The Great Tripini

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The Great Tripini, also known as Trip for short, is a character in Tri Force Heroes.[1]


The Great Tripini appears in the north-east of the town of Hytopia, near its bridge leading to Hytopia Castle. He recommends that Link should turn on SpotPass for the game, and suggests they should visit the Drablands sometime.[2]

Following the Ver. 2.0.0 update, The Great Tripini informs Link that an unnamed group of surveyors have just discovered a new Area of the Drablands, called the Den of Trials.[3][4] He also informs Link about other new content, including a rumored Outfit at the bottom of the Den of Trials,[5] Madame Couture's latest project: Linebeck's Uniform,[6] and new Stamps for Miiverse. The Great Tripini can later be found in the Den of Trials, where he explains to the Links how they advance in the Area.[7]


Tripini is derived from the word trip, to go on a journey or exploration. This refers to his role in announcing new Areas, and suggesting that Link visit them. The Great Tripini is also a play on Harry Houdini, a famous illusionist and stunt performer.

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  1. Who, me? I'm The Great Tripini. Peeps just call me Trip, though. — The Great Tripini (Tri Force Heroes)
  2. Let's kick it in the Drablands together sometime, yeah? — The Great Tripini (Tri Force Heroes)
  3. Oh, uh, hi there, little hero dude! Hey, have you heard? They've finished surveying a new, uh, Drablands area. You can, ah, go on a trip there, too. I hear it's called, the, ah... Yeah. The Den of Trials. — The Great Tripini (Tri Force Heroes)
  4. Yeah, spot on. They've, uh, found it in the deepest Drablands floor, and now the, ah, investigation is done, so... It's, like, day-trip time, yeah? Though the name of the place is, um, kind of spooky, I guess. Yeah... Not welcoming at all. That might mean the place, ah, itself is spooky and, um, unwelcoming too. Ya think? Yeah. Bet so. I'm kinda excited. It's pretty, um, thrilling. Can't wait to get all in it, ah, real soon. Phew... Ah, feels good to finally talk about the, uh, Den of Trials and stuff. Yeah. Real good. I know other, um, stuff too. Interested, little hero dude? — The Great Tripini (Tri Force Heroes)
  5. Ol' Trip hears, uh, stuff. Like about a one-­of­-a­-kind outfit at the, um, bottom floor of the Den of Trials... That's mighty...ah...awesome, right? You, uh, wanna hear more? — The Great Tripini (Tri Force Heroes)
  6. Have you, uh, heard the legends? The legends of the, ah, ya know, legendary sailor? HUH?! You haven't? Um, really? But I thought heroes, ah, knew everything about the hero stuff... To be, uh, fair... Neither have I. Yeah. Madame's been, um, talking about him recently. Could she be brainstorming a outfit? All this talk of legends and sailors and outfits... It's downright magical. Makes ol' Trip feel all, uh, dreamy and stuff... You, uh, wanna hear more? — The Great Tripini (Tri Force Heroes)
  7. Hey, it’s the little hero! Hey. Yeah. Looks like this is the Den of Trials we’ve been, ah, hearing about… And, uh, it looks like there’s some special rules in this place that, um, set it apart from other places. Wanna know more or, ah, something? — The Great Tripini (Tri Force Heroes)