We empower new high-tech businesses transforming technology into traction. Validate your business model, find your first customers and secure your first investment.


start-ups accelerated since May 2017


people are employed by all teams

€ 1.7 Bn

were raised by our teams

Xpreneurs start ups

This is XPRENEURS Batch #15


start-ups in application funnel


teams were selected to pitch


start-ups were accepted


start-ups in Built Environment Track


start-ups in XLab Track


start-ups in Legal Tech Colab


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We connect you with the right
Venture Capital Partners

Our teams benefit from our broad network of VCs and Business Angels.


successful exits to date

€ 1.6+ Bn

were raised by our teams


of participants receive funding from professional VCs

We are constantly striving to increase diversity in our teams


international teams


teams with female founders

This is how we support female founders

Women in Germany found start-ups less frequently and often get stuck in the first stages of founding. This is something we want to change.

With the UnternehmerTUM Female Founders Office Hours initiative, we at XPRENEURS support female founders through these early stages:

  • With the help of high-quality feedback and
  • mentoring from top level experts in various areas.

We are supported in this mission by strong partners such as UVC, Women Start-up, and Nauta Capital, who offer office hours alongside XPRENEURS.

Are you a female founder and need support? Book a session via typeform with us. We are looking forward to supporting you!

Book your session now


Female founders

Join our Investor Network

Join our exclusive UnternehmerTUM Investor Network and gain access to a curated portfolio of high-potential tech start-ups poised for exponential growth.

With privileged access to curated investment opportunities, personalized deal flow, and exclusive networking events, our UnternehmerTUM Investor Network offers unparalleled advantages for investors seeking to maximize returns and shape the future of innovation.

Learn more

Our partners

About UnternehmerTUM

XPRENEURS is part of UnternehmerTUM, Europe's largest center for start-ups and innovation. Our advanced ecosystem enables us to incubate the strongest teams.

Your success is our mission.
These are our stories.

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