Saturday, 15 March 2025


 Toni was our host for Challenge #277

As the host, Toni chose our winners.

For the CAS Perfectionist, Toni selected

This is what Toni had to say:

  "Jane's card is oh so clean and simple but doesn't lack impact.  The cute image and colors she chose really draw the eye."

Congratulations! Here is the Top Addict badge for your blog.

Toni's choice for the Top 3 winners in numerical order are:

#3 Arlene

Congratulations! Here is the Top 3 badge for your blogs.

There is still time to join our current challenge #278 here.

Saturday, 8 March 2025

Challenge #278

 Hi Crafty Friends! Sue N is our host for the next challenge. She has chosen this code word.

Our Design Team have used this code word to create their cards. We hope that you are inspired by these cards. 


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Friday, 28 February 2025


Jaydee was the host for Challenge #276 where the code word chosen was

As the host, Jaydee also chose our winners.

CAS Perfectionist:

Julie's card is filled with texture from the leaves and flowers of the die-cut to that beautiful marbled circle. The yellow adds warmth and perfectly grounds that die-cut leaf.

Julie Sager

Congratulations, Julie.  Here is the winners badge to display on your blog.

Top 3 winners in numerical order are:




Here is the Top 3 badge for your blogs.

There is still time to join our current challenge #277 here

Saturday, 22 February 2025

Challenge #277

 We have a new challenge starting now and it will be open for two weeks. Toni is our host and has chosen our code word for the challenge.

Here are the creations of our Design Team to inspire you (we hope) to join us.

Toni (host)


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Tuesday, 18 February 2025


I'm a little tardy with our Winners' Post. Vicki was the host for Challenge #275.

As host, Vicki chose our CAS Perfectionist and our Top 3 winners.

She chose #12 Kerry P. as our CAS Perfectionist Winner because "this lovely scene just jumped off the page at me.  Beautiful, seamless ink blending."

Congratulations Kerry. Here is the badge to display on your blog.

Vicki's top 3 winners, in numerical order are

#2 Valerie

 #15 Christy Stanford

 #25 Jennifer

Congratulations! Here is the Top 3 badge for your blogs.

There is still time to join our current challenge #276 here

Saturday, 8 February 2025

Challenge #276

Apparently, yesterday, February 7, 2025 was "Send A Card To A Friend" day. So, our new Code Word for this challenge is so perfect. Jaydee is our host and chose

As this is a clean and simple challenge blog, here is a quick reminder of what we like to see in our gallery.

Here are our Design Team's cards inspired by the Code Word "FRIENDS"

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