A person's hand holding a bullhorn against a yellow background

Academic Neutrality and Scholasticide in Gaza

BY DAVID MOSHMAN On January 6, at the annual meeting of the American Historical Association (AHA), members voted 428 to 88 in support of a “Resolution to Oppose Scholasticide in Gaza.” The resolution noted that Israel has killed hundreds of teachers and professors and has destroyed eighty percent of Gaza’s schools, all its university campuses,…

Anticipatory Obedience at Harvard

BY HANK REICHMAN This week the AAUP released a statement, “Against Anticipatory Obedience,” prepared by a joint subcommittee of Committee A on Academic Freedom and Tenure and the Committee on College and University Government.  I also served on this subcommittee.  The statement noted with concern how “recent events suggest that some administrations are not only…

The Role of the AAUP in Developing the First Amendment Law of Academic Freedom

BY DAVID M. RABBAN In the process of writing my recently published book, Academic Freedom:  From Professional Norm to First Amendment Right (Harvard University Press, 2024), I increasingly realized that the AAUP’s treatment of academic freedom as a professional norm provides a revealing counterpart to the judicial development of academic freedom as a First Amendment…

AAUP buttons with the slogan "One Faculty"

Higher Education Exile and Resilience

BY MATTHEW BOEDY Amid our new national situation that officially began this week I hope readers of this blog find useful two books published this month.Asking you to forgive the self-promotion, I note from the start that I have chapters in both.  The first book is about exile, specifically in higher education. The collection of…

Support LA Educators Displaced by Fires

BY HANK REICHMAN The American Federation of Teachers and its state affiliate, the California Federation of Teachers, have established a disaster relief fund to assist “displaced members and their families—our educators and school staff, pre-K through college, in Southern California.”  In an email to members, AFT President Randi Weingarten and CFT President Jeff Freitas wrote,…

Bright yellow post-it note with the words "SAVE THE DATE" is pinned to a cork bulletin board with a red pushpin.

Academic Freedom Events and Deadlines

BY JOHN K. WILSON The new year brings a wide range of different events related to academic freedom and deadlines for opportunities. Here’s a quick summary of some activities, and you are encouraged to add any additional opportunities (such as AAUP state conference and chapter events) in the comments. The AAUP’s Journal of Academic Freedom…

Statement by Professor Katherine Franke

BY KATHERINE FRANKE The following is the text of a statement issued on January 10, 2025 by Katherine Franke, formerly the James L. Dohr Professor of Law at Columbia University.  It is posted here with her permission For the last year and a half, as students at Columbia University and across the globe have protested…

gray computer keyboard with a blue key showing the word "survey" and a checkbox in between the letters A and D

Improving Campus Climates for Diverse Worldviews

BY RENEE L. BOWLING AND MATTHEW J. MAYHEW Some good news for the new year: Over three hundred campuses have partnered with the Interfaith Spiritual, Religious, and Secular (INSPIRES) Index to assess and improve their campus climates for diverse worldviews. Encouragingly, many campuses participate repeatedly in the annual research-based assessment and share their names or…

Sign Open Letter to NYU Leadership

POSTED BY JENNIFER RUTH Please consider signing this open letter to the NYU administration. The text is below. Click the preceding link to access the form itself so you can add your name. On December 12, the NYU administration invited the NYPD to arrest two faculty members who were supporting students involved in a nonviolent protest…