Forestry Books

602 books found
  • Premium

    International Environmental Justice

    Environmental justice encompasses the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people – regardless of race, class or colour – with respect to the development, implementation and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations and policies that could negatively impact their lifestyles. The focus of this volume is to offer a critical perspective, which advances the idea that ...

  • Premium

    Modelling of Pollutants in Complex Environmental Systems, Volume II

    Following on from Volume I, this second volume presents an extended look at environmental modelling research and its applications from an even larger selection of global experts. The book presents timely topics and applications of the study of environmental contaminants, with detailed discussions of mathematical concepts used. Five sections cover decision support and assessment modelling; aquatic ...

  • Premium

    Guidance Document on Biodiversity, Impact Asessment & Decision Making in Southern Africa

    This document provides guidance for decision-makers on a range of biodiversity principles and issues which confront decision-makers every day when they evaluate impact assessments.  It is based on the findings of a Situation Assessment conducted as part of the Capacity Building in Biodiversity and Impact Assessment (CBBIA) Project during 2005. The Situation Assessment made use of the input ...

  • Effects of Climate Change on Forests

    Effects of Climate Change on Forests: An Evidence-Based Primer for Sustainable Management of Temperate and Mediterranean Forests presents concepts, case studies and the application of theories about forest management under climate change. It provides invaluable insight to how forest planning and management tie into the ecological functioning and resilience of the forest, and does so by utilizing ...

  • Six Inches of Soil

    Six Inches of Soil the film and this companion book is the inspiring story of British farmers standing up to the industrial food system and transforming the way they produce food – to heal the soil, benefit our health and provide for local communities. How has it come to this point in our history that we hardly value the food we eat and the soil that it’s grown in? How is it that we ...

  • Thermal Energy and Ignition Propagation Estimates of Watermelon Peel Briquettes

    The idea of utilizing biomass as renewable energy source is appealing due to its accessibility, cheapness and ecological friendliness. Briquette is an alternative source of fuel to firewood and charcoal which can avoid some environmental problems that can be generated from their use. Briquettes were produced from watermelon peels with cassava starch and gum Arabic as binders, the two binders were ...

  • NGOs acquire land in Brazil to create wildlife corridor

    The acquired land plot is located in a region of the Atlantic Forest, and will be connected to the Poço das Antas reserve by a bridge that will cross over a major highway. ...

  • Environmental Hazards Methodologies for Risk Assessment and Management

    From the beginning of 21st century, there has been an awareness of risk in the environment along with a growing concern for the continuing potential damage caused by hazards. In order to ensure environmental sustainability, a better understanding of natural disasters and their impacts is essential.   It has been recognized that a holistic and integrated approach to environmental hazards needs to ...

  • The Last Days of the Rainbelt

    Out on the Colorado plains, you can still take old U.S. Highway 40 east of Denver. The lonely two-lane road leaves the Front Range and the famous Colorado high country far behind. Before you hit the Kansas line, you'll encounter vast grass-covered prairies, occasional cattle, patches of irrigated land, and a procession of little wind-blown towns with names like Wild Horse, Kit Carson, and ...

  • Sustainable Micro Irrigation Management for Trees and Vines

    This valuable book, the third volume in the Research Advances in Sustainable Micro Irrigation series, focuses on sustainable micro irrigation management for trees and vines. It covers the principles as well as recent advances and applications of micro irrigation ...

  • Evapotranspiration: Principles and Applications for Water Management

    This book covers topics on the basic models, assessments, and techniques to calculate evapotranspiration (ET) for practical applications in agriculture, forestry, and urban science. This simple and thorough guide provides the information and techniques necessary to develop, manage, interpret, and apply evapotranspiration ET data to practical applications. The simplicity of the contents assists ...

  • Concentration Dynamics of Fecal Indicators in Hawaiian Coastal and Inland Sand, Soil, and Water during Rainfall Events

    Available as eBook only The contamination of recreational waters by waterborne pathogens poses a health threat to beach users. Recently, the importance of beach sand to the biological quality of beach water has been realized and verified. This study examined how urban rainfall runoff from a tributary stream affects the concentrations of fecal indicator bacteria (FIBs) in beach sand at a marine ...

  • Dictionary of Drilling and Boreholes. English-French, French-English

    This dictionary which contains over 8,000 terms is a comprehensive compilation of the words or expressions used in drilling, well logging, and in the equipment and completion of boreholes, both onshore and offshore. It also includes tradenames of tools that tend to be used as commons nouns. Technical definitions are also added for important terms and concepts that need to be understood. ...

  • Biofuels Handbook

    Petroleum-based fuels are well-established products that have served industry and consumers for more than one hundred years. However petroleum, once considered inexhaustible, is now being depleted at a rapid rate. As the amount of available petroleum decreases, the need for alternative technologies to produce liquid fuels that could potentially help prolong the liquid fuels culture and mitigate ...

  • Wood

    Test methods feature how to perform chemical analysis of wood and how to evaluate mechanical and physical properties. Others detail structural grading, wood paving blocks, and modified wood. Under the heading of wood preservatives, this volume covers for chemically analyzing preservatives and evaluating their physical ...

  • Wood

    Test methods feature how to perform chemical analysis of wood and how to evaluate mechanical and physical properties. Others detail structural grading, wood paving blocks, and modified wood. Under the heading of wood preservatives, this volume covers for chemically analyzing preservatives and evaluating their physical ...

  • Plastics (III): D 5117 - latest

    These 3 volumes feature 429 plastics-related standards, including test methods that establish standard procedures for assessing physical, mechanical, optical, permanence, and thermal properties.These volumes include specifications that fix standard property requirements for thermoplastic, thermosetting, and reinforced thermosetting materials. Others cover film, sheeting, and cellular ...

  • Wood

    Test methods feature how to perform chemical analysis of wood and how to evaluate mechanical and physical properties. Others detail structural grading, wood paving blocks, and modified wood. Under the heading of wood preservatives, this volume covers for chemically analyzing preservatives and evaluating their physical ...

  • Wood

    Test methods feature how to perform chemical analysis of wood and how to evaluate mechanical and physical properties. Others detail structural grading, wood paving blocks, and modified wood. Under the heading of wood preservatives, this volume covers for chemically analyzing preservatives and evaluating their physical ...

  • Plastics (III): D 5117 - latest

    These 3 volumes feature 429 plastics-related standards, including test methods that establish standard procedures for assessing physical, mechanical, optical, permanence, and thermal properties.These volumes include specifications that fix standard property requirements for thermoplastic, thermosetting, and reinforced thermosetting materials. Others cover film, sheeting, and cellular ...

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