About Me

I am a PhD student at Department of Philosophy, Carnegie Mellon University, where I have the privilege of being co-advised by Prof. Kun Zhang and Prof. Peter Spirtes. I am also a member of the CMU-CLeaR Group.

Research Interests

I strive to advance trustworthy and responsible AI. In particular, I conduct research on causal learning and reasoning to further enhance the capacity of intelligent systems, and machine learning fairness / computational justice to model and understand the social impact of computational technologies. My ultimate goal is to cultivate intelligence that is both safe and principled with the help of causality, so that technology can improve our lives with responsibility and purpose. I seek to foster a symbiotic dance between artificial and natural intelligence, where they inspire, collaborate, and enhance each other to drive scientific discovery and societal progress.


January 2025 Our paper “Prompting Fairness: Integrating Causality to Debias Large Language Models” is accepted to ICLR 2025. We propose a causality-guide LLM debiasing framework, utilizing selection mechanisms to design various debiasing strategies.
January 2025 Our paper “When Selection meets Intervention: Additional Complexities in Causal Discovery” is accepted to ICLR 2025. We address selection bias in interventional studies, where subjects are selectively enrolled into experiments.
September 2024 I am awarded National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Graduate Research Fellowship. Thank you NIJ!

Selected Publications

* denotes equal contribution

  1. arXivPreprint
    Reflection-Window Decoding: Text Generation with Selective Refinement
    arXiv Preprint, 2025.
  2. Prompting Fairness: Integrating Causality to Debias Large Language Models
    In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Learning Representations (preliminary version titled "Steering LLMs Towards Unbiased Responses: A Causality-Guided Debiasing Framework," arXiv:2403.08743), 2025.
  3. ICLRSpotlight
    Procedural Fairness Through Decoupling Objectionable Data Generating Components
    Zeyu TangJialu WangYang LiuPeter Spirtes, and Kun Zhang
    In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Learning Representations (preliminary version presented in NeurIPS 2023 AFT workshop), 2024.
  4. What-is and How-to for Fairness in Machine Learning: A Survey, Reflection, and Perspective
    Zeyu TangJiji Zhang, and Kun Zhang
    ACM Computing Surveys, 2023.
  5. Tier Balancing: Towards Dynamic Fairness over Underlying Causal Factors
    Zeyu TangYatong ChenYang Liu, and Kun Zhang
    In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Learning Representations (preliminary version presented in NeurIPS 2022 AFCP workshop), 2023.
  6. CLeaRSpotlight
    Attainability and Optimality: The Equalized Odds Fairness Revisited
    Zeyu Tang, and Kun Zhang
    In Proceedings of the 1st Conference on Causal Learning and Reasoning, 2022.