

Golder said Cushman is at present working<br />

on minor changes in the musical. Golder<br />

will help produce the production. West<br />

Yellowstone is being considered for the<br />

stage location.<br />

New Bottling Territories<br />

Opened by Dr Pepper Co.<br />

DALLAS—Two new territories, one in<br />

the East and the other in the far Northwest,<br />

have been added to Dr Pepper Co.'s<br />

national distribution pattern with the<br />

recent franchising of the Hazelton, Pa.,<br />

and Spokane, Wash., areas. Both of the<br />

new plants are already in operation and<br />

distribution. Their addition brings to 33<br />

the number of new Dr Pepper bottling<br />

plants opened since January 1959 and<br />

several more are due to open shortly.<br />

Wesby R. Parker, Dr Pepper Co. president,<br />

said that the company's expansion<br />

timetable, calling for complete national<br />

distribution in 1960, is well on schedule.<br />

A. Ritchie is president and treasurer of<br />

the corporation which now owns Dr Pepper<br />

bottling plants in Walla Walla and Seattle,<br />

as well as the new Spokane plant. The<br />

Hazelton, Pa., plant is owned by Edward<br />

R. Yuhas, who also serves as general manager,<br />

with his brother Joe as sales manager.<br />

Nine-Month Net Down<br />

Jean Renoir, motion picture director<br />

and playwright, has been appointed a regent's<br />

professor of English and dramatic<br />

art at the University of California at<br />

Berkeley, Calif.

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