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확장 기능

Firefox를 나만의 맞춤형 브라우저를 만들 수 있는 강력한 도구와 기능을 살펴보세요.

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추천 확장 기능
  • RoboForm Password Manager

    RoboForm Password Manager

    RoboForm, the #1 ranked Password Manager makes your life easier by remembering passwords and logging you into websites automatically

    사용자 63,077명

  • Simple Translate

    Simple Translate

    Quickly translate selected or typed text on web pages. Supports Google Translate and DeepL API.

    사용자 323,468명

  • History Cleaner

    History Cleaner

    Deletes browsing history older than a specified number of days.

    사용자 17,566명

  • FoxyProxy Standard

    FoxyProxy Standard

    FoxyProxy is an open-source, advanced proxy management tool that completely replaces Firefox's limited proxying capabilities. No paid accounts are necessary; bring your own proxies or buy from any vendor. The original proxy tool, since 2006.

    사용자 236,129명

가장 평점이 높은 확장 기능
  • SponsorBlock - Skip Sponsorships on YouTube

    SponsorBlock - Skip Sponsorships on YouTube

    Easily skip YouTube video sponsors. When you visit a YouTube video, the extension will check the database for reported sponsors and automatically skip known sponsors. You can also report sponsors in videos. Other browsers: https://sponsor.ajay.app

    사용자 600,744명

  • Privacy Badger

    Privacy Badger

    Automatically learns to block invisible trackers.

    사용자 1,812,367명

  • LeechBlock NG

    LeechBlock NG

    LeechBlock NG is a simple productivity tool designed to block those time-wasting sites that can suck the life out of your working day. All you need to do is specify which sites to block and when to block them.

    사용자 115,478명

  • uBlock Origin

    uBlock Origin

    이 부가 기능은 효율적인 차단기입니다. CPU와 메모리에 주는 부담이 적습니다.

    사용자 9,425,056명

인기 확장 기능
  • Adaptive Tab Bar Colour

    Adaptive Tab Bar Colour

    Changes the colour of Firefox theme to match the website’s appearance.

    사용자 5,272명

  • LeechBlock NG

    LeechBlock NG

    LeechBlock NG is a simple productivity tool designed to block those time-wasting sites that can suck the life out of your working day. All you need to do is specify which sites to block and when to block them.

    사용자 115,478명

  • Gesturefy


    마우스 제스처를 사용하여 더 빠르게 찾고 탐색하고, 조작하세요! 다양한 명령으로 사용자 지정 가능한 마우스 제스처 애드온입니다.

    사용자 93,605명

  • SingleFile


    Save an entire web page—including images and styling—as a single HTML file.

    사용자 67,708명