Deep Woods

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Deep Woods is a location in Skyward Sword.[1] Considered to be the deeper and more dangerous part of the Faron Woods, it is accessible once Link has obtained the Slingshot from the Kikwi Elder, Bucha. It contains the first dungeon of the game, the Skyview Temple.

Features and Overview

Descriptionshide ▲

This area is known as the Deep Woods of Faron Woods. Deku Hornet hives are common here, so exercise caution.

With a suitable bug-catching tool, your chances of avoiding harm increase by 75%.


 "Return the tablet to the Statue of the Goddess in Skyloft." onwards
 "Follow the guidance of Farore's Courage to the first Trial Gate." onwards
 "Use the Water Dragon's Scale to search Faron Woods." onwards

Goddess Cubes

Treasure Chests

Treasure Chest

At the base of a Tree overlooking the canyon

Treasure ChestContentsNotes

At the base of a Tree overlooking the canyon


Names in Other Regions
(もリ)(おく) (Mori no Oku) (SSHDSkyward Sword HD)[2]Forest Depths
The Republic of ChinaThe Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of ChinaThe Macao Special Administrative Region of China
森林深處 (Sēnlín shēnchù) (SSHDSkyward Sword HD) 
The People's Republic of China
森林深处 (Sēnlín shēnchù) (SSHDSkyward Sword HD)[4] 
The Federal Republic of Germany
Tief im Wald (SSSkyward Sword | SSHDSkyward Sword HD)[3]Deep in the Forest
This table was generated from Zelda Wiki's translation data.


  1. Deep Woods — Map (Skyward Sword HD)
  2. (もリ)(おく) — Map (Skyward Sword HD, Japanese version)
  3. Tief im Wald — Map (Skyward Sword HD, German version)
  4. 森林深处 — Map (Skyward Sword HD, Simplified Chinese version)

Hyrule in Skyward Sword
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